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Autor:  iniside [ 10 maja 2006, 21:12 ]
Tytuł: ... a.web.html tutaj

Autor:  Mirtul [ 10 maja 2006, 21:33 ]

Skopiuj tutaj ktos ten artykul plz, na nytimes trzeba sie rejestrowac ;<

Autor:  jester [ 10 maja 2006, 21:35 ]

Autor:  Pio [ 10 maja 2006, 21:44 ]

lutus napisał(a):
Fabianek napisał(a):
(2) Set: Chance on melee attack to restore 112-148 life.<br>\
(4) Set: Returns 5 energy on a critial strike from an ability.<br>\
(6) Set: ??% Reduced Threat<br>\
(8) Set: 5% Chance per combo point spent on a finishing move to improve the critical strike chance of your next ability by 100%

to sa set bonusy setu rogue mam nadzieje ze inne beda rownie imba.

cos jest w tym nie tak, boooooo set ma 9 czesci teraz ( 8 normalnych + ring), a jest zlistowany tylko bonus za 8, czyli siakas sciema

nie sciema

Like with the Tier 3 armor sets, they do have eight-piece set bonuses, but there are actually nine pieces in each set. [The ninth piece is a ring.] So now you can break up your set a bit and still get the eight-piece bonus.

zrodlo ... ted=3&_r=1

Autor:  Aldatha [ 10 maja 2006, 21:47 ]

ktos mowil ze mace z C'Thuna jest dobra? :)

Autor:  Myron [ 10 maja 2006, 22:05 ]

HOT ---> o ja pierdziele ,zobaczylem wszystkie screeny, @$% przejebane
pewnie bedzie wam sie ladowalo godz,postacie w sprzecie z dodotaku i z 1.11 tier ,nowe itemy ,masakra bonus tier3 maga
1. skraca o 1 min cd evocation
2. jak masz mage armor to przy dostaniu shota masz szanse ze wzrosnie twoj resit na ta szkole magi
3 szansa przy ataku ze twoj kolejny spell bedize mial +200 dmg
4, lollol,szansa ze twoj kolejny spell nie bedzie powodowal threatu

Autor:  iniside [ 10 maja 2006, 22:13 ]

Przesada. Shaman w Tier 3 ma tyle samo many co Mag, a do tego ma iecej HP od niego, o większym Firepower nawet nie mówie bo to chyba logiczne. Gram Hordą ale to już IMHO przesada powinien mieć mniej many nić mag/priest..

Autor:  simo [ 10 maja 2006, 22:23 ]

Ja to moge przeczytac bez rejestracji... Ale dla tych co nie moga to z takich ciekawszych fragmentow:

"Q. So for the Tier 3 sets, is Naxxramas a token system or are there straight-up drops?

A. It is a token system but a refined token system. In Ahn’Qiraj and Zul’Gurub we realized we made a bad mistake with itemization. Token systems can be good and reputation systems can be very useful, but combining token systems with reputation requirements is not necessarily a good design decision, or at least it wasn’t with ZG and AQ. For example, ZG was supposed to be a stepping stone into raiding. So you take a guild that has little experience and they go into ZG and for a new group, it’s going to take them a few tries to down the first boss, Venoxis. And they finally kill Venoxis and what do they get? Probably one blue item and then this token item. But even using that token item might require Honored reputation, and so they feel like they’re not being rewarded.

Instead for that first boss we need to be saying, “Good job! Here’s two good items.” Instead they get something like a purple Hakkari item that only makes blue shoulders, and then only if they have Honored rep. I had that happen to me on one of my characters and I was like, “This is just broken.” So we realize things like that and we’re moving to fix them.

"Q. What can you say about new Player vs. Player content?

A. We don’t have a lot of details to talk about right now, but the really important thing is that there are major PvP changes coming. We recognize that there are major problems with the honor system currently. In particular we’re not content with it being so time-focused. But there will be significant changes coming, and there will be world objectives. Now that we’re building new zones from scratch, with the Burning Crusade zones we can make specific locations in our zones reserved for PvP, and maybe taking over certain objectives will give one side or another a persistent bonus like access to an additional graveyard.

