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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 5 mar 2008, 20:39 
Originally posted by Ashkin on official AOC beta boards

Hi, my name is Ashkin and I’m a level 80 Demonologist…

Sounds like the start of an AA meeting . But that is not what this post is about. It has now been some time since I dinged 80 with Ashkin and I wanted to give some feedback on how it was to play a demonologist from level 1 – 80.

I’m not very good at structured writing but will try to make my best, I have a feeling I will go back and edit this post as I come to thing of more stuff I want to say.

First of, Ashkin is specced fire, i.e. I have mainly chosen feats that has with fire spells, this also means that I have not done much testing of the electrical spells. Oh, and another thing, Ashkin is bugged and can’t cast the rank 1 version of “Waves of flame”

General Impressions of the class
If you don’t know demonologists it’s easy to think that they are something like the warlock in WoW, that is plain wrong. Sure, we have pets, but that is about it. The Demo is a offensive nuker, with decent enough group buffs. The pet we have is more like a buff than anything else.
One on one fight is where the demonologist is shining. We are very strong in this area, and better yet, with the right pet/buffs/food, we have next to none downtime. It’s possible to win against 2 mobs, but any more and you better start running. (btw, I will always be talking about mobs around your level or slightly higher level). There is a exception to this rule, where you can take on lots more, but more about that later.

We have 4 pets at level 80. Each pet brings an effect to the party while being present;
More hp,
Grp damage shield,
In and out of combat mana/ health regen,
Increased physical and magical damage of the team.

In addition to this, the pet nukes, but, that is really only a side effect as it is now, the nuke is so weak compared to what you bring to the table that its nothing. But, I regarded the pet as a very good buff, and in fights like a small DoT. Out of the 4 pets, I only really used the mana/ health regen one, even after I got access to higher level pet. It was the only one that had an effect that was big enough to make any difference. That effect is the main reason why you will have very little downtime as a Demonologist. If I had been grouping more I might have used another pet as well, depending on if there was someone else to provide regen.

It would have been nice to have had pets with more specialized tasks, so that you would have to think about, and choose pets with care depending on what you were doing.

Pet control is…. Horrid. It works so that the pet will start nuking anything you have targeted when you enter combat mode. You can call the pet off by exiting combat mode, but the pet will finish any nuke it has started … This means that if you are fighting for your life, and just barely makes it, but ends the fight with a monster target in another camp… Or if you are running in a dangerous area, and want to keep an eye on the bad guys, doing so by targeting them to check level etc, and suddenly you get aggro by something else and enter combat …

Friendly spells (Aka Buffs)
Not much to say, a lot of these are groupwide buffs and I love that, it will make a demonologist a welcome addition to a group. I always tried to keep all buffs up on me. There are a few which is essential. As a fire specced Demo, I would run from a fight if “Infernal Knowledge faded. It is that important, also the damage absorber, “dark bargain” is a given, you will probably die without it.

Hostile spells
First of, remember that I had to solo most of my career, so my selection of spells reflect that. That said, we have a lot of cool spells, or at least, they have very cool names, I mean who can resist a spell called “draw forth the heart” ? Or “Gate of Hell” ? The problem is, that I found after some testing, that most of the spells wasn’t useful bothering with….

I spent 95% of my levelling casting the same spell, “flamestrike”. A few times I also threw in a “storm chains” for good measure.

I won’t give feedback on all spell, just some of the ones I have used.

Flamestike – the bread and butter spell, used every fight

Stormchains – At first I thought this spell was bugged and was hugly overpowered, then I realised it was rather some mobs that seemed bugged and never could resist it. That meant for example that I could solo a boss in a grp instance dungeoun, once the storm chains landed, the boss never got free, and I could spend forever to whittle it down with nukes.

Fiery Torment – A stun and a DoT, the stun is very short, at first I thought this was bad, it can’t be used for any kind of crowd control, then I realised, that if the stun had been any longer this spell would have been to powerful in PvP. The DoT part of the spell is very weak. Aside from testing this, I never used this spell. Casting range is to short as well.

Draw Forth the heart – The mana given back is really not worth it, I used this spell only as a means to get rid of a pesky minion that was hitting me.

