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Autor Wiadomość

Posty: 96
Dołączył(a): 10.03.2003
PostNapisane: 16 maja 2006, 12:28 
Hmm niema zadnego nowego luku ?

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Posty: 865
Dołączył(a): 30.10.2004
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2006, 06:59 
Tym wlasnie zabijaja mi postac:

KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid


Posty: 2004
Dołączył(a): 29.03.2004
PostNapisane: 29 maja 2006, 18:22 
Lista nowych skilli i zmian w skillach

- Deadly Blow: Can be enchanted with Instant Kill effect (76+). When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Against player, they will become CP 0.
- Blinding Blow: Can be enchanted with Instant Kill effect (76+). When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Against player, they will become CP 0.
- Backstab: When used against PC, it is a skill which will disrecard CP and damage HP directly. Can be enchanted with Instant Kill effect (76+). When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Agains player, they will become HP 1.
- Lethal Blow: Cooltime reduced.
- Bluff: MP cost reduced to 35.
- Focus Power: MP cost reduced to 35.
- Vicious Stance: Adds a bit more critical damage to stab skills.
New Skills:
- Might Mortal (58): Increases player's change of landing lethal skills for a short period of time. Available when one is equipped with a dagger type weapon. Level 1-5. 2 minutes self-buff. 5 minute cooldown (can be shortened with buffs, etc.).
- Sand Bomb (55): Launches a sand bomb, decreasing enemy's accuracy for a brief moment. Level 1-10. 30 seconds debuff. It seems to decrease accuracy same as skill level. At level 9 it becomes Accuracy -9.
- Summon Treasure Key (46): Summons between 20 to 30 Level 3-5 treasure box keys. Uses key of thief.

- Sleep: Casting time on sleep have been greatly increased.
- Greater Heal: Now it heals about 70% instantly, and 30% over time like Chant of Life (15 seconds).
- Greater Group Heal: Now it heals about 70% instantly, and 30% over time like Chant of Life (15 seconds).
- Greater Battle Heal: No changes.
New Skills:
- Major Heal (56): Heals HP instantly. Casting speed similar to Greater Heal. Heals more than Greater Heal. Costs 1 Spirit Ore. Level 1-10. MP Cost same as Greater Heal.
- Major Group Heal (58): Heals HP instantly to party members. Casting speed similar to Greater Group Heal. It heals more than Greater Groupe Heal. Costs 4 Spirit Ore. Level 1-10. MP Cost +50% than Greater Group Heal.
- Mana Burn (56): Burns enemy's MP. Level 1-10. Level 10 Power 162. Range 900. High chance of landing. M.Atk dependent. The ammount of MP burned is unknown.
- Mana Storm (58): Burns surrounding enemies MP.
- Magical Backfire (56): Increases enemy's MP use for a brief moment.
- Trance (56): Puts enemy to sleep for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while it is in effect. Fast casting speed. Nearly instant Cooldown. Duration 5 seconds. Levels 1-10. Level 10 costs 35MP.
- Turn Undead (56): Puts undead targets in a state of fear, causing them to run away. Chance of Instant Kill. Uses Spirit Ore. Works against Necromancer Summons.
- Erase (?): Destroy summon. High landing rate. Uses Spirit Ore.

- Agression effects changed for PvP. To PC, Hate's effect is now 'Target me, and then attack'. The target’s actions are not locked, they can cancel the effect by clicking on the ground or when they perform other actions. The success rate does not seem to be guaranteed, there are times when the target don’t change. The hate skill from their 1st class change seems to only be able to change the target.
New Skills:
- Arrest (55): Taunts and puts the enemy in a state of hold for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while the the hold state is in effect. Success ratio seems rather high. Range is short (500 or less). Root effect lasts 8 seconds. The difference with 'Shackle' skill is unknown.
- Demon Bladedance (55): Decreases the p.atk and m.atk of surrounding enemies for a brief moment. Can be used when equipped with dual swords.

- Whirlwind: Ignores shield defense.
- Earthquake: Ignores shield defense.
- Armor Crush: Ignores shield defense.
New Skills:
- War Frenzy (58): Increases player's resistance to shock and sleep attacks. Toggle Skill. Drains MP. Level 1-3.
- Polearm Accuracy (58): Increases Accuracy when using a polearm. Toggle Skill. Drains MP about the same rate as Vicious Stance. Level 1-3. Level 1 Accuracy +2 , Level 2 Accuracy +3, Level 3 Accuracy +4.

- Agression effects changed for PvP. To PC, Hate's effect is now 'Target me, and then attack'. The target’s actions are not locked, they can cancel the effect by clicking on the ground or when they perform other actions. The success rate does not seem to be guaranteed, there are times when the target don’t change.
- Summons HP can now be viewed by all (including enemies) when targetted.
New Skills:
- Judgement (55): Strikes with a gathering of dark energy. Taunts and decreases the accuracy of the enemy for a brief moment. Can be used when equipped with sword/blunt. Overhit possible. Does about 200 more dmg than normal hit against PC. Dark attack attribute. Debuff decreases accuracy by 9, lands at a very low rate.
- Shackle (55): Taunts and puts the enemy in a state of hold for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while the the hold state is in effect. Success ratio seems rather high. Range is short (500 or less). Root effect lasts 8 seconds. The difference with 'Arrest' skill is unknown.

