Turbine przejmuje kontrolę nad lotro eu. |
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Autor: | warhameron [ 26 kwi 2011, 14:01 ] |
Tytuł: | Turbine przejmuje kontrolę nad lotro eu. |
Informacja szokująca i niespodziewana, ale nie ma tego złego co by na dobre nie wyszło ! ![]() NEEDHAM, MA – APRIL 26, 2011 -- Turbine announced today that it will be expanding its global operations and will assume full control of The Lord of the Rings Online™ (LOTRO) in Europe beginning June 1, 2011. As part of this transition, Codemasters Online will continue to operate the European LOTRO service until June 1st when the existing European players will begin the migration to Turbine’s global service. For more information on the transition, please visit “We are working very closely with our partner Codemasters Online to facilitate a smooth transition to our new global service. We will be providing free account transfers to our new global service and players will be notified when the transfer utility is available,” said Kate Paiz, Executive Producer of The Lord of the Rings Online. “We thank Codemasters for the outstanding job they have done publishing and operating LOTRO and we look forward to continuing to deliver one of the world’s best online entertainment experiences to the gamers of Europe.” “After 4 years of successful publishing and operations we are proud to be handing over a vibrant and healthy service to Turbine,” said David Solari, Vice President and General Manager of Codemasters Online. ”I’d like to thank our many customers over the years for their commitment and look forward to bringing more service-based entertainment to them in the future.” The Lord of the Rings Online is the ultimate adventure. This award-winning massively multiplayer online role-playing game delivers an interactive experience brimming with life and filled with the familiar people, places and monsters from the most famous fantasy of all time. From the picturesque surroundings of the Shire to Moria, the most fearsome underground realm ever imagined, players can experience the world of Middle-earth for free! For more information, visit 1. What’s happening? Turbine is taking over full operations of The Lord of the Rings Online™ throughout Europe starting June 1, 2011. We’re merging the US and EU services into one mega-service we’re calling the LOTRO Global Service. 2. Will there be any downtime during the transition? Yes. We do expect there to be a limited service interruption during the changeover. Additional details, including specific information about downtime or service interruptions will be addressed as we get closer to the official take over date. 3. I play on the EU service today. Do I need to do anything? Yes. All current players of the LOTRO service operated by Codemasters will need to migrate their account to the new global service. This simple one-time process will allow current players to easily move game access and characters to the global service. 4. Should I create a Turbine Account now? No. Please wait for the official migration process to start. If you create an account on the Turbine service prior to the launch of the global service you will not be able to merge that account and your Codemasters account. 5. I’m an EU player who already has both Turbine and Codemasters accounts. Is it possible to merge them after the migration? No. Your accounts will remain separate. 6. I play on Turbine’s service today and do not have any accounts on the Codemasters service. Do I need to do anything? Will anything be different for me? Players on the current North American service do not need to take any action. In general, your play experience should remain the same. 7. What will happen to my characters and items? After you have completed the account migration process, all of your characters and items will be available to you. You need only log in to the game and they’ll be there waiting for you, right where you left them (even the server names are staying the same). 8. What about my billing information? Will you migrate that too? No. we will not automatically access or transfer your private billing information as part of this process. During the migration you will be asked to provide your billing information to us. 9. Are there any differences in the VIP programs between Turbine and Codemasters? The benefits remain the same. Players may also purchase discounted multi-month subscription packages and we are also offering special promotions for some plans during the migration period – please be sure to check the migration site for details. 10. I have a lifetime account with Codemasters. Will Turbine honor it? All existing Codemasters Lifetime accounts will be converted to Turbine Lifetime accounts. 11. Will I lose my existing Points or will they be exchanged for Turbine points? Any points on your account at the time of migration will transfer over to the Turbine service. 12. I am a VIP, will my subscription transfer? Any VIP time you have remaining after migration will be honored. After that period you will lose VIP status unless you update your billing information and select a subscription plan. 13. Will the EU servers be merged into the US servers? No. All existing servers will become part of the Turbine service. 