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Autor Wiadomość

Posty: 2004
Dołączył(a): 29.03.2004
PostNapisane: 18 mar 2006, 17:04 
Szperajac po necie znalazlem pare wstepnych informacji o C5

Prawdopodobnie nowe tereny w c5


Chronicle 5 Goals Presentation
Presenter: NC Soft Studio E&G Head of Production - Han Jaehyuk
  • Greater Support for Soloing
    According to (Korean) player demand, various game elements will be added to allow for easier soloing with less downtime.<br><br>
  • Additions to Clan System
    Recognizing that clan-based politics is one of Lineage2's greatest attractions, much more will be added to clan functionality. Some of these include:
    • Clan Skills
    • Clan Items
    • Clan Ranks: Count, Baron, Knight etc.
      This clan rank system will be a part of a greater hierarchy of Lord/Lady ,King/Queen, Emperor/Empress and this will form the basis of territorial wars and national wars which will be added in the future.
  • New Territory
    • The space between Dwarf town and Orc town will be filled, finishing the Elmore lands.
    • A new dungeon for the highest level players will be added
    • Conquer-type Raids added. These raids will require you to fight subservient mobs in order to see the raid boss. (note: isn't this 4 sepulchers?)
    • New mobs with increased AI
  • Greater Balance between classes
    Elimination of PvP superclass. The classes will be counterbalanced in a RockPaperScissor way. Certain classes will be stronger against some classes over others. (note: necros)<br><br>
  • Raid Boss Printessa
    The main Raid Boss of C5. Printessa is the illfated prince of the empire. His main weapon is a giant organ. Players will have to determine the proper tactics based on the music he plays. (note: lol)

    Area where Printessa will spawn.

Chronicle 5 Q&A
  • Q: How will the bot problem be solved
    A: Bots are continuously being dealt with already. We compile a banlist every few weeks. Better alert methods of sensing 3rd program use is being looked into.
  • Q: Any plans to change the clan war system?
    A: Greater protection for Clans lvl3 and under. Higher clan levels (past lvl5) will be introduced in C5 and rewards will be added to clan wars.
  • Q: Plans to fix Olympiad explot issues?
    A: There will be a patch soon to fix the various exploits.
  • Q: Bot/Farmer raid parties are a huge issue, especially for quest raid bosses. What are your plans for this?
    A: Other than the continued effort to clean out bots, raid mobs will be smarter and harder to take down using bots. (note: I don't believe)
  • Q: Too many PKers running around thanks to Sin Eater. Comments?
    A: We don't think this is a serious issue but we'll look into it.
  • Q: Gatehopping / peacezone hopping issues, specifically the north bridge in Giran. Comments?
    A: We've been thinking of ways to stop gatehopping but we haven't come up with anything. We'll continue to investigate.
  • Q: Any changes to the rare boss jewllery stats? I.E. B Grade Ant Queen gives +2 Accuracy Jewellery, wheras the A Grade Core ring gives +1 accuracy.
    A: No changes are planned. New rare item will be added with the new raid boss.
  • Q: Various difficulties in raiding, such as sharing chat and ninjalooters. What's being done?
    A: We're gonna make it so the raid channel is easier to use, and make drops exclusive to those in the raid channel.
  • Q: The higher level soul crystals are too hard to get. Comments?
    A: We'll make them easier to get over time.
  • Q: Any plans on a vendor system that lets you sell items offline?
    A: Giran will probably explode if we tried to do this -_-. We've looked at an auction system but we can't ignore the plus sides of player-to-player vending and its effect on economics. No changes planned in this area atm.
  • Q: Any news on combining the less populated servers?
    A: We've done polls on this subject and the result was inconclusive. There's too many issues surrounding castle and clanhall ownership etc. and the players couldn't come to an agreement so the idea's been abandoned. (note: this is applicable to korean servers only)


1. Wolves
Wolves will get a huge boost in Pattack and will act as hunting aids for soloers. (This was posted on L2 official page.)

2. Level cap ++
Level cap will be reset to 80 (this is just a rumour but it's been mentioned on Netpower)

3. OEd Armor Bonus
This one is obvious from NCsoft's poll. Don't know what the bonus will be but they're adding some sort of merit.

4. Weather effects
They're adding snow and rain. It was posted on Luliweb as a 'future goal'. It was planned for C4 but they decided to wait until the 32bit servers were stabilized.

