Ha ,szykujce sie. PTS c4 rusza na poczatku stycznia
Mam nadzieje ze zroba jak na PTS koranskim czyli startuje sie z postacia na 75lvl z wykonanym questem na subklase, ssC, BspsC, cc i adena.
Ok guys and gals. This is the moment you’ve all been waiting for. Well, actually it’s not that exact moment, but now I have C4 information for you. NCNA is proud to announce that we will be pushing Chronicle 4 to the PTS in early January. I know its not the Christmas present everyone wanted but hey, Happy New Year!
However due to recent developments we will have to wipe the PTS before we are able to patch up. I realize that many of you have already invested time into characters on the PTS in preparation for C4 and for this we are truly sorry and hope that you understand.
I would also like to add that by wiping the PTS, we will be able to provide character boosts so that you may be able to experience as much of Chronicle 4 as possible and provide us with valuable bug reports for any higher end content. The boosts we will be providing are superior to where you would be by normal play and this is not a setback to your progress. With this being said, I do not have any further details, but we will have more details in upcoming announcements and posts.
http://boards.lineage2.com/showflat.php ... t=1#458115