Jak dziala quickness...
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Autor:  frogmaster [ 31 maja 2004, 08:30 ]

nie chce znowu zaczynac flame'ow - po prostu kazdy kto nie wiedzial jak qui wplywa na melee albo mial bledna wiedze na ten temat moze swoje poglady dostosowac do rzeczywistosci.

Q: I have heard a lot of questions and speculation about the Quickness stat, so was wondering if I could get a true answer in the Grab Bag?

We know that the higher your Quickness is, the faster your swing speed is. However, does this reduce "frontload" damage? If so, could you give us a good explanation on how this works? Also, do Realm Abilities such as "Mastery of Arms" and ToA bonuses to melee speed do the same?

A: I went to the Code Warrior for the answer to this one. If I understand "frontload" damage correctly, he's asking about the correlation between DPS and actual speed - slow weapons hitting slower but for more damage. Quickness does affect this; it can reduce the weapon's speed by up to 40%, and any Quickness over 250 has no effect. Mastery of Arms and TOA bonuses also reduce weapon speed by what's listed in their delve.

Increasing your Quickness decreases your swing time - style damage, however, is based on your swing time. Therefore by decreasing your swing time, you also decrease your style damage, thus reducing frontloading. Over time, increasing your swing speed adds more damage because the non-style damage comes faster while the style damage remains the same, however each individual hit will do less damage.
Vautrin The Skald,
Midgard Excalibur
PvE Whore

<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: frogmaster dnia 2004-05-31 09:31 ]</font>

Autor:  Fapuse [ 31 maja 2004, 20:02 ]

No i się zgadza. Wszystko jest fajnie dopoki jest endregen. Jak nie ma, to czasem lepiej jest machac wolniej :smile:

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