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Posty: 368
Dołączył(a): 13.05.2008
PostNapisane: 3 mar 2009, 08:56 
Patch Notes - v1.2
Patch Available 3/3/2009
* New Careers! Unleash the savage fury of the relentless Orc Choppa, or take up the doom-laden oath of the unstoppable Dwarf Slayer. These two new melee-focused careers relish the thrill of fighting on the front lines and laying waste to all foes that come within reach of their mighty blades. Players will need to take part in the Bitter Rivals event to unlock these two new careers. Unlocking the characters via the Bitter Rivals event will give early access to the Slayer and Choppa in one week. All others players will gain access one week afterwards.
* Bitter Rivals join the battle! Introducing the newest live event for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. "Bitter Rivals" focuses on the ancient hatred that burns between the Dwarf and Greenskin races. Millennia of conflict in the Worlds Edge Mountains have honed the enmity that exists between the Orcs and Goblins and the stout Dwarfs to a razor-sharp edge, and when these nemeses meet in battle, it is war without mercy.
* Fight for control of the warped Twisting Tower! The battle rages in this new Scenario found deep in the heart of the maddening Chaos Wastes. Here, the warping power of Chaos is at its peak, transforming the very fabric of reality in defiance of all reason. Warriors of Order and Destruction must grapple for control of this ancient citadel, for if the secrets of the Twisting Tower should fall into enemy hands, the tide of battle will surely turn. Like the Reikland Factory, the Twisting Tower will be available for all players for a limited time as a preview to accompany the Bitter Rivals event. Be sure to stake your claim to the Twisting Tower while you can!
* Answer the Call to Arms with new Realm vs. Realm gameplay enhancements! Introducing the new Open RvR Rallying Cry system that summons you to key battles for Tiers 1, 2 and 3. The new Zone Control Domination System for Tiers 2 through 4 rewards a realm that truly conquers the battlefield. Also, many improvements to siege weapons ensure that the mighty engines of war are now more lethally effective than ever. See below for additional details.
* New treasures await! Across-the-board itemization improvements have been made to the Fortresses, world dungeons, and city dungeons of WAR, including better world drops, quest rewards, Influence rewards, and more!
* Crafting System Improvements! We've made many improvements to the game's crafting system, including pairing-off specific gathering skills with specific production skills in order to make crafters more self-sufficient. Also, the leveling curve of trade skills has been improved and fewer components are required to create items. Last, but certainly not least, is the addition of new craftable items!
* Easy Public Quests make their debut in Tiers 2, 3, and 4. Scaled for courageous bands of 1 to 3 adventurers, these Public Quests offer a rewarding PvE experience without a large commitment of forces. You'll find one Easy Public Quest in each Chapter, so gather a few friends, or venture out alone... if you dare!
* Multiple mail attachments! Now you can send several attached items with a single mail message.
* Two new secret lairs await! Finding the new hidden lairs is only half the battle. Figuring out how to open the door - and surviving the dangers inside - is another matter, entirely!
* The Open Party button has finally severed its ties to the player portrait and moved to the Menu Bar. This new Parties and Warbands window now has all information about Open Parties and Party Management, as well as the new Looking for Group system.
General Changes & Bug Fixes
General Changes & Bug Fixes
* In combat, your own health value could fluctuate up and down inaccurately. This will no longer occur.
* When instructed to attack a target on the other side of a closed door, pets will no longer run through the door.
* Sometimes when players died, they would appear to others to be sliding around on the ground after respawning. This issue has been fixed.
* /ignore will persist properly between logins.
* Players will no longer incorrectly see other players on their mounts after they have dismounted.
* Opening Movies will no longer always be at max volume.
* When using GTAoE abilities, sometimes the targeting reticle graphic would get stuck to the player instead of showing properly where the cursor has targeted. This has been resolved.
* When a player changes appearances (such as a Squig Herder getting into their Squig Armor) other players targeting that player will no longer lose their target.
* When using flight masters, the flight cinematic will now be less wobbly for Destruction characters.
* When a player uses a flight master and attempts to enter a part of the game world that is currently down or not running, the player will be returned to the flight master instead of getting stuck in the flight cinematic.
* The ground targeting interface has been tweaked. When you are attempting to place a ground target over an invalid surface, there is now a separate ground decal used to show you that you're targeting an invalid surface. There's also now a ground-target-specific icon which will grey and un-grey depending on where you are mousing over.
* When attempting to loot from a pile of corpses, the client will now prioritize corpses with loot on them over empty corpses, making it easier to loot.
* Under heavy server load situations, buffs and debuffs will no longer last longer than they should.
* Monsters will now be less prone to going into an evade state and returning to their spawn point when trying to reach targets.
* Pets will have a more accurate line of sight when trying to use abilities on their targets.
* When mousing over the Tier Label on the Pairing Map, there is now a tooltip that displays the level range for the Tier.
* Players will now be able to click on the round button on the flight map to fly to refugee camps, rather than just the text name on the right side of the map.
* Missing zones have been added to the flight map. Travel map layout issues have been resolved.
* Monsters which flee from combat due to being at low hit points will now immediately begin moving at a slower speed.
* Inventory overflow will now automatically empty its contents into any available backpack slot
Combat and Careers
Combat and Careers
Bug Fixes:
* All Disorient effects cast by players will no longer stack. Only the most powerful Disorient will affect the target.
* Fixed a bug which was causing all area-of-effect abilities in the game to have a slightly smaller area of coverage than intended.
Balance Changes:
* Abilities which proc or trigger damage will now correctly be based on their respective resistance types will not critically hit and will be mitigated appropriately. Specific abilities for each career affected by this change are noted below.
* Items which proc or trigger damage will now correctly be based on their respective resistance types will not critically hit and will be mitigated appropriately.
* Immovable: Duration increased to 20 seconds.
* We have adjusted the way that the Disorient debuff will effect characters. Instead of increasing all ability cast times by a flat value, it will now increase cast times by a % of the total cast time of the spell. As a result, melee abilities and instant cast spells will no longer be affected by Disorient since their cast time is effectively 0 seconds. Specific abilities for each career affected by this change are noted below.
* All absorb shield buffs have increased in effectiveness, and will now absorb roughly 50% more damage in most cases. Specific abilities for each career affected by this change are noted below.
* High amounts of magic resistances will now begin to experience diminishing returns. Once a resistance is above 40%, players will begin receiving less resistance per point of stat. Any resistances which are currently experiencing diminishing returns will be displayed in orange on your character sheet.
Renown Abilities:
* Bypass Defenses: Fixed a bug that prevented this ability from functioning correctly.
* For Glory!: The tooltip for this Tactic has been updated to better reflect when players will receive the bonus.
* Hamper War engine: This ability will now properly be listed as a debuff.
* King of the Hill: The tooltip for this Tactic has been updated to better reflect when players will receive the bonus.
* Mission Focused: The tooltip for this Tactic has been updated to better reflect when players will receive the bonus.
* Modify War Engine: This effect will no longer stack when multiple players cast it on a single engine.
* Pick Lock: Fixed a bug that prevented this ability from functioning.
* Town Raider: The tooltip for this Tactic has been updated to better reflect when players will receive the bonus.
* Unbending Will I-III: This ability will now provide the correct amount of Spirit resistance.
Renown Rewards:
* Agility I-III: These rewards are meant to build upon the others and the descriptions have been updated to better represent this. The previous wording could be easily misinterpreted as them providing less of a bonus than they actually do.
* Arcane Dismissal I-III: These rewards are meant to build upon the others and the descriptions have been updated to better represent this. The previous wording could be easily misinterpreted as them providing less of a bonus than they actually do.
* Defender I-III: These rewards are meant to build upon the others and the descriptions have been updated to better represent this. The previous wording could be easily misinterpreted as them providing less of a bonus than they actually do.
* Reflexes I-III: These rewards are meant to build upon the others and the descriptions have been updated to better represent this. The previous wording could be easily misinterpreted as them providing less of a bonus than they actually do.
Guild Tactics:
* Thornshield: The damage done by all three levels of this Tactic will now show up in the combat tab and in the on-screen text.
* Enhanced Knowledge II: Fixed a typo in this ability's name.
* Arial Assault: This ability will now do the correct damage.
* Tail Swipe: Fixed an issue that caused some abilities to stop working while this effect is on you.
