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Autor Wiadomość

Posty: 2392
Dołączył(a): 17.07.2004
PostNapisane: 2 sty 2013, 14:08 
To DF działą czy nie? Czy może działa beta a potem wipe i start? ;d


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Posty: 2624
Dołączył(a): 25.08.2010
PostNapisane: 2 sty 2013, 14:32 
Sou napisał(a):
To DF działą czy nie? Czy może działa beta a potem wipe i start? ;d
Teraz masz płatną betę, a później będzie wipe przy starcie. Szczerze mówiąc to bardziej alfę przypomina, aż żal na to patrzeć. :cry:


Posty: 667
Dołączył(a): 23.11.2001
PostNapisane: 2 sty 2013, 14:50 
Nie troluj. Placisz za preorder DF.

Poza tym chyba nie wiesz co to alpha...

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Posty: 1247
Dołączył(a): 2.09.2008
PostNapisane: 2 sty 2013, 15:46 
gosti napisał(a):
Nie troluj. Placisz za preorder DF.

Poza tym chyba nie wiesz co to alpha...

ShadeKnight myśli wolniej.

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Posty: 2624
Dołączył(a): 25.08.2010
PostNapisane: 2 sty 2013, 17:15 
gosti napisał(a):
Poza tym chyba nie wiesz co to alpha...

wersja robocza (pre-alpha) – dostępna zazwyczaj tylko dla twórców programu w postaci repozytorium kodu źródłowego (np. CVS, SVN), kiedy implementowany jest algorytm programu, tworzony jest interfejs i dodawane są nowe funkcje
wersja alfa (pre-beta) – autorzy doprowadzają do rzeczywistego działania programu, nawet w ograniczonym zakresie
wersja beta – kiedy program ma już pierwszych użytkowników, zwanych często beta-testerami, wyłapywane są błędy związane z różnymi środowiskami i warunkami pracy programu

ShadeKnight napisał(a):
Szczerze mówiąc to bardziej alfę przypomina, aż żal na to patrzeć. :cry:

Rzeczywiście, mój błąd. Iterfejs jest cały do przerobienia (o brakujących ficzerach nawet nie wspomnę), więc wychodzi, że to jednak przypomina jeszcze pre-alfę.

smeagollum napisał(a):
ShadeKnight myśli wolniej.

Nie, ty. :lol:


Posty: 3429
Dołączył(a): 25.10.2010
PostNapisane: 2 sty 2013, 18:35 
Tak naprawdę to DF nie istnieje. :o



Posty: 667
Dołączył(a): 23.11.2001
PostNapisane: 2 sty 2013, 20:52 
smeagollum napisał(a):
gosti napisał(a):
Nie troluj. Placisz za preorder DF.

Poza tym chyba nie wiesz co to alpha...

ShadeKnight myśli wolniej.

Imo w ogole nie mysli.

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Posty: 17021
Dołączył(a): 21.11.2001
PostNapisane: 2 sty 2013, 23:25 
Nie myśli bo ma swoje zdanie i rację?
Brońcie krzyża dalej.


Posty: 3595
Dołączył(a): 5.02.2002
PostNapisane: 3 sty 2013, 00:18 
Coś się tak czepił tego darkfalla. Ma spieprzony interfejs i inventory itd itp ale to wciąż jedyna nadzieja.

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Posty: 1247
Dołączył(a): 2.09.2008
PostNapisane: 3 sty 2013, 01:14 
Oyci3C napisał(a):
Nie myśli bo ma swoje zdanie i rację?
Brońcie krzyża dalej.

ShadeKnight ma swoje zdanie, to fakt. Zakupił z wyprzedzeniem grę, za co dostał możliwość gry w becie, ale uważa, że jest uczestnikiem płatnej bety, która przypomina mu alfę, choć z cytowanych przez niego samego definicji wynika, że to jednak beta.
Z tym, że słownikowe definicje, umiejętność czytania ze zrozumieniem, czy kojarzenie faktów mają się nijak do ShadeKnighta, bo on ma swoje zdanie i Oyc4, który przyznaje mu rację.
A tak od czapy zupełnie, tak mi się jakoś przypomniało, był kiedyś taki film, duński chyba - Elling - czy jakoś tak, o lekko opóźnionych gościach. Całkiem śmieszny nawet. I momentami wzruszający.

EDIT: a nie, norweski jednak.

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Posty: 2624
Dołączył(a): 25.08.2010
PostNapisane: 3 sty 2013, 07:04 
HmmMaybe napisał(a):
Combined list of issues and missing features.

