WoW - Cataclysm
Strona 66 z 192

Autor:  Goatus [ 3 cze 2010, 16:30 ]

ketrish napisał(a):
jezeli placisz agre i za dluga jest dla ciebie rob normale ?
o to mi chodzilo, wiec jezeli pykasz w gre w ktora wali sie bossow 24h to ocb ? narzekasz ze tu sie bije po 10-20 min ?

Ty mi lepiej powiedz jakim językiem mam do ciebie pisać żebyś zrozumiał, bo ewidentnie masz z tym bardzo duże problemy.

Albo prościej, zacytuj mi fragment gdzie piszę że obecne dungeony są za długie :roll:

Autor:  Varenthin [ 3 cze 2010, 20:38 ]

Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek

tutaj macie więcej screenów

Autor:  koci [ 3 cze 2010, 22:18 ]

cypis napisał(a):
koci napisał(a):
Innominate cipasie :)
A z tego co pamietam to ty sie gdzies lansowales w tym topicu nie dawno ze byles w gildi ktora wyczyscila naxx za czasow vanilla, wiec sie juz nie osmieszaj plebsie :lol:


Autor:  ShadorVD [ 4 cze 2010, 07:13 ]

Varenthin, kawal dobrej roboty!

Autor:  Varenthin [ 4 cze 2010, 09:08 ]

Patch 4.0.0 (12164)

  • Eastern Kingdoms
    • Hinterlands, Redridge Mountains and Stranglethorn Vale (horde) are available for testing.

  • Throne of the Tides, a new level 79-81 dungeon is partially available for testing.

  • Experimental support for DX11 (can be enabled by passing -d3d11 on the command line or SET gxApi "d3d11" to the Config.WTF file).
  • OpenGL Hardware Cursor support (can be enabled on the Video Resolution Panel).
  • Improved Water and lava rendering system (enabled by the Liquid Detail Slider on the Video Effects Panel)
    • 0 = Classic Water
    • 1 = New Water (fake reflections)
    • 2 = New Water (ocean has real reflection for terrain

Class Changes

Druid Changes


  • Starsurge - Damage reduced.
  • Euphoria - Now also procs off of Starsurge.


  • Lifebloom - Healing increased.
  • Nourish - Mana cost reduced to 15% base mana from 16%.
  • Wild Growth - Mana cost slightly increased to 69% base mana from 66%.
  • Swiftmend - Mana cost reduced to 20% base mana from 29%.
  • Tranquility - Mana cost reduced to 32% base mana from 65%.
  • Healing Touch - Mana cost slightly increased to 38% base mana from 37%.


  • Protector of the Pack - Now only increases AP while in bear form, not any time.

Death Knight Changes


  • Rune Strike - Damage reduced. Strike the target for 200% weapon damage plus [200.0 * AP * 10.0 / 10000.0]. Only usable after the Death Knight dodges or parries. Can't be dodged, blocked, or parried. This attack causes a high amount of threat.
  • Brittle Bones - Now grants 2/4% increased strength as well.
  • Endless Winter - Your Mind Freeze no longer costs runic power. No longer grants increased strength.

Shaman Changes


  • Rockbiter Weapon - Imbue the Shaman's weapon with the fury of the earth, increasing all threat generation by 30% and reducing damage taken by 5%. Lasts 30 minutes. Unleashing this enchantment forces the target enemy to attack you for 5 sec.
  • Unleash Elements - Mana cost reduced to 7% base mana from 14%.


  • Chain Heal - Mana cost increased to 28% base mana from 21%.
  • Healing Wave - Mana cost reduced to 12% base mana from 16%.
  • Lesser Healing Wave - Mana cost reduced to 18% base mana from 23%.
  • Greater Healing Wave - Mana cost reduced to 30% base mana from 39%.
  • Riptide - Mana cost reduced to 20% base mana from 29%.

Warrior Changes


  • Relentless Bloodrage - Increases the duration of your Bloodrage ability by $/1000s1 sec.
  • Fury in the Blood - Increases all damage caused by 2/4/6/8/10% while Bloodrage is active.

