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Upcoming Wurm 1.1 ReleaseSummer Update 1.1Alright, so here's what's coming soon to a Wurm near you!
Client Performance
We will start using your graphics hardware better, which will mean a major upgrade in the way Wurm Online is rendered and should have a huge impact on performance. We will maintain backwards compatibility.
New Creature Models
We have already upgraded a lot of the creatures in Wurm Online with new models this year - and we're working on releasing more new models in the update: Troll, Mountain Lion, Crocodile, Huge Shark, Pheasant, Lava Fiend, Hell Scorpious, Forest Giant, Rabid Hyena, Mountain Gorilla.
Abilities and the Karma SystemWurm Online has some pretty special high end rewards and possibilities, such as becoming a Meditation Guru, Dragon Slayer, King, Demigod, or hitting some really rare achievements. Some are possible for newbies right at the start, such as creating fantastic items, and some require a certain amount of skill.
We are now introducing Abilities, a system that makes use of the Karma Points which have been around for a while. You gain Karma Points by consuming the "Source". The Source can be found in Source Fountains, Source Crystals, or by completing the missions on the Epic servers.
You gain an ability as a very rare event. On the Epic Servers, an Ability Item may be handed out as a reward when a Scenario ends, which happens about once per month. On Freedom servers we haven't decided how to distribute them yet, but possibly through treasure hunts.
An Ability Item could be a Tome of Magic, a vial containing smoke from Sol, or a Green Cherry. Each item has three charges and gives the user a special ability. This ability is pretty powerful and could cast a Karma Bolt, set you up for a critical hit, or create a mirror image of yourself. They often have pretty long cooldown and consume quite a bit of Karma so they shouldn't be overpowered.
With every ability comes a title, such as Witch Hunter, Valkyrie or Summoner. If you gain several abilities, this title will change, and eventually you may find yourself called something really special, like Demon Queen or Arch Mage. Eventually we'll add some sort of graphics for them as well.
Epic Endgame Re-WorkThe Epic Endgame is supposed to create a "pull" through the game - something to wonder about and explore if you get tired of building your castle or breeding cattle. If you think Wurm is too much of a grind then you should try out the Epic servers.
The Epic missions are quite popular but they have their issues. The rewards are not interesting enough, other effects need to be cleaned up and the missions themselves are sometimes out of place. This summer will bring many improvements in those areas, especially with the Ability Item rewards. You may also find the Rod of Eruption or the Wand of the Seas interesting. The Key Of The Heavens - a mysterious golden puzzle which, if solved, may grant access to Valrei - will be more common as well.
The reward system is designed to let anyone participate and have a shot at receiving these rewards. Even as a newbie, if you are close to where a mission is completed then you gain 1 Karma Point. The first point per scenario is a ticket in the lottery, and you gain a new ticket every 300 points. You do have to be premium though, since our experience is that otherwise the system would be exploited by creating lots of free accounts.
Kingdom TabardsWe'll make it possible to display your kingdom banner with tabards worn on the body.
New FencesWe are introducing new stone, curb, rope and roundpole fences, and even a few magical ones.
Flower Beds and Flower PotsYou will be able to decorate your home with these new features.
If you carry one of these, you can bury your kin or favorite pet in a more decent way.
AnalyseIf you analyse a rock shard (or an ore) it will tell you what it was near before it was mined. The information you get depends on how high your prospecting skill is and the quality level of the shard. We hope this will add more value to the prospecting skill.
Foraging and BotanizingYou can now select categories to look for, and will get more chance of finding something on a tile if you have higher skill. You'll also be able to forage and botanize on more types of tile.
Cross-Server Chat
You'll be able to chat with your friends and other players on different servers.
Modify Existing StructuresGone will be the days when you had to destroy the whole structure and rebuild it in order to modify it just because you now have more skill. Rejoice! You'll be able to add to or remove tiles from existing structures.
New MusicWe're going to add some freshly produced music to the game.
PaperdollSome of you may have seen images of the drag and drop paper doll our developers have created. This should help a lot with managing items and visualizing wounds.
Inventory GroupsYou will be able to create groups of items on the top level in your inventory tree. This should help with managing items. You will also be able to open new windows with them!
GUI/Prettier Action BarWe're planning on making the action bar a bit more interesting to look at. How, we don't know yet!
GUI ButtonsWe'll be changing the current GUI buttons for actions such as climbing to much prettier icons, as a part of our GUI improvements.
Skill TrackerThis is a small widget which will help you track some selected skills.
Things that will hopefully make it:
Diagonal RoadsIt seems as if our developers Tich and Saytheb may be able to solve the riddle of creating straight roads through diagonal space. Hold your thumbs!
Sitting, Squatting, Meditation, Praying AnimationsThis is on the list, not done yet though.
Falling TreesOur artist Saroman has lots on his hands right now but we expect these to make it into the game.
Yours Sincerely,
Rolf and the team behind Wurm Online