Athens Event
Strona 3 z 12

Autor:  iniside [ 18 paź 2008, 10:39 ]

Juz to kiedys widzielismy na Tortage.

Autor:  S@mael [ 19 paź 2008, 02:16 ]

Caly niedytowany filmik 30 min jest juz dostepny

Ide spac bo po obejrzeniu mam wrazenie iz


Moze jutro napisze cos konstruktywnego , bo n chwile obecna , chyba zostane przy FPSach;/

Autor:  iniside [ 19 paź 2008, 07:29 ]

Co jest takie failowe niby ?

Autor:  smeagollum [ 19 paź 2008, 12:19 ]

mi nie podoba sie tpp. gdy atakujesz mniejszego przeciwnika nie widac go zza ciebie.

poza tym, mialem wrazenie, ze gra jest niedopracowana.. (ork strzela z luku i ma ludzkie rece, niedopracowane animacje wsiadanie i zsiadania z mounta, dziwne animacje czarow.. szczegolnie fireball - przelatuje przez dwie osoby, znika gdzies tam i nagle obydwie zaczynaja plonac.. no chyba, ze tak mialo byc). ciezko mi uwierzyc, ze wypuszcza ja do konca roku.

ale ogolnie, wbrew pozorom jakie moze stwarzac moja wypowiedz, wrazenia pozytywne. mam nadzieje, ze te drobiazgi poprawia, a tpp, no coz, nie bede gral orkiem, to moze bede widzial przeciwnika.

no i swiat gry wyglada moim zdaniem super. zazwyczaj duzo podrozuje i ogladam, stad mysle, ze bede bardzo zadowolony.

ps. gameplay wydawal sie lekko dziwny/wolny, ale to chyba dlatego, ze grali jacys kiepscy gracze... z mala praktyka w grach typu fps. :) a moze o to chodzilo, to w koncu nie quake.

Autor:  iniside [ 19 paź 2008, 13:06 ]

mi nie podoba sie tpp.

Dla mnie to najwieksza zaleta. FPP powinno byc locked zeby sie nie dalo zmieniac widoku :P.

Autor:  tomugeen [ 19 paź 2008, 14:16 ]

smeagollum napisał(a):
a moze o to chodzilo, to w koncu nie quake.

Mam nadzieje, gdybym chcial fpsa to kupilbym jakiegos.

Autor:  sqall [ 19 paź 2008, 15:26 ]

S@mael napisał(a):
Ide spac bo po obejrzeniu mam wrazenie iz


Moze jutro napisze cos konstruktywnego , bo n chwile obecna , chyba zostane przy FPSach;/

Ogladnalem dwa razy i mam inne wrazenie, lepsze niz po tym skroconym filmie. Musza dopracowac sczegoly, typu dlonie czlowieka etc. choc znajac ich to mozliwe ze maja wszystko gotowe, a gre prezentowali na niuaktualnionym kliencie ;) do tego w debug mode. Albo sa bardzo przekonani ze gra i tak bedzie hitem i nie trzeba jej zadnej reklamy czy tez zaprezentowania jej z najlepszej strony, albo po prostu sa niechlujni.

Wydaje mi sie dodatkowo ze serwer lagowal, wiec albo polaczenie bylo slabe, albo cos nie tak z serwerami. Mam nadzieje ze to pierwsze.

Swiat gry, otoczenie, miasto wbrew wczesniejszym obawom wygladaja dobrze.

Autor:  brazz [ 19 paź 2008, 16:13 ]

moje nastawienie znów zrobiło parę ktoczków w stronę optymizmu.

widać, że gra jest nieukończona, ale tego należy się spodziewać skoro jest na etapie pre open bety.

Autor:  Getorix [ 19 paź 2008, 16:28 ]

DVD napisał(a):
moje nastawienie znów zrobiło parę ktoczków w stronę optymizmu.

widać, że gra jest nieukończona, ale tego należy się spodziewać skoro jest na etapie pre open bety.

