World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
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Autor:  Dwutlenek [ 9 sie 2007, 08:15 ]

Proszę się tu trzymać tematu. W ostatnim zrobił sie kolosalny śmietnik pełen whinów, niespełnionych życzeń i niepotrzebnych dyskusji.
Bylo tam tez kilka interesujących postów, ale naprawdę nie chciało mi się w tym grzebać.
Powtarzam, proszę się tu trzymac tematu. Linkować źródla informacji i ogólnie "trzymać poziom".

Autor:  Sobtainer [ 15 sie 2007, 23:54 ]

Bardzo ładne podsumowanie i wywiad.

Autor:  Varenthin [ 22 sie 2007, 18:44 ]

Zapowiedź WotLK w IG [PL]
Autor: Vercin :wtf:

Nowe screeny

Autor:  Sinthar [ 23 sie 2007, 05:16 ]
Tytuł: ... icseen#new

Jeszcze zwieze info z targo gier odbywajacyh sie w Leipzig Games Convention 2007.

On the first day of the Leipzig Games Convention 2007, the team had the opportunity to talk about World of Warcraft's second expansion with Blizzard's Lead Designer. In this exciting interview, Jeff gives away some details about the upcoming instance "The Caverns of Time: Stratholme", in which you, together with an old acquaintance, fight against the Scourge - and more.

buffed: Now, to the topic: We heard a lot of things about Wrath of the Lich King at BlizzCon. Have there been any news since?
Jeff: There are a few things that we did not talk about at BlizzCon. The most important thing is the new Caverns of Time instance Stratholme. We wanted to return to the Caverns of Time concept because it is one of the coolest things we released for World of Warcraft: and we wanted to persue what the Bronze Dragon is up to. We want to show you some of the coolest moments of Warcraft. And now we chose Stratholme. Players of World of Warcraft already know Stratholme and many hardcore players are great fans of the old Stratholme instance. Warcraft 3 players however know Stratholme from a singleplayer mission, in which Arthas travels to the city and sets all buildings on fire, kills the citizens and fights Mal'Ganis. In Wrath of the Lich King you fight at Prince Arthas' side, by travelling through the Caverns of Time. We are giving you the opportunity of meeting Arthas at a time at which he was not a great villain yet. You are "cleaning" Stratholme and igniting buildings!

buffed: Awesome! For how many players is this instance designed?
Jeff: It will be a five player instance, but for level 80 characters. We think that players will not enter the Caverns of Time while they are levelling, but return to them at level 80.

buffed: Have you already decided which race the Death Knight will base on? If one plays a Gnome, will the Death Knight be a Gnome too?
Jeff: Yes, we have already made a decision. But do not be surprised if we decide to change our minds. You know, game design is a very flexible job. Right now, every race can become a Death Knight, even Gnomes. We have thought about some things since BlizzCon. Characters most likely will not have to be level 80 to unlock the Death Knight, it will probably be earlier. Levelling to level 80 like a maniac to unlock the Death Knight simply is not fun. It makes people rush through the game. That is why we will make it differently. We have many ideas, but we have not decided on one yet. Maybe the Death Knight will be unlocked between level 55 and 60. Then you create your Death Knight and face some challenges. If you have mastered them, you will get your Death Knight.

buffed: But the newly created level 55 to 60 character will not become a Death Knight, or will it?
Jeff: No, the old character stays. You just get an additional one. You know, many players give their characters names related to their class. There are many names specific to Druids...

buffed: You mean names like "ilove2spooch" in the World of Warcraft Southpark episode?
Jeff: (laughs) Yes, exactly. There are many names like that. And many just would not fit and that is why we are giving the players the chance to give their Death Knights a new, suitable name.

buffed: Can you give us some details about the Death Knight's abilities?
Jeff: Sure. The resourcing system is completely different and is based on runes. At Blizzard we are concentrating on making the characters differ from each other as much as possible. The best example are Rogue and Warrior. The Rogue uses combo points and the Warrior rage - quite a difference. When we started developing the Death Knight, we wanted it to feel distinct. That is why we gave him runes, which can be ingraved to his weapon, an axe or sword. There are three different types of runes: blood, unholy and frost. Depending on how you combine them, you get different abilities. The maximum you can have is six, and you can combine them in any way you want. For example: you could use two of each type of rune, or you could use four unholy runes and two blood runes, because you want to tank with your Death Knight. Or you could change your rune configuration for PVP battles. If you use your abilities you consume those runes, however. We have one skill called "Army of Dead", which summons Ghouls. Right now you need unholy and blood runes for that ability, I believe. If you only had frost runes ingraved on your weapon, you could not use that ability. We have developed a pretty cool system that makes the runes on your weapon glow if you change the combination.