Q. Can you give an example?

A. Well we’re not going to do this in particular, but imagine if that tower between Tarren Mill and Southshore was a PvP objective of some sort, all the time. And the key is to do that in a lot of places and not just have one place where everyone shows up all the time and crashes the server.''

Q. Shifting from Burning Crusade to the next big content patch, can you describe the progression you have in mind from Ahn’Qiraj to Naxxramas?

A. Well with Naxxramas we’re tuning it really to be the hardest raid dungeon out there. The number of people who have killed Ragnaros and so on is just going to keep getting larger and larger, so we really want Naxxramas to be at the top end and make it extremely challenging. With AQ we had a different design approach. With AQ we wanted the beginning to be approachable for Molten Core guilds but then we wanted a brick wall in Huhuran and the Twin Emperors where those guilds would realize they would have to leave and come back when they were a bit more experienced. With Naxxramas the shift in difficulty from the very first encounter to the very last encounter is much narrower. But the easiest encounter in Naxxramas should be around Twin Emperors level.

Q. And what about the itemization in Naxxramas? Will we have to farm the earlier parts over and over again in order be able to get through the later parts?

A. Well the items in Naxxramas are pretty amazing. They are as good as they get in World of Warcraft. If you look at the jump in quality over existing gear it is pretty shocking. So I wouldn’t say that we want people to have to farm over and over again. By the time they figure out how to beat a given encounter, they should be geared enough. And on resist gear we’ve learned our lesson. There is purple frost resist gear coming your way.

Autor:  tomugeen [ 10 maja 2006, 22:33 ]

Nowy set drooda wymiata, wyglada troszke jak z koreanskich mmo imho, ale to, ze na 70 lvl wszystko musi byc bardziej fluorescencyjne i swiecace niz na 60, jest chyba logiczne.

EDIT: pala jest jeszcze bardziej mangowy ^_^

Autor:  ikona [ 10 maja 2006, 22:45 ]

If you look at the jump in quality over existing gear it is pretty shocking.

A pvp, Co to ma byc everquest 3?

Autor:  simo [ 10 maja 2006, 22:46 ]

Ale mnie sie wydaje, ze to sa sety na 60 poziom i beda wypadac z Naxxramas...

Autor:  tomugeen [ 10 maja 2006, 22:51 ]

simo napisał(a):
Ale mnie sie wydaje, ze to sa sety na 60 poziom i beda wypadac z Naxxramas...

Dobrze ci sie wydaje \o/

Troche brak w priestowym secie tego bajeru jakim jest regen many i fade z trans.

Autor:  jester [ 11 maja 2006, 00:04 ]

Autor:  Sobtainer [ 11 maja 2006, 01:00 ]

jester napisał(a):


Autor:  Mirtul [ 11 maja 2006, 07:11 ]
Z tego co widze, to T3 nie bedzie mialo zadnych resistance.

Na dodatek nie maja dopisku "Class:" To co, warrior bedzie mogl biegac w secie priesta?

O, ale set locka juz ma dopisek Class:

Autor:  mihn [ 11 maja 2006, 07:46 ]

bug pewnie.
ale to ze resa nie będzie to źle ;/

Autor:  Fabianek [ 11 maja 2006, 07:47 ]

Mirtul napisał(a):
Z tego co widze, to T3 nie bedzie mialo zadnych resistance.

poczytajcie chata na LFG: invite me for AQ40


a teraz moze ktos potwierdzic ze widzial blue post ze T3 dropowac sie bedzie w naxx?

Autor:  Fabianek [ 11 maja 2006, 09:06 ]

to wiem ale rownie dobrze moze to byc taki set jak z ZG czy AQ. Bo na wszystkich screenach widac ze postacie ktore go nosza maja 62+ level wiec sa to postacie z dodatku

Autor:  Besero [ 11 maja 2006, 09:22 ]

Postacie maja lvl 62, ale tez zaczynaja w Hellfire Peninsula... zreszta w video wywiadzie zamieszczonym na gosc wyraznie mowi, ze T3 zdobywa sie w Naxx.

Autor:  lutus [ 11 maja 2006, 09:31 ]

masz Robalku, pociesz oczka:)


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