Chronicle 5 Preview Site
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To na co czekalem i zapewne wielu jak nie wszyscy z tego forum jak i calegocommunity Lineage 2 ....czekajac od wielu tygodni
NC Soft otworzylo ANGIELSKA strone zapowiadajaca C5
Oath Of Blood jest juz blisko ...szykujmy sie do ostatecznego pojedynku.... dobra ze slem .
Przegladajac strone mozna uslyszec wspaniala, klimatyczna i zagrzewajaca do walki muzyke.
Chronicle 5 Preview Site
** C5 The Public Test Server ** czwartek 27 lipca 2006
July 21, 2006
The Public Test Server will be unavailable for approximately one week in preparation for Chronicle 5. All characters will be wiped from the Test Server during this maintenance period
Official Lineage 2 Message Board - Topic : Chronicle 5 Public Test ServerKod:
Chronicle 5: Oath of Blood is coming soon to the Public Test Server! We are currently planning to launch the Chronicle 5 PTS on Thursday, July 27. More details will be released next week about any experience/item rate changes on the test server, reporting bugs, and more. We can say at this time that we are expecting to wipe all characters from the Public Test Server in preparation for the new Chronicle.
Beginning today, the Public Test Server will be unavailable as we get ready for Chronicle 5.
Thanks to everyone for your enthusiasm and participation on the PTS!
wiec za tydzien na bedzie juz stal C5 PTS