Patch Notes
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Autor:  Undmeen [ 27 mar 2009, 20:08 ]
Tytuł:  Patch Notes

Concerning client sales on Monday time has changed to 6PM GMT for the store to open up.

Something billing related: Some people are reporting messages about getting charged again for the Darkfall Client. This is an erroneous message that got triggered while billing requests were being processed and delayed transactions are going through for players who had not been billed properly and could not access the subscription page to get a subscription. If you were actually charged for the Darkfall client recently, it's because your charge just went through, and you hadn't been charged properly before. In the unlikely event that a double charge is initiated for whatever reason, the transaction is canceled within 24 hours.

Also about the extra days we gave out, they will be applied to all accounts properly, whether you're seeing the correct amount of days remaining in account management or not. This will be updated correctly.

About siege mechanics: A few days ago a siege ended without the expected result. We investigated why this happened and discovered a combination of unrelated errors were responsible. Everything associated with this has been corrected so it won't happen again. We want to thank everyone for their feedback on this incident.

We are investigating reports of client crashes during sieges. These aren't server related so it's harder to pinpoint the source of each crash. If you experience a client crash during a siege, please send us an error report. In order to do this, go to where your Darkfall folder is located and run SFErrorReport.exe (example: Program Files > Darkfall> SFErrorReport.exe.). Follow the simple instructions and send the error report. It's important that you do this before you re-enter the game after the crash.

This is a significant patch today as you can see by the patch notes below and the size of the update. There are a whole lot more fixes in than listed, mostly items which corrected existing bugs. We already have a lot more enhancements in production for the subsequent patches. Our entire team is working continuously as always to improve the game.

* Weapon visuals have been enhanced
* Environmental lighting have been enhanced
* Visual updates to Mahirim structures
* Visual updates to Ork structures
* Visual updates to Human structures
* Visual updates to Mirdain structures
* Visual updates to Alfar structures
* Visual updates to Dwarf structures
* Visual updates to misc. props in Agon
* A second entrance to the human capital has been added
* Visual update to Human Clan Keep Tier 3
* Human and Ork roads and city signs have been updated
* Visual update to Ork ruins
* Visual update to Dwarf ruins
* Visual update to misc. trees
* Visual update to Mirdain crystal lake castle
* Visual update to human female non armor
* Visual update to vegetation
* Coastlines in Agon have been updated
* Ork Male animations have been updated
* Ork Female animations have been updated
* Human Male animations have been updated
* Human Female animated have been updated
* Mirdain Male animations have been updated
* Mirdain Female animations have been updated
* Alfar Male animations have been updated
* Alfar Female animations have been updated
* Dwarf Male animations have been updated
* Dwarf Female animations have been updated
* Mahirim Male animations have been updated
* Mahirim Female animations have been updated
* Snowclan Warrior loot updated
* Sprint skill now gives a minor Dexterity boost
* Flames of Vengeance in Arcane Magic have been tweaked
* Hasten Spells in Arcane Magic have been tweaked
* Holy Shield in Arcane Magic have been tweaked
* Holy Ward in Arcane Magic have been tweaked
* Holy Weakness in Arcane Magic have been tweaked
* Lend Mana in Arcane Magic have been tweaked
* Mystic Shield in Arcane Magic have been tweaked
* Mystic Ward in Arcane Magic have been tweaked
* Reflect Spell in Arcane Magic have been tweaked
* Sacred Missile in Arcane Magic have been tweaked
* Spell Immunity in Arcane Magic have been tweaked
* Virtuous Wrath in Arcane Magic have been tweaked
* Bludgeoning Weakness in Necromancy have been tweaked
* Cursed Bolt in Necromancy have been tweaked
* Death Fog in Necromancy have been tweaked
* Desecration in Necromancy have been tweaked
* Evil Eye in Necromancy have been tweaked
* Eye Rot in Necromancy have been tweaked
* Infernal Shield in Necromancy have been tweaked
* Infernal Ward in Necromancy have been tweaked
* Mental Weakness in Necromancy have been tweaked
* Piercing Weakness in Necromancy have been tweaked
* Slashing Weakness in Necromancy have been tweaked
* Undeath in Necromancy have been tweaked
* Unholy Caress in Necromancy have been tweaked
* Unholy Flames in Necromancy have been tweaked
* Vampiric Touch in Necromancy have been tweaked
* Crafting costs for Cloth Armor have been lowered
* Crafting costs for Padded Armor have been lowered
* Crafting costs for Studded Armor have been lowered
* Crafting costs for Bone Armor have been lowered
* Leather Armor can now be crafted at an Anvil
* Infernal Armor can now be crafted at an Anvil
* Crafting cost for non-mastery weapons have been lowered
* Slavemasters have been tweaked
* Legbreakers have been tweaked
* Mercian Battlehammers have been added
* Crafting ingredients for ships have been tweaked
* New quests have been added to all races starting towns
* New PvP quests have been added to all capital cities
* Some corrections to quest descriptions have been made
* Some quest rewards have been tweaked
* A confirmation dialog on revive has been added
* Some misplaced clan city vendors have been fixed
* Quest window at vendors have been enhanced
* Updates to the clan window
* Players logging out in the middle of combat exploits have been fixed
* Fix for situation where sometimes a client would not display the attributes of an item
* Moving the window around will no longer block Darkfall
* Sprint exploits have been fixed
* Mount running without stamina loss have been fixed
* Fix for missing icons on the world- and mini map
* AI tweaks
* Updates to the worldbuilding

