eee... niedawno to miales chyba wystarczy stronke przewinac...
do PvP i bycia dobrym tankiem to cos takiego jak Deshroom:
Warrior Talents
Minimum Required Level: 60
Required Talent Points: 51
Arms Talents - 31 points
Deflection - rank 5/5
Improved Rend - rank 3/3
Improved Charge - rank 2/2
Tactical Mastery - rank 5/5
Improved Overpower - rank 2/2
Anger Management - rank 1/1
Deep Wounds - rank 3/3
Two-Handed Weapon Specialization - rank 1/5
Impale - rank 2/2
Sweeping Strikes - rank 1/1
Polearm Specialization - rank 5/5
Mortal Strike - rank 1/1
Fury Talents - 5 points
Cruelty - rank 5/5
Protection Talents - 15 points
Shield Specialization - rank 5/5
Anticipation - rank 3/5
Improved Bloodrage - rank 2/2
Last Stand - rank 1/1
Defiance - rank 4/5
taki bardziej cos pod tankujacy build to potrzeba cos powyzej UBRS
Ale do PvE jest tez dobry po prostu zwykly build PvP
czyli np. 31/20 arms
cos tego typu:
Arms Talents (31 points)
# Deflection - 5/5 points
# Improved Rend - 3/3 points
# Tactical Mastery - 5/5 points
# Improved Charge - 2/2 points
# Improved Overpower - 2/2 points
# Deep Wounds - 3/3 points
# Anger Management - 1/1 point
# Impale - 2/2 points
# Axe Specialization - 5/5 points
# Sweeping Strikes - 1/1 point
# Improved Hamstring - 1/3 points
# Mortal Strike - 1/1 point
Fury Talents (20 points)
# Cruelty - 5/5 points
# Unbridled Wrath - 5/5 points
# Piercing Howl - 1/1 point
# Blood Craze - 3/3 points
# Improved Battle Shout - 1/5 point
# Enrage - 5/5 points
ale do levelowania ponoc najlepszy jest Dual Wield ale na tym kompletnie sie nie znam bo mi nie pasuje taki styl
a wydrukuj sobie
te buildy mialem na kopiuj, wklej wiec nie chcialo mi sie robic tego na stronce blizza