Mage AOE guide (Alliance)
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Autor:  bargaw [ 4 kwi 2006, 16:35 ]
Tytuł:  Mage AOE guide (Alliance)


V1.0.0 Initial start ( 29/03/06 )
V1.0.1 Typo's ( 29/03/06 )
V1.0.2 Added Graphics to item sets ( 29 /03/06 )

I. Foreword
II. What is a mage
III. Mage from 1-60
IV. Mage spells
V. Talent builds
VI. Armor sets

3rd guide but my first class guide. I have a 60 " Frost " mage myself so this guide will be mostly written out my own point of view. If u don't like it post something below or ALT+F4 if you like it give me some comment below. Additions may be PM'ed to me or posted below and ill add them offcourse.

II. What is a mage
Mages lived once in dalaran. Until the burning crusade crushed dalaran and mages spreaded all over azaroth. Dalaran is located in Hillsbrad foothills. but only is one big purple circle. maybe this will be rebuild by blizzard but hasn't and won't be in the near future. Mages are together with rogues best damage dealing class. But mages are better in damage and have a large arsenal of spells. Mages are not only excellent spellcasters they also have the best AOE spells ingame. They also have some croud control abilities like polymorph ( " Sheeping " ) and Frost nova. Imba class you say ? yeah only one downside: mages have almost no armor and hp. They can be 1hit ko'ed by rogues.But again they have some helpfull abilities in group. They can make food and water, Teleport and have a good intellect buff.

III. From 1-60

Mage can AOE grind:
* In group with a priest:
- Mage pulls ( a few )
- Priest fears ( aoe fear)
- Wait till all mobs are at the mage
-Frost Nova => Blink => Blizzard
-When they reach the mage you start spamming Arcane Explosion
- During all that priest Shields and spams heals on the mage

* Solo but then it is recommended that you are 40+ and frost specced ( ice barrier ) same strategie as above exept you pull em by running with your mount / blinking.

Do this with melee mobs! I got this AOE list from official wow forums.

(Level: 24-26) Shadowhide Gnoll Encampments in the Redridge Mountains

(Level: 24-28 ) Gnoll camps in wetlands, near the entrance to loch modan - Few Casters

(Level: 24-30) Furbolg Camps Suggestion: bring a healer 24-28

(Level: Late 20s) Raven Hill cemetary in Duskwood

(Level: 30?) Humans in Hillsbrad (Azureload mine)

(Level: 30?) Worgen camp near Rotting Orchard in Duskwood

(Level: 30-31) Angerfang Encampment in Wetlands (Few Casters/Warlocks/Rooters) Suggestion: Bring a Priest

(Level: 32-36) Yetis in Hillsbrad

(Level: 33-36?) Shimmering Flats in Thousand Needle. Scorpids, Turtles, Vultures.

(Level: 36) Syndicate camps north of Tarren Mill

(Level: 36) The orcs at Go'shek Farm, and no casters. (Arathi)

(Level: 36+) Trolls at Witherbark, casters are there though. (Arathi)

(Level: 36?) Spiders north of the horde city in dustwallow

(Level: 36-39+) Badlands - NW corner Lesser Rock Elementals (36-39)Earth Elementals (39+)

(Level: 38+) Water & Fire Elementals. Earth Element are melees too, but their knock downs are brutal without IAE.

(Level 38-40) Raptors in Duskwallow Marsh. Northeast of the Horde camp (Brakenwall?)

(Level: 38-40) Dustwallow Marsh: Mirefin Murlocs in the north eastern part of the zone, on the top of the penninsula.

(Level 40-42) Syndicate camps in Alterac Mountain zone. Be careful of the casters - one per camp.

