Thank you for the report. We have investigated the issue and have replaced the following items on the character Yurianos:
Paidrean Necklace
Winged Helm
Malice's Axw (1h blunt version)
Cycloptic Shield
Belt of the Sun
Animal Bone Bracelet
Unfortunately it is not possible for us to replace every item that you may have lost and so an award of 75 platinum has been made to compensate you for the other missing items that you reported on the character Yurianos and 15 platinum on Rhiral. This amount has been added to your characters' totals already.
We apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused you.
Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager
90p za pare naprawde marnych rogow nie dalbym za nie 1p i ml7 large shield

chyba skoncze wardena wczesniej