Problem tech :(
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Autor:  Karol66 [ 19 sty 2003, 00:27 ]

Mam klopot.
Nie moge na second kompie odpalic SI :sad:
Po wybraniu serwera dostaje komunikat "Render creation failed".
Ktos sie z tym spotkal?

Autor:  Kielas [ 19 sty 2003, 00:55 ]

Mam to samo na 2 kompie z SI
Za slaba karta graficzna chyba GF400 MX
Albo drivery trzeba nowe sciagnac ....

Autor:  Mutant [ 19 sty 2003, 01:06 ]

Tak radza ci z mythica:

When trying to load Shrouded Isles, I am getting an "Renderer Creation Failed" error message. What may the problem be?

If you have a GeForce based video card installed and are experiencing this error please double check the following:
1: Please make sure you do not have video card driver version 30.82 and below. Please upgrade to version 40.72 + from either of the following links:
Please make sure you have the very latest DirectX version installed on your PC. DirectX 8.1 is located on the SI CD, but you also may want to upgrade to 8.1b from Microsoft's website if the problem persists.

Autor:  Karol66 [ 19 sty 2003, 01:18 ]

Pierwsze co sobie przeczytalem to pomoc tech.
Na drugim kompie mam Voodoo3 (nie ma AGP ten komp) wiec wiele z tym nie zrobie :sad:

Autor:  Karol66 [ 19 sty 2003, 03:13 ]

Jedyne 7.5 godz pracy, 140MB driverow i update Directx'a sciagniete i 'juz' dziala.
Duzo mnie ten buff bot zdrowia kosztowal :wink:

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