5. More social emotes
They're adding more social emotes like WoW
This was also planned for C4 but pushed back

6. New Territory
Rune Castle will be added, as well as a new territory called Schutgardt(?)
Schutgardt is not part of Aden so not effected by taxes and its hunting areas will be instance/solo oriented.

7. New Skills
There's talk of a new skill for bishops that buffs base stats, and a new summon for nukers.
Also, people say that Maestros (3rd class warsmith) will be able to unseal equipment.

8. More interface changes
They're gonna add a way for players to chat to people ingame from the Lineage2 website.

Bishop - Teon

Posty: 25
Dołączył(a): 26.01.2006
PostNapisane: 18 mar 2006, 21:34 
szkoda ze tak malo nowych terenow :)

No more L2 :( Never :(


Posty: 700
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2004
PostNapisane: 18 mar 2006, 22:32 
Cytuj :D

79Ghost Hunter/78Saggitarius


Posty: 6914
Dołączył(a): 26.01.2003
PostNapisane: 18 mar 2006, 22:41 
No i widze ze do L2 tez trafia instancowanie...
Nie podoba mi sie ta tendencja.




Posty: 6032
Dołączył(a): 13.11.2001
PostNapisane: 18 mar 2006, 23:33 
Asmax napisał(a):
No i widze ze do L2 tez trafia instancowanie...
Nie podoba mi sie ta tendencja.

Taaa, debilizm straszny.
Ale tutaj juz to w pewnym sensie dziala - tzn takie raid bossy jak Antek czy Baium wylaczaja mozliwosc portowania do ich jaskini np. w 10 min po ataku.
Jesli by je wylaczyc z normalnego serwera na jakis subserwer to by zredukowalo lagi - w tej chwili jak 2 pietra wyzej 200 osob bije raid bossa potrafi Ci sie przycinac.

Jestem fanem PiS (Piachów i Szutrów)


Posty: 2004
Dołączył(a): 29.03.2004
PostNapisane: 17 kwi 2006, 20:08 
Hellrose na L2blah przetlumaczyl cos takiego o C5, nikt nie wie na ile to jest wiarygodne ale co szkodzi poczytac:

(woops by PTS announcement i mean Test server announcement. anyways)
I always think twice about making posts like this but this one was too amusing to enjoy on my own.
That and I have ppl on my back asking me for a translation.


There is absolutely NO confirmation that this is a real leak, and L2Day is treating it as a rumour also.

Source: [url=""]L2Day[/url]


Hello, this is Lineage2.

Warm rays of sunshine are finally upon us.
Remember to keep healthy throughout the change in season!
Meanwhile, here are the planned Chronicle 5 updates for the test server.
Planned implemation date is May 31st 2006.

  • Territorial Changes
    • A new territory along with new hunting areas and dungeons have been added in the Elmore area
    • Fire-Farmers Village has been added
    • Orc Castle has been added (conquer-type clan hall)
    • A new dungeon Fate of the Empire has been added

  • NPC-related Changes
    • Frintessa, a boss-type raid monster has been added
    • The AI and reward for party-type monsters have been increased
    • There has been a revisal of all monsters throughout Aden (we've clarified the distinctions between solo-type and group-type monsters)
    • New monsters and lvl80-100 raid monsters have been added in the Elmore area
    • Guard NPCs at all towns have been strengthened
    • You are now able to check the spawn status of raid monsters at the Adventurer's Guild NPC at each town.
  • Clan-related Changes
    • Clan rankings based on attributions to clan have been added
    • Penalty for leaving clan has been re-adjusted; from 5 days to 3 days with XP deduction.
  • Olympiad-realted Changes
    • Participation requirement for Same-class competition has been reduced from 5 people to 3.
    • Participation requirement for all-class competition has been increased from 5 people to 7.
    • A Rock,Paper,Scissor rule has been added. If the participant decides that s/he is unable to beat the opposition, s/he may choose to activate RPS.
    • If a noblesse, after having signed up for Olympiad, is found to be disconnected or on his/her subclass for an undefinable reason, that player will be considered to have surrendered and will be subjected to a 30% point penalty.
      Players are still able to cancel an application through regular procedure through the NPC.
  • Soloing-related Changes
    • HP/MP/CP regeneration is faster under trees, in grass fields and near rivers.
    • Treasure Boxes now store various potions.
    • "Potion of Courage" has been added
    • "Potion of Magical Power" has been added
    • "Mana Potion" has been added
  • Skill and Special Ability Related Changes
    • The effect of Acumen SA has been slightly reduced
    • The effect of Magic Power SA has been increased
    • Shield defense percentage against magical attacks has been increased
    • Crt.Root and Crt.Slow have been added to daggers
      • Crystal Dagger Crt.Poison -> Crt.Slow
      • Kris BackBlow -> Crt.Root
      • Demon Sword Crt.Poison -> Crt.Slow
      • Bloody Orchid BackBlow -> Crt.Root
      • Soul Separator Crt.Poison -> Crt.Slow
      • Angel Slayer HP Drain -> Crt.Root
    • Creation costs for BSPS have been increased by 1.5 times
    • The effect of the 3rd class passive skill Wisdom has been increased
    • The amount of damage relegated through Necromancer's Transfer Pain has been decreased by 1/2
    • [COLOR="Red"]The bug where Shield Stun was not being broken by magical attacks has been fixed[/COLOR]
    • The MP cost of Curse Deathlink has been increased
    • Magical Critical damage has been reduced from about x4 to approximately x2
    • Wild Magic now increases movement speed as well as Magic Crit rate
    • Refresh rate on Summon CP Potion has been greatly reduced
    • The effect of Chant of Victory on abilities of magical nature have been reduced

