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In an interview with Gaute a year ago I heard he said there were going to be around 35 zones and 50 dungeons. I feel it's much work to be done and wouldn't be surprised if they delay the launch with 1 to 1.5 year. To many things feels half done like...
Combat system - Where is the strategy? It doesn't exist any today. You just spam buttons.
Design of zones - Claustrophobic feeling with no adventure and treasure hunting. Mobs are along roads and to close to each other in open terrain.
Instancing - Instanced buildings. Instanced zones who feels quite small and together each zone just have a few players in each instance makes it feel like a common multi-player game and not like a MMO. You need also quests to enter different instances which put chains around players feet.
Dungeons - Few junctions makes these dungeons feel very simple in design. You follow one road to your goal. Dungeons shouldn't have just one road to your goal.
Boss mobs - Each boss mob are connected to a quest!!!

Not to derail the conversation back to the orig. subject, but the world is simply too small. It's too claustrophobic. Quite honestly it reminds me of Guild Wars, but 100x smaller. It's heavily instanced and there is little to no's mostly boat and/or caravan travel with absolutely no exploration. It's all zoned. The zone thing doesn;t bother me, EQ was zoned. But the fact that these zones are soo tiny and so claustrophobic bother me.
I've tried to explore every possible nook and cranny so far and the world seems to be about the size of one small continent in <sighs> Wow. It just seems that way to me, I didn't drag a measuring stick behind me.
So I'll leave this post as my testament to Funcom on this issue. Perhaps in May or April they will come back and reflect on it.
But there is no way for a massive multiplayer online game to succeed that is so closed and tiny. I do not even want to think about what your release will be like with 300+ people camping one small area for quest mobs. Of course, the solution is to instance all of these little "playfields" to prevent that. But then you remove the whole point of being in a MMO in my opinion.
So there's my 2 cents on the world size! If something drastically doesn't change for the release model, AoC is SOL.
The Biggest Bug/Problem I Am Having Is...
Client performance, clearly. By testing gazillions of configurations with every combination of farsight and less farsight etc.. it seems the performance is generally horrible and not really related to how much rendering there really is to be done in the actual scene seen on the monitor. I don't know what basic optimization is missing, but it surely is missing.
The game eats RAM, eats CPU cycles and eats my graphic card even if i only see 31 Metres in front of me with everything on supermegalow.
Even the performance Horror Gothic 3 was not as bad and it uses a higher resolution geometry and textures than AoC does and it has a seemless world.
1.Hyboria will be to small.
2.The mobs will be just as hard to kill and closed placed as the Vanircamps in conarch valley (killing same mobs over and over and over again becuase i dies over and over and over again )
3. kind of same as nr1. no world to explore - seems like the must thinks Hyboria is a questline from 1-80 and no room for exploring. (is that true?)
4. The combos really mean something, not just buttonsmashing, same goes for the shields when it comes to lvl40 - love to see 5shields like you get 5 directions to hit.
Keep'em coming if you gat any worries.
Other than thouse few worries i got - i think AoC is a piece of art.
I'm going to say stuttering and FPS. I don't know that it's related to a memory leak or in fact anything in particular. I do know that pretty much from the time I log in, my FPS is all over the place and there's lots of stuttering. My FPS might start at 40, then 20 seconds later it drops to 1.4, then for 4 seconds I get no update, then it goes back to 5, then up to 20+. Repeat very frequently. It's not cyclic, as in 20 seconds good, 30 seconds bad, 20 seconds good, 30 seconds bad. It's just random. I might go 60 seconds without a problem. The next time, I only go 5 seconds before it stutters again.
At this point, AoC is unplayable. I know others have said that whining about it only indicates a desire for a free game. Whatever. I am *not* being paid to suffer through this. While I would like to contribute, at this point there's no point for me to pick it up when I have other things in my life to do. It has nothing to do with cost and everything to do with how aggravating it is.
loading times!
I can cope with bugs, memory leaks, frequent restarts - as long as a relog does not take *forever*. Zones where I have been in require an unreasonable ammount of time to load. Hardware and internet connection is well enough, but waiting for 15 (!!) minutes at a loading screen when changing the area is definatly NOT amusing and not state-of-the-art. It seems that AoC build some kind of cache, but it also seems to discard it after a while.
While I am writing this, I currently change a zone, and it takes like 10 minutes now... again.