Flame body & Unholy hate – the duration of these 2 spells is way to short, especially unholy hate,, Im not even sure it stays for the time it actually takes to cast another spell ….

Sacrifice & Blood Sacrifice – Can’t cast either of these spells, getting a message saying you can’t cast hostile spells on yourself.

Firestorm – Fire AE spell, this one I liked, a lot, it has a cool concept, it decrease melee damage on the mobs as well as doing damage on them. There seem to be a problem with the spell though, at times, and no, I don’t know how to recreate it, this spell simply removes to much of the melee damage. I have used it to AE whole camps to death, killing 5-6 mobs at once. The problem is of course that it sometime doesn’t remove that much damage …
Oh, and another thing, this spell is VERY vulnerable to interruptions, and for some reason, when I raised my casting concentration from 300 to 500 I started to get a lot more interrupts than I had before…. Anyway, I sometimes used this spell to pull with, just targeting a single mob, just to make him a bit easier to fight.

Impish Trickery – Another cool concept, root & runspeed. The root works, runspeed doesn’t as far as I can tell.

Let Them Burn – I haven’t used this very much, when playing solo, it just doesn’t do enough damage to be usable, you need to kill mobs faster than this spell lets you. I can imagine its good in a group.

Impish Horde – Summons a horde of Imps that nuke, nuke and nuke. This spell is so cool, I love those little guys. Not a bread & butter spell, but good in the right circumstances.

That’s all on spells for now.
In short, I used one nuke 95% of the time, DoT’s are to weak to be bothered with. A lot of cool spell concepts, but I think some need tweaking.

Yeah, I know, there is none yet I just wanted to vent my bitterness that Ashkin was running around looking like a roman gladiator his whole career. Now I’m just using the robe from Mithrelle, yeah, the lvl 5 one. But atleast it looks cool.

So, in conclusion, a nuking class, strong 1vs1, good group buffs and very little downtime. Downside is of course fragility

That’s all for now folks

First of all i love the necromancer class in every game and am excited to see it implemented in AoC.

Now for my initial experience i felt that the spells were extremely close ranged, considering i died in 2-3 hits from everything except other casters. As for the spell descriptions (Hostile target aoe ranged) I could not quite understand these at first, until i messed with them on my own and i found that some of them were meant to be used at melee range.

Correct me if i am wrong . But i was unable to survive long enough at melee range to get off 2 spells.

*Frost Blast - The Necromancer frosts the area infront of them with sub-arctic winds,inflicting cold dmg and freezing targets in place*.
Think of Cone of Cold in WoW when you see this spell. I did get to use this spell... regretably, i was to far away to see it do anything Lol! But i could not judge the distance on it very well so i was unable to see the dmg output it could do or see how reliable it was. This is more of a range issue as i couldnt quite see how far the spell actually spread. If there were more effects to the spell, so a person could see the exact range. Then it would feel alot more fluid to me.

*Blasphemous Ruin - The necromancer utters a blasphemy so vile and foul any enemies nearby are wracked by agonizing unholy dmg*.
This spell was one of my main attack spells. 2 second cast with a very quick recharge made this spell a very good spell to use in rotation. The only problem was that it did around 80 dmg and i was getting hit for about 120-200 dmg per person it seemed (I scrolled up in the combat log to see what dmg everyone was doing to me). This could be a result of me not knowing how to use the shielding properly. But this seemed like a reliable spell to use with others in a rotation, except that the range was very close and against rangers i felt as though i was dead before i got in range to even cast a spell. This could be because it was a *Self centered area spell* Which i think means that i have to be close to people to use it. The problem is that i didnt know how close to be. So i tried to stand like right next to people to see what the spell actually did. It does say 7 meters aoe spell, but i dont know how big that actually is in the game unless i had more time to test.