Thank you,

The Darkfall Team

Patrzcie się jak za animacje wzięli ;d

Autor:  noasz [ 27 mar 2009, 20:12 ]

a ja sie najebalem tego tailora....

Autor:  Viracept [ 27 mar 2009, 20:13 ]

Koniec logoutów w walce ! yes yes yes !!


Autor:  redruM [ 27 mar 2009, 20:15 ]

fixneli Alt+F4, tego sie nie spodziewalem po AV

Autor:  Undmeen [ 27 mar 2009, 20:20 ]

W sumie nie ma co narzekać wydaja patche jak leci według tego co maja do danego dnia zrobione, nie czekaj aż uporają się z głównymi problemami żeby wydać patcha inaczej czekali byśmy jeszcze z dwa miesiące ;d

Autor:  Mendol [ 10 kwi 2009, 17:25 ]
Tytuł: ... p?t=175075

Autor:  Zarri [ 10 kwi 2009, 17:33 ]

"Attacking an invulnerable player will no longer skill up the skill you are using"


"You will no longer skill up by using the conscript (starter) weapons "


"Gates have been added to all Clan City entrances. To open or close a gate simply press the use button while aiming at the gate house. Note that you must be at least a Lieutenant to be able to open/close city gates."

WOW, to zasadniczo zmienia siegesy.

Autor:  noasz [ 10 kwi 2009, 17:53 ]

mozna powiedziec ze sie zrobi bezpieczniej u alfarkow ;)

Autor:  barol [ 10 kwi 2009, 17:54 ]

No troche zabola te zmiany ludzi co sie nie wykoxali. No i nie da sie pewnie tez magii koxac dawnstaffem ;p

Autor:  Teo [ 10 kwi 2009, 17:57 ]

• Alignment has been tweaked. The maximum positive alignment you can have has been reduced to 10.

To jest rewolucyjna zmiana, jak dla mnie pozytywna.

Autor:  redruM [ 10 kwi 2009, 18:03 ]

roro troche sie pozno obudzili w grecji, takie rzeczy sie nie daje w patchu po miesiacu </cheese n whine

robcie lm/gm/archery/wuj wie co jeszcze poki mozecie, zaraz dadza gain tylko za trafiony hit gfg

kill cult pewnie sie smieje wch z tych patchy i tak maja gotowe templates, zrobilo sie srednio fajnie, ale za to bardzo hardcore :roll:

Autor:  Zarri [ 10 kwi 2009, 18:03 ]

embe napisał(a):
• Alignment has been tweaked. The maximum positive alignment you can have has been reduced to 10.