- Vicious Stance: Adds a bit more critical damage to stab skills.
- Fatal Strike: Ignores shield defense.
- Whirlwind: Ignores shield defense.
- Earthquake: Ignores shield defense.
- Armor Crush: Ignores shield defense.
- Rage: Effect for 1 handed sword/blunt is the same as it is now. The penalty for weapons other than sword/blunt/polearm is unknown. Two handed sword/blunt weapons get a bonus to accuracy (Level 1 Accuracy +2, Level 2 Accuracy +4). Two handed sword/blunt/polearm weapons get a bonus to attack power about +10% (Level 2 goes from +55% to +65%).
- Frenzy: Effect for 1 handed sword/blunt is the same as it is now. The penalty for weapons other than sword/blunt/polearm is unknown. Two handed sword/blunt weapons get a bonus to accuracy (Level 1 Accuracy +2, Level 2 Accuracy +4, Level 3 Accuracy +6). Two handed sword/blunt/polearm weapons get a bonus to attack power about +100% (Level 3 goes from +200% to about +300%).
New Skills:
- War Frenzy (58): Increases player's resistance to shock and sleep attacks. Toggle Skill. Drains MP. Level 1-3. Effect with Lionheart is cumulative.
- Polearm Accuracy (58): Increases Accuracy when using a polearm. Toggle Skill. Drains MP about the same rate as Vicious Stance. Level 1-3. Level 1 Accuracy +2 , Level 2 Accuracy +3, Level 3 Accuracy +4.
- Wide Attack (58): Increases number of targets affectable using pole attacks. Usable when one is equipped with a spear type weapon. Selfbuff. Duration 2 minutes. Cooldown about 30 seconds. Level 1-5. The increase is unknown.
- Inferno Body (58): Adds a fire element to physical attacks and increases player's resistance to fire attacks.
- Zealot (58/66/74): Receives the power of the guardian, causing an increase in combat ability for a short period of time. Drains HP while in use. Can be used when HP falls below 30%. Selfbuff. Duration 2 minutes. Reuse time is the same as Lionheart. Consumes 200HP when it is activated, after that it will coninuously consume HP/CP at a fixed interval. It will first consume CP at a rate of 150, and when CP is gone, will consume HP at 150. Effect will disappear if HP is healed above 30% after it has been activated. Level 1: Physical Attack +10%, Attack Speed +30%, Accuracy +6, Movement Speed +10, Defense -30%, Magic Defense -30%. Evasion -12. Level 2: Physical Attack +12%, Attack Speed +30%, Accuracy +6, Movement Speed +20, Defense -30%, Magic Defense -30%. Evasion -12. Level 3: Physical Attack +30%, Attack Speed +30%, Accuracy +6, Movement Speed +30, Defense -30%, Magic Defense -30%. Evasion -12.

- Summons HP can now be viewed by all (including enemies) when targetted.
New Skills:
- Betray (56): Posesses enemy's summon causing it to attack it's master. Uses spirit ore. Lands at about 50% rate. Summon cannot be unsummoned while it's in effect.
- Mass Surrender to Water (58): Decreases resistance to Water in enemies surrounding the summon. Uses spirit ore.
- Wind Shackle (?): Reduces target's attack speed.

- Sleep: Casting time on sleep have been greatly increased.
- Greater Heal: Now it heals about 70% instantly, and 30% over time like Chant of Life (15 seconds).
New Skills:
- Major Heal (56): Heals HP instantly. Casting speed similar to Greater Heal. Heals more than Greater Heal. Costs 1 Spirit Ore. Level 1-10. MP Cost same as Greater Heal.
- Mana Burn (56): Burns enemy's MP. Level 1-10. Level 10 Power 162. Range 900. High chance of landing. M.Atk dependent. The ammount of MP burned is unknown.
- Trance (56): Puts enemy to sleep for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while it is in effect. Fast casting speed. Nearly instant Cooldown. Duration 5 seconds. Levels 1-10. Level 10 costs 35MP.
- Turn Undead (56): Puts undead targets in a state of fear, causing them to run away. Chance of Instant Kill. Uses Spirit Ore. Works against Necromancer Summons.
- Erase (?): Destroy summon. High landing rate. Uses Spirit Ore.
- Resist Unholy (58): Increases target's resistace to dark attacks for a period of time. Buff. Duration 20 minutes.
- Clarity (58, 66, 74): Decreases target's mp use for a short amount of time. Level 1, MP usage -4%, costs 1 Spirit Ore. Level 2, MP usage -8%, costs 2 Spirit Ore. Level 3, MP usage -12%, costs 3 Spirit Ore.

- Vicious Stance: Adds a bit more critical damage to stab skills.
- Duelist Spirit: Cooldown shortened from 3 minutes to 2 minutes.
- Triple Slash: Ignores shield defense.
- Fatal Strike: Ignores shield defense.
- Sonic Rage: Skill use is slower.
- The way the charges work for Gladiators has changed. When you unleash your skill just a fixed amount of charges are used. Sonic Blaster/Sonic Buster/Sonic Storm will use 2 charges, Double Sonic Slash will use 3 charges, Triple Sonic Slash will use 4 charges. The power is the same as it is now, it will depend on the amount of chargers remaining at that time.
New Skills:
- War Frenzy (58): Increases player's resistance to shock and sleep attacks. Toggle Skill. Drains MP. Level 1-3. Effect with Lionheart is cumulative.