(Level: 43) Murkdwellers in Swamp of Sorrows

(Level: 42-45) Badlands

(Level: 45) woodpaws in Feralas

(Level: 48-50) Southsea Pirate Compound

(Level: 50-53) Searing Gorge - The Cauldron (Level 46-48 Dwarves)

(Level: 50-53) Burning Steppes- Various Areas (Level 50-53 Imps)

(Level: 50-53) Feralas- Rage Scar Cave (Level 46-48 Rage Scar Yetis)

(Level: 50-53) Feralas- Northspring (Level 47-50 Harpies)

(Level: 50-53) Tanaris- Thistleshrub Valley (Level 48-50 Nature Elementals)

(Level: 52-53) Blood something pirates behind the caverns of time in taranis

(Level: 50-55) Castergrips (the blue caster class hippos), northern azshara peninsula

(Level: 57+) Felwood

(Level: 57+) Ogres in Deadwind Pass

(Level: 55-60) ice thistle yettis, eastern winterspring

(Level: 50-60) Sorrow Hill

(Level: 50-60) Western Plaguelands Scarlet Lumberjacks

Or else u can solo grind like every class ( i added a list from the guide section )

Levels 1-20

Newbie lands, stick to the friendly zones. Just grind. The quests are a waiste of time up to level 20 if you are focusing on maxing out xp per hour.

Levels 20-26

Wetland quests and raptors/slime/orcs for grinding. Redridge mountain Lakeshire quests.

Levels 26-30

Duskwood quests and undead for grinding. Hillsbrand critter roamers for grinding.

Levels 30-35

Hillsbrand Daggerspines right next to Southshore along the coast. Huge spawn and fast respawns rate.

Levels 36-40

Hillsbrand quests. Desolance quests and kodo grinding for 36-38, then undead ravagers for 38-40.

Levels 41-45

Hinterland trolls, owl beasts and wolves for grinding and quests. Badland ogres, gnolls, and quests.

Levels 45-48

Tanaris quests and pirates on the eastern peninsula for grinding. STV quests (onlyf if u need the rewards). Badlands greater elementals for grinding.

Levels 48-52

Felwood deadwood gnolls for grinding and quests from the sanctuary in the south. Blasted lands deadmauls for grinding. Un goro crater for grinding the tar and plant animals.

Levels 52-55

Azhara blood elves for grindin. Burning steppes dreadmaul rock ogre caves firegut ogres for grindin. Felwood irontree woods and cave for grinding (great spot). Western plaguelands for argent dawn and gringing undead troughout the various camps.

Levels 55-58

Eastern plagulands quests from the sanctuary, grinding on undead at the ruined towns. Winterspring grinding at winterfall village or lake Kel Theril undead highbourns.

Levels 58-60

"The" yeti cave in winterspring, due Southeast of everlook (very nice place). Grosh Gol compound ogres in deadwind pass (great spot). Moonowls in northeast winterspring for grinding.

IV. Spells

Mage spells come in several types: Ice, Fire, and Arcane. Each kind of spell type has different kinds of effecting spells, for example in Arcane there are lots of “supplementary” magic that is not directly offensive but can be utilized to good effects such as teleportation spells, polymorph spells and even blink.

Fire is a much more offensive style of magic that offers a very direct “punch” to the enemy with high DPS spells that can pack a real punch if the right talents are chosen.

Ice magic is something of a middle point, with spells such as Frost Armor that allow for something other then damage, while still maintaining a variety of offensive spells like frost bolt and blizzard.

For a complete list of spells go to

V. Talent builds

31/20 Arcane/Fire
These are the builds that have proven to be effective and are widely popular. In order of popularity, they are 33 Fire/18 Arc, 30 Fire/21 Arc, 31 Arc/20 Fire, 31 Frost/20 Arc, 31 Arc/20 Frost.

33 Fire Talents
5 - Improved Fireball
5 - Ignite
2 - Flame Throwing
5 - Improved Fireblast
2 - Incinerate
3 - Improved Flamestrike
1 - Pyroblast
3 - Critical Mass
1 - Blast Wave
5 - Fire Power
1 - Combustion

Arcane Talents
5 - Improved Arcane Missiles
5 - Arcane Concentration
5 - Improved Arcane Explosion
1 - Evocation
2 - Improved Counterspell

31/20 Arcane/Frost
Devastating if you got some good gear

Arcane Talents (31 points)
# Improved Arcane Missiles - 5/5 points
# Arcane Focus - 4/5 points
# Arcane Concentration - 5/5 points
# Evocation - 1/1 point
# Improved Arcane Explosion - 5/5 points
# Improved Counterspell - 2/2 points
# Presence of Mind - 1/1 point
# Arcane Mind - 4/4 points
# Arcane Instability - 3/3 points
# Arcane Power - 1/1 point

