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Autor Wiadomość

Posty: 1046
Dołączył(a): 28.04.2004
PostNapisane: 10 maja 2005, 13:35 
Mi się podoba szczególnie to: Amulet of Fortune
Provides the blessing of preventing items from dropping upon death during a boss or raid fight.

Więcej tutaj:

2-1. Introduction to the Seven Signs
As one or more of the 7 seals imprisoning the Goddess of Death Shilen are opened, the world becomes more chaotic. Each of the seals contains a strength so strong it could shake the world. One who opens a seal may control the strength contained within. To claim possession of the seals, the Revolutionary Army of Dusk and the Lords of Dawn must clash in confrontations. To govern the seals' strengths, players must join one of the two sides and compete with other players.

This system is not one where a small uncertain number of players participate for one time-only. Rather, it is one that repeats every 2 weeks ad infinitum. The results of the Seven Signs will shape and transform the server. Players participating in the Seven Signs will confront each other to strive for the power they collect and the possible profits. The opposition between the group of players holding castles and the group of players who do not have the benefit of castles is the key aspect of the system.

2-2. Joining or Leaving a Seven Signs Society
Those who wish to participate in the Seven Signs must designate either the Revolutionary Army of Dusk (from here on referred to as 'dusk') or the Lords of Dawn (from here on referred to as 'dawn') to join during the recruiting period. Upon becoming a member of one of the two groups [translator's notes: to dispel some confusion, I will refer to the two sides as either 'societies' or 'sides' from here on], until the next Seven Signs restarts two weeks later, one may not voluntarily leave the society. When joining a society, one may preselect the seal you wish to possess and then join.

1) Characters who have completed the 2nd class transfer:
▶Lords of Dawn :
Only members of clans and alliances holding castles are allowed to join the Lords of Dawn. During the recruiting period, one may join by speaking with the Worshipper of Dawn. (Added in 2005-03-21 update) Characters (who have completed the second class transfer) who do not belong to castle clans and alliances may pay the Worshipper of Dawn 50,000 adena to join.
Also, each castle's lord may speak with their Grand Chamberlain to purchase a Monarch's Seal of Approval item. The lord may give it to 300 (changed from 50 in 2005-03-11 update) players who do not belong to a castle-holding pledge and alliance member to join them to the Lords of Dawn side.
The Monarch's Seal of Approval can (changed in 2005-03-21 update) be used during any period of the Seven Signs.

▶Revolutionary Army of Dusk :
Only characters not a part of a castle-holding clan or alliance may join the dusk side. During the competition period, one may join by speaking with the Worshipper of Dusk in each town.

2) Characters who have not yet completed the 2nd class transfer
May freely join either the Lords of Dawn or the Revolutionary Army of Dusk.

3) Characters who have not completed the 1st class transfer
Cannot participate in the Seven Signs.

* Exceptions

Once the competition period has started, players who join a castle-holding pledge or alliance may not join the Lords of Dawn. Similarly, once the competition period has started, those players who leave a castle-holding pledge or alliance may not join the dusk side.

2-3. Competition Timeline
Characters who are members of one of the two societies may participate in the competition that starts on the first Monday at 6PM and ends the next week's Sunday at 6PM for possession of a seal. Two methods exist by which to participate in the competition. One is where members of each society hunt the Seven Signs monsters, Lilim, Rishi, Nephilim, and Gigant found in the catacombs and necropoli to collect Seal Stones. The other is to participate in the Festival of Darkness.

1) Collect Seal Stones
During the competition period, if one hunts monsters in the catacombs and necropoli, one may collect seal stones. If you deliver these seal stones to the town's worshippers, the donated seal stones are contributed towards the player's society's total score.
After the competition period ends, the winning side may exchange the contributed seal stones into ancient adena. The losing side may not exchange them until the next time they do win in the Seven Signs.
Seal Stones may be traded with players. Outside of the competition period, the winning side may speak with the worshipper to exchange them into ancient adena, however, in this case they do not count towards the society's victory.

2) Festival of Darkness

This is a challenge to find the top single party for the purpose of determining a society's victory. The highest score in each grade of the parties in the Festival of Darkness will score many points for their associated society.
The Festival of Darkness divides participants into groups by level. If a player is affiliated with either the dawn side or the dusk side, then the player may participate.