Jest rownoczesnie na etapie "w ciagu 2 miesiecy premiera"...

Autor:  brazz [ 19 paź 2008, 17:05 ]

Getorix napisał(a):
DVD napisał(a):
moje nastawienie znów zrobiło parę ktoczków w stronę optymizmu.

widać, że gra jest nieukończona, ale tego należy się spodziewać skoro jest na etapie pre open bety.

Jest rownoczesnie na etapie "w ciagu 2 miesiecy premiera"...

ano, ale to nie ma większego znaczenia - ile mmorpgów, albo gier wogóle, z ostatnich lat ukazało się na rynku w pełni gotowych? dfo obecnie wydaje się być grywalne, więc jeśli będą chcieli aventurine będzie chciało, to grę wypuści przed świętami. kilkadziesiąt tysięcy fanów i tak ją kupi.

Autor:  Getorix [ 19 paź 2008, 17:14 ]

Nie jestem fanem, a też kupie. Co nie zmienia faktu - nie chce krakac -, ze te bledy, ktore widzielismy na filmiku to moze byc wierzchołek góry bugów. Cierpliwość każdego fana ma swoje granice.

Szczerze kibicuje DFO, ale te wszystkie materialy wzbudzaja wiele obaw.

Autor:  sqall [ 19 paź 2008, 18:06 ]

To nie sytuacja jak w Alone in the Dark, ze studio robioce gry wysciogwe zabiera sie za horror akcji...
Ta gre robia ludzie ktorzy od pcozatku wiedza czego chca. Wierze ze bedzie ok i pozbeda sie bledow, a zrobili kawal dobrej roboty co bylo widac na filmie i chyba nie beda chcieli tego zepsuc glupimi bugami.

Autor:  Vercin [ 20 paź 2008, 10:58 ]

Poprawia albo i nie poprawia pewnie koncza im sie pieniadze i beda musieli wydac cokolwiek:) Zawsze uwazalem ze ta gra nie ma szans na sukces i bedzie wielkim zalosnym failem.

Autor:  smeagollum [ 20 paź 2008, 13:00 ]

Vercin napisał(a):
Zawsze uwazalem ze ta gra nie ma szans na sukces i bedzie wielkim zalosnym failem.

pozyjemy zobaczymy. :)

Autor:  smeagollum [ 20 paź 2008, 13:29 ]

na forumfall pojawilo sie tlumaczenie prezentacji z aten.

darkfall's open beta will finish on early december.
The launch will follow some time afterwards which has to do with commercial decisions.
Our publisher is Audiovisual enterprizes for 50 countries and then world wide.

We are now in a starter city.
we are in a group-party and you can see the members on the screen.
I m going to Orcs capital city.
There are a few people online, you are watching it live on stage (?).

-random guy : is this a clanstone?-

I think you understand what that was, a small monster.
This is a small village;creatures are not random, they have their own architecture-culture.This was a small village.

You can see the interface.

While you are watching let me tell you about our company.3 greeks with 5 norwegians teamed up and created Aventurine;then we added more people,
and now we are 30 people-developers and we are working many years on the project. We are the biggest game developer in greece and we hope
more (companies) will spawn. Later on today there is a game developers conference which when we started (the project) seemed surreal.I can see a lot of
students here, which is very pleasant because when we first started we couldnt find people and we had to bring greeks from abroad, or "educate" the ones we have already hired.
Game development is one of the hardest things to do in pc industry, especially MMo's.

This is the entrance to Orcs capital.Darkfall has 6 races , and each has its own capital city and some starter zones.
Can we have some mics so you can ask questions

questions and answers

-Q: do we pilot our own ships?
-A: yes , 1 person can pilot a ship, as a captain,and the rest can sit on the decks or use the cannons.To take a ship you must kill the captain.

-Q: Will you create greek servers?-meaning greek language-
-A: Darkfall is a global game, but if there are enough requests maybe we will, i hope darkfall goes well .

