The Burning Crusade [INFO]
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Autor:  P!otr3k [ 31 mar 2006, 09:45 ]
Tytuł: ... 3ke3ip.jpg

Autor:  iniside [ 31 mar 2006, 21:53 ]
Tytuł: ... wisps.html
Hmm Tu też jest.. Ale w sumie ten pierwszy kwietnia..

Autor:  Keii [ 31 mar 2006, 22:44 ]

Wywiad z Blizzem na temat Burning Crusade

Autor:  MaRdoC [ 2 kwi 2006, 15:27 ]

"This post is probably going to be deleted, but as long as someone sees it and copies it down, we can continue spreading the real information!

Either way, yesterday evening Blizzard when uploading the fake Wisp race page, accidentally activated the real new race page, while I've lost the pictures and the website was taken down, but I still had the flavour text and racial abilities within my cache:

Q u o t e:
While experienced adventurers know Drakonids best as some of their toughest adversaries when facing the Black Dragonflight, few know that not all of the Drakonids are loyal to Nefarian. These Drakonids have fled from the Spire, and our now looking to start a new society on Kalimdor.

The Night Elves, recognizing the plight of the Drakonids, quickly helped them establish a city of their own on Kalimdor. The newly made city of Drakespoir serves as a new beacon of hope for the Drakonids, and perhaps even the Dragon Flights themselves, for even the Black Drakonids realize that their original aspect was that of the Earth, and have devoted themselves to caring for the earth once more, like the Black Dragonflight did of old.

While the Alliance was originally distrusting of these new Allies, they quickly realized the potential and sheer strength the Drakonids had, and the value they could have for the Alliance as a whole, especially with the exploration of the hostile world of Outland.

Racial Abilities:
# Chromatic Resistance - Each colour of Drakonid has varying resistances, giving a +10 to resistances depending on their colour. Red Drakonids are resistant to Fire, Green Drakonids resistant to Nature, Bronze Drakonids resistant to Arcane, Blue Drakonids resistant to Frost and Black Drakonids resistant to Shadow.
# Massive Strength - Drakonids are strong enough to be able to wield a two-handed weapon in one hand. Choosing to do so however will incur a 25% penalty to the damage dealt and stats provided by the weapon.
# Brood Power - An active ability based on the colour the Drakonid has. Red Drakonids get a fire-based Damage over Time ability, Green Drakonids gain the ability to sleep an opponent for two seconds, Bronze Drakonids can slow a target's movement, attack and casting speed by 50% for 4 seconds, Blue Drakonids can burn a part of their opponents mana and Black Drakonids get a single target Shadow damage ability. The damage dealing abilities of the Red, Blue and Black Drakonids improves as levels are gained.
# Endurance - Drakonids gain a 5% bonus to their total health.

Character Creation Screen:
While Drakonids have all the options other races do, we are proud to announce they are the first race in which your Skin Colour affects your racial traits!

ten tekst podobniez ukazal sie na community site przez pomylke, zamiast tekstu o wispach...

do tego:

nie wiem co o tym sadzic.. czy to kolejny fake?

Autor:  iniside [ 3 maja 2006, 21:24 ]
Tytuł: ... &q=Burning
Stary już film z blizzcone. Bonus ten trwa 10 minut :)
Przeczytajcie i szczególną uwage zwróćcie na ostani akapit :]

Autor:  Keii [ 18 maja 2006, 08:41 ]

Q&A na temat BC by Gamespot

Autor:  h34t [ 23 maja 2006, 21:44 ]

Razoth napisał(a):
Jest jakieś oficjalne info na temat ras dostępnych dla Blood Elfów? Jeśli tak to prosze o link. :)

In World of Warcraft, Blood Elves have access to the following classes as announced by Eyonix on the WoW fourms:

* Mage
* Priest
* Warlock
* Warrior
* Rogue

This information is by no means concrete, as the expansion is still going through rigorous testing and development. All of these class choices except the Warrior class are subject to change. Blizzard has expressed the possibilty of giving both races six classes or giving the Draenei four and the Blood Elves six. It should be noted that Undead and Blood Elves both share the same choices in classes.

Autor:  Dwutlenek [ 25 maja 2006, 06:24 ]

Fajny wywiadzik z Jeffem.

Autor:  h34t [ 8 cze 2006, 20:49 ]

Demandread napisał(a):
Czy wiadomo cos o mountach tych ras ?

Epic Draenei Mount:

Autor:  Calis [ 10 cze 2006, 10:57 ]

Przypominam, ze ten topic nie sluzy do komentowania!

Autor:  Serhaud [ 30 cze 2006, 01:49 ]

nowe latajace mounty z BC.

Autor:  Shadowclaw [ 17 lip 2006, 07:11 ]
Tytuł: ... y&v=glance

Wygląda na to że znamy juz date premiery a co z CDprojektem ?? :-?