*Flesh to Worms - This horrific incantation causes the victims flesh to burst open with writhing grave-worms. The worms feed upon the victim, causing dmg for a short time.*
This spell was actually my spell i used because i specced my feats down the reanimation tree. I put all 5 points into *Decomposition - Increases dmg and healing of Flesh to Worms spell by 30%*. Then i also put all 5 points into *Infestation - There is a chance that the Flesh to Worms invocation will seek out and infect other nearby enemies*. What i was trying to go for with this spell is for it to be a life leach and have it spread to more people for more healing/dmg. Now i am unsure if this spell actually heals me at all! But since i saw in the feat tree that it increases healing. I just assumed that Flesh to Worms had a healing effect attached to. But i am not 100% sure if it does. This was a useful spell in that it only took 1 second to cast and lasted 10 seconds. The problem is with the range and targeting. I felt that i had to be pretty close to my target and the TAB function did not work very well for me to target other players.

*Parasitic Soul Swarm - Channels a swarm of spectral parasitic souls, inflicting unholy damage to nearby enemies. Any enemy slain while infected by a parasitic soul has a chance of returning from death to server the necromancer for a short period of time*
Now i was unable to use this spell for 2 reasons. The first one is that i didnt know how to make it target people at first, it is a Hostile Self Centered Area Spell. Which i guess means that it is a area of effect channeling spell around myself?? The other reason is this spell took 10 seconds to channel and i never saw any effects from it cause i guess i was to far away from my target or they were not close enough? Does this spell have to go through the whole 10 seconds of casting before it is supposed to work? Or does it do dmg the entire 10 seconds of casting while the target is standing ontop of me?? I have no idea.

*Deathly Blizzard - The necromancer gestures towards an area and it is assailed by the frigid touch of death, inflicting cold dmg on enemies in the area*
This spell is closely related to the mage spell *Blizzard* in WoW. Except with this spell you have to wait the entire cast time for the spell to actually go off and attack the area you specified. I did not use this spell much as i already got the idea of how to use it. As a 2.5 second casting AoE spell. I can see it having its uses, but i did not see how much dmg it could do.

*Ice Strike - This invocation creates a stream of cold that manifests into razer-sharp slivers of ice inflicting cold dmg on the target*
Another range issue. I had to be pretty close to my targets to get this spell off and i think i got it off once before i was noticed and promptly 2 shotted. It seems that this would be one of the more useful spells in that it has low mana cost and you can put it into a spell rotation to do some decent dmg.

*Pestilential Blast - This invocation creates a stream of foul corruption from the grave that inflicts unholy damage on the target*
This is probably the most powerful spell i used. It does around 80-180 dmg to the target. I think it was around a 2 second cast spell. But the range was a issue for me most of the time cause i had to be relatively close to my targets and by the time i got the spell off, they were within melee range and pounding on me.

*Undead Minion - Corruptor and Mutilator, The necromancer summons a mindless undead minion. This type of minion can only perform basic melee attacks*
The corrptor does unholy melee dmg and the Mutilator does bleed effect dmg which can increase all melee dmg when it stacks up. I found my pets to be quite useless. I could never see them in combat, so i didnt know if they were even attacking anything or standing next to me on the dark soil. They were very hard to see when in water/grass/any type of dark texture. There is no way for you to tell your pets to attack a enemy. They assist/defend/follow and thats it. One time i actually cast one of my AoE spells while i was looking at one of my pets and the other pet started to attack it... cause it was assisting me.

All of the buff spells seemed to be ok. They all absorbed dmg... from what i saw in the combat log =P. I liked how long the duration was on all the spells and how they did not disappear when i died.

So in the end.

-A longer range would be nice.
-Being able to control our pets and see them aswell.
-Targeting Mode/Spell Effect description could have been more descriptive in what the spells actually do and how you target with them.
-Being able to see more of what we are casting, cause black hands in the dark didnt really help me notice that i was casting one of my spells and i interupted them alot.
-Targeting needs to be tweaked aswell.

Thats about all i can think of atm. Hope you guys get some good feedback off this.


Ja tam nie wiem czy wkoncu Demonologist czy Necromancer ;/

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Posty: 1877
Dołączył(a): 22.11.2007
PostNapisane: 5 mar 2008, 20:42 
Streści ktoś? Bo nie chce mi się tego czytac wszystkiego...

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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 5 mar 2008, 20:48 
O tu jeszcze cos nt necro:

Originally Posted by Majandra View Post

In advance, I'm sorry for my (sometimes) poor and bad english.

Why choose the Necromancer ?

