Patch 3.0.2 - Echoes of Doom [content patch]
Strona 20 z 20

Autor:  nattehfat [ 7 lis 2008, 02:56 ]

Piekny napisał(a):
o jaki wypas nowe arenki!

orgr arena to free win dla dps teamow

Autor:  He6e3uMeHHu [ 7 lis 2008, 07:03 ]

Sinistralis napisał(a):
To samo jest z epicką formą latającą druida.
The Swift Flight Form is now available on the trainer at level 71, requiring 300 riding skill, and Flight Form learned.

To jest szybki lot na formularzu

Autor:  lookazz [ 7 lis 2008, 08:28 ]

nattehfat napisał(a):
Piekny napisał(a):
o jaki wypas nowe arenki!

orgr arena to free win dla dps teamow

czemu free ?

Autor:  niesforny [ 7 lis 2008, 08:30 ]

Z jednej strony, nie chciało się robić takiego chaina na mounta moim lockiem i człowiek się trochę o wkurzał jak trzeba było te sowy w winterspring godzinami bić i później jeszcze coś farmić :har: , choć w sumie większość jak nie wszystko można kupić na AH :wink: .
Natomiast z drugiej strony, samo robienie ostatnich partów chaina, odwiedzanie pre tbc end instancji, ostatni part z summonem to było coś fajnego. Dlatego było warto robić tego q, z resztą naprawdę ten mount wynagradzał trud. Było się czymś pochwalić :wink: .
Biorąc to pod uwagę mimo wszystko szkoda, że teraz jest trainable :(

Autor:  WinterS [ 7 lis 2008, 08:34 ]

org arena jest zajebista dla rogali, stoje jak najblizej sciany, zanim ona opadnie to moge stargetowac juz kogos i zrobic instant sapa zaraz po rozpoczeciu, doslownie instant, kazda walka zaczyna sie 2vs1

Autor:  superXtra [ 7 lis 2008, 09:34 ]

bo akurat na wysokim ratingu kazdy stoji przy kratce czekajac na sapa :d

Autor:  Serhaud [ 7 lis 2008, 12:29 ]

superXtra napisał(a):
bo akurat na wysokim ratingu kazdy stoji przy kratce czekajac na sapa :d

bo akurat na niskich ratingach ludzie tez beda czekali na sapa przy kratce.

Autor:  Piekny [ 7 lis 2008, 12:41 ]

Generalnie wczoraj zlozylismy szybko jakies 5/5 i arenki na tej orgrimarowej to byl jeden wielki chaos. Jeszcze gralismy non stop na team 2xrogal 2xmag i paldek holy ;)
wczorajszy wieczor mialem wielki ubaw arenami.

Autor:  Atherius [ 20 sty 2009, 23:22 ]

Patch 3.0.8 już jutro!

Autor:  FoQs [ 21 sty 2009, 09:58 ]

czytajac fora US ten patch to jakas wielka pomylka...
glownie chodzi mi o WG :wtf:

Autor:  Atherius [ 21 sty 2009, 10:10 ]

Zarzuć linka.

Autor:  FoQs [ 21 sty 2009, 10:11 ]
Tytuł: ... northrend/

Autor:  Brodaty [ 21 sty 2009, 10:20 ]

Jeszcze jakiś problem z warpowaniem postaci ... 0234&sid=1

Autor:  FoQs [ 21 sty 2009, 10:22 ]

ze wszystkim problem :wtf: :lol:

Autor:  Brodaty [ 21 sty 2009, 10:27 ]
Tytuł: ... g-roundup/

Podsumowanie błędów.

Pls, powiedzcie o co chodzi, jaki exploit? ... 1265&sid=1

Autor:  FoQs [ 21 sty 2009, 10:33 ]

nie moge w pracy wchodzic na linki zwiazane z WoW'em, wiec nie moge przeczytac o co chodzi :D

Autor:  Brodaty [ 21 sty 2009, 10:36 ]

Foqs, to nie zawracaj sobie tym głowy, do domu wrócisz, kawy sobie zrobisz i spokojnie przeczytasz. Za kilka dni blizzard może naprawi.

