Mal napisał(a):
Opis walki Ultimusa z Serennia.
I open with sap, even if he is in berzerker stance, and quickly move away. He will zerker rage out of the disorient (most warriors do this and serennia did every time). It is no problem, because sap diminishing returns don’t last as long as his cool down.
So after 15 seconds or so, I re-sap to set up my opener: sprint, premed->shadowstep garrote -> rupture -> vanish. I quickly get out of range and watch his shouts. Then as soon as he starts to eat I move back in for cheapshot into kidney shot. If he trinkets the kidney shot I blind immediately and restart. If he eats the full kidneyshot, I put a rupture on the end of it and move out to 5-8 kite until my energy is back.
Once I my energy has gone back to full, I move in for my evasion/ghostly strike rush. Whenever I am going toe to toe with him, I use my globals almost exclusively when I am at his back to avoid the retarded amount of dodge/parry. As soon as evasion ends, I try to land a 5 point kidney shot on him. If it gets resisted, I dump my combo points and blind.
If his trinket is up, I stand on top of him during blind and shiv as soon as I see him use it, then move back out to 5-8 until any bleeds wear off so I can use my 2nd vanish. Getting this 2nd vanish off is easier said than done, but if I get away the fight is over because I am free to repeat everything I have done until now, and he will die. If I can’t vanish, I just go in for my 2nd evasion rush at full energy and that is usually enough to comfortably get the job done anyway.
-Ultimus (aka Sleek/Silks on PTR)
źródło : ... ennia-4-0/respect dla tego rołga za granie buildem powszechnie uwazanym za gimped, ale ten styl walki (z naciskiem na restealthy i deadzone kiting) ma szanse powodzenia jedynie w sterylnym 1v1.
na arenie dostanie przypadkowo jakis snare i nagle bedzie miec na sobie warriora z full rage barrem - malo ciekawa perspektywa

jest czysty luck, ciezko, ale to zalezy... feral droot, hmm ciezko ciezko, rekord to polozylem goscia o nicku Otmin, ( full t6 feral P) Blu to prawie kazdego, Painkilerww , Neuro i innych wielkich, WoW to jest luck, czasem wystarczy 1 resist...ciezko powiedzec..omg...nie mowie ze ZAWSZE klade kazdego, ale połozylem kogo trzeba i jestem dumny z siebie ... Nie wiem, nie sadzilem ze to tak zostaine zkomentowane mada faka...ale inna kwestia jest Arena czy Duel ;P ... echh guys guys, sami wiecie jak to jest...
ciezko, to zalezy, czysty luck.
mroczny lagion member ;o
a grzmocika zabiles!?