* Fortress Lords and Bodyguards: Cone AE and Targeted AE abilities: radii were slightly decreased and AE Line of Sight has been turned on.
* Boost IV-VI: These effects will now display that they also increases critical damage.
* Magus light mounts speed corrected, missing Dwarven gyrocopter IMA replaced.
Healer Archetypes
Balance Changes:
* Alter Fate: This ability is now affected by the Anti-Resurrection effect present at some encounters.
* Shield Wall: The block bonus from this ability will no longer stack with other block buff bonuses.
Balance changes:
* Divine Protection: This ability will now absorb more damage.
Tank Archetype
Bug Fixes:
* Unstoppable Juggernaut: Fixed a typo in this ability's tooltip.
* Challenge: Challenged targets now see the tank glowing red.
Ranged DPS Archetype
Bug fixes:
* Concealment: This ability's tooltip will now show the correct duration of the effect.
* Hail of Doom: This ability will now correctly do damage for the entire time that it channels.
Melee DPS Archetype
* Backlash: The damage done by this ability has been increased. The damage done will now be Elemental damage, affected by the target's resists, which will not be increased by stats and cannot critically hit.
* Jagged Edge: The damage done by this ability has been increased. The damage done will now be Corporeal damage, which will not be increased by stats and cannot critically hit.
Bug Fixes:
* Bathing in Blood: The healing from this Tactic will no longer stack with itself.
Balance Changes:
* Warped Flesh (Chaos): This Tactic will now absorb more damage.
* Emperor's Ward (Empire): This Tactic will now absorb more damage.
* Centuries of Training: The damage done by this ability has been increased. The damage done will now be Spirit damage, affected by the target's resists, which will not be increased by stats and cannot critically hit.
* Stab You Gooder: Reduced the amount of bonus critical damage given by this tactic.
Bug Fixes:
* Balanced Mending: This ability will now correctly function as described.
* Gift of Life: This ability's build time has been reduced, and cooldown time increased.
* Hurried Restore: Fixed a tooltip display issue.
* Scatter the Winds: The debuff portion of this ability will no longer apply when the damage portion is blocked or disrupted.
* Storm of Cronos: This ability will now correctly reduce the target's Spirit resistance.
* Wild Healing: This ability's effect will no longer trigger from damage-over-time critical ticks.
Balance changes:
* Arcing Power: Now heals defensive target 100% of the time.
* Balance Essence: This ability's damage has been increased.
* Blessing of Isha: This ability will now cast faster and heal for a higher value.
* Dispel Magic: The damage of this ability has been increased and changed to Spirit damage. However, this damage will not critically hit or receive benefit from stats.
* Drain Magic: Now steals AP from target instead of just removing it.
* Healing Energy: This ability will now heal slightly more initially, but slightly less over time. The over time portion will now last 5 seconds.
* Isha's Ward: This ability will now absorb more damage.
* Searing Touch: This ability will receive greater damage contribution from stats.
* Shield of Saphery: This ability will now absorb more damage.
* Transfer Magic: Now makes Drain Magic siphon AP from an area, but halves the amount drained. (Note: It still only damages a single target).
* Walk Between Worlds: Detaunt duration doubled, and cooldown halved.
* Winds' Protection: This ability will now absorb more damage.
Bright Wizard
Bug Fixes:
* Annihilate: The self damage portion of this ability will no longer do critical damage.
* Flames of Rhuin: Corrected an issue with this ability's tooltip.
* Flashfire: The cast-time reduction gained from this Tactic will now correctly apply only when a character starts to cast a new ability.
* Funnel Power: The damage inflicted to the Bright Wizard is now considered Corporeal Damage.
* Funnel Power: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Ignition: Fixed a bug which was preventing most ticks of Ignite from having a chance to trigger this effect.
* Playing with Fire: This ability will now hit for the correct amount of damage.
* Rain of Fire: Fixed a bug which was causing Combustion to begin dropping immediately after channeling this ability.
* Wildfire: Fixed a bug that kept this tactic from triggering on Rain of Fire, Spreading Flames, and Choking Smoke.
Balance changes:
* Draining Burn: The amount of damage added to Burning Iron has been increased.
* Explosive Force: This ability will now deal Corporeal Damage.
* Flame Shield: The base damage on this ability has been increased and changed to Elemental damage. However, this damage will not critically hit or receive benefit from statsFlame Shield: This ability will now deal Elemental Damage.
* Flames of Rhuin: The base damage on this ability has been increased and changed to Elemental damage. However, this damage will not critically hit or receive benefit from statsFlames of Rhuin: This ability will now deal Elemental Damage.
* Fueled From Within: The amount of damage added to Flames of Rhuin and Flame Shield has been increased.
* Funnel Power: The base damage on this ability has been increased and changed to Corporeal damage. However, this damage will not critically hit or receive benefit from statsFunnel Power: This ability will now deal Corporeal Damage.
* Lingering Fires: The base damage on this ability has been increased and will deal Corporeal damage. However, this damage will not critically hit or receive benefit from stats.
* Meltdown: This ability will now deal increased damage.
* Playing With Fire: The base damage on this ability has been increased and changed to Elemental damage. However, this damage will not critically hit or receive benefit from stats.
* Pyroclastic Surge: This ability will now disorient the target by 50% for 3 seconds if the target is hexed.
* Wildfire: The base damage on this ability has been increased and will deal Corporeal damage. The ability will now affect all Path of Conflagration abilities. The ability will now gain more benefit from stats, but will not be able to do critical damage.
Black Guard
Bug fixes:
* Away Cretins!: This ability now knocks down monsters.
* Challenge: This ability no longer requires an enemy target.
* Crimson Death: This ability's debuff icon will now display the correct value.
* Elite Training: This ability will now correctly work for the next 4 attacks.Elite Training: This ability will now correctly face after parrying 4 hits.
* Endless Pursuit: Fixed a typo in this ability's tooltip.
* Enraged Beating: This ability will now behave correctly when interrupted.
* Feeding on Pain: This ability's tooltip will now display correct values.
* Filled with Fury: This ability is now only triggered by attacks that expend Hate.
* Hatred: The mechanic icon will no longer display in the General Skills tab.
* Hold the Line: This ability now has the correct cooldown of 0 seconds.
* Khaine's Warding: Fixed a typo in this ability's tooltip.
* Monstrous Ruin: This Tactic will no longer allow Furious Howl to be activated without the required amount of Hatred.
* None Shall Pass: This ability will now behave correctly when interrupted.
* Thirst for Death: Fixed a typo in this ability's tooltip.
Balance changes:
* Brutal Smash: This ability will now disorient the target by 50%.
* Exile: The knockback distance of this ability has been changed to Medium distance at 30 Hatred, Long distance at 60 Hatred and Very Long distance at 90 Hatred.
* None Shall Pass: The damage of this ability has been increased and changed to Physical damage. However, this damage will not critically hit or receive benefit from statsNone Shall Pass: This ability will now deal Physical Damage.
* Shield of Rage: This ability will now absorb more damage.
* Taunt/Challenge: These abilities will no longer force player pets to attack you.
Black Orc
Bug Fixes:
* 'Ave Another One: Fixed a bug that allowed this ability to gain benefits from stats.
* Can't Hit Me!: This ability will now behave correctly when interrupted.
* Challenge: This ability no longer requires an enemy target.
* Da Biggest: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Da Greenest: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Da Greenest: This ability's armor-buffing effect will now scale with level.
* Da Toughest: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Da Toughest: Tooltip will now upgrade correctly.
* Loudmouth: Fixed a bug that allowed this ability to do critical damage.
* Loudmouth: Fixed a bug that allowed this ability to gain benefits from stats.
* Not in Da face: Damage increased to proper amount.
* Puddle O' Muck: This ability will now correctlyactually snare targets.
* Rock 'Ard: This ability no longer claims to lead to Gud Plan, or highlights while you have a Gud Plan.
* Stop Hittin' da Runts: The tactic will now restore the proper amount of Action Points.
* T'ree Hit Combo: This ability will no longer interrupt itself while moving.
* T'ree Hit Combo: This ability will now behave correctly when interrupted.
* T'ree Hit Combo: This ability will now cause the caster to be considered in Da Best Plan for the duration of the effect.
* Waaagh!: This ability's debuff icon tooltip now states correct reduction type, and no longer requires a target.
* Where You Going?: This ability's description has been updated to correctly reflect that this is actually a PBAoE.
Balance Changes:
* Big Brawlin': This ability will now disorient targets by 25%.
* Can Youz Hear me Now?: The damage boost of this ability has been increased.
* Can't Hit Me!: This ability will now deal Corporeal Damage.
* Can't Touch Us: Will now absorb more damage.
* Da Bestest!: This ability has been renamed to "Guud at Big Choppin!" and will now increase damage and Parry rate while using a great weapon.
* Da Big Un': This ability will now deal more damage, and affect a larger area.
* Da Biggest!: This ability will now grant a stat buff to nearby group members.
* Da Toughest: This ability will now grant less Wounds and health to the Black Orc when it triggers.
* Dat Was Great!: This Tactic has been changed to match the changes to Wot armor?. The Tactic will now increase the duration of Wot armor?, and reduce the victim's Toughness.