Misc Changes

    * Lifeblood - 3 min cooldown. Uses your skill in Herbalism to absorb energy and nutrients from the earth, healing you for 75 (increased by maximum health) over 5 sec. Can be used while stealthed or invisible.
    * Personal World Destroyer - Right Click to summon and dismiss your Personal World Destroyer.

  • Ringworm


  • Troll misiek (bez tekstur)


  • Faceless Ones

Obrazek Obrazek

  • Nowy Vezax =o


  • Tentacle


  • Southshore zostało zniszczone! FOR THE HORDE

Obrazek Obrazek
Obrazek Obrazek
Obrazek Obrazek
Obrazek Obrazek

  • Mur Gilneas na południu Silverpine

Obrazek Obrazek
Obrazek Obrazek

  • Nowe drzewa w Westfall

Obrazek Obrazek
Obrazek Obrazek

  • Loading Screen rajdu Skywall


Autor:  iniside [ 4 cze 2010, 09:12 ]

Szkoda SS. Co prawda duzych bitew to tam dawny nie było no ale.. mimo wszystko ;p.

Autor:  Teo [ 4 cze 2010, 09:50 ]

Varenthin napisał(a):
Experimental support for DX11

Trzeba przyznać ze humor od czasu do czasu blizz ma dobry :)

Pytanie do tych co analizują temat, kiedy planują premierę dodatku ?

Autor:  Varenthin [ 4 cze 2010, 10:01 ]

embe napisał(a):
Varenthin napisał(a):
Experimental support for DX11

Trzeba przyznać ze humor od czasu do czasu blizz ma dobry :)

Pytanie do tych co analizują temat, kiedy planują premierę dodatku ?

When It's Done :P

a tak na serio to pewnie okolice października

Autor:  GeFunk [ 4 cze 2010, 11:22 ]

Obstawiam na Listopad/Grudzień ...

Autor:  Varenthin [ 4 cze 2010, 11:36 ]

Most w Lakeshire

Obrazek Obrazek ... cale=en-US :D

Autor:  Marti [ 4 cze 2010, 11:58 ]

budowali ten most dluzej niz u nas autostrady /bow

Autor:  Varenthin [ 4 cze 2010, 18:05 ]

Twink Peaks na oficjalnej stronie ... peaks.html

10 vs 10 capture the flag

Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek Obrazek

Autor:  gufnowapnjasz [ 4 cze 2010, 18:20 ]

wyglada bardzo fajnie, ale imo najwyzsza pora rozdzielic bg na ctf, domination etc. i dac po przynajmniej 2-3 mapy na tryb.
skoro juz chca postawic na rated bg to niech zrobia to troche bardziej competitive

Autor:  iniside [ 4 cze 2010, 18:24 ]

IMo troche duzo roboty by bylo eby zrobic okolo 12 dodatkowych map. Chyba ze wpatchach beda dodawac.
ja bym sie nie obraził na tryb w stylu Fever z BC2. Bo obecne AV jest nudne jak cholera. A tak jakby był przesuwanie linii frontu (np. zdobywanie wierz), to ludzie skupiali by sie tylko w jednym miejscu atakujac i broniac. Oczywiscie bez limitu zyc i czasu. co by jedno BG moglo trwac 12h non-stop ;p.

Autor:  Dana [ 4 cze 2010, 18:39 ]

A ja bym chciał BG 10vs10 Team Deathmatch w zamkniętym terenie, jakieś tunele, labirynty ,balkony, zapadnie lawa etc.

