Darkfall: Unholy Wars
Strona 120 z 150

Autor:  Highlander [ 23 lip 2013, 00:57 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Darkfall: Unholy Wars

wypadaja chyba tylko najgorsze jakie są.

Autor:  Havok [ 23 lip 2013, 10:54 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Darkfall: Unholy Wars

Highlander napisał(a):
ze skrajnosci w skrajnosc? ;p

Akurat to, że itemy pochodzą z craftingu to zmiana na plus. Jaki byłby sens craftingu gdybyś broni r60 mógł znaleźć w mobach tak jak w dfo1

Autor:  Highlander [ 23 lip 2013, 10:55 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Darkfall: Unholy Wars

Wiesz, ja akurat nie lubie craftingu, w ogole. Chociaz odmiana w df uw jest na szczescie lajtowa. Ale wolalbym popizgac moby ;p

Autor:  TobiAlex [ 23 lip 2013, 11:46 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Darkfall: Unholy Wars

Highlander napisał(a):
Wiesz, ja akurat nie lubie craftingu, w ogole. Chociaz odmiana w df uw jest na szczescie lajtowa. Ale wolalbym popizgac moby ;p

Coś w tym jest :)

Autor:  jachu [ 23 lip 2013, 11:58 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Darkfall: Unholy Wars

Highlander napisał(a):
Wiesz, ja akurat nie lubie craftingu, w ogole. Chociaz odmiana w df uw jest na szczescie lajtowa. Ale wolalbym popizgac moby ;p

a to UW nie dostatecznie zmusza Cię do pizgania mobów poprzez featy ? ? :D :D
krafcić nie musisz, dostatecznie dużo sprzętu możesz kupić na markecie :P

Autor:  Highlander [ 23 lip 2013, 12:01 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Darkfall: Unholy Wars

hehe no racja, dlatego wolalbym jak w eve, jesli chodzi o skille, klikasz i sie robi iles godzin ;)
w sumie racja, ze market. Ale kase to chyba najwiecej mozna zdobyc tez chyba z craftingu, harvestingu czy mapek.

Ja troche mam kryzys, bo uwazam, ze df to dobra giera, ale czasu brak :/

Autor:  jachu [ 23 lip 2013, 12:08 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Darkfall: Unholy Wars

Highlander napisał(a):
hehe no racja, dlatego wolalbym jak w eve, jesli chodzi o skille, klikasz i sie robi iles godzin ;)
w sumie racja, ze market. Ale kase to chyba najwiecej mozna zdobyc tez chyba z craftingu, harvestingu czy mapek.

Ja troche mam kryzys, bo uwazam, ze df to dobra giera, ale czasu brak :/

kasa to scrapping i w mniejszym stopniu łowienie
chyba że masz 4 alty i harvestujesz :P

u mnie to falowo, raz mam hajpa, raz nie chce mi się grać, aktualnie pogoda zbyt fajna żeby się prażyć przed kompem godzinami, zwłaszcza jak jest wolne (urlop czy tam weekend)

Autor:  Highlander [ 23 lip 2013, 12:12 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Darkfall: Unholy Wars

łowienie zawsze mnie jaralo. ;]
jeszcze troche i cala gra na wode sie przeniesie ;d

Ja mam tylko problem z czasem.

Autor:  jachu [ 23 lip 2013, 14:03 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Darkfall: Unholy Wars

Highlander napisał(a):
jeszcze troche i cala gra na wode sie przeniesie ;d

bitwy morskie są akurat zajebiste :) a łowienie je implikuje
oby weszły te seatowersy jak obiecali, będzie wypas

Autor:  Highlander [ 24 lip 2013, 22:06 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Darkfall: Unholy Wars

Ciekawe czy jutro patch bedzie. E czy moze juz jest delay? ... ost6133195

btw. 1 vs 1 tournament i chyba 2vs2 ... -28th-July

i pierdolenie tam, zajebista giera ;]

heh... jakie whiny na siegi od DPC na forum.