- Vicious Stance: Adds a bit more critical damage to stab skills.
- Dash: Cooldown reduced to 60-80 seconds. Duration increased to 15 seconds.
- Snipe: Reuse time increased to 3-4 minutes.
New Skills:
- Pain of Sagittarius (58): Convertes about 9HP:1MP ratio (387 HP gave 43 MP). Cooldown 20 seconds.
- Blessing of Sagittarius (58): Decreases refresh time of physical skills for a period of time. Reuse time noticeably reduced for skills. Level 1-3. Selfbuff. 20 minutes duration.
- Spirit of Sagittarius(58): Decreases MP use of physical skills for a short period of time. Level 1-3. Consumption MP of physical skills is lightened. Selfbuff. Duration and Cooldown unknown.
- Quiver of Holding (58): Increases weight limit. The maximum loading capacity increases. Level 1-3. Passive Skill.

- Rage of Paagrio: Now have an added effect of decreased Evasion. Rage of Paagrio 2 decreases Evasion by 4.

- Agression effects changed for PvP. To PC, Hate's effect is now 'Target me, and then attack'. The target’s actions are not locked, they can cancel the effect by clicking on the ground or when they perform other actions. The success rate does not seem to be guaranteed, there are times when the target don’t change.
New Skills:
- Tribunal (55): Strikes with a gathering of holy energy. Taunts and decreases the accuracy of the enemy for a brief moment. Can be used when equipped with sword/blunt. Overhit possible. Does about 200 more dmg than normal hit against PC. Holy attack attribute. Debuff decreases accuracy by 9, lands at a very low rate.
- Banish Undead (55): Puts undead enemies in a state of fear, causing them to run away. Chance of instant kill. Uses soul ore. Works on Necromancer summons.
- Shackle (55): Taunts and puts the enemy in a state of hold for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while the the hold state is in effect. Success ratio seems rather high. Range is short (500 or less). Root effect lasts 8 seconds. The difference with 'Arrest' skill is unknown.
- Mass Shackle (58): Taunts surrounding enemies and puts them in a state of hold. Cannot be recasted while the hold state is in effect.
- Angelic Icon (58): Player receives a holy calling, causing a surge in combat ability for a period of time. Decreases the effect of heals received. Can be used when HP falls to less than 30%. Invokes god's might to greatly increase one's own combat power. While under this effect, effectiveness of HP recovery spells received are reduced drastically. Selfbuff. Duration 2 minutes. P.Atk +20%, Atk.Speed +20%, Movement Speed +20, P.Def +50%(60%?), M.Def +50%, Healing Recovery -30%.

- Vicious Stance: Adds a bit more critical damage to stab skills.
New Skills:
- Pain of Sagittarius (58): Convertes about 9HP:1MP ratio (387 HP gave 43 MP). Cooldown 20 seconds.
- Spirit of Sagittarius (58): Decreases MP use of physical skills for a short period of time. Level 1-3. Consumption MP of physical skills is lightened. Selfbuff. Duration and Cooldown unknown.
- Dead Eye (60): Increases player's critical power and P.Atk for a brief moment. Attack speed reduced while in effect. Usable when equipped with a bow. Level 1-8. Selfbuff. Duration 2 minutes. Cooldown 3-4 minutes. Increases P.Atk and Critical Power. Decreases Attack Speed.

- Summons HP can now be viewed by all (including enemies) when targetted.
New Skills:
- Betray (56): Posesses enemy's summon causing it to attack it's master. Uses spirit ore. Lands at about 50% rate. Summon cannot be unsummoned while it's in effect.
- Wind Shackle (?): Reduces target's attack speed.

- Deadly Blow: Can be enchanted with Instant Kill effect (76+). When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Against player, they will become CP 0.
- Blinding Blow: Can be enchanted with Instant Kill effect (76+). When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Against player, they will become CP 0.
- Backstab: When used against PC, it is a skill which will disrecard CP and damage HP directly. Can be enchanted with Instant Kill effect (76+). When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Agains player, they will become HP 1.
- Lethal Blow: Cooltime reduced.
- Bluff: MP cost reduced to 35.
- Focus Chance: MP cost reduced to 35.
- Vicious Stance: Adds a bit more critical damage to stab skills.
New Skills:
- Might Mortal (58): Increases player's change of landing lethal skills for a short period of time. Available when one is equipped with a dagger type weapon. Level 1-5. 2 minutes self-buff. 5 minute cooldown (can be shortened with buffs, etc.).
- Sand Bomb (55): Launches a sand bomb, decreasing enemy's accuracy for a brief moment. Level 1-10. 30 seconds debuff. It seems to decrease accuracy same as skill level. At level 9 it becomes Accuracy -9.
- Summon Treasure Key (46): Summons between 20 to 30 Level 3-5 treasure box keys. Uses key of thief.

