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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 3 maja 2008, 00:10 
Wraz z wyjsciem Book 13, najpierw na serwerach amerykanskich, a teraz tez europejskich pojawila sie urodzinowa obnizka abonamentow: lifetime, trzy- i szesciomiesiecznych.

Oficjalne info:

One Year Anniversary Promotional Offers

To celebrate the 1 year anniversary of The Lord of the Rings Online™: Shadows of Angmar™, Codemasters Online are excited to bring you some very special subscription offers.

Try the game for 14 full days for free! To do so all you have to go is grab a key from, download the game client and start playing!

Take advantage of our Lifetime Subscription offer for The Lord of the Rings Online and get 10% off the usual price of £149.99 / €219.99 and never pay a monthly fee again!

Or choose a multi-month plan (three and six month subscriptions) and lock yourself into a monthly price of £6.99 / €8.86. Visit COG Accounts to get involved.

As well as this you can take part in our Anniversary In-game event by picking up tokens from monsters around the world of Middle-earth to receive great items!

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