-Q: About skills;e.g.If you have many fire skills,will your resistance to fire increase?
-A: No

-Q: about collision detection and lag-latency
-A: we have taken care of lag issues.We have the best technology-hardware-location of the servers, and the game itself has a prediction system which deals with lag pretty efficiently.
We ve had people from Korea and Japan that played the game with no problems whatsoever and people from the west coast of US which is on the other side of the world.But you always have to face
the speed of light problem which is the obstacle. Our servers are location based (?), if we wanted to play the game in CA, we would have a server cluster in US.

-Q: if we use spells and swords at the same time
-A: you cant. In order to cast a spell,you have to equip a staff and vice versa.

-Q: about travelling;If i want to travel from one city to another, there are ships, what about teleportation?
-A: there are some gates that you can use, as well as a runes system.With runes you can bind to a location.Runes are crafted and they are a bit expensive;its a costly solution.
Because the game is pvp centered, and it has conquest we cant make it too easy to go around the world.There has to be travelling within reasonable amount of time.We dont want to frustrate the player unpurposely.

-Q: why didnt you buy a graphics engine and developed your own?
-A: Let me explain: When we started, way back (:P), and maybe even now, there isnt a graphics engine that can do what our own can;Meaning, real time element is a very important one.You can see that other games that bought
graphics engines were unable to face the challenges that a conventional MMO has; not an MMO like Darkfall that has action, strategy and everything you ve seen so far.Also what you are seeing, is pre-beta, hardware testing
and so far it hasnt crashed,while in other MMo's open betas they crashed every 5min

-Q: Are you thinking about porting to other platforms besides Windows?
-A: If xbox live was working well in Europe it would be (cant catch the word, probably good/cool/interesting something like that), because many gamers use xbox

-Q: I was referring to linux-mac
-A: About mac, its pretty big to port a game to another platform.While mac is interesting and has a fairly large user base, we are only 30 people.The companies that make cross platform games have 300 developers.We would like to have
it on linux and mac but its only windows due to user base -commercially-

-Q: We can see that the game is well structured;Are you considering expansions?
-A: Because the game uses our own technology-tools-etc we can make many expansions and fast.Every month we can have a mini-expansion in the lines of patching-updates, and every year a full expansion which is our schedule.
MMO's are live-alive games, even upgrades on gfx-etc can be made in expansions.

-Q: Will the game be free?
-A: No.Its a commercial product, and we ll try to keep the price to a competitive level.

-Q: credit cards only or gamecards/etc ?
-A: There will be gamecards along with a variety of paying ways.We are talking with many companies supporting those ways.

-Q: Can characters jump?
-A: Yes.

-Q: Can we hit our allies ?
-A: (cant hear the answer but we know it.)

-Q: what happens when you die?
-A: You are disabled, and within a short amount of time someone can help you or finish you off.If he kills you,you spawn somewhere else while he is full-looting you.

-Q: Is there a ranking system?
-A: there are titles on your name/clan/guild. There is no standalone ranking system;you may be the best pvp player, others can see that along with many other small things that make you unique.

-Q: What about instancing and camping?
-A: In other games, when you re being camped you cant do anything besides whining or waiting for them to leave.In DF you can kill them and then camp them.Everything can be resolved with violence.
There are consequenses though :P . The game is not violent for the sake of violence.It includes elements that people want.Its an epic saga,in which we dont praise violence.Its just another way to deal with things, same with chat etc.

-Q: When our gear is destroyed -durability- do we have to go to a town and repair it?
-A: crafters repair gear, but gear is replacable.You will lose your gear sometime, you will take another players gear etc.Gear is not everything, we dont want you to keep it forever.

-Q: You mentioned that there are no levels.How can you increase health/mana/stamina/stats?only with gear?
-A: (roughly translated, he talked too much !) levels dont matter. Stats will increase along with skill level.

-Q: How long will it take to max out a skill?To become uber ?:P
-A: theoretically you can max out everything.Skill cap is 100, but it can change (expansions etc).If you want to be very good in 1 things it will take a week or so (if i heard it right).