buffed: Last question: the Death Knight is only the first of many hero classes. Which hero class would you like to introduce next?
Jeff: My favority? That is hard to say. I think the Demon Hunter would be extremely cool. The Arch Mage would be cool too...
buffed: (whispers) Blade Master!
Jeff: (laughs) There are many options, among them, of course, the fantastic Blase Master. We did a lot of brain storming and also thought about classes that were not present in Warcraft 3. But we wanted to advance slowly and introduce the Death Knight first in Wrath of the Lich King. And then we will see what is next.

Pytanie nowy dodatek tez sie tak szybko znudzi jak Tbc ?

Autor:  Varenthin [ 23 sie 2007, 08:42 ]

a tutaj podsumowanie wywiadu

• The new Caverns of Time instance will be Stratholme (5 players, level 80 instance). You'll join the "old" (and good) Arthas to clean Stratholme and burn everything on your way !

• The prereq level for Death Knight probably won't be 80 to avoid any leveling rush just to unlock it. It could possibly be between 55 and 60. Once you reached the required level you create your Death Knight and face some challenges. If you have mastered them, you will get your Death Knight.

• Runes combination will unlock different abilities for the Death Knight. You can use up to 6 runes and there isn't any restriction (6 unholy, 2 unholy 2 frost 2 blood, 3 frost 3 blood, etc ...). For example you will need blood an unholy runes to use "Army of the dead", and won't be able to use it if you've only got frost runes.

• Future hero classes could be Demon Hunter, Arch Mage, and Blademaster.

Autor:  Sinthar [ 24 sie 2007, 19:11 ]

- Sunwell Plateau will be released before the expansion "Wrath of the Lich King", Tigole said its planned for a patch after Zul'Aman (so it might be 2.4 minimum to get it). Sunwell Plateau is a new instance which can be found in Quel'Thalas (forest region north of the continent of Lordaeron). The instance is divided in 2 parts, one of them is designed for a 25-man raid instance (said to be the most diffcult in WoW, harder than Black temple), the other part is a 5-man instance.

- Tigole talked about a new instance "Nexus" located in Borean Tundra, it should be the first instance you will zone in when entering Northrend by Borean Tundra; this instance will be divided into several wings and the hardest wing is designed for a 25-man raid. Nexus (thats the name of this new wotlk instance) is located at the top of a mountain, and you will encounter Malygyos in it, the blue dragon.

A video of this interview is on they way, which one contains what we talked about in this news and some more new stuff about Wrath of the Lich King. Stay tuned!

Autor:  iniside [ 25 sie 2007, 07:42 ]

Current plans are for a pre-expansion change to the experience curve and gain.

[quote] interviewed Tigole during the Games Convention and managed to get a few updates about some features.

Faster leveling
In a future patch (before the expansion), levels 20 to 60 will have the experience required per-level reduced and quests will yields 30% more experience.

Utgarde Keep
The first dungeon of WotLK will have two wings. The first one being Utgarde Keep, a level 70 instance for 5 players. The second one is Utgarde Pinnacle, this one will be level 80 for 5 players. Both instances will have heroic modes.

Inscription profession
They don't want a profession to just do spell improvements like +100 damage, instead they want it to be something that let you increase the radius of your frost nova, or increase the root timer of the spell, etc ...


* Hunters may get a "woodworking" profession in the future, to let them create arrows.
* They're trying to improve the desirability of hunters in arenas, one of the idea is to give them a mortal strike-like shot that reduces the healing effectiveness on the target.[/qutoe]

Autor:  Varenthin [ 19 wrz 2007, 18:58 ]

    Northrend is the icy northern most continent of Azeroth. Formed during the War of the Ancients, and initially introduced in Warcraft III, players will be returning to it in The World of Warcraft Expansion: The Wrath of the Lich King.


    Northrend will consist of the following zones:
    Howling Fjord: 68-72
    Borean Tundra: 68-72
    The Dragonblight: 71-75
    Zul'Drak: 73-76
    Grizzly Hills: 74-76
    Azjol-Nerub: 74-78
    Sholazar Basin: 75-78
    The Storm Peaks: 77-80
    Icecrown Glacier: 77-80
    Lake Wintergrasp

    Players can start from two different zones: Howling Fjord & Borean Tundra.

    Howling Fjord:
    Your first chance to go up against the ancient Vrykul in their instance Utgarde Keep.

