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Autor:  Fabianek [ 4 sty 2006, 10:05 ]

lutus napisał(a):
70 rep z wybrana frakcja glowna za 10 signetow z tego co sie doczytalem

bah czy to znaczy ze oddawanie skladnikow nie da mi repa z cenarion hold? o_o no nic to ja dziekuje nie farmuje

Autor:  Czarzasty [ 4 sty 2006, 10:18 ]

lol jak czytam te bugi to mi skóra cieprnie... tracone zawartosci skrzynek pocztowych, nie dzialjace skile, znikjace itemy, umierajac na bg ze stunem , rodzimy sie z permannentnym stunem! Dopiwero relog pomaga.

Lol mam nadzieje, ze nie wszystk oto prawda

Autor:  lutus [ 4 sty 2006, 10:21 ]

Fabianek napisał(a):
lutus napisał(a):
70 rep z wybrana frakcja glowna za 10 signetow z tego co sie doczytalem

bah czy to znaczy ze oddawanie skladnikow nie da mi repa z cenarion hold? o_o no nic to ja dziekuje nie farmuje

na rep z cenarion sa jakies inne turn iny... nie wiem czy do konca zwiazane z otwarciem bramy, prawdopodobnie. Za te mozna dostac rep z cenarion i do tego blue/epic itemzy bop, tu masz "cos" o tym co to bedzie :

"Field Duty" details and explanation:

You obtain the Field Duty quest at the Cenarion Hold in Silithus. It gives you an unsigned letter and you must travel to a new camp outside Hive Zora and get the papers signed by Captain Blackanvil. You then return to the quest giver and you choose one of the following: Logtistics Assignment, Combat Assignment, or Tactical Assignment. I simply ran back and forth and obtained to obtain multiple assignment and you can have as many assignments as your quest log will allow.
Logistics Quests (collect and turn in this stuff)
1 4 Globes of Water, 4 Power Anti-venom, 4 Smoked Desert Dumplings
2 3 Ornate Mithril Boots
4 A: 6 Oils of Immolations, 5 Goblin Rocket Fuel, 10 Dense Blasting Powder
4 H: 6 Powerful Mofo, 6 Big Mojo, 8 Oil or Immolation
5 1 Large Brilliant Shard, 1 Large Radiant Shard, 1 Huge Emerald
6 A: 2 Moonsteel Broadswords
6 H: 3 Massive Iron Axes
7 8 Rugged Armor kits, 8 Heavy Armor Kits
9 2 Enchanted Thorium, 2 Enchanted Leather
10 30 Heavy Runecloth bandages, Heavy Silk Bandages, Heavy Wool Bandages
11 3 Abomination stitchings, 1 Skin of Shadow, 1 Twilight Cultist Robe ... yields 1 Mark of Romulus (needed for revered reward)

Combat Quests (kill these things)
1 40 Hive'Ashi Defenders
2 40 Hive Sand Stalers
3 40 Hive Ashi Workers
4 40 Hive Zora Reavers
5 40 Hive Zora Sisters
7 40 Hive Zora Tunnelers
9 40 Hive'Regal Spitfires
11 40 Hive'Regal Burrowers

Note - some of these quests can be solo'd possibly and some need a small group.

Tactical Quests (kill or do these commands)
1 Kill Azure Templar
2 Kill Crimson Templar
3 Kill Earthen Templar
4 Kill Hoary Templar
5 Kill 4 Dukes, receive Mark of Cenarius (needed for exalted reward)
6 Sneak into Hive Zora, obtain Scout report from Azenal
7 Sneak into Hive Regal, obtain scout report from Landion
9 Kill Morna and 5 Twilight Marauders
10 Obtain twilight orders from the Twilight Prophet

Again, you can have at multiple assignments at the same time. When you complete an assignment you typically get 650xp and 50 CC rep. You simply turn in the scoll that gave you the assignment and then you are give a new assignment. You cannot repeat the same assignment but you may/may not get the same assignment again as you are given new assignments.
These assignments may/may not be involved in the opening of the AQ gates. My guess is that we will have to gather a certain number of badges as one of many prerequisites to opening the gates.
Here are the quest rewards for turning in the badges from this quest line:
The first reward quest is called "Cenarion Battlegear" and requires friendly reputation, 5 combat badges, 3 logistics badges, and 7 tactical badges. Once you collect the various badges you can choose between:
1. Gloves of Earthen Power – leather AC 109 Int 9 +27 damage/heals
2. Band of Earthen Wrath – ring +8 int +1 spell crit +3 mana/5 secs
3. Earthweave Cloak – cloak AC 44 Agi 15 +1 hit

The second reward quest is called "Veterans Battlegear" and requires honored reputation (note – this may be honored and a bug), 7 combat badges, 4 logistics badges, and 4 tactical badges. Once you collect the various badges you can choose between:
1. ? of Earth – trinket reduces threat
2. Band of Earthen Might – ring +6 str +1 crit +1 hit
3. Earthen Power Vest – cloth chest AC 93 Int 22 +1 spell crit + 25 damage/heals