- Berserker Spirit: Now have an added effect of decreased Evasion. Berserker Spirit 2 decreases Evasion by 4.
New Skills:
- Mana Burn (56): Burns enemy's MP. Level 1-10. Level 10 Power 162. Range 900. High chance of landing. M.Atk dependent. The ammount of MP burned is unknown.
- Erase (?): Destroy summon. Has low landing rate. Uses Spirit Ore.
- Resist Holy (58): Increases target's resistance to holy attacks for a period of time. Buff. Duration 20 minutes.
- Resist Unholy (58): Increases target's resistace to dark attacks for a period of time. Buff. Duration 20 minutes.
- Greater Might (58, 66, 74): Increases target's P.Atk for a period of time. Stacks with Might but doesn't stack with Greater Shield. Level 1, +4% P.Atk, costs 1 Spirit Ore. Level 2, +7% P.Atk, costs 2 Spirit Ore. Level 3, +10% P.Atk, costs 3 Spirit Ore. Buff. Duration 20 minutes.
- Greater Shield (58, 66, 74): Increases target's P.Def for a period of time. Stacks with Shield but doesn't stack with Greater Might. Level 1, +5% P.Def, costs 1 Spirit Ore. Level 2, +10% P.Def, costs 2 Spirit Ore. Level 3, +15% P.Def, costs 3 Spirit Ore. Buff. Duration 20 minutes.

- Casting time on sleep skills have been greatly increased.
- Summons HP can now be viewed by all (including enemies) when targetted.
- Skills with Dark attribute seem to do less damage. (Unconfirmed)
- Mass Slow: Changed to be a slow with an area effect range of 500.
- Corpse Burst: Power has been increased 2 folds. It will have damage equivalent to a single target damage spell, even though it is an area effect damage spell.
- Anchor: Success rate has been increased, duration has been decreased to around 10 seconds. Reuse remains the same.
New Skills:
- Mass Curse Fear (58): Puts surrounding enemies into a state of fear, causing them to run away. Fear with an area effect range of 500. Since sleep has been weaken, this might be used when soloing against enemies that are linked.
- Mass Curse Gloom (58): Decreases m.def of enemies surrounding the summon. Uses cursed bones.
- Summon Cursed Bone (58): Summons cursed bone. Level 1 costs 40 Spirit Ore and summons 25-100 cursed bones, Level 2 costs 80 Spirit Ore and summons 50-100 cursed bones.

- Agression effects changed for PvP. To PC, Hate's effect is now 'Target me, and then attack'. The target’s actions are not locked, they can cancel the effect by clicking on the ground or when they perform other actions. The success rate does not seem to be guaranteed, there are times when the target don’t change.
- Lightning Strike: Paralyze effect reduced to 10s (unconfirmed).
- Poltergeist Cubic: It seems that the duration of various debuffs becomes shorter (as the normal versions of theses debuffs).
New Skills:
- Judgement (55): Strikes with a gathering of dark energy. Taunts and decreases the accuracy of the enemy for a brief moment. Can be used when equipped with sword/blunt. Overhit possible. Does about 200 more dmg than normal hit against PC. Dark attack attribute. Debuff decreases accuracy by 9, lands at a very low rate.
- Arrest (55): Taunts and puts the enemy in a state of hold for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while the the hold state is in effect. Success ratio seems rather high. Range is short (500 or less). Root effect lasts 8 seconds. The difference with 'Shackle' skill is unknown.

- Greater Group Heal: Now it heals about 70% instantly, and 30% over time like Chant of Life (15 seconds).
New Skills:
- Mana Burn (56): Burns enemy's MP. Level 1-10. Level 10 Power 162. Range 900. High chance of landing. M.Atk dependent. The ammount of MP burned is unknown.
- Erase (?): Destroy summon. High landing rate. Uses Spirit Ore.
- Resist Holy (58): Increases target's resistance to holy attacks for a period of time. Buff. Duration 20 minutes.

- Vicious Stance: Adds a bit more critical damage to stab skills.
New Skills:
- Blessing of Sagittarius (58): Decreases refresh time of physical skills for a period of time. Reuse time noticeably reduced for skills. Level 1-3. Selfbuff. 20 minutes duration.
- Spirit of Sagittarius (58): Decreases MP use of physical skills for a short period of time. Level 1-3. Consumption MP of physical skills is lightened. Selfbuff. Duration and Cooldown unknown.
- Rapid Fire (60): Increases player's Attack Speed and P.Atk for a brief moment. Attack distance reduced while in effect. Usable when equipped with a bow. Level 1-8. Selfbuff. Duration 2 minutes. Cooldown 3-4 minutes. Atack Speed +20%, Attack Range -300, P.Atk rises with each level (level 4 P.Atk +78).

- Casting time on sleep skills have been greatly increased.

- Casting time on sleep skills have been greatly increased.

- Casting time on sleep skills have been greatly increased.

- Agression effects changed for PvP. To PC, Hate's effect is now 'Target me, and then attack'. The target’s actions are not locked, they can cancel the effect by clicking on the ground or when they perform other actions. The success rate does not seem to be guaranteed, there are times when the target don’t change. The hate skill from their 1st class change seems to only be able to change the target.
New Skills:
- Arrest (55): Taunts and puts the enemy in a state of hold for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while the the hold state is in effect. Success ratio seems rather high. Range is short (500 or less). Root effect lasts 8 seconds. The difference with 'Shackle' skill is unknown.
- Psycho Symphony (55): Decreases the movement speed/Attack Speed/Casting Speed of surrounding enemies for a brief moment.