The full list of 3.0.8 bugs, and information about their status, after the break.

1. Wintergrasp

The Bug: Any time Lake Winterfail changes side, the server crashes. Some reports have the bug only crashing Northrend, while others have the bug crashing the entire server. This means that some servers are barely playable.

The Fix: It's incoming. Bornakk has said they're going to disable the buff (which is the apparent cause) if they can't find an immediate solution. Expect the fix soon. Update: It appears the bug has been fixed, but we're waiting on official confirmation.

Additional information: Skarlet sends us the following tip: "We had found that with Wintergrasp crashing the servers constantly that the books for the Higher Learning Achievement were respawning on every crash. I think most of Proudmoores alliance has completed this achievement in about an hour now." Gasp!

2. Death Knight Creation

The Bug: As of today, people were supposed to be able to create a Death Knight on any realm – provided they had a level 55+ character present on their account. This has not happened, and some people are reporting that they are unable to create Death Knights on realms in which they don't have a 55+ character.

The Fix: It's incoming. Rolling restarts should take care of it, and we're guessing they'll be doing that within the next 12 hours.

3. Hunter Aspects On GCD

The Bug: Some Hunter aspects are still on a global cooldown like mechanic, which goes against Blizzard's intentions. People are placing the cooldown at 1.5 seconds (it should be 0).

The Fix: Soon. Ghostcrawler has said that they know about it and should have something worked out soon.

4. Howling Blast

The Bug: The tooltip indicates that there is no cooldown to the spell, when in reality it's on a 5 second cooldown. If you cast Howling Blast, and then try to do it immediately again, you'll notice the 5 second cooldown.

The Fix: Soon, says Ghostcrawler. But it's mainly an inconvenience and not a game breaker. Don't expect this to be fixed over night.

5. Animation Clipping

The Bug: Human females are having animation problems when using two handed weapons and shooting a ranged weapon.

The Fix: Soon. Blizzard is aware of the problem (they even announced it before the patch went live). We do not have any indication that they'll be correcting it before the next patch, however.

6. Ritual of Summoning

The Bug: There is a two minute cooldown for the Warlock to cast the new Ritual of Summoning spell. The spell will make a summoning stone, which can be used by party members to summon folks. The Warlock spell, not the stone, has a two minute cooldown. This was added at the last minute to prevent an exploit (no indication of what the exploit was).

The Fix: Soon. Blizzard is working on a solution, and Ghostcrawler expects this to be fixed in the next couple of days.

7. Missing mail, again?

We've gotten some reports on our twitter stream about missing mail and mail that won't go to players. Since we've gotten a few independent reports of this, it's worth mentioning and keeping an eye on. Let's all just say a silent prayer that we don't find ourselves without mail for a few days. My wallets need their AH gold.

We'll update this post when new information comes in tonight. And as always, keep an eye on WoW Insider throughout the day for the latest.

+10 geek points if you can tell me what the picture of the article is about.

W/w za

Autor:  Koryk [ 7 lut 2009, 18:37 ]
Tytuł:  Problem z patchem do Wowa 2.4.3 - 3.0.2.

Witam , mam pewien problem z patchem do WoWa , za niedługo będe kupował Wotlk ale najpierw chce spatchowac gre , po ściągnięciu patcha

2.4.3 - 3.0.2. pojawia się coś w rodzaju jego ... ''instalatora '' gdy dochodzi do 99% , wyskakuje mi zawsze jakiś error ostatnio wyskoczyło
The file "D:\World of Warcraft\Data\expansion.MPQ : World\maps\Expansion01\Expansion01_53_35.adt" could not be written. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (MPQTarget::Write/SFileWriteFile)
The disk doesn't have enough free space to install Wrath of the Lich King. Please free up space.
To check this installation for problems, click the "Repair" button. The Repair tool can automatically fix many update errors. Mam podstawke i dodatek zainsalowana , na dysku jest 8 gb wolnego miejsca jeszcze , o co chodzi? co jest nie tak ? Jakies propozycje pomysły ?

Autor:  mortal [ 8 lut 2009, 00:41 ]

Za malo miejsca

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