Autor:  Sobtainer [ 17 lip 2006, 08:26 ]

Shadowclaw napisał(a):

Wygląda na to że znamy juz date premiery a co z CDprojektem ?? :-?

Autor:  Aldatha [ 25 lip 2006, 21:26 ]

(1) When will it be released? Or the approx. time?

(2) How much will it cost, approx.?

(3) Will there be new servers exclusively FOR the Burning Crusade, or will there be the old ones, but players cannot interact with certain features of the new Expansion?

(4) I read that Blizzard Entertainment wants to create 6-7 more Expansions, or they have the ideas for 6-7 more Expansions. Is this true? Also, someone that works for Blizzard said they wanted to create expansion packs every 6-12 months. Is this true?

(5) I am really excited for the new Expansion pack, but will there be Forums to discuss it's new content?

1. Aiming for 4th Quarter of this year.

2. $40-50, but this is still subject to change.

3. Existing server structure will be used. Players will be able to play without the expansion and will be able to level to 70 without the expansion, but will be unable to access content from expansion (new dungeons, rolling new races).

4. Future plans are to release expansions on a more timely schedule. Aprroximately 1 year for each new expansion would be a rough estimate of our desires for future content outside of regular patching.

5. You can use our current forums for such topics. I've answer plenty of BC related questions here. ;

ror chca za BC tyle co za basic boxa , zazwyczaj exp packi kosztowaly ok 34 , ale cena sie moze zmienic

btw "bogaci" americanos juz whinuja na cene ror

Autor:  solki1985 [ 28 lip 2006, 16:41 ]

sporo ciekawych informacji ... nsion.html


This instance is the home of the nagas and Lady Vashj. It'll be located underground and the main theme will be the water. There will be platforms surrounded by water that announce epic battles which involve movement!

It will be composed of 5 wings, each one should be doable in one hour, two at a maximum. The monsters will evolve with the player levels. If the group is composed of level 62 players, the monsters will most likely be around 62. But if the group is 65 then the monsters will be stronger!

Arcane Doom

This instance, located in Terokhar Forest, is made of 4 Wings like Naxxramas. One will be filled with Demons, another with Draeneis, the other one with Corrupted Orcs, and we don't know about the last one. The instance will cover the level 60 to 70, one wing will be dedicated to the level 70 players. The main goal of this instance is to help the leveling, it will be like the Scarlet Monastery from the level 30 to 40.

Side note

* With the expansion, each class will be rewarded with two more talents tiers (2 rows) per specialization.
* The Burning Crusade will bring some new Battlegrounds and a Gladiator Arena. More to come on this later.
* Blizzard hasn't begun development on any type of player housing.
* Blizzard is working on a better character customization, which may be released with the expansion.
* Hero classes are in development and will be available with the expansion. More to come on this later.
* Blizzard said that the Burning Crusade will have shorter instances to keep groups entertained without having 40 players.

Autor:  RagnaRock [ 28 lip 2006, 21:25 ]

Ciekawsze quote'y:

A new feature is the difficulty settings and the group leader can select between five modes, of "easily" to "super+heavily". Loot is also variable depending on the degree of difficulty you underatle. The harder the difficulty, the better the loot.

Beyond the Dark portal lies the OUtlands, the new BC zone and it;'s heavily guarded and will be opened with a world event similar to Ahn Qiraj, in other words the Alliance and Horde will have to work together to open the portal.

Each class receives five new Spells and abilities

Jak dla mnie cały ten pomysł z ustawianiem poziomu trudności jest zdrowo poroniony i mam nadzieję, że to tylko jakiś słaby fejk, inaczej przerzucam się na who ;x

Autor:  Dwutlenek [ 30 lip 2006, 14:01 ]

Beliar napisał(a):
w jaki sposób blizz fixnie faction imbalance?? patrzciue i płaczcie, dla mnie to przesada ... combo.html

Cofnąłeś się w czasie, żeby przynieść nam stare wieści :-|

Autor:  Dwutlenek [ 30 lip 2006, 16:41 ]

Beliar napisał(a):
zauwazyłem to, ale stwierdziłem że na tym topicu(info o bc) tego jeszcze nie było

To szkoda że nie poczytałeś, bo chociaż owszem kilku płaczków się trafiło, to generalnie większośc ludzi jakoś jest w stanie się pogodzić ze zmianami... Ba, jest nawet kilka osob które uważają ze te zmiany są dobre :)

Autor:  raggnarok [ 31 lip 2006, 14:05 ]

BC 31 listopada? ... ost1169691
Blue post w dole strony.

Autor:  Keii [ 11 sie 2006, 19:58 ]

Pojawiło się info nt. Caverns of Time.

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