I always preferred wizards to warriors. I like offensive magic, especially if it’s dark oriented. In AoC, the Necro was a good choice : unholy spells and life drain. On the other hand, I’m not very attracted to cold magic and pets. But it’s not a problem, like others classes, the Necromancer has 2 Feat trees : Reanimation, the pet tree, and Nightfall, the nuker tree.

So in the beginning, I chose the nuker way and developed Nightfall feats.

Levelling impressions.

1-20 : I felt very powerful, had great spells, could tank 2 or 3 mobs… And plus, grind wasn't needed, thanks to the quests !

20-40 : Things are getting complicated. I get some new spells, others become useless, and mobs are stronger. But there are bandaging and potions. I felt weak in those times, had to use bandaging and renew mana very often. And this time, I had to grind a few to reach 40, but it wasn’t a problem.

40-60 : Great times ! I saw a real improvement in my DPS (or maybe, I begun to play correctly ). Mobs are easily killed, I didn’t use bandaging as many times as before. On the other hand, there were too few quests (not bugged ones), and I have to grind a lot.

60-80 : Horrible for multiple reasons, like the lack of soloable quests, their xp reward, no 60+ spells for a while and grind grind grind…

I did 1-80 alone (a low level helped me sometimes ), and I never tried to find a group. I wanted to test the solo content of the game, discover the world, and, I know it’s a MMO, but I like to play alone if I can… I did some group quests alone too (with some tricks). In any case, for low levels there aren’t many group/raid instances, and I have a feeling that groups are only useful when you do group quests : solo quests give you enough xp, so you don’t have to grind. Moreover, you can’t share all these quests.

These past weeks, I tested group/raid content with others 75+, there are so many of us now ! I like the worrying atmospheres, and with Onyx Chamber or Scorpion Cave, I’m not disappointed. Enemies are stronger (so do boss), we need some time to kill them, but… the xp sucks ! Why isn’t it in proportion to the mob HPs ?

Like others MMOs, playing a mage is repetitive, but in AoC… Necromancer seems to be a 2 spells class. Apart from buffs, I only use Pestilential Blast and Flesh to Worms. Others spells ? I don’t care. Sometimes I use Parasitic Soul Swarms to kill minions or low level mobs, Draw Forth the Heart to have the Shackled Heart Buff, and Freeze to paralyze mobs. See here to know why I don’t use others spells.


The idea of destiny’s quests is cool. But when I was in Tortage, there were too much round trip quests, I hate that. Rewards are cool (scrolls, xp and stuff) and discover the past of our char helps to immerse us in the game. And see the NPC who helped you before, join you for the last fight, that was a great moment !

Otherwise, go there, kill some mobs, loot something… are classic quests like in other MMOs. But others quests who ask to free some prisoners, destroy buildings or objects, find people, interact with the environment, are my favorites. Quest logs give nice informations about the world’s history.

Special Thanks to GMs who helped me to finish some of them.


I knew the “old” Tortage Island, good at night, horrible at day. I read that it’s different now, good for newbies or rerollers. I hated and I always hate loading times, but, that’s not what I want to talk about here.

I like the ambiance of this game, graphics are good, and enemies really fit into the surrounding countryside. As a caster, I have to manage my mana AND my health in combat, and sometimes, it’s very difficult due to several enemies crammed into small areas. The best example is Atzel’s Approach : enemies everywhere ! And if you don’t have 5 levels and over than them, they’re all aggressive.

Cities are not finished, but I like the cultural identity of Khemi. Light and sounds… Serpents all over the city, it’s great ! Old Tarantia is so big ! At certain places we could see people listening to priests, but this city is too quiet (inhabitants are agoraphobic ?) and need so much NPC, like Conarch’s Village, which is a beautiful place.

With patches, I saw changes in zones, especially Khopshef : they’re new buildings, new water… and new sand color which is horrible. But like Conall’s Valley and Wild Lands, they’re big and it’s a pleasure to explore them. After these ones, I went to Field of the Dead, then Eiglophian Moutains, big and beautiful zones too. The bestiary is varied, and fight zombies, wolfs, cannibals or ice worms is pretty cool.