Bishop - Teon

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 2739
Dołączył(a): 20.06.2004
PostNapisane: 17 kwi 2006, 20:36 
"Mana Potion" has been added

Normalnie dla mnie rewelacja...Dopal dla nukerow niesamowity..gorzej dla innych klas :>


Posty: 2004
Dołączył(a): 29.03.2004
PostNapisane: 17 kwi 2006, 21:00 
Zalezy Poziomka, jezeli te MP potki mialy by wazyc tyle co duze CP potki i tylko z dropu to raczej nic nie zmieni.

Bishop - Teon


Posty: 700
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2004
PostNapisane: 17 kwi 2006, 21:52 
Spytam sie tu bo nie wiem gdzie... jak mozna to zrobić zeby 5 rzeczy naraz sprzedawać?Byłem o fishermana,u tego od skilli i nigdzie nie moge znależć.Trzeba byc 40+ czy jak?

79Ghost Hunter/78Saggitarius


Posty: 2945
Dołączył(a): 17.06.2005
PostNapisane: 17 kwi 2006, 22:38 
1 lvl na 40
2 na 55
3 na 65

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ rmk cat's dog on fire


Posty: 6032
Dołączył(a): 13.11.2001
PostNapisane: 17 kwi 2006, 23:46 
Poziomka napisał(a):
"Mana Potion" has been added

Normalnie dla mnie rewelacja...Dopal dla nukerow niesamowity..gorzej dla innych klas :>

pomijajac juz wage to jesli MP potion bedzie takim odpowiednikiem GHP to i tak sie tego w normalnym ekspieniu raczej nie bedzie uzywac - za droga impreza

chyba ze ktos kupuje kase.... a w sumie to troche takich musi byc bo kto by normalny kupowal empower scrole po 400k-800k.... za taka cene to mozna wynajac SE i miec Empower+recharge w jednym :)

Super sprawa za to jest info o spawnie raid bossow - nie dosc ze bedzie mozna sobie zaplanowac rajdy to jeszcze i wpieprzyc bedzie komu jak na spocie sie na raz pojawia 3 gildie :)

Jestem fanem PiS (Piachów i Szutrów)


Posty: 519
Dołączył(a): 22.07.2005
PostNapisane: 18 kwi 2006, 05:22 
The effect of the 3rd class passive skill Wisdom has been increased
The amount of damage relegated through Necromancer's Transfer Pain has been decreased by 1/2
The bug where Shield Stun was not being broken by magical attacks has been fixed
The MP cost of Curse Deathlink has been increased
Magical Critical damage has been reduced from about x4 to approximately x2
PS. To co na czerowno mnie cieszy.....Mana poty to ściema będzie pewnie, drogie,cieżkie itp.

