1. Talk to Collector Gouph in the northwest building of the Dwarven Village. He'll give you Gouph's Contract.
2. Talk to Trader Reeps in the weapon shop. He'll take the contract and give you Reep's Contract.
3. Talk to Carrier Torroco behind the warehouse. He'll take the contract and give you Elven Wine.
4. Talk to Miner Maron in the Dwarf start area. He'll take the win, and give you Bronp's Dice.
Itd ....
ciezko go zobaczyc ale jest za "warehousem" musisz na sile starac sie obejsc warehouse a na pewno dojdziesz do niego
Ja tez sie sporo nabiegalem zanim go znalazlem. Jak nie da rady z jednej to sprubuj z drugiej strony warehousa na 100% on tam jest
tylko jak mowilem ciezko go zobaczyc i dostac sie do niego.