Gdzieś to widziałem na eve-o, ale kilka miesięcy temu, nie będę się teraz przegrzebywał .
Czyli wiem ale nie powiem hehe.
Do końca nie jestem pewien ale porządny deep to teraz powinno być chyba coś ponad 800 au ,żeby ss był poza mapą (może nawet 1500 -2000 au) .(nigdy nie miałem takiej potrzeby i nie znam nikogo kto by takiego potrzebował ,ale znam jedną osobe ,która dla spróby zrobiła deepa poza mapą). Tak ,żeby skanujący nie miał możliwości bawić się probami ( jedną chwyci jakiś sygnał lub nie ,ale nawet nie będzie mu dane zobaczyć kropki i przesuwać proby - z powodu technicznego ).
Here are a number of abbreviations that you might like to use as naming conventions when making your own safe spots:
RS Random Safe spot, to be used if you need a bailout point.
GS Gate Safe Spot, to be used to check if a gate is safe to warp to.
UFS Under fire Safe Spot, this is an outbound safe to make sure you don't get blown away undocking.
StS Station Safe Spot, this is an inbound check to see if you can dock.
DS Deep Safe Spot, this is somewhere relatively safe to stay when in a hostile system.
'Deep' Safe Spots
These types of bookmark are a special type of 'Random' safe spot that includes those that are positioned at least 15AU away from any celestial object. At this distance they are able to provide a measure of protection against all but the best probers. In order to make one of the same steps as those for a 'random' safe spots, but be warned: you cannot rely on this method in systems where the distance between existing celestial objects are too small.
Another method of acquiring a 'Deep' safe spot is by deploying of a fighter and assigning it then proceeding to abandon it, this will place the fighter at a deep safe spot where it can be scanned down with scan probes and bookmarked will allow for (in some cases up to) 200+ au safe spot (this is mainly used by mothership pilots).
A slower, more labour-intensive method allows for creation of safespots of arbitrary depth:
Start warping from point A to point B. Try to find any two points as far apart as possible - it makes the timing easier to get right.
When your distance to point B is equal to about double your warp speed (i.e. the distance you can warp in two seconds at top warp speed), log off.
Log on again as fast as possible. Ideally, have another login screen pre-loaded so you don't have to wait for your client to reload.
Bookmark your current location as soon as possible - call it point C. You only have a brief period of time in which to do this before your ship does an emergency warp back to B.
If you log off at the right time and log on again fast enough, you will find that you overshoot point B.
The distance BC will be anything up to several seconds' worth of peak warp speed.
To continue making deeper safespots, go back to step 1, this time warping from B to C.
Dziadek nie ma czegoś takiego jak zwykły ss .Chyba ,że w twoim słowniku