Change Log
03:30 CET
Updated "General Update"
Added "Letter from GOA's CEO"
Removed "Personal note"
Split "Account registration and key authentication unavailable"
Updated "Account registration"
Updated "Key Authentication"
00:30 CET
Added "Retailer updates"
Updated "Account registration and key authentication unavailable"
Updated "Key has expired"
Updated "Patching"
Added "General update"
20:55 CET
Added "Why not simply add more servers?".
Edited "Server Caps"
Added "Personal note"
Server Status
Open Beta Server status: Online
Patcher: Online
Website: Online
Account registration: Offline
Open Beta key authentication: Offline
General update
From our news:
We have encountered serious problems with the authentication system since this morning, while the stability of the game servers, the speed of the patcher and the performance of the downloader have all been satisfactory. This issue, combined with an exceptional amount of traffic and a fault which was not identified during the extensive tests we ran on our platform has unfortunately limited the access to our servers to only a few of you along with our closed beta testers who had already been a part of the closed beta.
During the day, we have reconfigured authentication and database servers several times, both of which suffered under the huge number of simultaneous connections. The investigations and corrections we have done so far were essentially targeting the parts of the system which didn’t require a complete stop of the writing process in the database. This means we preferred to keep the database turned on during the day to let it work on the huge number of accounts that were in the process of being handled. This operation will continue through the night and when complete, we will shut down the database and reconfigure it.
If the operation works as anticipated, we can once again give you access to the account page and let you register your code for the open beta. We expect the whole maintenance to be finished late Monday morning.
Naturally, we will keep you informed of the development of this maintenance and we expect to give you an update mid-morning.
We thank you for your understanding at this very impatient time and we sincerely apologize for the situation.
-The GOA team
Letter from GOA's CEO
Dear all,
I rarely address players directly, but I wanted to write you as too few of you have been able to access the open beta today.
As my team explained in the previous post, although we have opened the servers and corrected numerous issues during the last 24 hours but we have not yet solved the issue of saturated Open Beta key activations that we’re currently experiencing. I am sincerely sorry for this, and I understand all the frustration the situation has spawned.
Today was a dark day. We expected a massive influx of players, but reality was even harsher.
I personally commit that we will communicate to you as clearly as possible on the resolution of these current issues. My goal is to give Warhammer Online the success it deserves. Be ensured that all GOA teams, with Mythic’s support, are working hard to bring you the best possible game experience.
Best regards,
Ghislaine Le Rhun
Server caps
Previous closed beta testers are being let in. We are successively allowing more and more players join. The current population cap is 500 players per realm (so 1000 max players online per server) with an additional 1500 players in queue. We will raise both the online and queue caps by roughly 25% every few hours. This is a delicate process, vital in keeping the servers and starting zones in good shape. Reports from QA reveal that our Open Beta servers have indeed performed very well since they were brought online, as those of you who can currently play can surely attest to.
Why not simply add more servers?
The amount of servers are balanced after the needs of the total community. That is, one want the appropriate amount of servers to host a stable population of players. If we were to create enough players to host every single open beta tester right now, these servers would have a healthy population for a few hours. After a couple of days though, it would become apparent that there were simply too many servers and that players were too thinly spread to allow for a meaningful RvR experience.
The situation is similar with the server caps. Players must be let wave by wave, because the starting zones simply can't handle too many players. This is true both on a technical level and on a game-play level.
We know exactly how many Open Beta keys are available and we have tons of data on how large a portion of our player-base is expected to be online at a given time of the week. Naturally, when launching the Open Beta, an exceptionally large part of the total number of players will be trying to play, but were we to adjust the number of servers to that one exceptional event, we would as said stand there with half-empty servers in a couple of days.
Retailer updates
The EA Store have had problems distributing the Open Beta keys. Status: investigating.
Key Authentication
Keys are slowly beginning to be available. 414 errors are bound to occur, still, but the service is running and we are processing authentications as fast we can.
Account registration
Registration servers have been taken offline for maintenance. This means that it is currently not possible to create new accounts. We don't expect account registration to be available tonight.
Key has expired
Open Beta key authentication error: Key has expired. This is caused by a communication problem with our databases. We are working on a solution. This error does not mean that your key is invalid.
Status: we had a possible solution to this on the way, but alas, it failed. We don't expect the key authentication to be online tonight.
We were experiencing problems with the patcher earlier today. As our technicians performed maintenance and optimization, many lost the connection with the patcher and had to restart. To the best of our knowledge, the patcher is now working.
Who needs a new account?
Anyone who is already in possession of a valid account through does not need to create a new account.
On a positive note, servers are slowly filling up and are remaining stable ever since launched around 5pm this afternoon. Problems with our registration servers and key authentication remain. However, key authentication is now somewhat possible. That is, some players are going through, but far from all. Key here is to either remain vigilant or sleep on it and return in the morning.
GOA seniors and Mythic staff are currently meeting in Paris. We are keenly expecting an update on the outcome of this meeting.
GOA are on all levels very much aware that much frustration has been fed through our actions. We in the community management team take our share of the burden for this one, and can only offer our sincere apologies to the many customers who were hoping to play the game today but have been unable to do so.
There is an ocean of questions out there deserving to be answered. I will be working all day tomorrow, backed up by GOA’s uber tank IainC. Together, we will do our outmost to answer your questions and keep you updated to a degree far outweighing what I’ve done today.
War is coming!