Plany Mythic Ent. na najbliższą przyszłość
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Autor:  Holger [ 21 lis 2001, 11:12 ]

Sanya Thomas, babka w Mythic, odpowiedzialna za kontakty z graczami, napisała coś takiego:

Let me start by cautioning everyone - this list is by no means complete. The world developers are constantly investigating bugs and putting in fixes. The things on this list are NEW things, not fixes. So if you don't see your pet thing on this list, please don't assume we're ignoring it.


NPC Content -

Over the next couple of months, the content development team will review each zone, one at a time. The review involves a group of developers looking at a given zone and analyzing the content (monsters and npcs) within. Comments and suggestions will be made as to how each zone can be enhanced.
Enhancements may include super rare roaming monsters, monsters with special abilities, npcs that are specific to certain encounters or areas, or simply filling in holes where content is lacking.

Tradeskill Content -

We are currently working on Spellcraft. Spellcraft will be the process of creating permanent enchantments and incorporating them into equipment. Once this is done, players will be able to craft equipment that is comparable or superior to anything else currently in the game.

Item/Treasure Content -

Stonehenge is done, equipment levels are 36-50. (That patch is next week, FYI.)In the next three weeks we will be trying to do one outdoor zone per realm, tweaking and adding new loot to some camps. We will also be slightly raising the drop rates across the board for surface drops. Spindelhalla will get the drop rates for certain armor tweaked based on player feedback.

Quest Content -

All of the quest people are working on the 40th level trainer quests (those are a continuation of the epic quest begun at level 15). These should be in shortly after the week after Thanksgiving. After we complete the 40th level quests, we will begin work on the level 50 trainer quests following the realm's storyline.

We are also working on some new, level 20+ quests for all the realms, including a level 41 Albion quest dealing with necromancers following the evil ways of Arawn, god of the dead.

There you have it, a brief snapshot of what we're doing in terms of content.

Nie zawracałbym wam tym głowy, bo żadnych rewelacji, gdyby nie jeden punkt - Tadeskills. To może być interesujące :smile:

Autor:  Tuxedo [ 21 lis 2001, 11:42 ]

Piekne, piekne, wlasnie to lubilem w UO i uwazalem ze bylo zaniedbane w EQ..., a ja tak kocham tworzyc... hihi rozbudowali u nad jakies 1,5 roku smithing bardzo ladnie :smile: ale nic nie jest superior to other items... :sad: no coz widac tylko bogowie maja prawo robic artefakty... :sad: :sad: :sad:

Hejaczek, obrazony Holgerku BTW :smile:

Autor:  Holger [ 21 lis 2001, 22:32 ]

Witaj Tuxie. Jaki obrażony, dlaczego obrażony, na kogo obrażony?

Autor:  Tuxedo [ 21 lis 2001, 23:29 ]

Nno odzywam sie do Tjebia i Kielaska gdzies tam wczesniej ze sie nie odzywacie... Kielasek sie odezwal a ty nic to myslalem uhm )

Autor:  Holger [ 22 lis 2001, 00:09 ]

eeee... a niby za co na ciebie się można gniewać, Tuxie? :smile:

Autor:  Tuxedo [ 22 lis 2001, 00:55 ]

Znaczy, ja wiem... no nie odzywales sie to tak sobie pomyslalem ech nic nie wazne... to pewnie tak przez dlugotrwaly brak kontaktu... :razz:

Autor:  Holger [ 22 lis 2001, 12:39 ]

tzn., że masz lepszą pamięć niż ja :smile:

Autor:  Karol66 [ 22 lis 2001, 13:35 ]

Ja bym mu na wszelki wypadek przylozyl.
Ty mozesz nie wiedziec za co - wazne ze on wie :smile:

Autor:  Tuxedo [ 22 lis 2001, 14:17 ]

Carol moj ty morderco na zlecenie seryjny jedyny ty :razz:

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