▶How to Participate
Participation in the Festival of Darkness occurs in the oracle locations. One may speak with the towns' worshippers to be moved to one's society's oracle for free.
Those parties who wish to participate must designate a party leader who must visit the Festival's Guide in the place of the oracle and pay a small fee in Seal Stones.
Participation is only possible during the competition period. During the competition period, one may challenge whenever with no limit on the number of attempts. (Added in 2005-03-16 update) Inside the shrine, a line has been drawn on the ground to help people stand in order while waiting their turn to participate in the festival. It is voluntary but please make use of it.

* Participation Conditions

Party members must all be formed from the same society.
All party members who wish to participate must agree on the same grade for the festival.
Even if the grade for the festival is agreed upon, if the skills in possession are higher than that level, then participation is not possible.
(Added in 2005-03-09 update) Among the party members, if even one person has 15 or more quests already, then participation is not possible. This is because one obtains a quest to participate in the festival. Please check how many quests are in progress when trying to participate.

▶Competition Location
Items will not drop upon death while in the location of the Festival of Darkness. Experience lost will be 1/4 the amount lost when out on the regular fields. However, chaotic characters will still have a chance of dropping items. When restarting in the festival's location, the character will be moved to the closest town. Mage users will find MP regenerates faster inside the festival's center than in other locations.
Each of the town's worshippers will teleport a player to the festival's location for free. Also, when leaving the festival's location, one can return back to the same place for free.

▶Competition Types
The Festival of Darkness is divided into 5 grades: level 32 and lower, level 43 and lower, level 54 and lower, level 65 and lower, and no level restriction.

The required amount of seal stones to participate for each level is as follows. Blue Seal Stones Green Seal Stones Red Seal Stones
Level 32 or less 900 540 270
Level 43 or less 1500 900 450
Level 54 or less 3000 1800 900
Level 65 or less 4500 2700 1350
No level restriction 6000 3600 1800

Once the party leader's registration is complete, one may teleport to the festival location up to 2 minutes before the festival.
Every part member participating in the festival will be given a Festival of Darkness quest. One must be able to withstand 18 minutes of hunting monsters to obtain as many of the quest item 'Blood of Sacrifice' as possible. If one is obtained by the party from hunting, then all Bloods of Sacrifice will appear in the party leader's inventory automatically. The number of these items is related to the Festival of Darkness' results.

In the middle of the festival, if a party wishes to abandon the challenge, speak with the Shaman of the Festival and withdraw. Or, if the difficulty of the festival is too easy, speak with the Shaman of the Festival to increase the difficulty of the monsters that appear. The higher the difficulty of the monster killed, the more Blood of Sacrifice there is to be obtained.
During the festival's progress, a Festival's Treasure will appear and when killed, it gives a large number of Blood of Sacrifice and appropriate items. (Added in 2005-04-07 update) During the festival, when one abandons the challenge, one must wait about 7 seconds before being able to teleport outside of the festival grounds.

* Restrictions During the Festival

If the NPC server goes down, progress is reset to the beginning.
During the progress if the server goes down, the festival is cancelled and characters are moved to the area of the oracle one registered at.
If, during the progress, a party member's connection closes, upon reconnection, the party member is moved to the vicinity of the oracle he/she is registered at.
If, during the progress, the party leader's connection closes, then no more Blood of Sacrifice may be obtained.
If pets are used during the festival to hunt monsters with, the probability of obtaining Blood of Sacrifice is reduced 50%.
When area spells are used outside of the festival to buff etc players inside the festival grounds, the change of obtaining the 'Blood of Sacrifice' item is reduced 50%.
For the Iana server [Lineage Center notes: limited time server], play-time is spent even in the festival location.
(Added in 2005-03-30 update) To be fair, even when one levels-up in the festival, the HP/MP [increase] will not be restored. [Lineage Center's notes: the existing HP/MP since you are still battling in the festival.]
(Added in 2005-04-08 update) People outside of the festival of darkness grounds may not use skills or magic on players inside of it.
(Added in 2005-04-08 update) Players inside the festival grounds may not invite those outside of it.
(Added in 2005-04-08 update) Those outside of the festival grounds cannot attack monsters inside of it.
(Added in 2005-04-15 update) Characters who are not in the party of players in the festival may neither attack nor be attacked by the monsters, however, targetting is still possible.
(Added in 2005-04-15 update) Characters who were in the party of players in the festival who are being attacked by monsters will continued to be attacked by monsters even if the character disbands/leaves/is banned from the party.
(Added in 2005-04-15 update) Characters who are not in the party of players in the festival may individually speak with the Shaman of the Festival NPC to withdraw and return to the outside of the festival grounds.

