Nazwy serwerkow europejskich:
- Prydwen
- Ys
- Lyonesse
Na razie nie wiadomo, jaki jezyk bedzie panowal na danym serwerku.
Dlaczego beta jest wersja 1.36, a nie 1.40 czy nawet 1.41 jak USA.
Translating DAoC is not an easy task and we had to start somewhere. It was decided to start with the 1.36, to translate it fully, then start
translating the newer patches. Our goal, once we catch up with the 1.40, is to offer the patches, fully translated, just a couple days after
Mythic on the US servers. We will reach this goal, be sure of that.
Nie bedzie zadnego przenoszenia, czy promocji dla graczy z serwerkow USA.
We won't do any special offer for actual European players using the US version nor will Mythic do any special offer for future american
players using the European version of DAoC.
DAoC US and DAoC Europe are on two totally different distributions and both GOA and Mythic were pretty clear on this point.
Above GOA and above Mythic are really important publishers and distributors, contracts have been signed and must be and will be
Na koniec proste wytlumaczenie, dlaczego zaczalem przekopywac fora (stalo sie dzisiaj wieczorkiem, oczywiscie, nie wiedzialem).
If you have an Albion character in a dungeon or in the frontiers, you can play without any problem but do NOT zone, for if you do, you
will crash and won't be able to log back in.
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dla niezdecydowanych czy grac w europejska czy amerykanska wersje.