And then we have Kheshatta. The sky and weather effects have been greatly improved with patches, but there’s one thing I hate here : the purple grass. It’s horrible, and I can disable it. This zone is small, but thanks god, there are multiple instances in it.

On the other hand, travel could be improved with stagecoach. I know, it’s not very realistic or whatever, but the other day, I was in Kheshatta. To go to the raid in Atzel’s Approach, I have to go through Khopshef, go to Khemi, then to Conarch Village, Field of the Dead, Atzel’s Approach and finally, Vistrix Lair. Ok, we have horses, but it remains too long.
It’s the same for the economy, please, add some bankers in big zones !

Originally Posted by Majandra View Post

Like I said before, I only use buffs and 2 offensive skills.

Friendly spells are cool : I can increase my physical and magical defense ratings, my unholy or cold magic rating, I have a useful shield of absorption, and skills which add debuffs to offensive skills. Some are useless.

- Why do we have the Necromancer Self AR Buff ? Last time I used my dagger to hit an enemy, I was lvl5.
- Same for Gangrenous Touch, why do we have to do a physical attack to lower the physical defense of the target ? Totally nonsense !
- Ghoulish Feast’s lifetap is ridiculous too, and has a too long recast timer.
- Loathsome Teachings, our last buff, lasts only for 20 seconds and uses 400 MP. Crap !

Hostile spells : I don’t use cold spells. Their damages don’t hold their own against unholy ones.

- Same for the debuffs, they’re ridiculous and I have to be on the enemy. Crap again !
- We have Lifeleeches… You can rebuild it, potions are more effective than that. Why don’t we have a real (and ranged) lifedrain, inflicting damage and returning life ?
- Also, I find the damage range too high : sometimes with the same skill, damages can vary by as much as 100%. Could you reduce that ?

And please, do something for the skill animations, Ice Strike is horrible, and many of the unholy spells have only this black smoke escaped from a Lost episode.


When I saw my first pet, I was a little disappointed. A scorpion ? Why not a skeleton or a living dead ? Then I read the forum and I saw “they do undead damage”. In fact, I know they’re undead scorpions, they have exoskeletons !

So… Scorpions… We have so many of them. Actually, enemies don’t attack them (only if you’re inaccessible). Their abilities are cool : mana, life or stamina drain, bleeding effect and explosion ! We can boost their abilities with feats, and our buffs (Runed Flesh, Necrotic Blessing and Quell the Ether) affect them. I tested them, and they have a better magic defense than we have !

The others pets, Acolytes and Archmage, are the same, and are “real” undead ones. They look good, but they’re too big ! Acolytes do cold damage, but we don’t have a buff to increase their magical output, only feats increase their abilities. I didn’t see a big damage difference when I used 8 scorpions or 4 acolytes, but in any case I took scorpions, acolytes don’t have mana regen.

Hmm and for Archmages, is it their final skin ? I was hoping they had something to differentiate them from Acolytes…


The last point. How do you plan to play your Necromancer : like a nuker or like a summoner ?

The Nightfall tree : We can boost the damage output of our spells, add effects to them, use pet points to increase our HP or MP… Great, but :

- Why are Decomposition, Grim Corruptor and Infestation, which increase damage or add effects to unholy spells, in the Reanimation Tree ?
- Ice Shards : It seems to be broken, damages inflicted to nearby enemies are too high.
- We can increase our damage output by sacrificing pet points, it’s a great idea. Despoil the Soul lasts only for 15s… And we have to cast it 7 times to see a significant increase in magical damage. Why only 15s ? If I choose this Tree, why can’t I remove the possibility to summon pets for a long time ? I hope that Death Eater and Soul Absorption will last for more time too.
- Lich Form : 30s for 735MP, only at lvl70… Why not more time ? Ridiculous for the last feat I think…

The Reanimation Tree : Ok, here, we can boost stats or special abilities of servants… This Tree is better than the Nightfall one, but has defaults too :

- One with Death raises our pet points by 1 (up to 3) by sacrificing our health. It lasts only for 90s… Same as before, why not much time ? If I choose to be a summoner, what am I so limited by spells durations ?
- Same problem with Walk with Death : 30s duration for -10% magic damage modifier… It will be better to increase the duration, extremely decrease our magical damage and place this feat sooner in the Feat tree.