Autor:  gosti [ 25 lip 2013, 05:13 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Darkfall: Unholy Wars

Whiny raczej na godzine siega, niz sam siege. No coz.
Patch oczywiscie przeniesiony na poniedzialek, a realnie wtorek. Nic nowego. :)

Autor:  Mormo Blastbeat [ 25 lip 2013, 14:04 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Darkfall: Unholy Wars

zato maja byc dwa pacze w jeden tydzien, nowa szkola Warriora - Slayer, 4 nowe Warshipy i Sea Fortresssss ;D

Autor:  Yesus [ 25 lip 2013, 14:29 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Darkfall: Unholy Wars

Mormo Blastbeat napisał(a):
zato maja byc dwa pacze w jeden tydzien, nowa szkola Warriora - Slayer, 4 nowe Warshipy i Sea Fortresssss ;D

Jakos w to nie wierze ze beda 2 pacze w jeden tydzien. to jest AV......

Autor:  Highlander [ 25 lip 2013, 14:49 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Darkfall: Unholy Wars

wolalbym by skupili sie na klasach niz dodawali co chwila nowe statki :P

Autor:  Yesus [ 26 lip 2013, 10:09 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Darkfall: Unholy Wars

Statki najlatwiejsze bo juz byly w wiekszosci wersji w DFO1.
Klasy jakby na to nie patrzec nie wiec praca odtworcza vs. wymyslenie czegos....zwlaszcza jak kiedys pisali ze nowa klasa to prawdziwe wyzwanie.

Autor:  jachu [ 26 lip 2013, 12:53 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Darkfall: Unholy Wars

Yesus napisał(a):
Statki najlatwiejsze bo juz byly w wiekszosci wersji w DFO1.
Klasy jakby na to nie patrzec nie wiec praca odtworcza vs. wymyslenie czegos....zwlaszcza jak kiedys pisali ze nowa klasa to prawdziwe wyzwanie.

dokładnie, na nowe klasy będziemy czekać najdłużej ;/

Autor:  Yesus [ 29 lip 2013, 13:05 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Darkfall: Unholy Wars

Yesus napisał(a):
Mormo Blastbeat napisał(a):
zato maja byc dwa pacze w jeden tydzien, nowa szkola Warriora - Slayer, 4 nowe Warshipy i Sea Fortresssss ;D

Jakos w to nie wierze ze beda 2 pacze w jeden tydzien. to jest AV......

Jak juz ten pierwszy jest przesuniety to drugiego patch w tym tyg nie bedzie na 99%:

Edit Jul. 29: due to more testing needed on the Warrior School, since assets for it were delivered late, the patch, barring any issues, will be on Tuesday July 30th.

Autor:  Yesus [ 30 lip 2013, 16:58 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Darkfall: Unholy Wars

Nowe pacz noty:

New Content

New Warrior School (Slayer)

Battle Rage
Allowing battle fervor to course through your limbs, you enjoy the
benefits of greatly increased attack speed at the cost of health.

Power Attack
A punishing attack that will have a different effect on your victim depending on the weapon you wield.

Crushing Blow
Crush your enemy and see him driven before you! This strike will drain
your foe's stamina, momentarily blind them, and reduce their attack speed.

Vampiric Strike
Striking at the very life-force of your enemy, you leech some of his health onto yourself.

Barrage (Ultimate)
Harnessing the cold rage of battle, you increase your attack speed and critical chance. While this effect is active, each strike you land will grant a portion of the damage you deal back to you as health.

