Razoth napisał(a):
Wystarczyło mi to że jest immune na wszystkie czary. To że ma 6k życia i imba spell ice pool pominę.
A 60% szansy na immune na 4 sek na fire i shadow u locka to fakt a wyglada ostro na fake bo po prostu jest tak przepakowane....
Zreszta to 41 pkt talent, co ma summonowac male gownienko co nic nie robi i pada od 2 ciosow? frost nasze bylo survival, i te umiejetnosci idealnie pasuja jak na ultimate survival talent.
Btw jak to nie fake to napuscic na locka elemental i sie schowac:D Lock nic mu nie zrobi a elem go powoli bedzie zjadal
Btw Tseric na forum us:
Here are a few points regarding upcoming Talents/Abilities, in no particular order and, as usual, subject to change:
Spellsteal will randomly grab a beneficial effect. This spell is undergoing a lot of work, because of its tricky nature, so the spell's game mechanics will change during development to reflect the intended function. For now, consider it to cast the stolen effect on the mage, so Power Word: Shield would confer the Weakened Soul effect in addition.
Someone had asked if Arcane Potency affects the whole channeling of Arcane Missiles. It does.
The Water Elemental is currently another source of ranged DPS. It has no duration(will only despawn on death).
The devs are considering changing Ice Lance to make it more interesting and a more meaningful choice for DPS.
Invisibility will wipe threat once the 8 second 'fade to invisible' effect completes. A few uses would be content bypassing, escape or preventing initial targeting in BGs.
The Wounded state mentioned with Molten Fury means having health at 20%, same as the condition for using Warrior's Execute.
Dragon's Breath disorient effect will break on damage. The disorient effect will only occur if damage is dealt. Creatures/Players immune to fire will not cause the disorient effect.