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Strona 495 z 541

Autor:  Sebo [ 14 paź 2010, 11:59 ]

Ktos sie orientuje czy rogue nadal wymaga jakiegos cap expertise?

Autor:  ClouD [ 14 paź 2010, 12:03 ]

Nowy expertise cap dla rogala wynosi 200 exp ratingu (wedle ElitistJerks przynajmniej).

Autor:  Nyx [ 14 paź 2010, 13:02 ]

Rather than try and address multiple threads, I'm just going to plop our current thoughts in this one post. Please excuse the brevity.

1) We think Fury, Arms, Feral cat and Retribution dps is too low and we will be buffing them.
2) We think mage dps is too high, especially Fire, and will be nerfing it.
3) We think Shadow priest dps is too high, but that's largely a result of Shadow Word: Death spam, which is tough on healers. We'll be fixing that.
4) We think Destro warlock dps is too high, but that's largely a result of Searing Pain spam, which is tough on tanks. We'll be fixing that.
5) As we suspected, PvP dps is just too high given that the health pools of Cataclysm haven't kicked in yet. While competitive PvP is over for the moment, we still want the environment to feel better so we will be buffing resilience. This change might be reverted at level 85.

There will probably be more changes after another night of raiding and BGs. Many of the bug fixes we have made today will affect dps as well. Stay tuned.

Lead Systems Designer

To tak odnosnie dalszego balansowania dpsu

Autor:  ClouD [ 14 paź 2010, 15:57 ]

Podobne pytanko jak 3 posty wyżej:
Nie zwróciłem wczoraj na to uwagi, a póki co sprawdzić nie mogę - usunęli Armor Penetration? Na wszystkich forach dla rogali jest on kompletnie pominięty i preferują wsadzać gemy/robić reforge pod haste oczywiście biorąc pod uwagę potrzebne capy.

Autor:  Dana [ 14 paź 2010, 16:03 ]

Tak jest usunięty, tak samo jak spellpower, AP i coś tam jeszcze.

Autor:  goatguy [ 14 paź 2010, 16:48 ]

Nyx napisał(a):
Rather than try and address multiple threads, I'm just going to plop our current thoughts in this one post. Please excuse the brevity.

1) We think Fury, Arms, Feral cat and Retribution dps is too low and we will be buffing them.
2) We think mage dps is too high, especially Fire, and will be nerfing it.
3) We think Shadow priest dps is too high, but that's largely a result of Shadow Word: Death spam, which is tough on healers. We'll be fixing that.
4) We think Destro warlock dps is too high, but that's largely a result of Searing Pain spam, which is tough on tanks. We'll be fixing that.
5) As we suspected, PvP dps is just too high given that the health pools of Cataclysm haven't kicked in yet. While competitive PvP is over for the moment, we still want the environment to feel better so we will be buffing resilience. This change might be reverted at level 85.

There will probably be more changes after another night of raiding and BGs. Many of the bug fixes we have made today will affect dps as well. Stay tuned.

Lead Systems Designer

To tak odnosnie dalszego balansowania dpsu

Nic dziwnego, lockiem wyciskałem w raczej przeciętnym gearze 6k na kołku, a po patchu 10k w tym samym sprzęcie.

Autor:  Nyx [ 14 paź 2010, 20:21 ]

4.0.1 Class Balance - Update
Originally Posted by Ghostcrawler (Source)
We made many changes yesterday. A lot of these were bug fixes, and many bug fixes will affect damage one way or the other. So just because you don't see a specific change referenced below, doesn't mean it didn't change.

With that said, here are the specific changes we made in reference to my previous post:

1) We buffed the base points and coefficients of many warrior dps abilities. We didn't do as much to tanking abilities.

We buffed the base points and coefficients of many Ret abilities.

We buffed the base points and coefficients of many Feral cat abilities.

2) We lowered the base points and coefficients of many Mage abilities, but lowered Fire more than the other two.

3) We nerfed Shadow Word: Death, but it is possible we didn't nerf it enough. It should not be Shadow's biggest spell.

4) We returned Searing Pain's damage to its 3.3.5 levels.

5) We increased the benefit of resilience by 50% for players level 80 and below. The tooltips will probably not reflect this change.

We don't have any other changes to announce at this time. I am reluctant to mention additional classes or specs that we are looking at currently for fear of instilling excitement or panic.

Nowe info odnośnie dpsu prost z mmo-champion

Autor:  Nyx [ 15 paź 2010, 12:49 ]
Tytuł: ... r_embedded

wow na ipadzie ;o

Autor:  Buffchef [ 15 paź 2010, 13:07 ]

"splashtop remote"
czyli bessęsu isz zeby grac na ipadzie trzeba miec peceta

Autor:  Deshroom [ 15 paź 2010, 16:41 ]

od kiedy można trackować herbs i ore jednocześnie ? :P

Autor:  Dana [ 15 paź 2010, 16:45 ]

Od 4.0.1

Autor:  Deshroom [ 15 paź 2010, 16:47 ]

ufff myślałem ze coś przeoczyłem :wink:
zajebiście , prawie jak hax

Autor:  Nyx [ 15 paź 2010, 16:49 ]

I w dodatku xp jest z zbieractwa:)

Autor:  Deshroom [ 15 paź 2010, 16:51 ]

hm, 7 leweli na zbieractwie ... nie dam rady :P

nie sądziłem ze Blizzard odważy się to zrobić

Autor:  Falangista [ 15 paź 2010, 20:06 ]

mam pytanie niestety po zassaniu najnowszego patcha pojawia sie permanentny błąd i przeinstalowałem gre zatem pytanko czy po zainstalowaniu gry z pudełka WOTLK musze instalowac pokolei wszystkie patche czy wystarczy te 5.3 GB?

Autor:  Atherius [ 15 paź 2010, 20:19 ]

Wotlk musi być upgrade'owany do 3.3.x - nie wiem w jakiej wersji jest goły od razu po instalacji.

Autor:  Falangista [ 15 paź 2010, 20:21 ]

Atherius napisał(a):
Wotlk musi być upgrade'owany do 3.3.x - nie wiem w jakiej wersji jest goły od razu po instalacji.

Dzieki jest w wersji 3.0.1 no sprobuje, ale odpaliłem najnowszego patcha na wersje 3.0.1 i updater idzie

Autor:  Atherius [ 15 paź 2010, 20:34 ]

Info wziąłem ze stronki

3.3.x → Parts 1-4 — Full (~4.9-5.3 GiB)

Autor:  Falangista [ 15 paź 2010, 21:09 ]

Atherius napisał(a):
Info wziąłem ze stronki

3.3.x → Parts 1-4 — Full (~4.9-5.3 GiB)

Wersja pudełkowa WOTLK czyli 3.0.1 patch 5.3 GB dosysa 133.7 MB i gra działa.

Autor:  Gleader [ 16 paź 2010, 09:50 ]

Kurde po tym patchu dostaje sporo DC :/
Jak sobie z tym poradzić ?

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