RR8 Pally and RR7 Scout (who has a lvl 10 bow)...Ive seen them wipe like 5 people all at the same time... The only time ive seen them die is when a grp runs them over. They are impossible to see cuz they are always in that shade form. All of a suddon you start getting shot with arrows and then you get to the scout and you cant do anything to him until uve killed the rr8 pally thats there next to him. Fighting a pally while getting rapid fired from a scout with a lvl 10 bow is painfull.
Jak ktoś jest głupi to jasne
Bodyguard chroni jedynie przed melee. Z tym że Bodyguard to jest ML8 ability

Więc bynajmniej nie jest to coś, co każdy tank będzie miał.
Chyba z US wziąłeś ten cytat (pewnie z VN.. hehehe), bo nie wierzę, że w 2 dni ludzie w Euro ML8 skończyli. Nawet gdyby grali 24 godziny na dobę od środy, to nie daliby rady.