At this point, I’m a little disappointed with the Feat trees. If I choose the Nightfall one, I’m not completely a nuker : I can (and I need to) summon pets, several abilities have a short time duration… And if I choose the Reanimation one, I can nuke (damages are satisfying) and same problem, pets do good damages only for a short time.
There’s not too much differentiation between them. You should take a look at this.

Finally, a word about the General feat tree : the first feat, Mystical Attunement, increases cold, fire, electric and holy magic. And the unholy one ?!

Originally Posted by enosis View Post
I make this thread to help a bit those who are confused about which spell should they buy (which spell is learnable for their level) from the NPC scroll vendor in Khemi (Necromancer Scroll Vendor). Please keep in mind that in the following list there are ONLY spells for 20 level necromancers and higher . So here is the list, in case you have more info please reply to complete the list faster :

A) 20 Level

- Minion: Corruptor
- Dark Knowledge (Rank 1)
- Pestilent Blast (Rank 1)

A) 21 Level

- Invulnerability debuff
- Necromancer self AR buff 20

B) 22-24 Level

- Nothing

C) 25 Level

- Gelid Bones (Rank 1)
- Flesh to Worms (Rank 1)
- Necrotic Blessing (Rank 1)
- Ruined Flesh (Rank 1)
- Vile insight ( Rank 1)
- Ice strike ( Rank 1 )

D) 26-29 Level

- Nothing

E) 30 Level

- Bone Ward (Rank 1)
- Frost Blast (Rank 1)
- Quell the Ether (Rank 1)

F) 31 Level

- Nothing

riginally Posted by Majandra View Post
I tested all the feats and skills. In these posts you'll only see my personal observations. Feel free to ask for more precisions or add comments.

Legend :
SeaGreen : This feat/skill works.
RoyalBlue : I'm not sure if this feat/skill works or I don't find a way to correctly test it.
DarkRed : This feat/skill doesn't work.

I. Nightfall Tree (59 points)

Spellstrike : Increases the chance of Ice Strike and Pestilential Blast inflicting critical damage.
---> I don’t know if this feat works because I never did critics.

Frozen Body : Increases the damage done by the necromancer’s Ice Strike and Glacial Storm spells.

Corrupted Soul : Increases the damage done by the necromancer’s Pestilential Blast and Blasphemous Ruin spells.

Ice Shards : Augments the Ice Strike spell by showering enemies nearby the primary target with cold damage.
---> Works but it does incredible damages on nearby enemies (up to 3 times as usual).

Flash Freeze : Reduces the casting time of the Frost Blast spell.

Piercing Corruption : Increases the amount of damage inflicted by critical Ice Strikes and Pestilential Blasts.
---> I don’t know if this feat works because I never did a critical.

Cannibalism : The Necromancer sacrifices some of their life for mana points.

Unholy Inspiration : Using Pestilential Blast increases the damage done by the necromancers undead servants for a short time.
---> There’s no increase in damage.

Decay : inflicts unholy damage on all injured enemies nearby. The more injured they are, the more damage will be inflicted. For each enemy struck that has less than 10% life the necromancer will be healed for a small amount.

Flesh of the Wight : Increases the amount of damage absorbed by the spell Runed Flesh. Any enemies attacking the necromancer also have a chance of being afflicted with a curse that damages them for a short time.
---> Works, adds Foul Rot DoT.

Spellweaver : Targets struck by the necromancer’s Ice Strike and Pestilential Blast are also made more susceptible to magical damage for a short time.

Despoil the Soul : The necromancer’s attacks do more damage for a short time but reduces the number of servants at their command (their pet point counter reduces by one).

Death Eater : The necromancer sacrifices one of their undead servant to restore some of their life and boost their life levels.
---> There’s a skill animation, but it doesn’t work.

Soul Absorption : The necromancer sacrifices one of their undead servants in return for a boost to their mana.
---> There’s a skill animation, but it doesn’t work.

Touch of Winter : Augments the Gelid Bones spell with a movement penalty.
---> Adds a 35% movement penalty.