* Down Ya Go: This ability will now deal more damage, knock the target down for 3 seconds, and cost no AP to activate.
* Keep it Goin!: The damage boost of this ability has been increased.
* Loudmouth: The damage of this ability has been increased and changed to Corporeal. However, this damage will not critically hit or receive benefit from stats.
* Not in da Face!: This ability will now deal more damage and also make you and your group briefly immune to disabling effects.
* Rock 'Ard: This ability will now absorb more damage.
* Savin' Me Hide: This ability will now deal more damage, and will also reduce the magical damage taken by you and your group.
* Shut Yer Face: This ability will now deal more damage and cost no AP to activate.
* Skull Thumper: The additional damage caused by this ability's debuff has been increased, is now mitigated as Corporeal damage, and no longer gains an increase from stats. Additionally, the damage from this effect will show up on its own line in the combat log.
* T'ree Hit Combo: This ability will now deal more damage but will receive less damage contribution from stats.
* Taunt/Challenge: Will no longer force player pets to attack you.
* WAAAAAAAGH!: This ability will now deal more damage.
* Wot armor?: This ability has had its stacking % armor debuff replaced with a fixed-value armor debuff. Additionally, it will now apply its maximum debuff value in a single hit.
Bug fixes:
* All Auras: The group beneficial Auras will no longer check Line of Sight when applying to group members.
* All Auras: These abilities no longer have character animations when activated.
* Blast Wave: This ability's character animation has been updated to be more appropriate.
* Challenge: This ability no longer requires an enemy target.
* Corrupting Horror: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Corrupting Retribution: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Corrupting Wrath: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Crippling Strikes: Rending Blade will now trigger this tactic.
* Dire Shielding: This Tactic will no longer cause Bane Shield to stack when multiple Chosen in the same group use the ability.
* Discordant Fluctuation: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Discordant Instability: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Discordant Turbulence: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Dreadful Agony: The 12 second version of this ability will fire correctly now.
* Dreadful Agony: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Dreadful Fear: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Dreadful Terror: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Embrace the Winds: This tactic will no longer increase the value of incoming effects. It will only apply to incoming heals.
* Mixed Defenses: Fixed an issue that made the parry bonus of this ability a multiplicative bonus instead of additive
* Relentless: This ability will now behave correctly when interrupted.
* Rending Blade: This ability's character animation has been updated to be more appropriate.
* Repel: Fixed an issue that limited the knockback distance of this ability.
* Tzeentch's Reflection: The beneficial portion of this ability will no longer be removed by any ability that removes Silence. The Silencing portion of this ability will continue to be removed as normal.
Balance Changes:
* All Auras except Dreadful Agony will no longer aggro monsters that are not already in combat. Auras can no longer be dodged, blocked, parried, or disrupted. Auras that deal damage now deal Spirit damage.
* All Chosen have undergone changes and as a result will need to reallocate their Career Mastery Points. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
* Bane Shield: Multiple Chosen with this ability up will no longer prevent each other from dealing damage to the same target.
* Bane Shield: The base damage on this ability has been increased and will now deal Spiritual damage. The ability will no longer receive benefits from stats nor will it do critical damage.
* Bane Shield: This ability will now deal Spirit Damage. Additionally, the damage effect on Bane Shield will now only trigger a maximum of once per 2 seconds per character affected.
* Baneful Shielding: This is no longer a valid tactic.
* Blast Wave: This ability will now deal Spirit Damage. Additionally, this ability will no longer lower the target's resistances, but will instead lower the target's Wounds.
* Corrupting Horror: The cost of this ability is now free.
* Corrupting Horror: This ability will now disorient targets by 25%.
* Corrupting Retribution: The cost of this ability is now free.
* Corrupting Retribution: This ability will now heal for slightly more.
* Corrupting Wrath: The cost of this ability is now free.
* Corruptive Power: This tactic is available at Corruption x11. All Corruption abilities cost 35% less action points.
* Dire Shielding: This ability will also increase the duration of Bane Shield by 7 seconds.
* Discordant Fluctuation: The base damage on this ability has been increased and will now deal Spiritual damage. The ability will not receive benefits from stats nor will it do critical damage.
* Discordant Fluctuation: The cost of this ability is now free.
* Discordant Instability: The cost of this ability is now free.
* Discordant Turbulence: The cost of this ability is now free.
* Dreadful Agony: The base damage on this ability has been increased and will now deal Spiritual damage. The ability will not receive benefits from stats nor will it do critical damage.
* Dreadful Agony: The cost of this ability is now free.
* Dreadful Fear: The cost of this ability is now free.
* Dreadful Terror: The cost of this ability is now free.
* Dreadful Terror: This ability now removes slightly more Action Points from the victims.
* Hasten Dismissal: This tactic is now a level 35 Core tactic. It reduces Repel's cooldown by 50% and turns Repel into a long knockback.
* Hate from auras which affect all group-mates will now be credited to the individual group members, instead of all to the Chosen themselves.
* Impenetrable Armor: This ability will now absorb more armor.
* Oppression: The disorient effect has been removed. This ability will now reduce incoming damage on the Chosen by 15% for 10s. The cost has been lowered on this ability.
* Power from the Gods: This tactic will now restore 5 action points per second to the Chosen for each Aura the Chosen is runningDiscordant Fluctuation: This ability will now deal more damage. Additionally, the damage effect on Discordant Fluctuation will now only trigger a maximum of once per 2 seconds per character affected.
* Quake: This ability will now deal Spirit Damage.
* Relentless: The cost and damage has been increased on this ability.
* Rending Blade: No longer requires an active aura to receive a bonus effect. The ability is now a Point-Blank Area of Effect ability that deals Spiritual damage. This ability requires a Great Weapon and no longer has a cooldown.
* Tainted Wound: The base damage on this ability has been increased and will now deal Spiritual damage. The ability will not receive benefits from stats nor will it do critical damage.
* Taunt/Challenge: Will no longer force player pets to attack you.
* Tooth of Tzeentch: This ability's bonus damage will now deal Spirit Damage.
* Touch of Palsy: The value of the barb damage has been increased and will now deal physical damage. The barb will no longer receive benefits from stats and will no longer do critical damage.
* Touch of Palsy: This ability will now deal Spirit Damage.
Disciple of Khaine
Bug Fixes:
* .
* Consume Essence: This ability will no longer heal invalid targets.
* Covenant of Celerity: This ability's buff will now persist after zoning.
* Covenant of Tenacity: This ability's buff will now persist after zoning.
* Covenant of Vitality: Fixed this ability's buff icon tooltip to display the correct effect. Additionally, this ability's buff will now persist after zoning.
* Devour Essence: This ability will now heal for every target hit in the radius, instead of only once.
* Patch Wounds: This ability will now correctly consume 25 Soul Essence as described.
* Rend Soul: This ability will no longer heal invalid targets.
* Restored Motivation: Fixed a bug which caused this ability's healing effect to occasionally be disrupted by allies.
* Soul Infusion: The effect will no longer be removed from the Disciple when casting it on another target.
* Stand Coward!: This ability's build time has been reduced, and cooldown time increased.
* Warding Strike: This ability will now fire correctly when the Disciple has 30 Soul Essence.
Balance Changes:
* Bloodlust: The damage increase this tactic gives to Covenant of Celerity has been increased.
* Covenant of Celerity: Covenant of Celerity: The damage from this ability has been increased slightly. The damage will now be Spirit damage, and will be affected by resists. The damage will not gain benefit from stats and will not be able to critical hitThis ability will now deal Spirit Damage.
* Covenant of Vitality: Covenant of Vitality: The damage from this ability has been increased slightly. The damage will now be Spirit damage, and will be affected by resists. The damage will not gain benefit from stats, and not be able to critical hitThis ability will now deal Spirit Damage.
* Khaine's Bounty: This ability will now absorb more damage.
* Khaine's Embrace: This ability's cool down time has been reduced and now heals for a higher value.
* Khaine's Imbuement: The damage from this ability has been increased slightly. The damage will now be Spirit damage and will be affected by resists. The damage will not gain benefit from stats, and will not be able to critical hit
* Restore Essence: This ability will now heal slightly more initially, and slightly less over time. The over time portion will now last 5 seconds.
* Soul Shielding: This ability will now absorb more damage.
Bug Fixes:
* All Turrets: Turret-specific abilities will now display in the Mastery Training window as being part of the associated Mastery.
* Barbed Wire: This ability will now play its entire visual effect.
* Bugman's Best: Fixed a bug which was allowing this ability's healing effect to inadvertently affect NPCs.
* Concussive Mine: This ability will now properly disorient targets.