-Q: When you have negative allignment will you be teleported to an area with others?
-A: when you die, you spawn at your bind location.When your allignment is negative you cant spawn there.Instead you spawn somewhere called cave(?)-stones (cant hear it).Its interesting, i would play like that .

You saw his spell backfiring;you can also hit your friends with an aoe spell easily.

The mouse is on the pc instead of a table so control is a bit weird.

You can see full looting. A friend or party member can full loot you to save your items.

the end.

Autor:  iniside [ 20 paź 2008, 13:43 ]

While you are watching let me tell you about our company.3 greeks with 5 norwegians teamed up and created Aventurine;then we added more people,
and now we are 30 people-developers and we are working many years on the project. We are the biggest game developer in greece and we hope
more (companies) will spawn. Later on today there is a game developers conference which when we started (the project) seemed surreal.I can see a lot of
students here, which is very pleasant because when we first started we couldnt find people and we had to bring greeks from abroad, or "educate" the ones we have already hired.
Game development is one of the hardest things to do in pc industry, especially MMo's.

to mnie martwi. Nie mowie ze sie nie da. Wiele najlepiej znanych hitow, powstało w garażowych warunkach, albo było robionych przez studentów bo sie nudzili.
Ale bez armii grafików i testerów naprawde cięzko jest przewidzic co bedzie. Servery na 10k osob jednoczesnie. Ok. Testowali to z 10k czy poprostu takie obliczenia ?
30 zdolnych programistów to wystarczajaca liczba, zeby ciagnac projekt od strony technicznej.
Ale kto robi grafike, projektuje swiat, itd ? do tego też trzeba ludzi :P. Bo moze sie na koncu okazac ze mamy ogromny swiat ktory w wiekszoscy stanowi jedna tekstura i randomowo rozstawione domki..

Autor:  smeagollum [ 20 paź 2008, 13:46 ]

smeagollum napisał(a):
-Q: How long will it take to max out a skill?To become uber ?:P
-A: theoretically you can max out everything.Skill cap is 100, but it can change (expansions etc).If you want to be very good in 1 things it will take a week or so (if i heard it right).

ze co prosze? tydzien?? :(
no szkoda, ze nie dzien, albo godzine.. :(

mam nadzieje, ze jednak zle uslyszal.

co o tym sadzicie? mam niewielkie doswiadczenie jezeli o mmorpg chodzi.. czy tydzien to nie za szybko?

Autor:  Motopompa [ 20 paź 2008, 13:56 ]

1 tydzien powiedzmy po 6 h = 42 h na jeden skill.To malo?
W tyle sie przechodzi nowego singe player rpga a tu mamy jeden skill.
Zapewne beda latwiejsze skille, te co beda sie robic mimowolnie i te uber co beda wymagac wiecej czasu.

Autor:  Oyci3C [ 20 paź 2008, 14:02 ]

-Q: what happens when you die?
-A: You are disabled, and within a short amount of time someone can help you or finish you off.If he kills you,you spawn somewhere else while he is full-looting you.


Autor:  Oyci3C [ 20 paź 2008, 14:05 ]

smeagollum napisał(a):
smeagollum napisał(a):
-Q: How long will it take to max out a skill?To become uber ?:P
-A: theoretically you can max out everything.Skill cap is 100, but it can change (expansions etc).If you want to be very good in 1 things it will take a week or so (if i heard it right).

ze co prosze? tydzien?? :(
no szkoda, ze nie dzien, albo godzine.. :(

mam nadzieje, ze jednak zle uslyszal.

co o tym sadzicie? mam niewielkie doswiadczenie jezeli o mmorpg chodzi.. czy tydzien to nie za szybko?

Nie za szybko bo dobra gra zaczyna sie od gotowej postaci jak to mialo miejsce w UO.

Poza tym jak masz n skilli to ja moze za 2 miesiace bede chcial sie respecnac i wymacrowac magery zamiast innego skilla.

Ida w kierunku dawnego dobrego UO - chwala im za to.

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