To jest rewolucyjna zmiana, jak dla mnie pozytywna.

wiecej ludzi bedzie na wilderness chaos stonach.

Autor:  noasz [ 10 kwi 2009, 18:05 ]

tak naprawde to imo jest serwer testowy, wyjdzie nowy i bedzie zupelnie inaczej postrzegany. Ludzie sie beda przenosic bo kto chce grac na tym przekoxanym wyexploitowanym eu1

Autor:  tomugeen [ 10 kwi 2009, 18:07 ]

Zastanawiam sie jak dogonic gosci z 90 skilla, 50mastery w weapon.
Mam nadzieje ze dmg z noobweaponow bedzie słabiej powiazany ze skillem (tak jak dmg MM nie zalzy od staffa).
Wczoraj wyskillowany golas bil mnie mocniej niz ja jego z banded/scale + rakned weapon. ;[

Autor:  Zarri [ 10 kwi 2009, 18:19 ]

noasz napisał(a):
tak naprawde to imo jest serwer testowy, wyjdzie nowy i bedzie zupelnie inaczej postrzegany. Ludzie sie beda przenosic bo kto chce grac na tym przekoxanym wyexploitowanym eu1

Mysle ze nie dadza nowego servera tylko beda rozbudowywac ten co jest, tak jak w Eve Online.

Autor:  Havok [ 10 kwi 2009, 18:40 ]

tomugeen napisał(a):
Zastanawiam sie jak dogonic gosci z 90 skilla, 50mastery w weapon.
Mam nadzieje ze dmg z noobweaponow bedzie słabiej powiazany ze skillem (tak jak dmg MM nie zalzy od staffa).
Wczoraj wyskillowany golas bil mnie mocniej niz ja jego z banded/scale + rakned weapon. ;[

Widzę, że można zacząc żałować, że nie grało się od początku ;). Imo odpowiedź brzmi nie dogonisz. Jedyna opcja to znajomy + kupiona od npc bron i nawalanie się w party. Pvm w tym momencie praktycznie odpadło, chociaż ze zmienionym systemem ali moze nie będzie tak źle. Zobaczym. Mi to strasznie przypomina znane z CL "koxaj puki nie udupia" :D.

Noasz a mimo wszystko chciałoby ci się robić postać od nowa tylko na nowym serwerze ?

Autor:  tomugeen [ 10 kwi 2009, 18:44 ]

Tia, szkoda ze na poczatku tygodnia zaczalem skillowac inny 2hander. Trzeba bedzie pilnowac CLkowej zasady :F

Autor:  Viracept [ 10 kwi 2009, 18:59 ]

Heh biorąc po uwagę, że po skill 50 w melee 2h 0,1 robi się całym paskiem staminy a ludzie z mastery 50 biją 2-3 razy mocniej niż Ci bez to życzę szczęścia. Sporo część graczy została właśnie udupiona :]


Autor:  Zarri [ 25 kwi 2009, 07:57 ]

Dzisiejszy patch:

New Quests

New Quests for the Factions have been added:



* Areas of Bad Magic
* Inside the Crystal Green Tower
* Hidden Secrets
* Flesh of the Guardians


* Gray ork Mercenaries
* Hidden agents of Melek
* The Melechar Report
* The Mission
* Stealing their Faith


* Bad Magic
* A Historical Monument
* Mercenaries
* Nairath the Mage
* Ingedients for Nairath
* Teeth of the Beast
* Between Mages



* Aegin's Hall
* Lords of the Frozen Hall
* The Demon's Scepter
* Nidstein the Mage
* The Amulet of Eiradan
* The Shadows of Nithron

Visual Updates

There have been many visual updates including to:

* Vegetation
* Water mills
* Wells
* Benches and chairs
* Various trees
* Human capital
* Market stands
* Clan mines
* Metal statues
* Ovens
* Fireplaces
* Mahirim and human doors
* Palisades
* Signs
* Most wood textures
* Misc. props


There have been many optimizations as usual including:

* Updates to the servers to better handle situations where thousands of players participate in sieges

Area / World-Building

Area / Worldbuilding updates to these areas:

* Bluefield
* Broadherne
* Darkmouth
* Bloodscar
* Qattenhal
* Mar Shral
* Hawkmoore
* Thorndale
* Hithe
* Thangruk

Monster Updates

There have been several updates to monsters along with the following specific changes:

* Demon has been rebalanced
* Devil has been rebalanced
* Baradron has been rebalanced

Monster loot has been updated in these monsters:

* Bonecrew Captain
* Demon
* Hill Giant Clobber
* Icejarl
* Nahdruk Heretic

Monster A.I. has been updated

Crafting Updates

* Scale boots now available to crafters
* Scale gloves now available to crafters
* Greataxe transmutation recipes have been added
* Durability of monster loot items is reduced compared to crafted items

Weapon / Armor Updates

New axes have been added:

* Cleaver
* Gloomblade
* Orthus
* Sagaris
* Scorpio
* Serpent's Kiss
* Terror
* War Pick

New Great Clubs have been added:

* Einherjar
* Grief
* Oathbreaker
* Outlaw
* Thorgrim
* Thunderpick
* War Maul
* Wild Hunt

Servant of Malaut armor has been rebalanced

Magic Updates

* Armored Casting has been rebalanced
* Frostbite has been rebalanced
* Reagent requirement have been added to Launch
* Reagent requirement have been added to Explosion

Bug Fixes

There have been many bug fixes, including the following noteworthy ones:

* Fix for enchantment to prevent duplicate enchantments on an item.
* Fix to mule skill so that when your skill increases your maximum carrying weight will be updated immediately.
* Fix so that you can't use magic while mounted.
* Fix so you can't "fall through" water and walk under water.
* Clan guard towers have been fixed to work on all policy settings.
* Fix to ignore lists, where a player that was ignored would not show up in the ignore list


* A Trade channel has been added. Use by /trade . This will go out to all of the racial alliance
* Fighters Guild NPCs in Clan Cities now teach spirited archer


* A player will lose his invulnerability shield when running/spawning into a clan city/hamlet, unless he is a member of the clan owning the location.
* When a player leaves or is being kicked/banned from a Clan there will now be a timer of 45 minutes before he actually leaves the clan.
* Minimum time period between changing policies towards a Clan have been changed to 20 minutes.
* Alignment boost for killing or ganking an evil or enemy player has been reduced to 1 point.
* Ship cannon rate of fire has been balanced
* Unsummon / unspawn timers for warhulks and ships have been increased

Party and alignment:

* Parties will now follow standard rules for killing and ganking.
* If you kill/gank a friendly player in a party he/she will get the opportunity to forgive the killer.
* You will never get an alignment boost by killing a party member.

Enemy standing on the HUD:

You will now have the names of the players you target colored according to their standing towards you and your clan.

* Members of the same Clan as yours will have their name displayed in BRIGHT GREEN
* Members of Clans that you are at WAR with will have their name displayed in DARK ORANGE *
* Members of Clans that you are ALLIED with will have their name displayed in GREEN
* Opposing Racial Alliance will have their name displayed in DARK RED
* EVIL Racial Alliance players will have their name displayed in RED
* ROGUE Racial Alliance players will have their name displayed in GREY
* GOOD Racial Alliance players will have their name displayed in BLUE

These rules will follow in the order of: Clan Status, Opposing Racial Alliance, Same Racial Alliance.


* An EVIL player of the same race as yours but a member of a clan that you are at WAR with will always show in DARK ORANGE
* A GOOD player of an Opposing Racial Alliance that does not have an affiliation with your Clan will always show in DARK RED
* An EVIL player of the same race as yours but a member of a clan that you are ALLIED with will always show in GREEN
* A GOOD player of the same race as your but a member of your clan will always show as BRIGHT GREEN

Autor:  agre [ 25 kwi 2009, 09:10 ]

Dali Trade Chat!

Teraz już będzie można nieprzerwanie grać w Race Chat. ;)

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