* Coordinated Fire: This Tactic's effect will now increase damage as described. Additionally, this Tactic's effect will now last for the full duration of Signal Flare.
* Electro Magnet: Targets pulled in by this ability will no longer clip directly into the Engineer. They will instead be offset by a varying amount to reduce collision issues.
* Hollow Points: Multiple Engineers may now all affect a target with Hollow Points.
* Land Mine: Fixed a bug which caused this ability to trigger a disproportionately long immunity timer.
* Lighting Rod: Fixed a bug that caused this ability to receive more benefit from stats than intended.
* Self Destruct: This ability's tooltip will no longer claim it costs AP. Additionally, this ability is now considered a ranged attack (improved with Ballistic skill) that deals Corporeal damage.
* Snipe: Fixed a bug which was incorrectly reducing the cost of this ability.
* Stopping Power: The knockback gained from this tactic will now apply immunity.
* Tangling Wire: Fixed a bug that allowed this ability to gain benefits from stats.
Balance changes:
* Concussive Mine: This ability will now disorient the targets by 50%.
* Hollow Points: Decreased damage over time duration of this ability but increased damage per second, also increased stat benefit.
* Rune of Forging: This ability will now absorb more damage.
* Sticky Bomb: This ability will now deal Corporeal Damage. Additionally, this ability will now explode if the target is killed.
* Summoned Turrets: Will no longer be forced to attack tanks who Taunt or Challenge.
Bug Fixes:
* Avenging the Debt: Will no longer have a chance to critically heal.
* Axe Slam: This ability has been moved to Path of Vengeance.
* Challenge: This ability no longer requires an enemy target.
* Grudge-Born Fury: This ability will now behave correctly when interrupted.
* Heavy Blow: Fixed a typo in this ability's description.
* Powered Etchings: This ability's Snare and Knockback effects will now correctly obey removal/immunity.
* Shield Sweep: Will now correctly restore grudge when striking additional targets.
* Strength in Numbers: This ability has been moved to Path of Stone.
Balance Changes:
* Oathstone: This ability will now deal Physical Damage.
* All Ironbreakers have undergone changes and as a result will need to reallocate their Career Mastery Points. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
* Gromril Plating: This ability will now absorb more damage.
* Oathstone: The base damage of this ability has been increased and will now deal physical damage. The ability will no longer receive benefits from stats and will no longer do critical damage.
* Overprotective: The base damage of this ability has been increased and will now deal physical damage.Overprotective: This ability will now deal Physical Damage.
* Punishing Blow: The value of the barb damage has been increased and will now deal physical damage. The barb will no longer receive benefits from stats and will no longer do critical damage.
* Runic Shield: The amount of magic damage absorbed by this ability has been increased.
* Runic Shield: This ability will now absorb more damage.
* Stone Breaker: This ability's % armor debuff has now been replaced with a flat value armor debuff.
* Taunt/Challenge: These abilities will no longer force player pets to attack you.
Knight of the Blazing Sun
Bug Fixes:
* All Commands: The group beneficial Commands will no longer check Line of Sight when applying to group members.
* All Out Assault!: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Challenge: This ability no longer requires an enemy target.
* Dirty Tricks: An Icon will now appear in the buff window when this Tactic fires.
* Gather Your Resolve!: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Mighty Soul: This tactic will now affect the damage over time portion of Vicious Slash.
* Myrmidia's Fury: This ability will now behave correctly when interrupted.
* Now's Our Chance!: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* On Your Guard!: This ability will now continue after zoning. Additionally, this ability should no longer be proc'd by ranged autoattacks.
* Press The Attack!: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Shatter Confidence: Stat contribution for this ability will now come from Strength and not Intelligence.
* Staggering Impact: Fixed a tooltip display issue. Shield Rush: The block bonus from this ability will no longer stack with other block buff bonuses.
* Stand Strong!: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Stay Focused!: This ability will now continue after zoning. Additionally, when Lingering, the aura will now correctly heal when triggered.
* Stay Focused: This ability will heal the correct amount of action points.
* Sunder: Fixed a tooltip display issue.
* To Glory!: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* To Victory!: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Vigilance: This ability's buff window tooltip will now correctly state that you are receiving less damage, instead of more.
Balance Changes:
* All Commands except All Out Assault will no longer aggro monsters that are not already in combat. Hate from Commands which affect all group-mates will now be credited to the individual group members, instead of all to the Knight themselves. The effects of Commands can no longer be dodged, blocked, parried or disrupted, and Commands that deal damage now deal Elemental damage.
* All Out Assault!: The cost of this ability is now free.
* All Out Assault: The damage of this ability has been increased and will now deal Elemental damage. The ability will no longer receive benefits from stat factor nor will it do critical damage.
* Bellow Commands: This tactic will now restore 5 action points per second to the Knight for each Command the Knight is running.
* Gather Your Resolve!: The cost of this ability is now free.
* Guardian of Light: This ability will now absorb more damage.
* Myrmidia's Fury: This ability will now receive a greater damage contribution from stats.
* Myrmidia's Fury: The cost and damage have been increased on this ability.
* Now's Our Chance!: The cost of this ability is now free.
* On Your Guard!: The cost of this ability is now free.
* On Your Guard!: The damage of this ability has been increased and will now deal Elemental damage. The ability will not receive benefits from stat factor nor will it do critical damage.
* Press the Attack: The cost of this ability is now free.
* Shield of the Sun: Multiple Knights with this ability up will no longer prevent each other from dealing damage to the same target
* Shield of the Sun: Shield of the Sun: The damage of this ability has been increased and will now deal Elemental damage. The ability will no longer receive benefits from stat factor nor will it do critical damageThis ability will now deal Elemental Damage. Additionally, all victims will only take damage from this ability once every 2 seconds.
* Shining Blade: The disorient associated with this ability has been removed. This ability will now reduce incoming damage on the Knight by 15% for 10s. The cost has been lowered on this ability.
* Stand Strong!: The cost of this ability is now free.
* Stay Focused!: The cost of this ability is now free.
* Stay Focused!: This ability will now heal for slightly more.
* Taunt/Challenge: These abilities will no longer force player pets to attack you.
* To Glory!: The cost of this ability is now free.
* To Glory!: This ability will now restore slightly more Action Points.
* To Victory!: The cost of this ability is now free.
Bug fixes:
* Aegis of Orange Fire: Can no longer be defended against.
* Blue Horror, Pink Horror, and Flamer of Tzeentch: Daemonic Minion-specific abilities will now display in the Mastery Training window as being part of the associated Mastery.
* Chaotic Rift: Targets pulled in by this ability will no longer clip directly into the Magus, will instead be offset by a varying amount to reduce collision issues.
* Daemonic Armor: This ability's tooltip values will now display correctly.
* Daemonic Infestation: When exploding, this ability will now visually knock down players and play an explosion effect.
* Daemonic Resistance: This ability now has an increased casting range to match normal group effects. Additionally, fixed a bug which caused the hotkey to gray out when selecting group members.
* Dissolving Mist: This ability's radius is now accurate on tooltip.
* Indigo Fire of Change: Multiple Magi can now cast this spell upon a single target, but only a single Horror will be created.
* Infernal Pain: Fixed a bug that allowed this ability to gain benefits from stats.
* Infernal Pain: This ability will now deal Spirit damage.
* Tzeentch's Firestorm: This ability can now be defended against, and will trigger any appropriate effects.
Balance Changes:
* Aegis of Orange Fire: Aegis of Orange Fire: Damage of this ability has been increased and changed to Elemental damage. However, this damage will not critically hit or receive benefit from statsThis ability will now deal Elemental Damage.
* Infernal Pain: This ability now receives more benefit from stats, but will no longer critically hit.
* Perils of the Warp: Perils of the Warp: Damage of this ability has been increased and changed to Elemental damage. However, this damage will not critically hit or receive benefit from statsThis ability will now deal Elemental Damage.
* Seed of Chaos: This ability will now deal Spirit Damage.
* Seed of Chaos: This ability will now explode if the target is killed, or if the effect runs for its full duration. In addition, other targets hit by the explosion now have a chance to defend themselves.
* Summoned Daemons: Will no longer be forced to attack tanks who Taunt or Challenge..
Bug Fixes:
* Convulsive Slashing: This ability will now behave correctly when interrupted.
* Deeply Impaled: This ability's effect will no longer stack with itself. Additionally, this Tactic will now give the correct bonus when Impale is used.
* Demolition: This ability's tooltip no longer claims that it has a cooldown time, and now correctly displays that the ability has no cooldown.
* Drink Deeply: This Tactic will once again heal when Tzeentch's Cordial ends.
* Gift of Brutality: This ability's tooltip will now better match the stats gained from the ability.