▶Recording Results
Once the festival ends, the party's leader must register the results with the festival's guide. If the results are not recorded within 40 minutes, they will have no effect, so please beware of this. If the party leader records the results, he/she may check if those points registered by listening to the Festival's Guide's shouts.
If the registered results are the currently highest scores, then the participating party member names and their points are recorded with the Festival of Darkness' Guide and the Seven Sign's Chronicle item so all players on the server may see.
All players on the server may use the Festival's Guide and the Seven Signs' chronicle item to view the top participating parties, and their points.

▶Prize Money
At the conclusion of the competition period, for the members of the top-scoring party in each grade, if the party's associated society wins the competition, the members can visit the festival's guide to receive the reward of ancient adena. The reward amount is the total accumulated amount of participation fees for the festival. After it is converted into ancient adena, it is distributed among the parties.
Even if one's party scored the top mark in its grade, if the party's affiliated society loses the competition, one cannot receive the prize money.
Since the prize money is supplied only until the start of the next competition, until after the competition period starts again, please note that the prize cannot be received.

2-4. Competition End and Victory

1) Competition Winner Decision
The points from collecting seal stones and giving them to the worshipper and the points from winning a class in the Festival of Darkness contribute to the society's total points in a 1 : 1 ratio (changed from 6:4 ratio in 2005-03-21 update. 1:1 = 50% rate). The society with the higher number of points is declared the winner.

The Festival of Darkness points by class/category is as follows. Class Points
Level 32 or lower class 60 points (changed from 70 in 2005-03-21 update)
Level 43 or lower class 70 points
Level 54 or lower class 100 points (changed from 80 in 2005-03-21 update)
Level 65 or lower class 120 points (changed from 80 in 2005-03-21 update)
No level restriction class 150 points (changed from 100 in 2005-03-21 update)

Once a victor has been decided upon, among each society's total points, the Festival of Darkness results and points from both side disappear.
However, the points from the seal stones given to the worshipper can be continuously stored and used in the next competition period. However, when contributed seal stones are used in exchange for ancient adena, those exchanged stones are deducted in points.

2) Payment of Ancient Adena
During the seal effectiveness period, the winning side may use the worshipper to convert either the contributed seal stones or the seal stones in one's inventory into ancient adena.

Until the losing side wins the competition, the stones that were given to the worshipper may not be converted into ancient adena. If the losing side wins the next time, then all of the seal stones will be converted into ancient adena all at once.

Whether or not one was on the winning side, if one does not convert the contributed seal stones into ancient adena during the seal effectiveness period, then only after one's soceity wins the competition may one be able to exchange the stored seal stones into ancient adena.

3) Purchasing Items
The winning side may speak with the worshipper to pay ancient adena to buy various items that cannot be bought from normal stores.

* Worshipper's List of Purchasable Items

Greater Haste Casting Potion
Increases magic casting speed. Effect acumen 3
Mystery Potion
There is a saying "If you use this, your head will grow big." Believe it or do not believe it..
Face Potion
A potion that can change the shape of your face permanently.
Dye Potion
Potion that permanently changes the color of your hair.
Hair-change Potion
Potion that permanently changes the style of your hair.
Potion of Combat
Recovers 50 CP.
Greater Potion of Combat
Recovers 200 CP.
Amulet of Fortune
Provides the blessing of preventing items from dropping upon death during a boss or raid fight.
Lesser Scroll of SP
Gives user 500 SP.
Medium Scroll of SP
Gives user 5000 SP.
Greater Scroll of SP
Gives user 100000 SP.
Party Mask
A fashion item.
Bbok-bbok Shoes
When worn, will emit a peculiar sound while walking.
Scroll of Resurrection for Pets
Magic scroll to revive a dead pet. (100% experience recovered)
(Added in 2005-03-16 update) Greater Haste Potion
[May be purchased by the winning side's members during the seal effectiveness period.]
(Added in 2005-03-16 update) Greater Swift Attack Potion
[May be purchased by the winning side's members during the seal effectiveness period.]

