- Retribution Aura: Moved to level 16.
- Judgement: Moved to level 50, renamed Holy Wrath.
- Removed facing requirement from Hammer of Justice and Turn Undead.
- Cleanse: Moved to level 42, mana cost increased.
- Holy Light: Causes less threat, heal effect and mana cost increased.
- Purify: Mana cost increased.
- Turn Undead: Increased the chance of breaking early.
- Holy Strike: Removed.
- Crusader Strike: Removed.
- Seal of Reckoning: Removed.
- Healing Aura: Removed.
- Dominance Aura: Removed.
- Wisdom Aura: Removed.
- Redemption: Removed.
- Resurrection: renamed Redemption, no longer useable in combat.
- **All Seals renamed Blessings. Several new spells have been added,
which now use the naming convention "Seal".
- New Spell: Seal of the Crusader (Level 12).
- New Spell: Seal of Justice (Level 22).
- New Spell: Seal of Light (Level 30).
- New Spell: Seal of Wisdom (Level 38).
- New Spell: Flash of Light (Level 20).
- New Spell: Judgement (Level 10).
- New Spell: Blessing of Might (Level

- New Spell: Blessing of Wisdom (Level 14).
- New Spell: Blessing of Light (Level 40).
- New Spell: Concentration Aura (Level 22).
- New Spell: Divine Intervention (Level 30).
- Resistance Aura: Split up into 3 new spells...Shadow Resistance Aura
(Level 28), Frost Resistance Aura (Level 32), and Fire Resistance Aura
(Level 36).
- Seal of Fury has changed significantly.
- Seal of Righteousness has changed significantly.
- Blessing of Sacrifice: Moved to level 46, now transfers a flat amount
of damage per hit, and has replacements.
- Blessing of Salvation: Moved to level 26, duration increased, cooldown
removed, effect reduced.
- Blessing of Freedom: Moved to level 18.
- Blessing of Protection: Moved to level 10