* Gift of Monstrosity: This ability's tooltip will now better match the stats gained from the ability.
* Gift of Savagery: This ability's tooltip will now better match the stats gained from the ability.
* Growing Instability: The amount of critical damage bonus gained from this tactic has been reduced.
* Growing Instability: This Tactic will once again grant a bonus to critical hit at the correct health brackets.
* Gut Ripper: This ability will once again cause the next ability used to critical hit.
* Mutating Release: This ability now correctly gives a 10-second immunity to all roots and snares.
* Tainted Claw: This ability will now use the extended duration when your target has multiple hexes.
* Terrible Embrace: This ability should now be defendable.
* Terrible Embrace: This ability will work now work correctly when the caster is immovable.
* Touch of Instability: This ability should now correctly do Corporeal damage.
* Touch of Rot: This ability should now correctly do Corporeal damage.
* Unstable Convulsions: Fixed a bug that prevented this tactic from firing on each hit of the channel.
* Unstable Convulsions: Fixed a problem that was causing the damage of this ability to not be reduced by armor.
* Wave of Horror: This ability is now un-defendable.
* Wave of Horror: This ability's tooltip will now state the correct amount of Hate reduction.
* Wave of Terror: This ability will now state how large of an area it will affect.
* Wrecking Ball: This ability will now behave correctly when interrupted.
Balance Changes:
* Cutting Claw: This ability will now reduce the victim's armor by a flat amount, instead of a percentage.
* Deadly Clutch: The amount of health healed by this Tactic has been increased.
* Insane Whispers: This Tactic will now cause a 50% Disorient for 5 seconds.
* Terrible Embrace: This ability's build time has been reduced to 1 second, and its cooldown time increased to 30 seconds.
* Terrible Embrace: This ability's cost has been reduced. Additionally, it will now continue to build while moving.
* Thundering Blow: The Disorienting effect of this ability is now a 50% debuff.
* Touch of Instability: The damage from this ability will now be Corporeal damage. The damage will not gain benefit from stats and will not be able to critical hit.
* Touch of Rot: The damage from this ability will now be Corporeal damage. The damage will not gain benefit from stats and will not be able to critical hit.
* Unstable Convulsion: The damage done by this has been increased. The amount that stats contribute to the tactics damage has also been increased. The damage done will now be Physical damage.
Bug Fixes:
* Ancestor's Echo: This ability's tooltip has been changed to be clearer.
* Blessing of Grungni: This ability's name has been corrected.
* Earth shield will no longer cause Rune of Shielding to get stuck on the player's target.
* Master Rune of Adamant: This ability's build up will now be correct, and the effect will now last for the correct duration. Additionally, this ability's tooltip will now reflect that only one Master Rune can be active at a time.
* Master Rune of Fury: This ability's tooltip will now reflect that only one Master Rune can be active at a time.
* Master Rune of Speed: This ability's tooltip will now reflect that only one Master Rune can be active at a time.
* Oath Rune of Iron: This ability's hotbar icon will now light up correctly when targeting party members in a warband.
* Oath Rune of Power: This ability's hotbar icon will now light up correctly when targeting party members in a warband.
* Oath Rune of Sanctuary: This ability's hotbar icon will now light up correctly when targeting party members in a warband.
* Oath Rune of Warding: This ability's hotbar icon will now light up correctly when targeting party members in a warband.
* Potent Runes: Fixed a bug which was causing this ability's effect to incorrectly alter the player's stats.
* Rune of Battle: This ability will now properly cast on allies.
* Rune of Serenity: This ability will no longer trigger Restorative Burst.
* Thick Skulled: Fixed a typo in this ability's tooltip.
Balance Changes:
* Ancestor's Echo: This ability will now absorb more damage.
* Blessing of Valaya: This ability will now cast faster and heal for a higher value.
* Rune of Mending: This ability will now heal slightly more initially, and slightly less over time. The over time portion will now last 5 seconds.
* Rune of Shielding: This ability will now absorb more damage.
Squig Herder
Bug Fixes:
* 'Ere Squiggy!: Fixed a bug that prevented this Tactic from firing on damage abilities.
* Big Bouncin!: This ability will now behave correctly when interrupted.
* Da Waaghz Iz Strong: The duration of Yer Bleedin! is now correct with this tactic slotted.
* Indigestion: Fixed a bug that caused this ability to use Intelligence instead of Strength in damage calculations.
* Lots o' Arrers: This ability's animation will no longer continue after the Squig Herder runs out of AP.
* Run Away!: This ability's cost has been lowered. The knock forward effect has been changed to a movement speed increase effect.
* Splinterin' Arrers: You can now hit Keep doors with Run n' Shoot while this Tactic is slotted.
* Sticky Squigz: This ability now costs the correct amount of Action Points to use.
Balance Changes:
* Mounts: Dismounting will now grant Squig herders a brief "Heel" buff that allows your pet to be Instant cast for no AP, and without it's standard cooldown.
* Sharpened Arrers: The amount of damage added to Explodin Arrers by this tactic has been increased.
* Squig Armor: This ability no longer has a build time, and its reuse time has been greatly reduced.
* Squigs: Will no longer be forced to attack tanks who Taunt or Challenge.
* Tastes Like Chicken: The heal portion of the ability is no longer dependent on the pet's health at the time of the sacrifice.
Bug Fixes:
* Grip of Fear: This ability can no longer be removed by abilities that remove ailments.
* Pit of Shades: Fixed a bug which was causing Dark Magic to begin dropping immediately after channeling this ability.
* Pit of Shades: You will no longer lose Dark Magic as soon as the channel ends.
* Swell of Gloom: This Tactic ability now correctly deals Spirit Damage.
* Vision of Domination: This Tactic now also increases Word of Pain's effectiveness and damage, and increases the Action Point heal value of Vision of Torment.
Balance Changes:
* Chilling Gusts: The base damage of this ability has been increased and will now deal Corporeal damage. The ability will now gain benefits from stat factor, but will not be able to do critical damageChilling Gusts: This Tactic ability now correctly deals Corporeal Damage.
* Daemonic Chill: The base damage of this ability has been increased and will now deal Corporeal damage. The ability will not receive benefits from stat factor nor will it do critical damage.
* Dhar Wind: This ability's damage has been increased to match the amount of Back Lash damage taken.
* Frozen Touch: The base damage of this ability has been increased and will now deal Corporeal damage. The ability will not receive benefits from stat factor nor will it do critical damageFrozen Touch: This ability now correctly deals Corporeal Damage.
* Infernal Gift: The amount of bonus damage this ability gives to the group has been reduced.
* Piercing Shadows: This Tactic ability now correctly deals Spirit Damage.
* Shades of Death: The base damage of this ability has been increased and will deal Spiritual damage. The ability will no longer receive benefits from stats and will no longer do critical damageShades of Death: This ability now correctly deals Spirit Damage.
* Swell of Gloom: This Tactic ability now correctly deals Spirit Damage. Swell of Gloom: The base damage of this ability has been increased and will no longer deal critical damage
* Tapping the Dark: This ability's absorb amount has been increased.
* Vision of Domination: The damage on Word of Pain has been increased while this tactic is slotted.
Shadow Warrior
Bug Fixes:
* Assault Stance: The Strength and Weapon Skill bonuses from Assault Stance will now stack with other Strength and Weapon Skill bonuses.
* Install Fear: The tool tip will now correctly list the radius of this ability.
* Outrider Patrol: This ability's tooltip will now show the amount of damage done.
* Split Arrows: You can now hit keep doors with Spiral-Fletched Arrow while this Tactic is slotted.
* Steady Aim: This ability's tooltip has been updated to better reflect what this ability affects.
* Takedown: This will now work correctly when the target has Root immunity (Freedom).
* The bonuses from Scout, Assault, and Skirmish Stance will now stack with other bonuses.
Balance Changes:
* Eye Shot: This ability can now be used while moving.
* Fell the Weak: The build time for this ability has been reduced to 0 seconds, but the cost has been increased.
* Smoldering Arrow: The amount of damage added to Flame Arrow by this tactic has been increased.
Bug Fixes:
* 'Ey, Quit Bleedin': Fixed a bug which was allowing this ability to incorrectly cast on NPCs.
* Big Waaagh!: The Waaagh! mechanic will now properly light up this ability on the hotbar.
* Do Sumfin Useful: Fixed a typo in this ability's tooltip.
* Gedup!: This ability's build time has reduced, but its cooldown time has been increased.
Balance changes:
* Bunch o' Waaagh: This ability will now receive a greater damage contribution from stats.
* Don' Feel Nuthin: This ability will now absorb more damage.
* 'Ere We Go!: The base damage of this ability has been increased and will now deal Elemental damage'Ere We Go!: This ability's extra damage will now deal Elemental Damage.
* 'Ere We Goes Again: Increased the damage improvement on 'Ere We go!
* Gather Round: This ability will now cast faster and heal for a higher value.
* Gork'll Fix It: This ability will now heal slightly more initially, and slightly less over time. The over time portion will now last 5 seconds.
* Gork's Barbs': The initial base damage has been increased. The barb will deal Elemental damage, the damage has been slightly lowered and will no longer do critical damage or receive benefits from statsThis ability will now deal Elemental Damage.
* I'll Take That!: This ability will now deal more damage.
* Mork's Touch: The base damage has been increased and will now do Spiritual damage.
* Yer Not so Bad: This ability now has no build time.