4) Change of Ownership of a Seal
The ownership of a seal may change depending on the win/loss results and the % who chose the seal.

For specific seals, if the winning side desires possession of the seal when it had been previously owned by the other side, 35% or more of the members of the winning side must have chosen the seal. If less than 35% selected it, then the side cannot take possession of the seal.
For specific seals, even if the seal had been owned in the previous Seven Signs session, more than 10% of the members of the winning side must have selected the seal. If less than 10% chose it, then the side cannot take possession of the seal.

5) Mamon's Dealer
By speaking with the Mamon's Dealer, you may convert ancient adena into adena.

6) Changes to the Environment
If the dawn side wins, the eye does not appear and the moon is blue and the sky is dyed purple. If the dusk side wins, the moon acquires an eye and the sky is dyed green.

7) Society with Possession of Seals
The possessors of the Seals of Avarice (Necropolis) and Revelations (Catacombs) have exclusive use of the related dungeon during the seal effectiveness period. Should there be any members of the society that lost or independent players within the catacombs and necropoli, the monsters in the dungeon will teleport those players to the dungeon's entrance.

2-5. Actions of Seals

When a society has possession of a seal, the following changes occur.

1) Seal of Avarice

The winning society has exclusive access to the Necropoli.
One can encounter Anakim and Lilith by speaking with the spirit gatekeeper in the Disciples Necropolis. Anakim and Lilith have the blessed soul collection stone and [lead?] pipe needed to bless a A-grade weapon with special abilities.
Inside the necropoli, Mamon's Trader will appear. Using ancient adena as payment, one may buy a variety of items that cannot be found in normal stores. Mamon's Trader is not fixed at any specific location but moves between each dungeon at any time. (his arrival at a dungeon is shouted out)

* Mamon's Trader's List of Purchasable Items
Scroll of Enchant Armor (A~D grade)
Scroll of Enchant Weapon (A~D grade)
Gemstone (A grade)
Crystal (A grade)
Blessed Scroll of Escape
All dyes that are not sold in regular stores

2) Seal of Revelations
The winning society has exclusive access to the Catacombs.
Victors may pay the worshipper in town with ancient adena to be teleported to specific hunting areas.
The preacher of doom [Lineage Center's notes: I originally translated it as crier of ruin, but they named it Preacher of Doom in the U.S. version] appears in each town (except for beginner's towns) and will randomly cast harmful magic on members of the side that lost.
The orator of revelations [Lineage Center's notes: I originally translated it as Illuminator, but they called it Orator on the U.S. version] appears in each town (except for beginner's towns) and will randomly cast beneficial magic on members of the winning side.
(Added in 2005-04-15 update) The preacher of doom and the orator of revelations will use either disfavorable or favorable magic on its target's class. Also, it will use strong status-affecting magic with a lower probability.
Inside the catacombs, Mamon's Blacksmith will appear. Mamon's Blacksmith also continuously moves between each dungeon. (his arrival at a dungeon is shouted out)

* Services Provided by the Mamon's Blacksmith
Bestow special options onto A-grade weapons (ancient adena and 11,12 level soul stones required)
Unseal A-grade armor (ancient adena required)
Exchange C-grade and D-grade weapons for a higher-grade weapon (ancient adena required)
Exchange C-grade and D-grade weapons for another type of weapon of the same grade for free.
Craft the A-grade dual-sword Keshanberk*Keshanberk, Keshanberk*Damascus, Damascus*Damascus (ancient adena and necessary swords to form the dual-sword required)
(Added in 2005-03-30 update) The items 'Paagrio Axe', 'Scorpion', and 'Widow Maker' have been added to the Mamon's Blacksmith's upgrade and item trade list.
(Added in 2005-04-15 update) Can reset the special abilities on weapons, including A-grade weapons. However, enchant level will not be reset.

