Łapcie, poprawiona nieco wersja, 10 min roboty z mojej strony (błędy pewnie jakieś nadal są, brakuje mi ostatnio praktyki w tym barbarzyńskim języku ;p ), ale na pewno "bardziej lepsza".
Open letter from Polish community
Dear Funcom,
We - Polish Players would like to share our opinion about so called "Polish support".
As we all know, every single MMO has to have some support both in and outside the game.
Unfortunately, we have bunch of complaints about Polish support, which by many of us is described as unexistant.
On the Rothat PvE server there is well known story about player who said that he will pay 100g for screenshot with GM. We feel sorry to say that this player still owns his gold and reward is still waiting for lucky guy who will meet one of our GMs (We wonder if we even could use plurar form).
Petitions written in our language hardly gets responses (Again, we are wondering if "never" wouldnt be better description). On the other hand when we write in english to English support we usually get answers and solutions pretty fast (Up to 24h).
We are sad to announce that our support is poorly informed and incompetent (for example: even now, over month after server merges have been completed our resources for battlekeeps havent been refunded.).
The game is patched to version 1.06.2 now and we are still missing 1.06 patch notes translation. We found this ridicouls and silly.
Needless to say that we all feel like a "worse" sub-community of Age of Conan now. Even if our monthly fee is a little bit lower than "standard EU" one, we dont like way how we are treated (not to say "ignored") by Polish Support Team. We have to face these facts somehow, so many of us just consider suspending their subscriptions.
Age of Conan is great game, but we feel like we dont have a choice - ignored, forced to stay on our two servers, helpless and hopeless.
You should be aware that this is not imagination or bad experience with support of just few people. This is how feels our entire community.
We ask for changes. We ask for attention and proper treatment.
Below we have attached a list of players who agree with this open letter and who feels that something has to be done.
Greetings from Polish AoC community.
Bulwa, znowu mnie w tym tygodniu nie będzie (to już 3 z rzędu chyba ;< ), a z chęcią bym popatrzył jak HH ownuje. Wiecie są rzeczy, których jak się nie zobaczy to się nie uwierzy. Poziom w 1v1, 6v6 czyli tam gdzie trzeba największego ogarnięcia jak czytam ciągle nad wyraz przeciętny
Bił Polan czy "premejd" Polan?
Bo ja pamiętam jak raz zostałem zbity po tym jak zostałem sam w drużynie ;(