Bug Fixes:
* Adept Movement: Now applies bonus to Wrath of Hoeth.
* Aethryic Grasp: Fixed a typo in this ability's tooltip.
* Aethyric Armor: This ability no longer claims to return you to Normal Stance.
* Balanced Accuracy: This Tactic now affects all strikes of Ether Dance, Dragon's Talon, Crashing Wave, and Whispering Winds.
* Bladeshield: Damage from this ability will no longer be mitigated by the victim, and will also no longer critically hit as is normal for all Morale effects.
* Blurring Shock: Damage now scales correctly with mastery level.
* Challenge: This ability no longer requires an enemy target.
* Deep Incision: Fixed a bug which was causing this ability's damage to be lower than intended.
* Deep Incision: This tactic was worded to make it sound like it enhances a DoT on quick Incision when it actually adds one itself.
* Ensorcelled Agony: An icon will now appear on the affected player.
* Ensorcelled Agony: Fixed a bug that allowed this ability to gain benefit from stats.
* Ether Dance: This ability will now behave correctly when interrupted. Additionally, the current Balance state is now maintained through the duration of the effect, in order to benefit from Balance-based Tactics.
* Guard of Steel: Fixed a typo in this ability's tooltip.
* Gusting Wind: Cost corrected.
* Gusting Wind: This ability's tooltip will now display its correct damage value after increasing Mastery.
* Heaven's Blade: Fixed a typo in this ability's tooltip.
* Isha's Protection: Fixed a typo in this ability's tooltip.
* Perfect Defenses: This tactic will now correctly increase the dodge, block and parry chances by 5% when in Improved balance and 10% while in Perfect Balance.
* Phoenix's Wing: Fix bug that prevented this ability from proccing effects (such as Blurring shock) and causing it to be undefendable.
* Potent Enchantments: Fixed a bug that allowed this ability to do critical damage.
* Potent Enchantments: Fixed a bug that allowed this ability to gain benefit from stats.
* Potent Enchantments: Fixed a bug which was causing the damage of this Tactic to be incorrectly reduced based on your Path of Hoeth Mastery level. The Tactic will now work at full effectiveness regardless of your Mastery levels, as is normal for all Core tactics.
* Protection of Hoeth: This ability now displays its correct Balance advancement, and will no longer highlight in Perfect Balance or increase Balance with every use.
* Quick Incision: This ability was receiving less stat benefit than intended.
* Shadow Blades: Damage from this ability can no longer be mitigated, and will no longer critically hit.
* Shatter Enchantment: This ability will no longer remove an Enchantment from the victim if they successfully block or parry the ability.
* Shield of Valor: This ability will now upgrade correctly.
* Sword Dance: This mechanic's icon will no longer display in the General Skills tab.
* Unstoppable Juggernaut: Fixed a typo in this ability's tooltip.
* Vaul's Buffer: Fixed a typo in this ability's tooltip.
* Whirling Geyser: Should not be resisted or critically hit.
Balance Changes:
* Blessing of Heaven: This ability now has a 100% trigger rate on all offensive Path of Hoeth abilities.
* Blurring Shock: Blurring Shock: The on crit effect damage of this ability has been increased and changed to Spirit damage. However, this damage will not critically hit or receive benefit from stats. In addition, the crit effect damage from this ability will now display as "Shock" in your combat logThis ability's extra damage from critical hits will now deal Spirit Damage.
* Crashing Wave: This ability now deals more damage, and also makes you and your group briefly immune to disabling effects.
* Dazzling Strike: This ability has been made a Perfect Balance attack that deals Spirit Damage. Dazzling Strike has been moved to Level 12, now deals increased damage and has no cooldown or reuse timer. Additionally, Dazzling Strike will now disorient the target by 50%.
* Deep Incision: The damage and duration of this ability has been increased and changed to Physical damage. In addition, this ability will now receive more benefits from stats.
* Ensorcelled Agony: The damage of this ability has been increased, but now receives less benefit from stats.
* Ether Dance: This ability now deals increased damage.
* Gryphon's Precision: This ability has been renamed to "Great Weapon Mastery" and will now increase damage and parry rate when wielding a great weapon.
* Gusting Wind: Radius of this ability has been increased.
* Gusting Wind: This ability has been made an Improved Balance attack. Additionally, Gusting Wind now costs AP to activate, and deals increased damage.
* Impeccable Reactions: This ability now has a new effect; whenever you Parry, you will automatically parry the next hit as well. (This ability can trigger only once every 5 seconds).
* Intimidating Blow: This ability has been moved to Level 35.
* Potent Enchantments: The damage of this ability has been increased and changed to Spirit damage. However, this damage will not critically hit or receive benefit from stats.
* Redirected Force: This ability will now trigger off Block, Dodge, Disrupt or Parry. The damage of this ability has been slightly decreased but is now enhanced by weapon DPS. This ability will no longer affect balance when activated.
* Taunt/Challenge: These abilities will no longer force player pets to attack you.
* Wall of Darting Steel: This ability will now deal Spirit Damage.
* Whispering Wind: This ability now deals more damage, and reduces cooldown times for you and your group.
* Wind's Force: This ability has been renamed to "Calming Winds" and now increases your Disrupt chance based on your current balance.
* Wind's Force: This ability has been renamed to "Calming Winds" and now increases your Disrupt chance based on your current balance.
Warrior Priest
Bug Fixes:
* Breath of Sigmar: This ability's build time has been reduced, and its cooldown time increased.
* Divine Assault: This ability will no longer heal invalid targets.
* Healing Hand: Fixed a bug which caused this effect to disappear when used on multiple players.
* Prayer Of Absolution: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Prayer of Devotion: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Prayer of Righteousness: This ability will now continue after zoning.
* Purge: Fixed a typo in this ability's tooltip.
* Sigmar's Greave: This Tactic's Toughness debuff from will now last the correct duration.
Balance Changes:
* Divine Aid: This ability will now heal slightly more initially, and slightly less over time. The over time portion will now last 5 seconds.
* Divine Light: This ability will now absorb more damage.
* Guilty Soul: The damage from this ability has been increased slightly. , and will be affected by the target's resists. The damage will not be affected by stats and will not be able to critical hit..
* Prayer of Righteousness: The damage done by this ability has been increased slightly. The damage done is now Spirit damage, and will be affected by the target's resists. The damage will not be affected by stats, and will not be able to critical hitPrayer of Righteousness: This ability will now deal Spirit Damage.
* Sigmar's Greave: The duration for the Strength and Toughness buffs and debuffs should now last the correct duration.
* Touch of the Divine: This ability will now cast faster and heal for a higher value.
White Lion
Bug Fixes:
* Ensnare: Fixed a bug that prevented this ability's root effect from firing.
* Fetch: This ability should now be defendable.
* Fey Illusion: This ability will no longer stack.
* Full-Grown: The Tactic will now properly increase your pet's Wounds. Additionally, this ability's tooltip is now correct.
* Pack Hunting: The tactic buff will now properly remove itself when Train to Hunt is cancelled.
* Pack Synergy: Fixed a bug that allowed this Tactic to remain active after the pet was de-summoned.
* Pounce: You will now jump just to your target's side instead of directly on top of them, fixing several collision issues. The damage portion of the ability now fires more consistently.
* Whirling Axe: This ability will now behave correctly when interrupted.
Balance Changes:
* Blindsided: The disorient applied by this ability is now 50% for 10 seconds.
* Blindsided: This abiltiy will now actually disorient by a percentage amount.
* Fetch: This ability's range has been reduced to 65 feet, and its cost has been reduced. Additionally, this ability's cooldown has been increased to 30 seconds.
* Fey Illusion: This ability will now debuff the target's autoattack speed. Additionally, this ability will no longer require a frontal positional, and will cost slightly more AP.
* Lionheart: The amount of damage added to Lion's Fury by this tactic has been increased.
* Mounts: Dismounting will now grant White Lions a brief "Heel" buff that allows your pet to be Instant cast for no AP, and without it's standard cooldown.
* Pack Assault: This ability will now deal Spirit Damage.
* Tearing Blade: The base damage of this ability has been increased. The ability will no longer stack with itself nor will it deal critical damage.
* War Lion: Will no longer be forced to attack tanks who Taunt or Challenge.
Witch Elf
Bug Fixes:
* Agile Escape: This ability can no longer be used when rooted.
* Kiss of Betrayal: Fixed a problem with the tooltip for this ability.
* Kiss of Betrayal: Fixed a problem with the tooltip for this ability.
* Ruthless Assault: This ability will now behave correctly when interrupted.
* Shadow Prowler: The tooltip for this ability will now lists it's duration.
* Shadow Prowler: This ability will now always be interrupted when the player is attacked.
* Sharpened Edge: Fixed a problem with the damage done by this.
Balance Changes:
* Baneful Touch: This tactic has been changed. The tactic will now give 15 AP for every action used when in the target's rear or side arc.
* Baneful Touch: This tactic is now available at level 21.
* Broad Severing: This tactic is now available at 11 points into the Carnage line.
* Broad Severing: This tactic will now allow Slice to hit up to three additional targets within a 15 foot radius.
* Enfeebling Strike: The damage done by this has been slightly increased, and will now do Corporeal damage, and will be affected by the target's resists. The