Two new Warships

Junk: fairly slow speed warship with 12 side and 1 rear cannon.Can be crafted with Shipbuilding Mastery at Shipyards only . Requires: Compass, Ship Modules and Neithal Ship Modules. (Shipbuilding Mastery 50)
Barque: fairly slow speed warship with 9 side, 2 front and 2 rear cannons. Can be crafted with Shipbuilding Mastery at Shipyards only. Requires: Compass, Ship Modules and Neithal Ship Modules. (Shipbuilding Mastery 50)

General Fixes

Fixed issue with the restoration of player houses that had taxes/rent due to be paid (caused the flag to appear incorrect)
Fixed an issue that when a mercenary ganked an “opposing” character during a siege his kill would not count as a siege kill.
Fixed an issue with the messages from clan workstation usage not showing up. From now on every time someone is using one of the clan workstations all the clan members get a notification message.
Fixed a round robin bug. If the killer was excluded and everyone else outside of the range, no one was being credited with the kills until someone was again in range or the killer was included back. At that point all the "missing" kills were credited to this player.
Fixed an issue with the clan holding overview configuration update, whereby a clan member could not kick a player from the bind-stone when a siege was active for the holding
Fixed an issue with the clan overview, when viewing the players own clan, whereby the clan leader/founder on/off-line status could be shown in an incorrect state
Fixed an issue with the clan overview political stance selector not updating or becoming editable again (without closing and re-opening the window), when war expires between two clans while the window is open
Various text fixes on clan windows.
Fixed a bug that could cause a player to be decapitated/instantly killed from another player in an extremely rare case
Fixed a bug where in some cases someone could summon a character and also keep the shard.
Fixed a bug where the market interface button would remain “enabled” if the market was closed by pressing "esc" button
Fixed a bug where closing market window wouldn't toggle chat window back on (if it was on when opening the market).
Fixed a bug where the chat input box would remain “active” after closing market but chat window would close (and could lead players to thinik their keyboard stopped responding and they couldn't move).
Fixed a bug where some player names would show up as “Null Null” in their own interface

HUD Changes

There where some changes/additions on information that was showing up on the targeting HUD:

When targeting tombstones (Player tombstones will now show full character name and clan)
When targeting ships (It will also show how many repairers it currently has as long as you are close to the ship)
When targeting clan bindstones, siegestones, village control-points and NPC bindstones
Updated targeting component behavior to only show the health circle for objects that can be damaged (for invulnerable objects, siege-stones, bind-stones, control-points etc. the circle will not be visible until they become vulnerable)

World Changes

Re-Balanced the traps in Svartvann Dungeon.
Added a special effect above all the vendors of the game to make them spot out more. It can be turned off from the option menu.

General Changes

Changes to the village capturing and stealing mechanics
Disabling skills will now change automatically based on weapon equipped.
The default attack skill for the weapon a character is currently holding will now be available to choose from the slot in the middle of the radial menu
Small adjustment for ship spawning.
Added “rate-limiting” to fix message spam from clans when players are harvesting a resource node in one of the clans' holdings
Should now never receive more than 1 message, per player type (clan member, other clan member, no clan member), per resource node, per holding, per 10 seconds
New combined messages added (e.g. "2 players from other clans have harvested the mine in Your-Holding recently")

Removed “gate control policy” component from clan holding overview window, when viewing a hamlet
The number of concurrently active repairers is now limited, for ships
Each ship has a maximum allowed number of repairers (see below)
Players attempting to repair the ship when the maximum number of repairers are already active will receive a notification explaining why they can’t repair the ship
Maximum Repairers:
Raft: 2
Wherry: 2
Launch: 3
Fishing Trawler: 3
Costal Runner: 3
Sea Scrapper: 3
Pinnace: 4
Sloop: 4
Schooner: 5
Brigantine: 5
Junk: 6
Barque: 6

Autor:  jachu [ 31 lip 2013, 15:00 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Darkfall: Unholy Wars

piszą że całkiem całkiem ten slayer - ma dość potężny stam drain :)

Autor:  gosti [ 31 lip 2013, 18:20 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Darkfall: Unholy Wars

Niezly warrior-killer z tego bedzie, kosztem bandazu, stinging riposty itp.

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