    Borean Tundra:
    The home to the Tuskarr.
    Parts of Borean Tundra are being melted down for water by the Naga.
    Garrosh Hellscream has established a base of operations at Warsong Hold.
    Home of Malygos the Blue Dragon Aspect in the Nexus instance.

    Grizzly Hills:
    The home of Furbolgs and their city of Grizzlemaw.
    Also home to the ancient Dwarven City of Thor Modan.
    The land is largely covered in forests - an example of our desire to make sure that not all zones are just snow and ice.

    The home of Wyrmrest Temple, the ancient meeting place where dragons go to die.

    Lake Wintergrasp:
    A new non-instanced PvP zone with Siege Weapons, destructible buildings and multiple objectives with lasting effects. Players on Normal realms will automatically be flagged for PvP when entering this zone.

    The Storm Peaks:
    Containing Ulduar, the ancient Titan city in the Far North.

    Utgarde Keep is most likely to have several wings which will feature heroic versions as well.
    The Nexus will consist of a level 70 Ice Cavern Instance, a level 80 instance and a 25 man raid instance against Malygos which will most likely be a short raid instance akin to Onyxia or Gruul.
    Ulduar is the Iron Dwarf instance revealing information about the Dwarven creation story - This is accessible to both Horde and Alliance.

    Capital City:

    The Kirin Tor, led by Rhonin, have moved Dalaran to Northrend as a final front in their war against the Blue Dragon Flight. The Blue Dragon Flight, following a strengthened Malygos, are now attempting to purge all magic users from Azeroth.
    It will act as the central neutral city floating above Northrend - a Shattrath of the North.

    Races of Northrend:

    Taunka – An ancient offshoot of the Tauren, who have a considerably different outlook on the world.
    Tuskarr – The Nomadic Fisher Walrus men make a return from Warcraft III.
    Iron Dwarves – There is a great deal to be discovered about the dwarven creation story in Ulduar
    Naga – Pursuing their material interests further in Northrend.
    Vrykul – The ancient giant vikings of the Howling Fjord.
    Furbolgs – The Furbolgs live in the city of Grizzlemaw in Grizzly Hills.
    Nerubians – The Nerubian spiderlords are related to the silithid of Silithus and are followers of the Old Gods in Northrend.

    Famous Faces:

    Players will interact with Arthas right from the beginning in Northrend.
    Arthas is the avatar of the Lich King and is scheming to corrupt the players of the Horde and Alliance against their own people as he himself was corrupted against his own father by the Lich King.
    Every player, whether a raider or solo player, will have a hand in whether Arthas is defeated or whether he ultimately dominates the entire world.

    Garrosh Hellscream has moved to Northrend to lead the fight following in the steps of his father.
    Lady Sylvanas is leading the Forsaken with their experimental plague against the scourge and Arthas
    Highlord Bolvar Fordragon will be at the forefront of the campaign for the Alliance in a tumultuous storyline.
    Brann Bronzebeard is the consummate explorer and finally makes an appearance in World of Warcraft helping the dwarves explore their origins in Northrend.
    Tirion Fordring and The Order of the Silver Hand make a return, bringing with them the legend of the Ashbringer
    Rhonin is now leading the Kirin Tor in their war against the Blue Dragon Flight.
    Anub'Arak will also be a primary character for player interaction.


    There will be a new mid-sized (e.g. 15 vs 15) battleground in which the goal is to blow up the enemy base using Siege Weapons. (Not yet determined if this is actually located in Northrend.)

    There will be a new Arena Map and Season.

    A new non-instanced PvP zone, Lake Wintergrasp, will contain Siege Weapons, destructible buildings and multiple objectives with lasting effects. Players on Normal realms will automatically be flagged for PvP when entering this zone. The objectives will be spread out all over the map, so it will not just be capture the flag.
    We are looking to include as many of the siege weapons from Warcraft III as possible.
    Siege Weapons will be tied to specific objective or events rather than being items owned by the player.

Źródło: ... 0237&sid=1

Autor:  iniside [ 23 wrz 2007, 09:43 ]

Yes, some of the earlier armor models in The Burning Crusade were modified versions of tier 1 and 2 armor, but tiers 4, 5, and 6 are all brand new armor models and stand out as a strong accomplishment for the players who have them.

We have previously stated that we may re-use the tier 3 art models for the new version of Naxxramas. This was mainly because the armor models really fit the dungeon they were coming from and look really awesome.