Posty: 241
Dołączył(a): 10.02.2005
PostNapisane: 3 mar 2009, 13:20 
czy ten patch czasem nie mial wyjsc dzisiaj?


Posty: 112
Dołączył(a): 24.05.2008
PostNapisane: 3 mar 2009, 13:26 
jak zawsze GOA dalo ciala, patch podobno jutro ale tez nigdzie oficjalnie nie ma na to potwierdzenia, zostaja wiec tylko domysly :(

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 536
Dołączył(a): 14.07.2006
PostNapisane: 3 mar 2009, 14:09 
Z tego co słyszałem patch UE miał być dzień po wprowadzeniu na serwerach US. Czyli jutro. Ale jako, że GOA to GOA to nigdy nie wiadomo :P.




Posty: 578
Dołączył(a): 7.10.2005
PostNapisane: 3 mar 2009, 14:18 
eee nie ma zadnych zmian odnosnie wh?? ;/

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 536
Dołączył(a): 14.07.2006
PostNapisane: 3 mar 2009, 14:52 
Jak tak patrze to to nie są pełne patch notes :P.




Posty: 301
Dołączył(a): 31.01.2006
PostNapisane: 3 mar 2009, 14:55 
eee no fajne zmiany, widze sa jakies world eventy, w sumie od mojego quitniecia doszly 4 klasy (sjinczyen grac jakdoszedlem moim chosenem do tier 3 zanim jeszcze sie skonczyl pierwszy miech gry) wiesc gminna niesie ze jest mniej problemow technicznych etc etc - ogolnie zaczyna brzmiec kuszaco :D