- Agression effects changed for PvP. To PC, Hate's effect is now 'Target me, and then attack'. The target’s actions are not locked, they can cancel the effect by clicking on the ground or when they perform other actions. The success rate does not seem to be guaranteed, there are times when the target don’t change.
New Skills:
- Tribunal (55): Strikes with a gathering of holy energy. Taunts and decreases the accuracy of the enemy for a brief moment. Can be used when equipped with sword/blunt. Overhit possible. Does about 200 more dmg than normal hit against PC. Holy attack attribute. Debuff decreases accuracy by 9, lands at a very low rate.
- Arrest (55): Taunts and puts the enemy in a state of hold for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while the the hold state is in effect. Success ratio seems rather high. Range is short (500 or less). Root effect lasts 8 seconds. The difference with 'Shackle' skill is unknown.

- Deadly Blow: Can be enchanted with Instant Kill effect (76+). When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Against player, they will become CP 0.
- Backstab: When used against PC, it is a skill which will disrecard CP and damage HP directly. Can be enchanted with Instant Kill effect (76+). When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Agains player, they will become HP 1.
- Lethal Blow: Cooltime reduced.
- Bluff: MP cost reduced to 35.
- Focus Chance: MP cost reduced to 35.
- Focus Power: MP cost reduced to 35.
- Vicious Stance: Adds a bit more critical damage to stab skills.
- Dash: Cooltime reduced to 60-80 seconds. Duration increased to 15 seconds.
New Skills:
- Critical Blow (55): Launches a potentially lethal attack on the enemy while increasing player's chance of landing lethal attacks. Chance of instant kill. When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Against player, they will become CP 0. Available when one is equipped with a dagger type weapon. Level 1-10. Level 10 Power 3613. Effect 1 to 5. Duration 15s. Base cooltime 90 seconds. NOTE: I guess this skill must be enchanted to get the Instant Kill effect (76+) as all the other pre 76 blow skills.
- Sand Bomb (55): Launches a sand bomb, decreasing enemy's accuracy for a brief moment. Level 1-10. 30 seconds debuff. It seems to decrease accuracy same as skill level. At level 9 it becomes Accuracy -9.
- Summon Treasure Key (46): Summons between 20 to 30 Level 3-5 treasure box keys. Uses key of thief.
- Stealth (58): Veils player from monster aggro for a short period of time. Decreases player's combat ability while in effect. Selfbuff. Duration 2 minutes. Cooldown less than 2 minutes. P.Atk, P.Def, M.Def, Accuracy and Critical change greatly reduced during duration. No movement speed reduction.

- Burning Fist: Ignores shield defense.
- Soul Breaker: Ignores shield defense.
- Force Rage: Skill use is slower.
- All the totems when used reduce Max. HP 20%. The effect don't stack, if you have a Totem Spirit alreayd active your Max. HP remains the same.
- Totem Spirit Wolf: Cooldown 90 seconds. Run Speed + 20%, Accuracy +3.
- Totem Spirit Bear: Cooldown 90 seconds. P.Atk +20%, Run Speed -30%.
- Totem Spirit Puma: Cooldown 120 seconds. Attack Speed +20%, Accuracy +6. Decreases 3HP/tick.
- Totem Spirit Ogre: Cooldown 120 seconds. P.Def +30%, M.Def +30%, Accuracy +6, Run Speed -30%, Accuracy -9. Decreases 3HP/tick.
- Totem Spirit Rabbit: Cooldown 180 seconds. Run Speed +30%, Evasion +12, P.Atk -30%, Accuracy -9. Decreases 19HP/tick.
- Totem Spirit Bison: Cooldown 180 seconds. With HP below 60% P.Atk +43%, Accuracy +6, Critical +100. With HP below 30% P.Atk +43%, Accuracy +6, Critical +400. Decreases 19HP/tick.
New Skills:
- War Frenzy (58): Increases player's resistance to shock and sleep attacks. Toggle Skill. Drains MP. Level 1-3.
- Inferno Body (58): Adds a fire element to physical attacks and increases player's resistance to fire attacks.
- Zealot (58/66/74): Receives the power of the guardian, causing an increase in combat ability for a short period of time. Drains HP while in use. Can be used when HP falls below 30%. Selfbuff. Duration 2 minutes. Reuse time is the same as Lionheart. Consumes 200HP when it is activated, after that it will coninuously consume HP/CP at a fixed interval. It will first consume CP at a rate of 150, and when CP is gone, will consume HP at 150. Effect will disappear if HP is healed above 30% after it has been activated. Level 1: Physical Attack +10%, Attack Speed +30%, Accuracy +6, Movement Speed +10, Defense -30%, Magic Defense -30%. Evasion -12. Level 2: Physical Attack +12%, Attack Speed +30%, Accuracy +6, Movement Speed +20, Defense -30%, Magic Defense -30%. Evasion -12. Level 3: Physical Attack +30%, Attack Speed +30%, Accuracy +6, Movement Speed +30, Defense -30%, Magic Defense -30%. Evasion -12.
- Totem Spirit Hawk: Player is bestowed with the spirit of the hawk. Increases critical power and rate when using fist weapons. Duration 2 minutes. Cooldown 300 seconds. Critical Rate +50, Increased Critical Damage, Accuracy +6. Decreases 36HP/tick.

