Greetings, tester!
The stars are aligned and the moon is right. The time is upon us for another Tech Test!
This Tech Test will be a little different from the ones we’ve run before (but no less important!). This go-round, we’ll be stress testing the billing and registration servers and we need your help to simulate a horde of people all trying to sign up at once!
At 6pm GMT on Sunday, 30 March 2008 (for what that means in your local time, please see this link, we will open the registration pages at: for testing. You will receive 10 keys to register accounts with and we need you to go through the registration process and create 10 different accounts with different usernames.
You can use 4444333322221111 as a dummy credit card number and make up things for your names, addresses, etc. We want to emphasize that we’re not trying to collect your actual information, and we will remove any data after the test has finished. Any accounts you create can't be used for the beta, as the keys are purely for testing registration.
The test will run for 1 hour and we need people hammering on the servers right away, so please try to start promptly at 6pm. Once the test is done, please post your feedback in the Age of Conan beta forums at: ... .php?f=186.
We’re also hard at work on the next Tech Test for the game itself, and will bring you word of that once we have everything nailed down. Your keys:
sciema ostra, beda chyba testowac masowa rejestracje i komu sie uda to sobie pogra