The third quest is called "Stalwarts Battlegear" and requires revered reputation, 15 combat badges, 20 logistics badges, 17 tactical badges, and a Mark of Romulus. Once you collect the various badges you can choose between:
1. Deeprock Bracers (epic) – AC 309 10 str 10 agi 8 sta
2. Earthcalm Orb – offhand 10 int 8 mana/5 sec +18 heals
3. Rockfury bracers – cloth wrist AC 42 7 fire resist +27 damage/heals +1 hitspells
4. Might of Cenarius – ring +8 sta + 4 wep damage + 1 hit

The fourth quest is called "Champions Battlegear" and requires exalted reputation, 20 combat badges, 15 logistics badges, 20 tactical badges, and a Mark of Cenarius. Once you collect the various badges you can choose between:
1. Fist of Cenarius (epic) – 62.6 Mace 3.5 spd +40 damage/heals +2 crit spells
2. Wrath of Cenarius (epic) – ring Use: Increase +132 damage for 10 secs
3. Earthstrike (epic) – trinket Use: Increase AP by 280 for 20 secs

Autor:  Fabianek [ 4 sty 2006, 10:21 ]

@odnosnie bugow kek

@lutus dzieki za info juz widzialem, pytanie pozostaje jak zmusic ludzi do oddawania skladnikow skoro quest na skladniki nie daje repa z najbardziej obecnie pozadana frakcja :)

Autor:  lutus [ 4 sty 2006, 10:32 ]

Fabianek napisał(a):
pytanie pozostaje jak zmusic ludzi do oddawania skladnikow skoro quest na skladniki nie daje repa z najbardziej obecnie pozadana frakcja :)

Nie ma z tym najmniejszego problemu, za 30 signetow dostajesz skrzynke z green/blue/epic boe dropem, badz tez reputacje z glownymi... Tak wiec niektorzy ( jak pewnie i ja) beda chcieli w koncu zrobic exalted z wszystkimi 4'ma frakcjami glownymi ( mi brakuje 1calego revered i pol drugiego wiec duzo nie ma:P). Zreszta zobaczymy jeszcze, mysle ze i tak minimalnie tydzien-dwa na high pop serverach to zajmie

Autor:  Fabianek [ 4 sty 2006, 10:35 ]

ah jesli dostajesz itemki jako reward to luz znajda sie farmerzy :)

Autor:  capri [ 4 sty 2006, 12:02 ]

patch 1.9 - CLICK

Autor:  izi14 [ 4 sty 2006, 12:07 ]

ja chce do domu .... : P nowy patch a ja musze tutaj siedziec boze ale capa ; ( btw. in da schooooool : p

Autor:  Fabianek [ 4 sty 2006, 12:07 ]

izi14 napisał(a):
ja chce do domu .... : P nowy patch a ja musze tutaj siedziec boze ale capa ; ( btw. in da schooooool : p

to co masz za problem nigdy na wagarach nie byles?

co maja powiedziec ci co sa w pracy :P

Autor:  raven84 [ 4 sty 2006, 12:10 ]

Działa wam WOW??

Autor:  MacDwain [ 4 sty 2006, 12:12 ]

Fabianek napisał(a):
izi14 napisał(a):
ja chce do domu .... : P nowy patch a ja musze tutaj siedziec boze ale capa ; ( btw. in da schooooool : p

to co masz za problem nigdy na wagarach nie byles?

co maja powiedziec ci co sa w pracy :P

A mogą powiedzieć - zajebiście - i tak serwery leżą...

Autor:  Nileno [ 4 sty 2006, 12:12 ]

raven84 napisał(a):
Działa wam WOW??

WoW mi zawsze dziala, co innego serwery ....

Autor:  raven84 [ 4 sty 2006, 12:12 ]

A wiadomo kiedy servery wstaną??

Autor:  Fabianek [ 4 sty 2006, 12:13 ]

jak beda gotowe :)

lepiej by cos z lagami zrobili :(

Autor:  spelcast [ 4 sty 2006, 12:43 ]

teraz juz pisza ze o 16 :(

Autor:  PsZeMo [ 4 sty 2006, 12:53 ]

nie wszystkie

Autor:  raven84 [ 4 sty 2006, 13:01 ]

narazie nie działają:(

Autor:  Fabianek [ 4 sty 2006, 13:04 ]

wlacza o 19stej jak sie zaczna lagi kek

Autor:  Dwutlenek [ 4 sty 2006, 13:19 ]

Już przecież stoja :P

Autor:  PsZeMo [ 4 sty 2006, 13:21 ]

ten blizz se leci w hu.. wszystko jest a gdzie Chromaggus?, nic nie pisalo ze bedzie poznije , boze chyba zrezygnuje tej gry:P:D

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