14. Will Turbine continue to support language specific servers? Yes. Servers currently designated as FR or DE speaking servers will remain as they are. 15. Will Turbine support European payment options? Yes. We are expanding our current billing system to accept many new payment methods. 16. Will boxed products or Game Time Cards (GTC) published by Codemasters continue to work after the migration? No. Due to technical incompatibilities between the systems Turbine will not be able to honor any Codemasters GTC or Codemasters retail product keys. 17. What Languages will be available in the global game client? The Lord of the Rings Online™ is available in English, French (Français), and German (Deutsch). The game will default to your currently selected language. If you wish to play in a different language, simply select your preferred language from the launcher. Note: If you are using a DE or FR version of Windows then your game may automatically select DE or FR to match your OS. 18. Will EU players be able to use the site and features such as the lottery after the change? Yes! Once the transfer is complete and your characters are part of the Turbine service, the site will start collecting data about your characters and adding them to the site. You will then be able to use all of the features including blogs, character panels, and lotteries. Please note that your character history will start from the time you join the Turbine service. 19. I'm active on the Codemasters forums, will my posts be copied over to the US forums? No posts, accounts, or other information will be migrated from the LOTRO EU forums. We encourage players to move their guides, tips, tricks, etc over to the Official Lorebook, and the new global community after June 1, so all players may benefit. 20. What will happen to any auctions/bids I have in progress at the time of the transition? We encourage all European players to schedule their auctions to expire prior to June 1, 2011. Due to the nature of the transition we cannot guarantee these items will be available after the transfer. Any subs outstanding will be honoured. Lifetimes will be honoured. Points and store purchases will all be transferred over. Expansions that have been bought at retail will be honoured prior to transfer. Anything after May 31st that you find in stores will not be usable. Any retail box keys you have, should be used before the end of May. Questions from the EU not answered on the FAQ Quote Originally Posted by Eastkilbride View Post There are a number of questions that EU players have and not seen any answers to yet, could someone from Turbine answer any of these 1 Will kinship's and friend lists remain etc or will kins be disbanded? 2 Will our servers stay as they are (and where they are, physically)? FAQ says server names stay as they are, but will Turbine honour our RP servers and uphold their policies? 3 Do we have to redownload for the turbine client though? Or will you find some way to merge that too? 4 Some EU forum users have been given special forum titles for services to the community, can these titles be used of the forum after the transfer? 5 Does turbine also offer events with GM support? 6 Will players have to use there account name as there forum user name? I'll try to answer as best I can. 1 - No. We plan on bringing the entire server database over as it is. So when you log in after the transition you will be on the same server with everything pretty much as you left it. 2- The physical location of the servers will change, but we do not currently plan to change anything else about the servers. 3- We're currently working on tech that will allow you keep your current installation, but this is a complicated piece of work. We'll have a more definite answer as we get closer to June 1. 4 - Moving titles and other special designations between forums might not be possible. However, I'll speak with Satine and see if we can't figure something out. 5- Not at this time. 6- No. The way our system works is you use your account as your forum login, but the name displayed can be any you choose(you select it at sign up) as long as it is not already in use. Quote Originally Posted by Galuhad View Post I would like to know this too.. I have an EU and US account which share the same username.. I hope there's something set up to prevent clashes. When you transition your account, you will be asked to create a new Turbine account. This will prevent any clashes or conflicts. |
Autor: | Templair [ 26 kwi 2011, 14:13 ] |
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Przezajebiscie :>, az na wiwat odnowie skubskrypcje. Szczegolnie, że: 16. Will boxed products or Game Time Cards (GTC) published by Codemasters continue to work after the migration? No. Due to technical incompatibilities between the systems Turbine will not be able to honor any Codemasters GTC or Codemasters retail product keys. i mysle, ze mozna sie spodziewac discoutow u dostawcow GTC :> ... T. |
Autor: | Perrin [ 26 kwi 2011, 14:17 ] |