Tavael- Sword Muse- Lionna
Clan Insomnia
SM 77/59 lvl Necro

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 2739
Dołączył(a): 20.06.2004
PostNapisane: 18 kwi 2006, 07:14 
E tam, walic ze bedzie drogie, ciezkie.
Duzo osob juz teraz jest tak bogatych ze nie maja co robic z dla mnie jesli mialbym wydac na taki pot ze 200k czy 300k czemu nie...
Oczywiscie ciesza mnie te potiony pod wzgledem PVP bardziej czy wlasnie raid do expowania lepiej miec wlasnego-wspolnego SE (wink Ethan)

Oczywiscie dla mnie nawajzniejsza sprawa jest ile bedzie to cos dawalo MP....cena i waga to sprawa mniej wazna :>

Dodatkowe sloty mozna kupic u Fishermana, znaczy (kupic za fish proof).
Pozniej zaznaczamy opcje by Bulk i wio :>


Posty: 909
Dołączył(a): 8.04.2004
PostNapisane: 18 kwi 2006, 12:41 
Mnie bardziej zaciekawiły te zmiany:

  • The effect of Acumen SA has been slightly reduced
  • The effect of Magic Power SA has been increased
  • The effect of the 3rd class passive skill Wisdom has been increased
  • Wild Magic now increases movement speed as well as Magic Crit rate

Czyżby chcieli zmusić Nukerów do kite'owania? :wink:

Martwi mnie tylko to, że nie ma na razie mowy o zmianach tyczących się łuczników.

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 2739
Dołączył(a): 20.06.2004
PostNapisane: 18 kwi 2006, 13:54 
Byly sluchy ze mialo byc 5% acu na C grade broni
10% na B grade
i 15% na A grade
Bo faktycznie cena A i cena C grade sa sobie nie rowne, i fakt ze obie maja taki sam %acu tez nie..

jesli by tak weszlo, to trzeba skupowac/craftowac krysztaly lvl 11-12 i wszystkie bronie magiczne A grade- ceny by wzrosly na bank :)

Przekonamy sie jak ruszy test server :>


Posty: 909
Dołączył(a): 8.04.2004
PostNapisane: 18 kwi 2006, 23:34 
Mnie się marzy jeszcze tylko jedna jedyna zmiana. Wszystkie inne są dla mnie tak naprawdę drugorzędne.

Mianowicie marzy mi się Focus SA dla duali Dama*Dama. Bo w chwili obecnej duale A grade są dla mnie pomylką.
Jeżeli już zmienię swoje to na +12-14 TSu*SLS - jak odłożę trochę kasy.
A na rynku będzie się takich pojawiać coraz więcej, Dzisiaj nawet na Hero Uber Trade Chat, ktoś się ogłaszał z +13. :wink:
Sądzę więc, że prędzej czy później (raczej później) takie sobie sprawię.
Już nawet zacząłem na takie odkładać kasiurę, bo od przedwczoraj mam full NM seta +3/4, a full majestic jewelry set mam już od prawie dwóch tygodni.
Pozostało mi tylko unselowanie tego ostatniego, co zrobię w następnym tygodniu.

W późnijeszym etapie może S duale, ale to dopiero w C5, bo bez SSS używanie mija się z celem. Raz, że są cholernie drogie to prawie nie do dostania.
(Widziałem raz, jak ktoś je sprzedawał)
No chyba, że ma się ebuyerów w klanie napalonych na overenchantowane bronie S grade. :D
U mnie takich nie ma - i sam nie wiem czy się cieszyć czy płakać. :wink:


Posty: 519
Dołączył(a): 22.07.2005
PostNapisane: 19 kwi 2006, 06:02 
Gwoli komentarza: na forum mojego ally całe info nazwano FAKE. Podobno to lipa, trzeba czekać na jakies powazniejsze przecieki.

Tavael- Sword Muse- Lionna
Clan Insomnia
SM 77/59 lvl Necro

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 6736
Dołączył(a): 18.09.2004
PostNapisane: 19 kwi 2006, 08:38 
montezuma napisał(a):

Ale kto wie...



Posty: 779
Dołączył(a): 28.07.2005
PostNapisane: 19 kwi 2006, 10:38 
co do SA 5% na c 10% na B 15% na A i S to miala byc zmiana juz w c4 ale cos nie wyszlo im...
A co do cen to najsmieszniejsze ejst to ze taki homu+10 kosztuje 100m na lionna a SoMa za 55-60m juz kupisz , totalny bezses



Posty: 2945
Dołączył(a): 17.06.2005
PostNapisane: 19 kwi 2006, 10:55 
na bartz to 100m za krysztalek do som'a dasz :P

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ rmk cat's dog on fire

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