New Skills:
- Chant of War (58, 66, 74):Increases party members' p.atk for a period of time. Stacks with Might but doesn't stack with Greater Shield/Chant of Earth. Level 1, +4% P.Atk, costs 4 Spirit Ore. Level 2, +8% P.Atk, costs 8 Spirit Ore. Level 3, +12% P.Atk, costs 12 Spirit Ore. Buff. Duration 20 minutes.
- Chant of Earth (58, 66, 74): Increases party members' p.def for a period of time. Stacks with Shield but doesn't stack with Greater Might/Chant of War. Level 1, +5% P.Def, costs 4 Spirit Ore. Level 2, +10% P.Def, costs 8 Spirit Ore. Level 3, +15% P.Def, costs 12 Spirit Ore. Buff. Duration 20 minutes.

- Summons HP can now be viewed by all (including enemies) when targetted.
- Binding Cubic: Paralyze effect duration decreased to 10s (unconfirmed)
New Skills:
- Betray (56): Posesses enemy's summon causing it to attack it's master. Uses spirit ore. Lands at about 50% rate. Summon cannot be unsummoned while it's in effect.
- Mass Surrender to Fire (58): Decreases resistance to fire in enemies surrounding the summon. Uses spirit ore.
- Arcane Distruption (56): Decreases enemy's casting speed. Debuff lasts about 10 seconds. Decreases casting speed by about 100.

- Focus Attack: Changed to a 2 minutes Selfbuff. Increases Accuracy and Critical damage. Effect increases with skill level. Level 1-5. Critical damage increased by 10-15% at level 1.
- Revival: HP heal power and reuse time has been greatly reduced. The requirement has been changed from 10% HP remaining to 5%.
- Thunder Storm: MP Cost increases approximately 35%.
- Vicious Stance: Adds a bit more critical damage to stab skills.
- Whirlwind: Ignores shield defense.
- Earthquake: Ignores shield defense.
- Shock Blast: Ignores shield defense.
New Skills:
- War Frenzy (58): Increases player's resistance to shock and sleep attacks. Toggle Skill. Drains MP. Level 1-3. Effect with Lionheart is cumulative.
- Polearm Accuracy (58): Increases Accuracy when using a polearm. Toggle Skill. Drains MP about the same rate as Vicious Stance. Level 1-3. Level 1 Accuracy +2 , Level 2 Accuracy +3, Level 3 Accuracy +4.
- Wide Attack (58): Increases number of targets affectable using pole attacks. Usable when one is equipped with a spear type weapon. Selfbuff. Duration 2 minutes. Cooldown about 30 seconds. Level 1-5. The increase is unknown.

- Whirlwind: Ignores shield defense.
- Earthquake: Ignores shield defense.
- Armor Crush: Ignores shield defense.
- Summons HP can now be viewed by all (including enemies) when targetted.
New Skills:
- War Frenzy (58): Increases player's resistance to shock and sleep attacks. Toggle Skill. Drains MP. Level 1-3.
- Polearm Accuracy (58): Increases Accuracy when using a polearm. Toggle Skill. Drains MP about the same rate as Vicious Stance. Level 1-3. Level 1 Accuracy +2 , Level 2 Accuracy +3, Level 3 Accuracy +4.

- Heroic Miracle: Increases player's p.def, m.def and runspeed for a short period of time. Can be used when equipped with a shield. Uses soul ore.
- Heroic Beserker: For a brief moment increases player's accuracy, p.atk, m.atk, atk.speed, casting speed, runspeed. Increases resistance to debuffs. Increases effect of heals received. Decreases player's p.def, m.def, evasion. Uses soul ore.
- Heroic Valour: For a brief moment increases clan members' p.atk and p.def. Uses spirit ore.
- Heroic Grandure: For a brief moment decreases the p.def, m.def, accuracy, shield defense rate of surrounding enemies as well as increasing their chance of casting interruption and sealing all magical and physical skills. Uses spirit ore.
- Heroic Dread: Puts surrounding enemies in a state of fear, causing them to run away with increased runspeed. Uses spirit ore.

