w koncu udalo mi sie pograc troszke wczoraj ... zauwazylem spory wzrost wydajnosci ... przed wyjsciem do pracy dzisiaj wlaczylem patch'owanie ... zobaczymy co nowego dodadza ;]
przy okazji testuje sobie Ranger'a ...
Wycinek Patcha z 14 kwietnia napisał(a):
* Certain dialog options will no longer cause the screen of everyone in the vicinity to fade to black momentarily.
* Cogs should no longer appear when mousing over npcs throughout the gameworld.
* Players should now be able to sit on selectable benches throughout the gameworld.
* Players should notice much less flickering of npcs and shadows.
* Fixed a small memory leak.
* Fixed several crashes.
PvP Minigames
* Players will now be able to enjoy playing Capture the Flag within the Hallowed Vaults.
* Players lower than level 5 can not join PvP minigames.
* (Capture the Flag) It should be much easier for pets to follow their masters in this zone.
General PvP
* You now get a small amount of regular XP for PvP kills.
* Players can move again after being fatalitied and resurrected.
Player Character
* A number of combos with multiple icons have been reduced back down to a single proper icon.
* You can now do damage with unarmed combat at level 1.
* Player Pets will now correctly regen health/mana.
* The XP bar now shows how many power level tokens you have left.
* Players can't damage their own pets anymore.
* Other player characters on your client shouldn't stop fighting anymore (when they are, in fact, still fighting).
* Combos are disabled when not in idle/combat on foot.
* You won't exit stealth anymore when getting the key from Strom for the rogue Awakening III quest (and similar situations).
* Females should have stealth attack animations.
* You should now autotarget an enemy in front of you when casting a ranged single-target spell with no target selected.
* One step combos now apply the full cooldown directly when executed.
* Soldiers in Defensive Stance should no longer receive a stamina drain.
* You can no longer equip offhand weapons while ranged weapons are equipped.
* You can abort channeling spells by performing another action.
* Combos now time out regardless of whether or not you are doing another action (that isn't the followup in the combochain).
* You can cast instant cast spells while moving, as long as you have a valid target.
* Arrows should no longer stay put in their environment after fired.
* Soldier combos Enraging Wound and Enraging Strike have been corrected.
* "Remove from guild" was added to the character right click menu.
* You can now access the guild bank through the tradepost.
* The Guild GUI has been tweaked.