Basically this is the super depressing list...
4/6 Starter Cities in game. (<3 mercnet)
Forced to use different classes and play-styles to level different base stats.
GUI is riddled with bugs.
GUI is completely unfit for purpose and isn't at all intuitive.
Lack of meaningful GUI customization
Load lag is still in game. (Tested and confirmed by multiple people)
Added multicore support yet the performance is worse than DF1. (Could be debug mode)
No Dungeons in game. (Not including starter dungeons)
Slower more unrewarding combat system. (<3 pawN isDecent)
No new dynamic Dungeons in game.
Only 6/16 classes have been implemented.
Massive class unbalance.
None of the currently implemented class abilities are anywhere near done and all need major tweaking/overhauls.
Some abilities and skills level extremely slowly compared to others.
Bloodwalls viable again.
Much smaller world.
No way to skip tutorial.
Sluggish character movement.
Feel of "detachment" from characters due to ungainly movement system and lack of responsiveness.
Sprinting and turning with the mouse is not affected by momentum. The same problems exist where simply sprinting forwards while moving your mouse side to side makes you a ridiculously hard target.
Massive safe zones which are easily abuse-able. A whole system needs to be put in place to stop this abuse which is already happening on border lines.
PVE content is unbalanced and unengaging with little variety between spawns.
Some PVE content is impossible to test and with current classes would be impossible.
Loot tables across the board need to be fixed and adjusted.
Chaos chest house lottery still in place.
Many monster spawns which are on the map are non-functional.
Chaos cities removed.
Many NPC cities removed.
No Wildlife.
No more party waypoints.
Chat system is abysmal. The old chat system was vastly superior.
When starting to type in chat due to interface lag the first few characters are normally cut and need to be retyped. Also causes many miss sent messages into Global. (Default chat channel)
No more coloured chat.
Can no longer link items in chat.
Can no longer resend messages or view sent message history.
Can no longer type "<" in chat meaning no more hearts in pms "<3". Also causes the next line to appear on the end of the current line.
Can't copy and paste from chat
No more trade channel
No more chat timestamps.
Input delay.
It's clear that with stat grinds and different ranks of gear there will be a even greater gap between vets and new players.
Crosshair wobble.
Random crits now in game.
Swim speed slowed while casting, making for easy water get aways. Unable to cast many abilities under or in water.
Sea towers removed.
Land towers not implemented.
Almost all boats removed.
Even less reason for players to use boats with the absence of sea towers, low availability of black powder, lack of sea creatures.
Warhulks removed.
Funhulks removed.
Armor Racks / Weapon Racks are being farmed by afk players for high ranking gear in safezones.
Polearm knockback still in game.
Greatsword still seems to be the best all round 2H.
No way to bind sword and shield to the same key. Still needs a 3rd party macro.
Sithras removed.
Lack of diverse power attacks from different weapons.
Blackpowder requires obscene amount of resources to craft (0.5 Gold, 1 Sulfur, 0.5 Fossils per Blackpowder).
Battlespikes are extremely expensive to craft.
Currently no way to create cannons.
Without significant changes, Player cities will prove to be untakable impenetrable fortresses come release.
No tools to get over walls on raids. Really needs craftable ladders or something.
Can no longer pick up player flags.
No more cheese (<3 Arcturus)
Battlehorns, Bluetails and Horses removed.
Shulgan Drake removed. (<3 Bear)
The mounts in game handle exactly the same as each other and the differences are purely cosmetic. No different mount stats.
No proper testing on player holdings.
Potions are largely unchanged and still quite underwhelming.
Many player holdings terrain has remained unchanged from the DF1, yet the cities placed their have changed. Many of the unique holdings have lost the special things about them. (Aradoth, Apautan, Sunthrone, Longmarch, etc)
Crafting fails still in the game.
No proper testing on villages.
Completely untested siege system (Internal testing isn't sufficient for something involving so many players).
Kraken not implemented.
Safezones in the middle of oceans.
Yssam dinosaur not implemented.
No demi gods in game.
Red Pyramid on Rubiyat has disapeared.
Many monster types has been removed. The world is now a much less diverse place.
The new Bank and Bag system is terrible are are completely unfit for purpose.
Feature to make gearbags has not implemented.
No Map Annotations.
No Item Counter.
No Compass.
Weather effects not implemented (They were client side only in DF1 anyway, so no real loss)
No more blueberries.
Stat requirements on gear.
Food system is abysmal now. (Raw ingredients give nourishment for 0.1second). No access to proper nourishment.
Many recipes have been cut and now the only easily accessible food are Baked Potatos. This forces players to revert to low level spawns for food.
Bringing bread back to vendors and simple fish recipes would help new players and vets have access to basic nourishment.
Food no longer increases stamina regen.
Noobie mob spawns are almost unsoloable due to instant spawn rates. It's impossible to lock down a spawn without getting overwhelmed.
Many monsters are completely immune to arrows or skirmisher special abilities.
DF 2 was said to have multiple types of ranged weapons with different characteristics(Hinted at Longbows/Shortbows/Crossbows). There is only a default bow.
Multiple item dupes still in game.
Fraps bug still in game. (Desync from world)
No easy friend/foe identification.
No Armor Dyes.
Pressing F5 for a screenshot causes massive desync and lags out your hitbox for 10seconds. Can also be used to jump extremely high.
DF2 is more demanding on our computers than DF1. It will be even less playable during sieges.
GUI is still extremely CPU intensive.
Party system is worse. Now only leaders can invite, Though it has improved in a way as leaders can now kick.
Holding F interface for mounts/bank is vastly inferior to 2 separate binds and is a poor use of a radial system.
No more action bars.
Radial Menu is a pile of shit, Full Stop (<3 Venny Rawr)
The 2 radial menus with separate activation keys don't work. They are clunky and unintuitive and don't allow players to properly track cooldowns. A simple hotbar with 1 activation key was much better.
Stat management with transfers doesn't work at all and you currently run out of stats extremely fast.
Meditation removed. Again promotes afk macroing.
Monster AI unchanged.
Monsters can still be easily exploited and easily get stuck on terrain.
Vast monotonous grind for in game stats.
Useful melee abilities which people actually used were removed (Knockback, Whirlwind)
No more double jump. (Brawler only with cast time implementation is clunky and unusable for most situations)
The new melee abilities are more like AoE Spells and seem to not involve melee weapons at all.
No clan log.
No internal clan ranks.
No bank log.
All quests removed. (these weren't THAT bad and i did every single alfar quest in DF1)
No ingame lore.
None of the new monsters from the concept art are in the game.
Seemingly no reason for the name. "Unholy Wars"
No clan political overview. (can't see current allies/enemies in clan tab)
No way to see peoples clan ranks in other clans, before you could find someone from an appropriate rank to contact.
Convoluted system to see general skill levels.
Emotes removed.
Barbers removed.
No Market/Auction house. (<3 Nat daprat)
Many monsters still immune to certain damage types making them unkillable for certain classes.
Armour Protections need a massive rework especially at low level. (<3 Hisman)
Pack mule and Tireless removed. (<3 Caldrin)
Treasure maps not working. (<3 DAA KAPUTTMACHA)
Safezones in the middle of the ocean due to starter zone being under the ocean.
No more hitsounds. (<3 Bear)
No more epic gank animations for different weapons (<3 blob)
Allies cannot bind to clan stone, even if names are added individually. (<3 Nobody Special)
Allies names not showing in green. (<3 Nobody Special)
Level 25 Tailoring items are completely missing. (<3 Nobody Special)
No more surtstone. (<3 Venny)
Clan alliance chat not working. (<3 Daa Kuputtmacha)
No more /stuck command.
No more trade routes. (<3 Deadlyhit)
No Enchanting. (<3 Telc)
No Transmutes. (<3 Telc)
No salvaging. (<3 Telc)
No more jewelcrafting. (<3 Deadlyhit)
No resource monoliths.
While encumbered, you move faster backward. (<3 C^ae^R)
HTML tags in the chat, allows people to make client unstable for other players with chat open. (<3 C^ae^R)
No more wonders. (<3 HoldenXoX)
New character models are using old racial hitboxes (<3 Bear Virtus)