3) Seal of War
▶ When in the possession of the dawn side
During sieges, outside of the existing mercenaries, allows for the hiring of elite mercenaries and mercenaries of dawn.
Greatly reduces the cost of upgrading castle doors and castle walls.
Greatly increases the defense of castle doors and castle walls.
Increases the maximum limit on the tax rate a castle lord may set by 10% for each castle.

▶ When in the possession of the dusk side
During sieges, disallows the hiring of existing mercenaries but makes the hiring of low-level mercenaries possible.
Greatly increases the cost of upgrading castle doors and castle walls.
Greatly reduces the defense of castle doors and castle walls.
Reduces the maximum limit on the tax rate a castle lord may set by 10% for each castle.
The castle lord's wyvern may not be ridden.
During a siege, except for the castle pledge and alliance, the registered defenders list of pledges is cancelled. [?]

2-6. Catacombs and Necropolis, Oracles
16 new dungeons have been added related to the Seven Signs. The oracle locations are spots where the Festival of Darkness can take place. If one hunts monsters in the catacombs and necropoli, one may obtain seal stones. Monsters representing the Lilim and Nephilim drop seal stones, but do not drop adena. The society that may make use of and can enter/exit the dungeons depends on whether it has possession of the seal.

1) Necropolis

Necropolis of Sacrifice
Level 20~30 monsters spawn here and it is located in the Gludio Region in the southern areas.
Pilgrims Necropolis
Level 30~40 monsters spawn here and it is located in the Dion Region in the area of the Partisan Hideaway.
Worshipers Necropolis
Level 40~50 monsters spawn here and it is located in the Innadril Region in the area of Alligator Island.
Patriots Necropolis
Level 50~60 monsters spawn here and it is located in the Gludio Region in the area above Gludio Castle.
Ascetics Necropolis
Level 60~70 monsters spawn here and it is located in the Dark Elven Region in the area of the Altar of Rites.
Martyr's Necropolis
Level 60~70 monsters spawn here and it is located in the Giran Region in the area of Giran Castle.
Saints Necropolis
Level 70~80 monsters spawn here and it is located in the Innadril Region in the area of the Field of Whispers.
Disciples Necropolis
Level 70~80 monsters spawn here and it is located in the Aden Region in the area of the Devastated Castle. In this place, dependent on whether or not one possesses the seal, one may be transported to the place where Lilith and also Anakim appear.

2) Catacombs
Heretics Catacomb
Level 30~40 monsters spawn here and it is located in the Dion Region in the area of the Execution Ground.
Catacomb of the Branded
Level 40~50 monsters spawn here and it is located in the Giran Region in the area of Giran Harbor.
Catacomb of the Apostate
Level 50~60 monsters spawn here and it is located in the Oren Region in the area of the Lizard Plains.
Catacomb of the Witch
Level 60~70 monsters spawn here and it is located in the Aden Region in the area of the Forest of Mirrors.
Catacomb of Dark Omens
Level 70+ monsters spawn here and it is located in the Oren Region in the area of the Dark Elven Village.
Catacomb of the Forbidden Path
Level 70+ monsters spawn here and it is located in the Aden Region in the area of Hunters Village.

3) Oracles
Oracle of Dawn
It is located in the Gludio Region in the area of the Orc Barracks.
Oracle of Dusk
It is located in the Gludio Region in the area of the Hill of Winds.
The inside of the places of the oracles is a peace zone. Also, personal stores cannot be opened in this location.

4) Entering Dungeons
During the first week of time, any character who has joined a society may enter. Characters who have not joined a society may not enter.
After the competition period concludes, during the period (the week after competition), which the seal's effect manifests, only the side who possesses that seal for that dungeon may enter. If the winners do not possess the dungeon's seal, then both winners and losers may all enter.

5) Monsters Inside Dungeons
During the competition period and the seal effectiveness period, the societies may hunt Rishi, Lilim, Gigant, and Nephilim inside the dungeons to collect seal stones.
However, if the victors do not possess the dungeon's seal, then both sides may all enter.

