European DevChat Report - 06.28.2007
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Autor:  Lil [ 29 cze 2007, 21:35 ]
Tytuł:  European DevChat Report - 06.28.2007

ostatni wywiad z devsami i z niego wynika, czyli zapowiedzi:


# Fall should see a couple of new additions to the landscape, with a region following a couple of updates later.
# More locations that are hinted on the map will be added progressively, one being added as soon as in the next book.
# The two next updates are focused on providing more 40+ solo content.


# Bracelet and Earring recipes for jewelers will be in the upcoming Book 10 update.
# Race specific gear is under discussion, but we'll have to wait a bit for it.
# They would like to make us able to craft unique "named" items in a future book.
# Premade campfires for cooking will hopefully be added to the main social centers in the next book.
# In Book 10 (next book), Weaponsmiths and Metalsmiths will be able to create "Repair Anvils" that create an NPC that will repair gear out on the field.
# The introduction of the "heavy" wood and ore resources messed up the ratios between smithing metal and precious metal, which were put on an even ratio. A fix will be made that will restore pre patch ratios.
# With the Book 10 update, the way in which rare monsters are dropping their crafting components is changing. This new method will make a greater variety of rare monsters desirable as targets and lighten the crafting burden on specific rare monsters.
# Most, if not all crafting professions will be able to produce decorations for housing, like tables, chairs, etc ...

PvP - PvMP

# At this time, there are no "kinship vs kinship" or "fellowship vs fellowship" PvP options planned.
# Next patch will see trolls added to the monster side and rangers to the free people side. The losing side will have the ability to get these elite units into the field.
# Next patch will see some major changes in the dynamic nature of the Ettenmoors which should improve things for the monster side and make a little more dread crawl in the hearts of the free people.


# The housing system will be released for Book 11, in autumn.
# Houses will not be build, but purchased, we will be able to decorate them.
# Kinship housing will come with the housing system in fall.
# Most, if not all crafting professions will be able to produce decorations for housing, like tables, chairs, etc ...


# More mount options will be available over time, like faster mounts, or on the very near horizon, more sturdier mounts.
# There are no flying mounts planned. None at all. Not even ponies with purple hair and pink tails.


# Kinship housing will come with the housing system in fall.
# Things like kinship storage and other features won't come in immediately, but will be added gradually.
# More levels of kinship grade will be added in the future


# Improvements to the distribution of higher-end loot will be seen in the near future, and loot will be added so that more casual players can also reap the benefits.
# Social clothing will be added as the game progresses in development.
# There are no belts, because Sauron killed all belts and girdles ... he hates your pants!
# Ways to make players able to cosmetic upgrade the appearance of their top tier gear while preserving the stats are investigated, but there's no timeframe commited to it yet.


# Hunter's and Minstrel's threat level is where the devs want it to be, it's the job of the tank to keep his threat higher (in other words, learn to tank ...)
# There may be other pets for Lore-masters in a distant future, but it will be no wolf, spider or ... troll.


# There are plans for additional raid content in the near future, but they are adding it very carefully, as it's only one of a number of activities available, and they repeated their commitment to provide a variety of gameplay options to their players.


# Fishing will certainly be introduced, but no plans for diving or underwater creatures for now.
# Upgradable bank space is coming in Book 10.
# There are thoughts and plans to add ways, in the distant future, to customize your character after creation.
# The new gameplay addition in book 10 will be ... "egg citing" *cluck* (dixit Patience).
# There's no plan to increase the number of character slots per server for now.
# More information about how the various damage types interact with monsters will be hopefully exposed in the Book 11 timeframe.
# Fixes are on the way to stop a single fellowship member to advance the quest for everyone, forcing the others to miss out on the enjoyment of reading the quest text.

czyli z najciekawszych rzeczy, jak dla mnie: Housing - bedzie mozna kupowac gotowe domki i je dekorowac w srodku. beda rowniez gildiowe domki.
Dodadza epickie szybsze mounty...

Autor:  Feargus [ 29 cze 2007, 21:41 ]

Dla mnie Bomba, Housing bedzie naprawde czyms ciekawym. A co do raidow, trudno, przezyjemy ^^

Mam tylko pytanie, bo nie doczytalem sie tego nigdzie.
Na kiedy planowane jest wydanie Book 10 ? Bo Book 11 to pewnie na jesień.

Autor:  Perrin [ 30 cze 2007, 09:58 ]

Housing napewno bedzie wspanialym dodatkiem, ale tez mozliwosc "customizacji" swojego avatara tez brzmi bardzo ciekawie (dla mnie to wazne, jestem jednym z tych wariatow grajacych na serwerach RP).

Autor:  TaoTao [ 2 lip 2007, 14:41 ]

Super,housing wyglada smakowicie, oby spelnili obietnice :)

Autor:  Srogi [ 2 lip 2007, 19:19 ]

Perrin napisał(a):
Housing napewno bedzie wspanialym dodatkiem, ale tez mozliwosc "customizacji" swojego avatara tez brzmi bardzo ciekawie (dla mnie to wazne, jestem jednym z tych wariatow grajacych na serwerach RP).

Ja juz sie nie moge doczekac robienia wystwoju w gildiowym domku ;)

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