Autor:  Varenthin [ 4 cze 2010, 21:22 ]

kilka ładnych screenów panoramicznych

Warrior Talent changes

- Impale & Deep Wounds moved to tier 2
- Improved Hamstring and Tactical Mastery moved to tier 3
- Imp Overpower & Second Wind mvoed to tier 4
- Wrecking Crew moved to tier 5
- Improved Slam moved to tier 10

- Unbridled Wrath moved to tier 1
- Enrage & Blood craze moved to tier 2
- Precision and DW Spec moved to tier 3
- Booming voice moved to tier 4
- Imp berz stance & Imp Cleave moved to tier 5
- Furious Attacks moved to tier 6
- Imp Execute & Unending Fury moved to tier 8
- Imp Intercept moved to tier 9
- Bloodsurge & Imp berz rage moved to tier 10

- Imp Defensive stance moved to tier 2
- 1h weapon spec moved to tier 4
- Critical Block moved to tier 5
- Imp Disarm moved to tier 6
- Imp Spell Reflect moved to tier 7
- Imp Disciplines moved to tier 9

New Talents
- Impending Victory 2/2 (Tier 2): Your HS, BT and Slam have 20% chance to allow the use of Victory rush
- Relentless Bloodrage 2/2 (tier 3): Increase the duration of Bloodrage by 2(?)s
- Fury in the blood 5/5 (tier 4): Increase all damage caused by 10% while Bloodrage is active
- Improved Pummel 2/2 (tier 7): Your Pummel ability will generates 20 rage when succesfully interrupt a spell cast
- Single-minded fury (tier 11): Increase the damage done while wielding 1handers by 20% and your Cleave and Slam will hit with both weapons

Notki blizzarda

Designer Notes: LEGEND
NYI = Not Yet Implemented, talent has yet to be fully built
PH = Place Holder
TBR = To Be Re-designed, or To Be Removed
NNF = Name Not Final, will be re-named
Balance: 95%
Feral: 100%
Restoration: 90%
*Feral PvP?
*Rebuild Thorns
*Restoration health raid-buff
We appreciate your feedback.

Designer Notes: LEGEND
NYI = Not Yet Implemented, talent has yet to be fully built
PH = Place Holder
TBR = To Be Re-designed, or To Be Removed
NNF = Name Not Final, will be re-named
Discipline: 100%
Holy: 95%
Shadow: 100%
*Shadowy Apparition is mechanically implemented, but visual is not final
*Archangel currently does not allow you to channel Penance while moving, this is NYI.
We appreciate your feedback.

Designer Notes: LEGEND
NYI = Not Yet Implemented, talent has yet to be fully built
PH = Place Holder
TBR = To Be Re-designed, or To Be Removed
NNF = Name Not Final, will be re-named
Affliction: 60%
Demonology: 20%
Destruction: 20%
We appreciate your feedback.

Designer Notes: LEGEND
NYI = Not Yet Implemented, talent has yet to be fully built
PH = Place Holder
TBR = To Be Re-designed, or To Be Removed
NNF = Name Not Final, will be re-named
Beast Mastery: 0%
Marksmanship: 0%
Survival: 0%
We appreciate your feedback.

Autor:  Nyx [ 4 cze 2010, 23:29 ]

Varenthin napisał(a):
- Single-minded fury (tier 11): Increase the damage done while wielding 1handers by 20% and your Cleave and Slam will hit with both weapons

To mi sie podoba!

Autor:  Robo [ 4 cze 2010, 23:33 ]

A ja przyznam, że mam cholerny dylemat na co rerollnąć po wyjściu Cata ;] O ile niedawno byłem jeszcze przekonany co do locka, to teraz bardziej myśle o grze druidem.

Co do tych wszystkich screenów i info, to świetna robota Varenthin. Screenów staram się nie oglądać, żeby nie psuć sobie zabawy po wyjściu gry, ale i tak już widziałem o wiele za dużo :<

Autor:  Varenthin [ 4 cze 2010, 23:51 ]

Robo napisał(a):
Screenów staram się nie oglądać, żeby nie psuć sobie zabawy po wyjściu gry, ale i tak już widziałem o wiele za dużo :<

przydałaby się na forum opcja spoiler :)

Autor:  Dana [ 5 cze 2010, 00:03 ]

Zawsze możesz dawać same linki z opisem.

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