I znowu nerf :( odchodze !
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Autor:  Kielas [ 11 gru 2002, 09:52 ]

Hehe zartowalem ale jest mi smutno :sad:
Patch notes 1.57a

Please note that one of these is a replacement for the current "taunt" emote. When we put the original taunt emote in, we didn't foresee the problems people would have with it, and perhaps we should have. In hindsight it really doesn't fit the spirit of the game as well as the newer (and far funnier) taunt emote that is included in this version. We realize that some of you had no problem with the old taunt, but it just didn't "feel" right, so we are replacing it.

Ten taunt to byla jedna z fajniejszych rzeczy w tej grze :smile: i pewnie jacys tramellici plakali ze to jest niemoralne i teraz maja zmienic ... buuuuuu :sad:

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