How they work:
- Clan skills are all Passive.
- To learn a skill reputation points and Raid Boss items are needed. The clan must have at least the () level to be able to learn it.
- Once the clan leader learn them, all the members with the right rank get their effect.
- If clan reputation goes lowe than 0 the skill effects are nulled.
- Clan Body (5). Clan members Max HP is raised. Reputation 500. Item: Vastland Egg - A grade
- Clan Spirit (6). Clan members Max CP is raised. Reputation 800. Item: Fake Life core - A grade.
- Clan Soul (8). Clan members Max MP is raised. Reputation 3900. Item: Soul of an angel - A grade.
- Clan Health (5). Clan members HP Regeneration speed is enhanced. Reputation 500. Item: Vastland Egg - A grade.
- Clan Moral (6). Clan members CP Regeneration speed is enhanced. Reputation 900. Item: Fake Life core - A grade.
- Clan Clarity (8). Clan members MP Regeneration speed is enhanced. Reputation 3900. Item: Soul of an angel - A grade.
- Clan Might (6). Clan members P.Atk is raised. Reputation 1000. Item: Dragons Heart - A grade.
- Clan Shield (6). Clan members P.Def is enhanced. Reputation 1000. Item: Vastland Egg - A grade.
- Clan Empower (8). Clan members M.Atk is raised. Reputation 3900. Item: Soul of an Angel - A grade.
- Clan Magic Barrier (5). Clan members M.Def is raised. Reputation 500. Item: Dragons Heart - A grade.
- Clan Guidance (7). Clan members Accuracy is raised. Reputation 1900. Item: Skull of Reaper - A grade.
- Clan Agility (8). Clan members Evasion is raised. Reputation 4000. Item: Skull of Reaper - A grade.
- Clan Shield Block (7). Clan members Shield Blocking chance enhanced. Reputation 800. Item: Skull of Reaper - A grade.
- Clan Shield Defence (6). Clan members Shield Defence is raised. Reputation 800. Item: Dragon Heart - A grade.
- Clan Resist Typhoon (7). Clan members Resistance against Water/Wind is raised. Reputation 1800. Item: Tombstone of the Ruin - A grade.
- Clan Resist Lava (7). Clan members Resistance against Fire/Earth is raised. Reputation 1800. Item: Tombstone of the Ruin - A grade.
- Clan Fortitude (7). Clan members Resistance against Shock attack is raised. Reputation 1800. Item: Tombstone of the Ruin - A grade.
- Clan Freedom (7). Clan members Resistance against Root magic is raised. Reputation 1800. Item: Tombstone of the Ruin - A grade.
- Clan Vigilance (7). Clan members Resistance against Sleep magic is raised. Reputation 1800. Item: Tombstone of the Ruin - A grade.
- Clan Movement (8). Clan members Movement Speed raises. Reputation 3800. Item: Cradle of Creation - A grade.
- Clan Death (7). Clan members experience loss and item drop rate from PK/Monsters is reduced. Reputation 2200. Item: Cradle of Creation - A grade.
- Clan Emperium (5). Permission to create Clan leader chat channel. Reputation 0. Tombstone of Ruin - A grade.

- Mystic clases get -30% Casting Speed and Accuracy -8 when using Dual Swords, Bows and Polearms.

copy & paste z

Bishop - Teon


Posty: 2392
Dołączył(a): 17.07.2004
PostNapisane: 29 maja 2006, 18:39 
Zajebiscie to sobie musze wozek z spirit ore przymocowac do plecow moim Bishopem :wink:



Posty: 2204
Dołączył(a): 10.07.2004
PostNapisane: 29 maja 2006, 22:16 
- Whirlwind: Ignores shield defense.
- Earthquake: Ignores shield defense.
- Armor Crush: Ignores shield defense.
New Skills:
- War Frenzy (5: Increases player's resistance to shock and sleep attacks. Toggle Skill. Drains MP. Level 1-3.
- Polearm Accuracy (5: Increases Accuracy when using a polearm. Toggle Skill. Drains MP about the same rate as Vicious Stance. Level 1-3. Level 1 Accuracy +2 , Level 2 Accuracy +3, Level 3 Accuracy +4.

Nie wiem czy mam się śmiać czy płakać. A szczeże powiedziawszy to jestem trochę zniesmaczony, bo wyglada na to, że staję się reliktem minonej epoki...

Sylvian's Chronicles
Beta Counters »

Posty: 33
Dołączył(a): 4.04.2006
PostNapisane: 30 maja 2006, 10:06 
Summon Cursed Bone (55 Summons cursed bone. Level 1 costs 40 Spirit Ore and summons 25-100 cursed bones, Level 2 costs 80 Spirit Ore and summons 50-100 cursed bones).

-posiada ktos wiecej informacji dotyczacych tego summona?



Posty: 2204
Dołączył(a): 10.07.2004
PostNapisane: 30 maja 2006, 11:09 
Rand napisał(a):
Summon Cursed Bone (55 Summons cursed bone. Level 1 costs 40 Spirit Ore and summons 25-100 cursed bones, Level 2 costs 80 Spirit Ore and summons 50-100 cursed bones).

-posiada ktos wiecej informacji dotyczacych tego summona?

...ekhmmm ja w opisie widać przywołujesz 'cured bones' czyli itemy a nie summona jako takiego.

Sylvian's Chronicles
Beta Counters »


Posty: 700
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2004
PostNapisane: 30 maja 2006, 18:00 
montezuma napisał(a):
- Deadly Blow: Can be enchanted with Instant Kill effect (76+). When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Against player, they will become CP 0.
- Blinding Blow: Can be enchanted with Instant Kill effect (76+). When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Against player, they will become CP 0.
- Backstab: When used against PC, it is a skill which will disrecard CP and damage HP directly. Can be enchanted with Instant Kill effect (76+). When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Agains player, they will become HP 1.