Bones of Frost : Increases the area of effect for the Gelid Bones spell.

The Devourer : Increases the amount of life the necromancer receives from sacrificing one of their undead servant with the Death Eater spell by absorbing some of the damage they inflict on their minion.
---> See Death Eater feat.

Grip of Death : A channeled spell that inflicts cold damage on the target and any nearby enemies.
---> Works but I need to stand on the target.

Blasphemed Flesh : Any enemies afflicted with the Flesh of the Wight spell suffer additional damage if also struck by the Blasphemous Ruin spell.
---> I don’t know if it works, Blasphemous Ruin lands extremely rarely.

Wretched Curse of the Plagued Heart : When Plagued Heart is triggered there is a chance any victims will also be made more susceptible to magical damage.
---> There’s no change in magical damage taken by enemies.

Curse of the Plagued Heart : Enemies around the necromancer become cursed and have a chance of receiving unholy damage whenever they attack.

Frost Reach : Increases the cone size of the Frost Blast spell.
---> Seems to not work.

Shatter : The necromancer instantly shatters any minion under the effect of the Glacial Storm spell.

Ritual of the Lich : The necromancer takes on the form of an undead lich. This increases the damage done by their frost and unholy spells and the sorcerer is healed by such damage. However, they suffer more damage from fire or holy attacks.
---> Works, but there’s only a holy magic debuff.

Originally Posted by Majandra View Post

Legend :
SeaGreen : This feat works.
RoyalBlue : I'm not sure if this feat works or I don't find a way to correctly test it.
DarkRed : This feat doesn't work.

General Tree (61 points)

Mystical Attunement : Increases the magical damage done by the mages spells.
---> No change seen.

Spiritual Armament : Increases the mage’s defense rating.
---> No change seen.

Mind Phase : Reduces the chances of hostile spells attracting the victim’s ire and changing targets to attack the mage.
---> Don’t know if it works.

Spiritual Aegis : Increases the mage’s magical defensive rating.
---> No change seen.

Crimson Shield : Increases the strength of the mages Shield of Absorption.
---> Description changes to "Gives your absorb shield a HP buff" when spending feats points in it, adds +59 Max life.

Tome Of Erlik : Grants the mage an ability which for a short time increases the damage done by their spells.
---> No ability added (works a few weeks ago) in the ability window.

Mage Blood : Increases the rate of mana regeneration.

Mirrored Iron : Augments the Iron Skin spell with the ability to reflect damage.
---> Adds effect “change hit percent for Spiteful Shield by 2000%” in Runed Flesh description, but doesn’t inflict damage.

Quickened Iron : Increases the rate at which the Iron Skin spell absorbs damage, refreshing collapsed shields faster.
---> Adds lines in Runed Flesh description, but there’s no change.

Purge : Dispels curses and lingering effects like bleeding wounds.
---> Seems to not work.

Malefic Chant : The mager has a chance of healing their own wounds when their hostile spells inflict damage.
---> Works rarely.

Misdirection : Teaches the sorcerer the Misdirection spell that substantially reduces the hostility of the target, making them less likely to break off and attack the sorcerer. Takes a short time to recharge.
---> Like other aggro spells, I don’t know if it works.

Blood Hunger : Reduces the reuse time of the Draw Forth the Heart incantation.
---> Works but reduces the reuse time only when 3 feat points are spent.

Specter Chant : All the mages hostile spells have a chance of converting some of their damage and restoring the casters mana.
---> Doesn’t work.

Unleased Power : Improves area of effect spells by increasing their size.

Archmage : Augments the mage’s magic rating by increasing damage done by both schools of spells.

Dark Meditation : Floods the mages blood with new mana but stuns them for the spells duration.
---> Spell added but it says “you must have trained the feat : Unknown” when using it.

W skrocie to wyglada ze Demo jest OP klasowa pure nuker i ogolnie pwnzor, a necro to takie niewiadomo co, ktory niby ma mininy debuffy ale..

Btw. Generall tree i class tree maja osobne punkty czy dzielone ?

PODPISY: banery, sig'i, podpisy muszą zgadzac sie tematycznie z profilem forum, nie mogą być animowane, nie mogą przekraczac wielkości 100KB i wymiarow 90 (wysokość) x 400 (szerokosc).