Posty: 4
Dołączył(a): 7.09.2008
PostNapisane: 3 mar 2009, 16:28 
Cytuj ... 2009_1-2-0

patch w Europie wchodzi jutro, czyli w srode.

Event trwa od 3 do 10 marca. Headstart Choppy i Slayera 10go (po pelnym ukonczeniu eventu), dla calej reszty wchodzi tydzien pozniej, czyli 17go.



Posty: 973
Dołączył(a): 19.11.2001
PostNapisane: 3 mar 2009, 17:05 
To co kolega podal to nie jest pelny patch (zdaje sie ze koncowke obcial)

DeaconRTS podal linka do pelnego patcha.

I tak, sa zmiany dla WH (raczej na lepsze)

afk for quite a while


Posty: 368
Dołączył(a): 13.05.2008
PostNapisane: 3 mar 2009, 21:40 
Sory, faktycznie gdzies wcielo reszte tekstu, jest duzo wiecej niz to co skopiowalem:)



Posty: 241
Dołączył(a): 10.02.2005
PostNapisane: 3 mar 2009, 23:03 
czy wiadomo na czym bedzie polegal ten nowy event?
co bedzie trzeba robic, jak i kiedy. wiem, ze przy wprowadzaniu KotBS ktos podawal cala rozpiske co nalezy robic w przeciagu paru dni.


Posty: 112
Dołączył(a): 24.05.2008
PostNapisane: 4 mar 2009, 01:30 
pojawi sie specjalna zakladka w Tome i tam bedziesz mial co i jak i kiedy, btw choppa sa maksymalnie przegieci, nie wiem kto to testuje ale jesli tak sie utrzyma to za miesiac na serwerach zostana tylko choppa


Posty: 167
Dołączył(a): 2.10.2008
PostNapisane: 4 mar 2009, 02:21 
muszą być... slayerzy też zresztą, jesli mają przyciągnąć ludzi do gry, a także zmienić jako tako wizerunek WAR jako rdps gry

Suffer not the witch to live!!!


Posty: 112
Dołączył(a): 24.05.2008
PostNapisane: 4 mar 2009, 09:55 
ale niech sobie beda tylko teraz jedna party choppa jest w stanie zdjac warband orderu...


Posty: 368
Dołączył(a): 13.05.2008
PostNapisane: 4 mar 2009, 11:01 
Bez przesady, naprawde:)



Posty: 379
Dołączył(a): 7.11.2002
PostNapisane: 4 mar 2009, 19:07 
najśmieszniejsze jest to, że od wyjścia gry zgłosiłem już ze 3 razy, że WP traci main hota (healing hand) po castnięciu go wpierw na siebie, a później na kogoś innego i ani słuchu o naprawię tego gówna ;p, czy mi się wydaje tylko, że to cholernie poważny błąd? O.o

Czy Slayer jest taki sam jak Choppa, tylko mniejszy? ;p czy różnią się czymś testował ktoś?


Posty: 167
Dołączył(a): 2.10.2008
PostNapisane: 5 mar 2009, 09:59 
taa... też raportowałem tego buga...
dziś się przyjrzę czy normalnie już to działa.

no ale po pierwszym dniu wiem już, że nie wszystko działa jak powinno:
wciąż widać biegających bez konia ludzi, którzy jeżdzą na koniach
teraz taunty działają tak jakby w ogóle nie działały albo są dużo słabsze (testowane wczoraj w tunelach), część skilli nie działała albo trzeba było je spamować aby zaskoczył - może to z powodu laga jakiego często doświadczalismy na Eltharionie, zobaczymy jak się sytuacja uspokoi...

Suffer not the witch to live!!!

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Posty: 536
Dołączył(a): 14.07.2006
PostNapisane: 5 mar 2009, 10:27 
Performance gry spadł z tego co widzę. Odnotowuję dużo niższe FPSy. Czemu Mythic nie może wydać patcha który przy okazji niczego nie psuje :P?



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Posty: 1803
Dołączył(a): 30.05.2008
PostNapisane: 5 mar 2009, 11:35 
Jak to jest z headstartem choppy/slayera? Czy wystarczy jedna postacia zdobyc bitter brew i da to mozliwosc zrobienia choppy/slayera na kazdym serwerze, czy tez przypisane jest to do jednego serwera?

- Do you have a flag …?
- No flag, No Country, You can't have one! Those are the rules...


Posty: 368
Dołączył(a): 13.05.2008
PostNapisane: 5 mar 2009, 13:51 
Jedna postac odblokowuje mozliwosc tworzenia choppy/slayera gdzie sie chce


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