Ciekaw jestem czy nie zmienią tego, jeśli nie to co około 8s bede miał szanse na 1 shoot kogoś :o

79Ghost Hunter/78Saggitarius


Posty: 6032
Dołączył(a): 13.11.2001
PostNapisane: 30 maja 2006, 18:22 
Itachii napisał(a):
- Backstab: When used against PC, it is a skill which will disrecard CP and damage HP directly. Can be enchanted with Instant Kill effect (76+). When Instant Kill effect trigger, monster will die instantly. Agains player, they will become HP 1.

Ciekaw jestem czy nie zmienią tego, jeśli nie to co około 8s bede miał szanse na 1 shoot kogoś :o[/quote]

To tylko w teorii dobrze wyglada - nie wiadomo czynp. 50% szansa ze te skill wyjdzie nie pojawia sie dopiero przy np. +16 ^^

Jestem fanem PiS (Piachów i Szutrów)


Posty: 700
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2004
PostNapisane: 30 maja 2006, 18:35 
Wiesz każdy skill mozna enchantować tylko na jakis jeden dodatkowy bonus, to jest po prostu nowa opcja dodana w C5 do backstab, przyznam że troche przegięta (jeśli to wogóle prawda jest).

79Ghost Hunter/78Saggitarius


Posty: 6032
Dołączył(a): 13.11.2001
PostNapisane: 30 maja 2006, 21:42 
Mi chodzi o to ze to opcja "potencjalna". Np. dorf moze sobie zapodac na spoil DoT'a ale < +8 ten dot bedzie rare dzialal (a przy +1-2 wogole nie bedzie dzialal).
A zrobic te +8 czy wiecej to czysta loteria.

IMHO ten skill enchant jest dodany baaaardzo na wyrost => taki feature dla ludzi ktorzy wsrod maniakow uchodza za maniakow :)

Jestem fanem PiS (Piachów i Szutrów)


Posty: 103
Dołączył(a): 23.04.2006
PostNapisane: 31 maja 2006, 03:43 
Nie wiem jak wam ale mi sie podobaja te zmiany w skilach ^.~

Jeśli chcesz pokoju, gotuj się do wojny...
Bartz Dark Fighter lv 46

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 865
Dołączył(a): 30.10.2004
PostNapisane: 31 maja 2006, 08:22 
- Totem Spirit Ogre: Cooldown 120 seconds. P.Def +30%, M.Def +30%, Accuracy +6, Run Speed -30%, Accuracy -9. Decreases 3HP/tick.

Accuracy +6 <> Accuracy -9, poczekam na c5. Te wszystkie infa o Tyrantach mnie dobijaja, jeszcze w jakis nalog wpadne :D

KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid


Posty: 2945
Dołączył(a): 17.06.2005
PostNapisane: 31 maja 2006, 10:34 
Czytalem, ze uzycie totema zabiera okreslona ilosc HP. Grand Khavatari 78 przy kazdym totemie tracil po 1000 HP. Miejmy nadzieje, ze to tylko bug i nie bedzie tego w finalnej C5

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ rmk cat's dog on fire


Posty: 6032
Dołączył(a): 13.11.2001
PostNapisane: 31 maja 2006, 11:15 
A mi sie wydaje ze "tak ma byc".
Tyrant to specyficzna klasa - SA na broniach uaktywniaja mu sie <60% HP wiec nic dziwnego ze i skile zjadaja mu HP.
Armor crush FS/WS tez zjada HP zamiast mana, Sagitarius archerow tak samo wiec nie jest to jakies total wyjatkowe rozwiazanie.

Jestem fanem PiS (Piachów i Szutrów)


Posty: 2204
Dołączył(a): 10.07.2004
PostNapisane: 31 maja 2006, 13:38 
Karol66 napisał(a):
A mi sie wydaje ze "tak ma byc".
Tyrant to specyficzna klasa - SA na broniach uaktywniaja mu sie <60% HP wiec nic dziwnego ze i skile zjadaja mu HP.
Armor crush FS/WS tez zjada HP zamiast mana, Sagitarius archerow tak samo wiec nie jest to jakies total wyjatkowe rozwiazanie.

Też mi się wydaje, że to zamierzone działanie skilla. Zauważ że teraz taki mietek może zjehać sobie samem HP nie ruszając CP a czym to sie kończy to wiadomo ;)

Sylvian's Chronicles
Beta Counters »


Posty: 2004
Dołączył(a): 29.03.2004
PostNapisane: 31 maja 2006, 17:09 
Nowe animacje u BD :PPPPPP

dance fire

dance light

dance inspiration

dance mystic

dance concentration

dance warrior

dance fury

Bishop - Teon


Posty: 439
Dołączył(a): 27.04.2005
PostNapisane: 31 maja 2006, 18:18 
a songi SwS gdzies znalazles ? ^^


TheDoda is back - BARTZ :D


Posty: 2392
Dołączył(a): 17.07.2004
PostNapisane: 2 cze 2006, 12:11 
Strona korean C5

Translator: ... lator.html

Lepsze to niz nic :D



Posty: 909
Dołączył(a): 8.04.2004
PostNapisane: 2 cze 2006, 23:21 
Ja chce takie duale. :wink:


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