2-7. Other Information

1) Seal Stones
Seal Stones are tradeable items. They can be obtained by hunting Rishi, Lilim, Gigant, and Nephilim inside the catacombs and necropoli.

Blue Seal Stone
When given to the worshipper, raises one's society's score by 1 point. Can be converted into 3 ancient adena.
Green Seal Stone
When given to the worshipper, raises one's society's score by 1 point. Can be converted into 5 ancient adena.
Red Seal Stone
When given to the worshipper, raises one's society's score by 10 points. Can be converted into 10 ancient adena.

2) Ancient Adena
Ancient adena, which may be obtained through seal stones, can be given to Worshippers of Dawn and Dusk, Mamon's Blacksmith, and Mamon's Trader to buy items with or may be used when using various skills. Ancient Adena does not drop upon death.

3) Chronicle of the Seven Seals
With this item, in one glance, one may see the entire state of the Seven Signs and progress results, the Festival of Darkness, seal status, etc. And so if one is a member of a participating society, this is a necessary item. Anyone may use the worshippers of dawn or dusk to join.

4) Monarch's Seal of Approval
With this item, characters who have completed the 2nd class transfer but are not a part of a castle-holding clan or alliance may join the dawn side.

5) Seal Stone and Ancient Adena exchange limit
(Added in 2005-04-07 update) The limit to the amount of seal stones and ancient adena that can be exchanged has been made the same as the limit for adena.

Arletta Dreadnought 79 @ Naia (currently suspended)


Posty: 909
Dołączył(a): 8.04.2004
PostNapisane: 10 maja 2005, 15:46 
Przeczytałem i w całości popiearam to, co Arkadek napisał. ;)


Posty: 2204
Dołączył(a): 10.07.2004
PostNapisane: 10 maja 2005, 17:00 
Ethan napisał(a):
Przeczytałem i w całości popiearam to, co Arkadek napisał. ;)

Dokładnie - dzięki nim może w końcu ktoś się pokusi o zabicie antharasa. Bo narazie ludzie najbardziej się boją własnych dropów ^^

Sylvian's Chronicles
Beta Counters »


Posty: 1046
Dołączył(a): 28.04.2004
PostNapisane: 10 maja 2005, 21:48 
Mam wrażenie jakby niektóre osoby próbowały BEZCZELNIE kopiować moją strategię nabijania postów. Proszę tego nie robić, to jest naganne i powinno mieć miejsce tylko w wyjątkowych okolicznościach (np. fninishowaniu licznika do 500 ew 1000) : :P

A tak na poważnie to ciągnie mi się ten update jak krew z nosa... chyba wszyscy gracze czekali na tę godzinę 22 czasu polskiego aby uruchomić update process...


BTW. Jaką stronę wybieracie Dawn or Dusk? No?

Arletta Dreadnought 79 @ Naia (currently suspended)

Ostatnio edytowano 10 maja 2005, 21:53 przez arkadek, łącznie edytowano 2 razy

Posty: 687
Dołączył(a): 28.05.2004
PostNapisane: 10 maja 2005, 21:50 
arkadek napisał(a):
A tak na poważnie to ciągnie mi się ten update jak krew z nosa... chyba wszyscy gracze czekali na tę godzinę 22 czasu polskiego aby uruchomić update process...

hehe niektorzy juz update ciagna od ok 20.30 :P

"Gi wo mite sezaru wa yu nakinaru"
"To see what is right and not do it proves the desire of courage"


Posty: 687
Dołączył(a): 28.05.2004
PostNapisane: 10 maja 2005, 22:30 

maja zajawka :) w koncu juz nie daleko.

Ps. Human Fimale Nightmare A-set wyglada super :P

"Gi wo mite sezaru wa yu nakinaru"
"To see what is right and not do it proves the desire of courage"


Posty: 700
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2004
PostNapisane: 11 maja 2005, 00:13 
wow Strzała good shot. Szkoda ze tak mało.

to ja też zapodam "zajawke". Wiekszość pewnie zna tą stronkę, jeśli nie to zapraszam:
...wybor strony....zdaje sie ze sugerowane jest aby wszyscy ktorzy nie maja zamku byli po jasnej stronie. Podobno ma to zapewniec rownowage sil i najwiekszy "fun".
Mysle ze leader klanu w porozumieniu z sojusznikami zadecyduje za mnie - ja tylko wykonam polecenie i przejde na strone po ktorej stanie moj klan.