Jak twierdzą developerzy, powyższe jest spowodowane trybem debugowania. W końcu to jest beta. :wink:


Posty: 2392
Dołączył(a): 17.07.2004
PostNapisane: 3 sty 2013, 09:11 
Już myślałem, że to patch notes... a to tylko wylistowane bugi:) Znając greków robią listę żeby przed wydaniem gry było wiadomo na co się pisze kupujący :D


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Posty: 17021
Dołączył(a): 21.11.2001
PostNapisane: 3 sty 2013, 09:58 
A co ma tryb debug mode w którym uruchomiony jest soft do tego, że gra może będzie skończona za rok?
Dat dev team.


Posty: 667
Dołączył(a): 23.11.2001
PostNapisane: 3 sty 2013, 11:16 
ShadeKnight napisał(a):
Dlugi post o bugach ... ogID=74000

Lista fixow ostatniego dodatku do eve online (fixy od Retribution 1.01). Gry, ktora istnieje 10 (?) lat.

Swoja droga wypadaloby, abys przeczytal ta liste bugow.

"No more cheese"


Zeby nie bylo - gra w obecnym momencie jest malo grywalna, glownie przez znikajace itemy, czy dupe buga, ale jak to naprawia + usuna debug moda (obiecany performance boost), nie bedzie tak zle.


Posty: 13931
Dołączył(a): 28.08.2010
PostNapisane: 3 sty 2013, 11:24 
co za koleś :lol:

Zbanowany permanentnie, bez mozliwosci odwolania od bana.

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Posty: 17021
Dołączył(a): 21.11.2001
PostNapisane: 3 sty 2013, 11:27 
Ktoś tu nawet bluźni przywołując Eve Online.


Posty: 667
Dołączył(a): 23.11.2001
PostNapisane: 3 sty 2013, 11:30 
Nie moze byc. :roll:


Posty: 13931
Dołączył(a): 28.08.2010
PostNapisane: 3 sty 2013, 11:30 
Nie wiem jak bardzo trzeba być głupim fanboyem, żeby opowiadać takie bzdety jak gosti i atakować Eve Online.

Zbanowany permanentnie, bez mozliwosci odwolania od bana.

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Posty: 31388
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2002
PostNapisane: 3 sty 2013, 11:32 
moze wystarczy pograc dluzej niz 5 minut?


Posty: 667
Dołączył(a): 23.11.2001
PostNapisane: 3 sty 2013, 11:33 
Nie wiem jak ciemny trzeba miec umysl, jezeli uwazasz, ze atakuje evke. :roll:

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