Chronicle 4 Launch Details
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Autor:  Sylvian [ 31 sty 2006, 12:15 ]
Tytuł:  Chronicle 4 Launch Details

The Seven Signs, manor system, and existing clan and alliance wars will be affected by the launch of Chronicle 4: Scions of Destiny.

All castle lords must stop the manor system and reset all values to zero the day before the launch of Chronicle 4, or all adena deposited for the manor will be deleted.

All existing clan wars and alliance wars will end, and the Seven Signs times will be adjusted with the launch of Chronicle 4 to address time-related issues.

More information about Chronicle 4 is coming soon!

Trochę mnie to śmieszy bo nigdzie nie podali jeszcze daty ;)
Anyway jesteśmy już blisko.

Autor:  skylight00 [ 31 sty 2006, 18:21 ]

'The connection to the update server has been terminated' czy to zasluga przeciazonego servera od tego nowego update'a czy moze cos z moim klientem ? : <
z gory dzieki i mam nadzieje ze to pierwsze :P

Autor:  Sylvian [ 31 sty 2006, 18:28 ]

skylight00 napisał(a):
'The connection to the update server has been terminated' czy to zasluga przeciazonego servera od tego nowego update'a czy moze cos z moim klientem ? : <
z gory dzieki i mam nadzieje ze to pierwsze :P

Raczej cotygodniowy maintence LOL ;)

Autor:  skylight00 [ 31 sty 2006, 18:31 ]

Sylvian napisał(a):
skylight00 napisał(a):
'The connection to the update server has been terminated' czy to zasluga przeciazonego servera od tego nowego update'a czy moze cos z moim klientem ? : <
z gory dzieki i mam nadzieje ze to pierwsze :P

Raczej cotygodniowy maintence LOL ;)

no tak ... zeby jeszcze wiedzial ze jest dzisiaj wtorek :| i ze mt jest teraz ... ale dzieki za odpowiedz ^^

Autor:  Poziomka [ 31 sty 2006, 19:27 ]

Wrocka mi powiedziala ze C4 bedzie 8 lub 26 lutego :)

Autor:  Wolverine [ 31 sty 2006, 20:06 ]

heh, Ja tez uwazam za najbardziej prawdopodobna date odpalenia kroniki 4 jest 8 lutego :]

A to z tego powodu ze:

W Japoni C4 bedzie odpalone 7 LUTEGO.

Chronicle 4 it accompanies the update "of Scions of Destiny", the news of maintenance time modification 2006.01.31 
Today is the Lineage II service team.

Every week we have gone to Tuesday, it is periodic maintenance, but
Chronicle 4 attendant upon the update "of Scions of Destiny",
You modify the time of maintenance.

* Periodic maintenance schedule modification point
(Before the modifying) 2006 February 7th (fire) 10:00 - 12:00 (2 hours)
(After the modifying) 2006 February 7th (fire) 6:00 - 12:00 (6 hours)
 * Time approximately some there are times when it does.

* Note
Maintenance before the starting, the pet please puts in a state where it is put away.
Maintenance before the starting, please refrain the utilization of the boat and the gatekeeper.
Making the character the safe place move, please end the game.
Without ending the game it becomes maintenance, you use distantly
There are times when the data of the character is not recorded normally.

* Login position modification
After the chronicle 4 updating, because there is modification in part NPC,
You modify the login place of the character which is drawn up already to the safe place.
* It becomes the village of the vicinity of the place where logout it is done before the maintenance February 7th.

Because of this before the maintenance February 7th logout the place where it is done
The place where login it is done differs after the maintenance.
Understanding of everyone we ask cooperation.

Lineage II service team

Autor:  Sheilo [ 1 lut 2006, 17:49 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Chronicle 4 Launch Details

Sylvian napisał(a):
All castle lords must stop the manor system and reset all values to zero the day before the launch of Chronicle 4, or all adena deposited for the manor will be deleted.

czyli dowiemy sie minimum dzien wczesniej ;)

Autor:  skylight00 [ 1 lut 2006, 21:32 ]
Tytuł:  wTF ?

sry za OT ale czy to normalne ze server pada 4 razy w ciagu dnia ? ;x nie rozumie tego :|

Autor:  montezuma [ 2 lut 2006, 03:25 ]

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D :D :D .

C4 bedzie 8lutego

Chronicle 4: Scions of Destiny will arrive on February 8, 2006!

You will have several options for starting your adventures in Chronicle 4: Scions of Destiny:

Patching from Chronicle 3 to Chronicle 4
Full Chronicle 4 client download on the official web site
Conversion “kit” for the Test Server client on the official web site

For those who want to avoid downloading the update, we are also offering a Chronicle 4: Scions of Destiny CD set on the PlayNC store for just $9.99! (Please note that a serial code is not included in this package.) Quantities are limited, so place your order now!

As a reminder, please be aware that certain event items, the manor system, the Seven Signs, and clan and alliance wars will be affected by the launch of Chronicle 4.

Autor:  Sheilo [ 2 lut 2006, 09:20 ]

montezuma napisał(a):
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D :D :D .

C4 bedzie 8lutego

ah jak dobrze ze na pts nie gralem :D przynajmniej bedzie jakas nowosc ;)

Autor:  Wolverine [ 2 lut 2006, 10:42 ]

wspaniala wiadomosc :D
i moge powiedziec A NIE MOWILEM ;] :D

Autor:  Sylvian [ 2 lut 2006, 11:06 ]

Hyh czyzby NC uczyło sie na błędach?
- Conversion kit z PTS - Live server (i tak chodzitylko o podmianę exe'ka ale... ;P)
- Możliwość kupienia CD'ka z klientem C4

Autor:  Poziomka [ 2 lut 2006, 12:57 ]

Jeszce jakby miesiac- dwa miesiace po wprowadzeniu C4 daliby 'guide' do tego to by bylo fajnie juz calkiem :)

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