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Strona 19 z 41

Autor:  Mendol [ 13 kwi 2008, 19:16 ]

pozyczki jak juz.

Autor:  Razoth [ 13 kwi 2008, 19:55 ]

Hmm, a może porzeczki?

Autor:  zywiec [ 13 kwi 2008, 20:50 ]

Razoth napisał(a):
Hmm, a może porzeczki?

pewnie z tych porzeczek upedzili hektolitry bimbru ... beta test darfall sie pojawi, za jakies 10 lat ...

do tego czasu wyjdzie Mortal Online ;]

Autor:  Quetzacotl [ 2 maja 2008, 21:23 ]

Autor:  murekx [ 4 maja 2008, 10:49 ]

zywiec napisał(a):
Razoth napisał(a):
Hmm, a może porzeczki?

pewnie z tych porzeczek upedzili hektolitry bimbru ... beta test darfall sie pojawi, za jakies 10 lat ...

do tego czasu wyjdzie Mortal Online ;]

Z MO może być tak samo jak darkfailem !

Autor:  S@mael [ 5 maja 2008, 09:06 ]

Old times old times...

CZekamy na DFO dalej..

Autor:  Mac [ 10 maja 2008, 00:08 ]

Nowy dev journal: ... s-Answered

Premiera w 2008? Taaaa... :har:

Autor:  Mendol [ 10 maja 2008, 08:37 ]

ano niestety przez caly ten czas tworzyl sie obraz zajebistej gry z wyjebanymi opcjami i w ogole.
a obawiam sie ze bedzie total fail czyli diablo2 online.
ale of coz zycze im jak najlepiej i modly do allaha wnosze o sukces.

Autor:  Aldatha [ 10 maja 2008, 08:59 ]

Mac napisał(a):
Nowy dev journal: ... s-Answered

Premiera w 2008? Taaaa... :har:

mnie zastanawia po jaka cholere chca dawac bete skoro ma trwac zaledwie pare tygodni ? , to jest czas dobry na jakis stress tescik , co oni chca przetestowac w tak krotkim czasie . Troche smieszy mnie ta ich polityka , co nie znaczy ze nie wierze ze 2k8 jest realne :) , ja mysle ze teraz stana na glowie zeby zdarzyc przed MO bo wiedza ze moga stracic spory procent hardcore pvperow (ktorych nie jest tak wielu) , a maja pozyczke do splacenia i kazdy gracz dla nich sie liczy

Autor:  Razoth [ 10 maja 2008, 10:50 ]

No nic, trzymam kciuki za Darkfalla, bo jak nie Darkfall to co? ;)

Autor:  Aldatha [ 10 maja 2008, 11:09 ]

Razoth napisał(a):
...., bo jak nie Darkfall to co? ;)

nudna emerytura :wink:

Autor:  Mac [ 10 maja 2008, 12:59 ]

Aldatha napisał(a):
mnie zastanawia po jaka cholere chca dawac bete skoro ma trwac zaledwie pare tygodni ? , to jest czas dobry na jakis stress tescik , co oni chca przetestowac w tak krotkim czasie

Podobno wlasnie beta to ma byc wylacznie stress test, chca miec juz wszystko gotowe i przetestowane przed beta. Pozyjemy zobaczymy.

Autor:  S@mael [ 10 maja 2008, 14:16 ]

Widze ze czuwacie z bierzacym info. hehe

Tez mam takie zdanie ze dfo nie spelni naszych oczekiwan , ale istnieje nadzieja ze sie rozwinie.
W tej chwili martwi mnie to niszczenie itemow ... jak dla mnie to juz nie jest full loot skoro mozna niszczyc itemy w niewidzialnej niszczarce w plecaku. - wszystko dlatego ze wymyslili sobie : no items on ground.
Oby to niszczenie nie bylo mozliwe podczas walki. Items on ground daja duze mozliwosci , mozna chocby podczas ucieczki podrzucic gdzies loot , zeby przeciwnik go nie znalazl... AlE nie Boja sie LAGA :<

Ja sie boje ze to bedzie diablo2 online , chociaz tam byly itemy na ziemi...

W 2008 tez zabardzo nie wierze.

Autor:  Aldatha [ 28 maja 2008, 22:10 ]

Poniewaz gosc odpowiedzialny za newsy w WarCry DF opuscil WarCry , journal byl zamieszczony na glownym news forum

pelna tresc

This is not an update as much as it is checking in with the community. Just to inform you about the sparse updates: they’re due to an urgent health problem that landed me in the hospital for a week and I’m still trying to catch up with work.