..jakby ktos przeoczył lub nie looknal do linka above to tu jest opis questow na zmiane profesji wszystkich dostepnych postaci. Step by step.

79Ghost Hunter/78Saggitarius


Posty: 126
Dołączył(a): 8.12.2004
PostNapisane: 11 maja 2005, 07:23 
Itachii napisał(a):
...wybor strony....zdaje sie ze sugerowane jest aby wszyscy ktorzy nie maja zamku byli po jasnej stronie. Podobno ma to zapewniec rownowage sil i najwiekszy "fun".
Mysle ze leader klanu w porozumieniu z sojusznikami zadecyduje za mnie - ja tylko wykonam polecenie i przejde na strone po ktorej stanie moj klan.

raczej nie
po pierwsze primo bez zamku to "ciemna strona"
po drugie primo do jasnej strony mozesz dojść płacąc 50k albo dostając token od szefa zamku - też go musi nabyć i tylko nie wiem po ile
i po trzecie primo ultimo jak nie masz klanu to możesz się zaciągnąć gdzie chcesz

inna sprawa - skąd bedziesz wiedział po której stronie są spotykani gracze - nigdzie nie znalazłem o tym info.

BTW to co wżucił arkadek mam u siebie w pliku.txt od miesiąca :P - nie bardzo mogę net w pracy lookać wieć się kombinuje :P - jakbym wiedział że to chcecie sam bym dał ... i ukradł arkadkowi posta (a teraz pewno mi odpisze znowu licznik nabije :P)



Posty: 2204
Dołączył(a): 10.07.2004
PostNapisane: 11 maja 2005, 09:35 
Kurga napisał(a):
Itachii napisał(a):
...wybor strony....zdaje sie ze sugerowane jest aby wszyscy ktorzy nie maja zamku byli po jasnej stronie. Podobno ma to zapewniec rownowage sil i najwiekszy "fun".
Mysle ze leader klanu w porozumieniu z sojusznikami zadecyduje za mnie - ja tylko wykonam polecenie i przejde na strone po ktorej stanie moj klan.

raczej nie
po pierwsze primo bez zamku to "ciemna strona"
po drugie primo do jasnej strony mozesz dojść płacąc 50k albo dostając token od szefa zamku - też go musi nabyć i tylko nie wiem po ile
i po trzecie primo ultimo jak nie masz klanu to możesz się zaciągnąć gdzie chcesz

inna sprawa - skąd bedziesz wiedział po której stronie są spotykani gracze - nigdzie nie znalazłem o tym info.

BTW to co wżucił arkadek mam u siebie w pliku.txt od miesiąca :P - nie bardzo mogę net w pracy lookać wieć się kombinuje :P - jakbym wiedział że to chcecie sam bym dał ... i ukradł arkadkowi posta (a teraz pewno mi odpisze znowu licznik nabije :P)

Mała korekta - jeśli nie masz klanu to tylko ciemna strona :wink: ; jesli masz zamek to tylko jasna.

Sylvian's Chronicles
Beta Counters »


Posty: 126
Dołączył(a): 8.12.2004
PostNapisane: 11 maja 2005, 11:23 
Sylvian napisał(a):
Mała korekta - jeśli nie masz klanu to tylko ciemna strona

nie do końca
2) Characters who have not yet completed the 2nd class transfer
May freely join either the Lords of Dawn or the Revolutionary Army of Dusk.

a powyżej 40 bez klanu - nie wiem może też będzie opcja zapłacenia za jasną strone - zobczymy w praktyce



Posty: 2204
Dołączył(a): 10.07.2004
PostNapisane: 11 maja 2005, 11:34 
Kurga napisał(a):
Sylvian napisał(a):
Mała korekta - jeśli nie masz klanu to tylko ciemna strona

nie do końca
2) Characters who have not yet completed the 2nd class transfer
May freely join either the Lords of Dawn or the Revolutionary Army of Dusk.

a powyżej 40 bez klanu - nie wiem może też będzie opcja zapłacenia za jasną strone - zobczymy w praktyce

omg to sorrki za błędne info :oops:

Sylvian's Chronicles
Beta Counters »


Posty: 687
Dołączył(a): 28.05.2004
PostNapisane: 11 maja 2005, 12:16 
To glownie dla lucznikow

Emi + 13

Emi Glow Effect

Szkoda tylko ze na malym pokurczu ;),
zwanych przez niektorych "Sweet Female Dorf"

"Gi wo mite sezaru wa yu nakinaru"
"To see what is right and not do it proves the desire of courage"


Posty: 1046
Dołączył(a): 28.04.2004
PostNapisane: 11 maja 2005, 12:26 
Potwierdzam. To właśnie mój znajomek. A w tle jeszcze kilka innych znanych mi osób.

Arletta Dreadnought 79 @ Naia (currently suspended)


Posty: 687
Dołączył(a): 28.05.2004
PostNapisane: 11 maja 2005, 13:33 

Bylem dzis przez chwilke w grze i moj Str Long Bow + 3 nie ma ani sladu "glow'a" ?? Czy ktos wie od ilu "+" zaczyna "glow" byc widoczny ??

a tak pozatym to nowe animacje skili sa super szczegolnie "Reflect Damage" tylko jakos tak nowy "Drain" mi sie nie podoba :/ stary byl ladniejszy.

"Gi wo mite sezaru wa yu nakinaru"
"To see what is right and not do it proves the desire of courage"


Posty: 2204
Dołączył(a): 10.07.2004
PostNapisane: 11 maja 2005, 13:35 
Strzala napisał(a):

Bylem dzis przez chwilke w grze i moj Str Long Bow + 3 nie ma ani sladu "glow'a" ?? Czy ktos wie od ilu "+" zaczyna "glow" byc widoczny ??

a tak pozatym to nowe animacje skili sa super szczegolnie "Reflect Damage" tylko jakos tak nowy "Drain" mi sie nie podoba :/ stary byl ladniejszy.

No jak by ci to powiedzieć > +3 - czyli od +4 :P

Sylvian's Chronicles
Beta Counters »


Posty: 687
Dołączył(a): 28.05.2004
PostNapisane: 11 maja 2005, 13:37 
no to mnie pocieszyles .... :cry:
Moze jak juz sie dorobie na nowo to zaryzykuje enchant SLS'a do +4

"Gi wo mite sezaru wa yu nakinaru"
"To see what is right and not do it proves the desire of courage"


Posty: 1046
Dołączył(a): 28.04.2004
PostNapisane: 11 maja 2005, 16:15 
No dobra zapiepierzam do domu zobaczyć jak to C3 wyglada...

Arletta Dreadnought 79 @ Naia (currently suspended)

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 9516
Dołączył(a): 5.08.2004
PostNapisane: 13 maja 2005, 15:41 
o kurwa emi +13 to na oficjalu czy jakis shard? prawie 500 patack OMG!
ja mam emi +4 tylko i nie moge sie doczekac kiedy ujrze ow piekny efekt glowa :D .
Piszcie co tam lucznicy mowia bo ponoc strzelanie z luku mialo mniej many zrec. Co do nowego CS sam nie wiem 1/3 szansy na to ze zezre mi 1 many... Liczac teoretycznie to nowy cs podczas 3 strzalow z emi (po 10 jakos kazdy ) zezre 21 many, stary by zuzyl 3x5 i tylko 15 i to na bank...
jednym slowem lucznicy po dupie dostali...


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Posty: 1491
Dołączył(a): 14.03.2004
PostNapisane: 13 maja 2005, 16:03 
A czy jakaś klasa nie dostała „po dupie” ?? :har:

PS. Mam kartę i 40 % C3


Posty: 341
Dołączył(a): 5.02.2005
PostNapisane: 14 maja 2005, 08:39 
Ja nie dostałem po dupie. powód: przed c3 kosiłem road scavy i guardian bazyle, w c3 też ich kosiłem (całe pół godziny T_T), i w kilka minut dzięki nowemu systemowi doświadczenia dostałem tyle co wcześniej godzine waliłem. :]

To tylko taki mały żarcik...

Bartz- Loiok Shilen knight 46 poziom

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