- Robe caster shield spells have been increased in effectiveness to bring them on par with the target armor factor for their level.
- Some new damage absorption spells have been added to bolster robed mage defense, giving them some absorption from non-magical damage. Each Robed caster now gets a new spell at 30th and 41st level, which gives 5% and 10% damage absorption, respectively.
Wizard/Theurgist, Path of Earth
30 Buffer of Earth
41 Buffer of Stone
Sorcerer/Cabalist, Matter
30 Dampening Ward
41 Nullifying Ward
Spiritmaster/Runemaster, Suppression
30 Magical Buffer
41 Suppressive Buffer
Eldritch/Mentalist/Enchanter, Way of the Moon
30 Ward of Power
41 Barrier of Power
.......... ciekawe tylko czy to jest w general line... jak nie to sobie moga wetknac bo jesli naprzyklad chodzi o wizards to nie slyszalem jeszcze zeby sie ktoreys w earth specjalizowal
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: kami dnia 2002-01-25 14:32 ]</font>