Frost Talents (20 points)
# Improved Frostbolt - 5/5 points
# Ice Shards - 5/5 points
# Improved Frost Nova - 2/2 points
# Cold Snap - 1/1 point
# Piercing Ice - 3/3 points
# Arctic Reach - 2/2 points
# Shatter - 2/5 points

33/18 Frost/Arcane

Control, AE damage and snares and survivablity. The other side of the coin, so to speak. Probably the strongest mage spec that isn't the 31/20 Arcane/Fire spec, this spec has the potential to truly shine in Battlegrounds (depending on how they shape up).

Core Talents: Improved Arcane Explosion, Shatter, Frostbite, Improved Blizzard, Ice Block, Cold Snap

Customize: 3/3 Improved Cone of Cold into Piercing Ice, Winter's Chill or Frost Channeling. 2/2 Improved Counterspell into Arctic Reach.

( The one i use too )
Arcane Talents (18 points)
# Improved Arcane Missiles - 5/5 points
# Arcane Concentration - 5/5 points
# Evocation - 1/1 point
# Improved Arcane Explosion - 5/5 points
# Improved Counterspell - 2/2 points

Frost Talents (33 points)
# Improved Frostbolt - 5/5 points
# Improved Frost Nova - 2/2 points
# Ice Shards - 5/5 points
# Improved Blizzard - 3/3 points
# Cold Snap - 1/1 point
# Shatter - 5/5 points
# Arctic Reach - 2/2 points
# Improved Cone of Cold - 3/3 points
# Ice Block - 1/1 point
# Frostbite - 5/5 points
# Ice Barrier - 1/1 point

33/18 Fire/Arcane

More consistent damage, plus the dreaded Combusted Blast Wave.

Core Talents: Improved Arcane Explosion, Blast Wave, Fire Power

Arcane Talents (18 points)
# Improved Arcane Missiles - 5/5 points
# Arcane Concentration - 5/5 points
# Evocation - 1/1 point
# Improved Arcane Explosion - 5/5 points
# Improved Counterspell - 2/2 points

Fire Talents (33 points)
# Impact - 5/5 points
# Improved Fireball - 5/5 points
# Flame Throwing - 2/2 points
# Ignite - 5/5 points
# Pyroblast - 1/1 point
# Improved Flamestrike - 3/3 points
# Incinerate - 2/2 points
# Blast Wave - 1/1 point
# Critical Mass - 3/3 points
# Fire Power - 5/5 points
# Combustion - 1/1 point

\\ Feel free to post builds below and ill add them \\

VI. Armor Sets

Magister's Regalia

Sorcerer's Regalia

Lieutenant Commander's Regalia

Field Marshal's Regalia


Z angielskiej płatnej stronki:P

Autor:  Aldatha [ 4 kwi 2006, 16:56 ]

po 1.10 magowie boja sie uzywac AOE bo priesci bawia sie swoim i nie ma kto ich leczyc :]

Autor:  Mirtul [ 4 kwi 2006, 17:07 ]

Ale AoE priestow i robi dmg i healuje :]

Autor:  bargaw [ 4 kwi 2006, 17:09 ]

taaa...niestety...powinni zmiejszyć mana cost o jakieś 250, lub zwiekszyć dmg conajmniej o polowe

Autor:  wisien [ 4 kwi 2006, 18:22 ]

btw ... 17&pl=true


Autor:  niebezimienny [ 4 kwi 2006, 18:41 ]

:o Czy te weze i tygryski maja szanse na rzucenie coinow/bijow?

Autor:  Zoltan [ 4 kwi 2006, 18:57 ]

niebezimienny napisał(a):
:o Czy te weze i tygryski maja szanse na rzucenie coinow/bijow?


Autor:  niebezimienny [ 4 kwi 2006, 19:04 ]

Ide zanim nerfna!! :)

btw w ktorym miejscu to jest? ne lewo od wejscia ?

Autor:  bargaw [ 5 kwi 2006, 17:56 ]

tak na lewo jak sie zchodzi z mostu jest 1para krokodyli

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