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Posty: 12796
Dołączył(a): 17.08.2005
PostNapisane: 5 mar 2008, 22:19 
Z tego co widzę, z opisów i doświadczenia ludzi, którzy grali już wcześniej w MMO, będzie zajebiście ciężko wybrać klasę. Fajnie zrobili każdą, myślę że w 95% przypadkach, ludzie zrobią reroll po 50% na inną, żeby zobaczyć :).

Co do necro, brzmi zajebiście. Solowanie widzę jest cholernie proste, po kilka mobków. Ciekawe jak Barbarian będzie wyglądał. Widziałem, że też sobie dawał spokojnie radę z kilkoma mobami, a sama nazwa barbarzyńcy pasuje idealnie do Hyborii.

Ciężki kawałek chleba do zgryzienia będzie "kim grać".

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Posty: 400
Dołączył(a): 2.03.2004
PostNapisane: 5 mar 2008, 22:22 
Zgadzam się. Przed tech betą byłem prawie na 100% zdecydowany na grę Heraldem of Xotli, jednakże już po krótkim "liźnięciu" innych klas nie jestem taki zdecydowany...

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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 5 mar 2008, 22:39 
Ciężki kawałek chleba do zgryzienia będzie "kim grać".

Ja rozwiazalem problem. Wylevelluje i NEcro i Demo. o!. A potem bede gral tym ktory fajniejszy :p. Wszystkie Heraldy i inne odpada, close range to nie dla mnie wole stac w bezpiecznej odleglosci.

Jeszcze tylko zostaja Healrzy w zasadzie to Healer Priest Of Mitria czy jak mu tam :E

PODPISY: banery, sig'i, podpisy muszą zgadzac sie tematycznie z profilem forum, nie mogą być animowane, nie mogą przekraczac wielkości 100KB i wymiarow 90 (wysokość) x 400 (szerokosc).

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Posty: 18803
Dołączył(a): 26.09.2005
PostNapisane: 5 mar 2008, 22:42 
hmm... mam to samo, pierwsza gra mmo gdzie nie moge sie zdecydowac czym grac, moze to wina, a raczej zaleta ze klasy nie sa tak sztywno przypisane do konkretnego archetypu, teoretyczny healer moze miec rozne zastosowania i rozne style gry.
Zaczynalem zdecydowanie Tempest of Set bo to caster healer, jednak okazalo sie ze w mele sporo walczy, a ze melee super to moze zobaczyc guardziana, zaraz stwierdzilem ze zobacze Bear Shamana bo melee healer, potem ranger bo zarabiscie zrobiona postac, teraz sprawdzam Demonologa i nie mam pojecia nadal kim grac.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."


Posty: 369
Dołączył(a): 11.12.2006
PostNapisane: 12 mar 2008, 12:27 
a ja szukałem filmików na youtube i nie ma ani jednego o Necrosach, jest jeden ale pokazuje tylko skille. Dziwne troche czyżby niszowa klasa?

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Posty: 31388
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2002
PostNapisane: 12 mar 2008, 12:29 
nii demonologist w ogole jest nie jest standardowy. i castowanie tez nie jest standardowe.
szkoda tylko ze nie przewidzieli interruptow. easy mode


Posty: 123
Dołączył(a): 27.02.2008
PostNapisane: 12 mar 2008, 15:37 
dae bo musisz wpisać:nekrofilia :)


Posty: 369
Dołączył(a): 11.12.2006
PostNapisane: 12 mar 2008, 18:17 
samhain napisał(a):
dae bo musisz wpisać:nekrofilia :)

nie odważyłbym sie nawet wpisać takiego słowa w You Tube.


Posty: 230
Dołączył(a): 10.03.2007
PostNapisane: 13 mar 2008, 19:48 
tyle ze aoc ma bardziej melee boostowac niz casterow (jak to zazwyczaj bywalo)


Posty: 38
Dołączył(a): 9.04.2006
PostNapisane: 12 kwi 2008, 18:04 
szkoda tylko ze nie przewidzieli interruptow. easy mod

juz sa.

Madafukn healing fortress!

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