Will we modify other tiers of armor and use them in Wrath of the Lich King? It's possible, but I am also confident that new armor sets will be made ... and I will be drooling over them as usual. :)

Autor:  ShadorVD [ 1 paź 2007, 11:33 ]

Our current plan is to retune the whole of Naxxramas to fit our current 25 person model and to make it the first 25 person dungeon in Wrath of the Lich King, kind of like Gruul’s Lair is for The Burning Crusade. The encounters will be designed to fit this roll and we believe this will allow a much wider range of people to experience it.

Along with this, the armor models that were used in the original Naxxramas might be reused as a new tier of armor. They were designed to feel like what you would find in this type of dungeon and they really did a great job of it.

We'll provide more information on this when we can, but keep in mind that all plans are subject to change.


Wiadomosc z GryVip podana przez SniperX


Autor:  onionpl [ 9 maja 2008, 08:09 ]
Tytuł: ... esentation

Autor:  exodus [ 10 maja 2008, 00:27 ]

new videos

Autor:  Sobtainer [ 11 maja 2008, 19:49 ]

Kurcze, wyglada to niezle, chlopaki nawet modele nowe porobili. No no, chyba trzeba bedzie instalnac na dodatku wowa dla samej zasady i swiata.

Autor:  Viracept [ 16 maja 2008, 10:05 ]

Premiera 2kwartał 2008r według dzisiejszego komunikatu Vivendi.


Autor:  ClouD [ 16 maja 2008, 11:44 ]

I nie drugi kwartał, a druga połowa roku...

Autor:  mortal [ 16 maja 2008, 12:29 ]

Pewnie 24.12 bo to magiczna data.

Autor:  Varenthin [ 18 maja 2008, 00:36 ]


Autor:  cypis [ 21 maja 2008, 10:24 ]

Prosze o postowanie tylko oficjalnego lub potwierdzonego przez Blizzarda info o wotlk w tym temacie.

Autor:  Daedrael [ 28 cze 2008, 13:20 ]


* Entangling roots will be useable indoor.
* Nourish will be a new healing spell, healing for more hit points for each HoT effect on the target.


* All kind of pets will have their own talent tree. A tanking talent tree, a DPS talent tree, and an utility talent tree. Each kind of pet family will have its own talent tree and its own unique ability.
* The shot clipping will be removed from Steady Shot, you'll be able to use it without "interrupting" your autoshot. Hunters will be able to just smash their button.
* There are going to be new pets in WotLK.


* Divine Hymn will be a deep-holy talent protecting your party from attackers, any attacks done to you or your party will cause the attacker to be afflicted by sleep.
* The 51 point talent for Shadow Priests is Dispersion : You disperse into pure shadow energy, reducing all damage taken by -90%. You are unable to attack or cast spells, but you regenerate 6% health and mana every 1 sec for 6 seconds.
* Guardian Spirit - Calls upon a guardian spirit to heal and watch over the friendly target. The spirit heals the target for 642 every 2 sec, and also prevents the target from dying by sacrificing itself. Lasts 10 seconds.


* Mages are getting a Frostfire bolt dealing Frost-Fire damage to make elementalists more viable.


* Totems are being "condensed" into a smaller amount of totems, for exemple Strength of Earth and Grace of Air totems will be merged into the same totem
* A new weapon enchantment will be available "Earthliving Weapon". It will increase the healing power of the Shaman.
* Flametongue will give spell damage bonus to the Shaman.
* Totems are being moved to physical school, you can't counterspell anymore.
* Totems will also affect raid members, not just the local party.
* Shamans are getting "Hex", a polymorph-like spell on a medium cooldown allowing them to turn an enemy into a frog. The enemy cannot cast or attack but is still in control of his character.


* Rogues will get a talent called "Fan of Knives", an AoE ability allowing them to attack all enemies within a short range. It will be some kind of "emergency" ability and you won't be able to spam it.
* Sap will now work on more targets, humanoids, beasts, dragonkins, demons. "Anything with a skull and a brain inside of it".


* Retribution paladins itemization will be moved to the same item as Warriors/Death Knights
* A new reactive healing spell will be added - Hand of Purity.


* Titan's Grip will allow warriors to wear 2 hand weapons with a single hand.
* Protection Warriors are getting a spell called "Shockwave" allowing them to damage and stun all the monsters in front of them.

Shamani maja CC!

Autor:  Goatus [ 3 lip 2008, 17:54 ]

Zapisy na bete dla wersji EU już działają. Linka nie podaje, ale wystarczy zalogować się do acc management, link będzie na samym dole stronki :)

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