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Niekoniecznie musza byc znizki, dostawcy nie zdaza sie nawet zorientowac o co chodzi, za to po 1 czerwca przewiduje problemy, bo znajac zycie dalej beda to wszystko sprzedawac, a zaden kod juz nie zadziala ![]() |
Autor: | warhameron [ 26 kwi 2011, 14:17 ] |
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No jak info się rozejdzie to klucze prepaidy po pare zeta beda ![]() |
Autor: | Templair [ 26 kwi 2011, 14:19 ] |
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warhameron napisał(a): No jak info się rozejdzie to klucze prepaidy po pare zeta beda
![]() Na to licze :> ... T. |
Autor: | Cr45h [ 11 maja 2011, 16:30 ] |
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i jak sytuacja z kluczami? bo poki co znalezc nic taniej nie potrafie... a chcialbym zakupic MoM i prepaid (: |
Autor: | Templair [ 11 maja 2011, 17:05 ] |
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Nie tyle nie potrafisz co nie ma tanszych kluczy. MoMa o ile sie orientuje mozna kupic juz tylko w lotrostore ... T. |
Autor: | Templair [ 24 maja 2011, 17:08 ] |
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Sorry za double post. Orientuje sie ktos moze jak teraz bedzie wygladala kwestia prepaidow i generalnie oplacania kont VIP? Zastanawiam sie czy kupic teraz prepaid i przedluzyc zanim bedzie przejscie do USA czy tez poczekac i moze da sie wyrwac cos taniej? ... T. |
Autor: | warhameron [ 24 maja 2011, 19:07 ] |
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Jesli ceny nagle na allegro nie spadna to sie nie oplaca kupowac eu. Poczekaj do 1 czerwca i wykup abonament na 3, 6 lub 12 miechów. Abo na 3 miechy jest tańszy niz prepaid(2 miechy) , więc się po prostu opłaca. Przy 12 miechach to cena chyba wylazi 6-7 $ za miech.(dodatkowe plany taryfowe i opcje płatnosci beda dostepne od 1 czerwca (dla all or tylko dla osob ktore sie przenosza z eu na us) 9. Are there any differences in the VIP programs between Turbine and Codemasters? The benefits remain the same. Players may also purchase discounted multi-month subscription packages and we are also offering special promotions for some plans during the migration period – please be sure to check the migration site for details. |
Autor: | Templair [ 25 maja 2011, 06:56 ] |
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warhameron napisał(a): Abo na 3 miechy jest tańszy niz prepaid(2 miechy) , więc się po prostu opłaca. Przy 12 miechach to cena chyba wylazi 6-7 $ za miech.(dodatkowe plany taryfowe i opcje płatnosci beda dostepne od 1 czerwca (dla all or tylko dla osob ktore sie przenosza z eu na us)
O tym abo na 3 miechy to mowisz juz o opcji po migracji i platnosci w $? ... T. |
Autor: | warhameron [ 25 maja 2011, 12:19 ] |
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Tak. Obecnie jest tylko na 1 miech za 15 euro. Od 1 czerwca abo za 3miechy 28.98$ or 29.98$. Na 6 miechów cos koło 48 $ chyba a 12 w granicach 60-70$ (ceny z przed 2 lat jakie teraz są będą to nie wiem, ale pewnie zbliżone) prepaidy us 31-35 $ w zależności od sklepu, więc abo na 3 miechyba za niecałe 30 $ jest ciekawszą opcja. |
Autor: | Templair [ 25 maja 2011, 12:39 ] |
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Cos drogie te prepaidy w US. 30-35$ to przy obecnym kursie to 84-98PLNow, a na keyach 64PLNy. Generalnie przy polrocznym abonamecie roznica miedzy aktualna cena prepaida w Polsce, a cenami planu 3 miesiecznego to 12PLNow. Liczylem plan 2x3miechy bo nie chce sie pchac w pol roku, a po 2 miechach mi sie znudzi ![]() T. |
Autor: | warhameron [ 27 maja 2011, 23:32 ] |
Tytuł: | | Rok za 80 funtów. Cena w $ powinna być trochę ciekawsza. |
Autor: | Templair [ 28 maja 2011, 00:16 ] |
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warhameron napisał(a):
Rok za 80 funtów. Cena w $ powinna być trochę ciekawsza. Pytanie czy beda Nas liczyli w euro czy dolarach? Mam nadzieje, ze w dolcach bo czekam na ta migracje. W sumie to 80 funtow to zadna szczegolna promocja biorac pod uwage cene prepaidu na keyach ... T. |
Autor: | enkil [ 28 maja 2011, 08:06 ] |
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Było korzystać wcześniej. Za 75 GBP był lifetime swojego czasu, dwukrotnie nawet jeśli dobrze pamiętam. |
Autor: | Perrin [ 28 maja 2011, 08:26 ] |
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No, jakies 3 lata temu za lifetima dalem w sumie 240zl (ze znizka z pre-ordera) i uwazam to za jedna z najlepszych inwestycji mojego zycia ![]() |
Autor: | warhameron [ 28 maja 2011, 13:31 ] |
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$14.99 per month $29.97 per 3 months $59.94 per 6 months $119.88 per 12 months Ale to są ceny bez tej promocji , chyba ... ? |
Autor: | Perrin [ 29 maja 2011, 09:11 ] |
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To są zwykłe, standardowe ceny bez żadnych zniżek. |
Autor: | Templair [ 29 maja 2011, 11:04 ] |
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Lifetime nigdy mnie nie interesowal mimo, ze mialem/mam founders club pass... T. |
Autor: | Perrin [ 1 cze 2011, 20:16 ] |
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Proces migracji juz sie rozpoczal (chociaz na chwile obecna serwery sa potwornie przeciazone i kiszka z tego wychodzi). |
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