Reason #1. I have to wait in a 4 minute Que
Responce - Try a different time zone set or give it some time to chill out...
Reason #2. Sometimes when I come to the website to make a complaint post (that everyone cares about) it won't let me log in to post.
Responce - Thats because there are 4058430958430985034985098354 other people just like you that are just here to flame and whine. (much like I am doing now)
Reason #3. Quests are too long, I want to be able to just get the quest and then have to talk to someone else for experience.
Responce - C'mon now, you have to work for something, if you want to be spoon fed go play Pokemon...
Reason #4. Monsters are too tough, I'm level 10 and a level 12 Harpy Sorceress kills me all the time when I'm trying to solo without attack on.
Responce - Well you may do something we like to call "Damage" if you turn on your attack. Besides, wwhat are you doing trying to solo things two levels above you anyway n00b?
Reason #5. Monsters group together, one time I pulled just one monster but 5 from the camp came, nice bug fixing Blizzard.
Responce - This is not a bug, this is what we call "agro" or "adds", look at it this way, say your family is sitting around a table and someone walks in and punches ya mutha in the face... you think everyone is gonna sit there and watch as she gets smacked up?
Reason #6. Mounts cost 80 gold. I think you meant 80 copper, again, nice bug fixing. Sheesh what did you run the Beta for?
Responce - If you get some levels, you will realize that not everything drops 2cp and/or drops items that sell for the same.
Reason #7. Warriors don't have spells like Shadow Bolt and no pets either.
Responce - THEY ARE FRICKEN WARRIORS!!! YA KNOW!??! SWORD, SHIELD, ARMOR, KILL! KILL! KILL! You want a pet? Go to Goldshire and buy one of those kittens for 40sp and have that biotch follow you around, at least then you will be in company of the same type ya P*SSY!
Reason #8. Warlocks don't have pets.
Responce - What the heck is that imp or those elemental lookin things that follow them around then huh? I suppose you think those are mobs or graphical "errors"?
Reason #9. Takes too long to get to places, it took me 5 minutes to get from Ironforge to Kharanos, that is OUTRAGEOUS. There should be a teleport system.
Responce - IronForge to Kharanos? Dude, look at your friggin map and it'll take you 2 minutes... its the "M" key while in game... *twitch*
Reason #10. Tradeskills take too long to level up.
Responce - Try playing FFXI or UO or EQ... if trade skills take to long to level up then maybe you should buy or harvest materials and try USING them for a change... they don't build on their own!
Reason #11. GM's never answer pages. Its not like TONS of other people are paging them also at the same time as me.
Responce - Actually... yes there is. Patience my son, the only way to live... but by the sounds of it, I don't think you have anything legit to say to a GM anyway.
Reason #12. No Instant-Level System. Like, when something is too hard for you, you should be able to type /level and it would level you once. And you can do it once per minute like a cooldown.
Responce - Ummm... get some exp and level yourself.
Reason #13. Naming policy to strict, I can't have a name like XxXDeM0NSl4y3RxXXzZ1 like I did in Diablo II wtf.
Responce - The naming filter does not except l33t
Reason #14. I died when I fell off Thunder Bluff thats stupid. Bug fixing yet again.
Responce - Its not the fall that hurts, it is the sudden stop at the bottom. Got to love gravity.
Reason #15. No Necromancers.
Responce - Go play EQ...
Reason #16. No Druids.
Responce - Have you looked at your character select screen or are people ALREADY selling accounts on Ebay