Our main contact has left Warcry so we’ll see what we’ll be doing with the Journal there. We will be giving out a few interviews to various mainstream media and we will try to keep some specialized updates for the core Darkfall community. We’re looking at releasing a comprehensive video sometime in the next few weeks. We’re doing this ourselves and our first priority is working on the game, so we can’t just slap something together in a couple of days. We also won’t hire a production company to make a Darkfall-inspired cartoon for us, so we’ll be using actual Darkfall gameplay footage like we always do.

I don’t have the time to continue last week’s Q&A but I’ll address some specific concerns stemming from it:

I never said that public beta would be two weeks. I said several weeks. Public beta will be as long as it needs to be. We hope and we’re working hard so that it won’t need to be very long. The clan beta will likely be a stage of public beta. The announcement of launch within the year is an official company commitment and it’s not a guestimate. We’re making strides with publishing in the direction where we maintain full creative control on the game.

The universal banking system we’re implementing in Darkfall is because we found it was very tedious not having it. Universal banks have become an industry standard for a reason. We've found that their existence does wonders for the fun factor as opposed to their absence. Darkfall is challenging in every way, you don’t need it to be tedious. We’ll balance universal banks to work as well as possible and we’ll continue balancing them if we have to.

As for caravans, firstly, we never confirmed that they were in the game. They were never in the original design; they weren’t announced as a feature, they were just brought up and have been promoted by some community members. We have looked at them as a possible cool feature but to be honest, I can't say they're that cool in practice. As things stand you can form a caravan using mounts, ships etc. With them you can move large quantities of goods, fairly fast, rather than running small loads back and forth over and over. The world is huge and the distances to travel are great and there will be a need for transport of large amounts of resources such as those intended for city building.

You do have the freedom of forming caravans. You also have the option of universal banks. When we make design decisions like these, we’re thinking of the majority of players and we speak from experience. Few players would initially enjoy the absence of universal banks, but even they would get tired of the wasted time commitment.

Finally, these raised undead armies, armies of dead players, and armies of NPCs etc. we keep reading on the boards: What’s this NPC fascination about? Why not raise a player army instead? Every bot takes up resources players could be using and Darkfall is a massive multiplayer game. Even if it’s all the rage in MMOs lately we want to further the multiplayer real-time aspect with Darkfall rather than go the other direction. There is no progress in having to introduce single player features such as more NPCs to a MMORPG.

As for underscores, numbers, etc. in names it's just the way it works right now. If you don't like them, sure we'll take them out until you petition them back in when you run out of naming options. : )

There's no ETA for the next update, but we'll do our best on that.

Thanks for reading

Autor:  tomugeen [ 28 maja 2008, 22:33 ]

Straszna burza jest przez te universal banki. Dla mnie to moze zniszczyc gre, poniewaz duzo traci kontrola terenow/kopaln/morza etc. jesli mozna wsadzic dobytek do banku, przebiec na golasa na drugi koniec swiata i dalej miec do nich dostep.

No chyba ze cos zle zrozumialem.

Autor:  Aldatha [ 28 maja 2008, 22:35 ]

i tak i nie , z jednej strony w UO tez byly skrzyneczki bankowe uniwersalne dla kazdego ale stuff i tak byl trzymany w keepach , czy to potionki , czy pierdolki typu eyecandy , czesci do domkow i tak beda musialy byc przewozone pod eskorta a loot pieknie wymusi popyt na towary

dla mnie niech bedzie jak chca

Autor:  Mendol [ 29 maja 2008, 07:30 ]

juz za rok maturaaa.
no coz pieknie ladnie slicznie.
a wiadomo cos o tym jak sam combat ma wygladac?

Autor:  Aldatha [ 29 maja 2008, 08:12 ]

mniej wiecej na modle obliviona/morrowinda z przystosowana detekcja trafien na potrzeby mmo , AoC , Spellborn bylyby najblizsze porownania

Autor:  Mendol [ 29 maja 2008, 08:20 ]

czyli zrecznosciowka polaczona ze strejfowaniem :-)

Autor:  Mac [ 29 maja 2008, 11:03 ]

Aldatha napisał(a):
mniej wiecej na modle obliviona/morrowinda z przystosowana detekcja trafien na potrzeby mmo , AoC , Spellborn bylyby najblizsze porownania

AoC ma autotarget wiec raczej slabe porownanie. Nie wiem jak jest w Spellborn.

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