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Posty: 6736
Dołączył(a): 18.09.2004
PostNapisane: 24 paź 2009, 12:43 
It’s been a month now since Aion opened its doors to players in North America and Europe. In that month, the growth of the game's community has signaled Aion's success. We've received an amazing amount of feedback, both positive and negative. We'd like to reiterate that we've been listening. We have been working around the clock toward solutions to the problems many of you have experienced.

You've told us that it's difficult to advance within certain level ranges. To address this issue, we're planning to raise quest experience, in addition to reevaluating the experience rewards characters gain for individual kills. We understand how frustrating it can be to repetitively kill enemies. Our goal is to limit the need to mindlessly "grind."

In this week's Eye on Community, we answered a question that a player had about client instability. In the reply, we noted that most of the claims stem from the infamous "Crysystem.dll error." We've been working with members of the community to identify the cause of the problem in order to find a permanent solution. Our development team is currently investigating, and will be testing a variety of different short- and long-term solutions. These include adding additional and improved display options to the Aion client, as well as system and memory optimizations.

We've heard your unhappiness about the chat spam and bots in Aion and recognize it as an annoying problem. We’ve taken measures to reduce the amount of chat spam you’ll be subjected to and have already seen substantial improvements in this area. We've been expanding our GM customer service staff, and we have also assembled a special team dedicated to hunting down and eliminating botting operations. It's obvious these activities erode your gameplay experience far too much to be acceptable. They also harm us from a business standpoint due to the RMT organizations' frequent use of stolen credit cards.

Many of you have asked us why we haven't spent more time communicating the specifics of our plans. The unfortunate truth is that the same people spamming chat channels and setting up bots are also reading our announcements. In order to keep the enemy in the dark, we cannot be too vocal about our plans to fight back.

We want you to know, though, that we're more dedicated than ever to eliminate chat spam and the use of bots. The good news is that you can help. If you see any suspicious player activity, report it. To quickly report these players, use the /AutoReportHunting feature by typing /AutoReportHunting while a suspicious character is targeted. It's important to note that this system will actually begin to penalize players after they've been reported multiple times. The more of you that use this system—the more effective it will become.

To add more specificity to what we're discussing here, early next week we're going to be releasing details about a game update that will go into further detail about how we’ll be fixing some of these issues, in addition to others.

It’s been an exciting month, and the future of Aion is full of promise. Please continue to send us your feedback and never forget that patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

-The Aion Community Team



Posty: 1
Dołączył(a): 22.10.2009
PostNapisane: 18 lis 2009, 21:07 
They also harm us from a business standpoint due to the RMT organizations' frequent use of stolen credit cards.

To, że nic nie robią z botami gracze mogli by im wybaczy bo NCSoft zawsze miał takie podejście ale ciemnoty mogli by nie wciskać.
Właściciel karty powinien się zorientować po pierwszym wyciągu że coś jest nie tak i jego kasa poszła na jakiegoś 'aiona' - więc boterskie konta nie przeżywały by więcej niż miesiąc i to bez żadnej interwencji graczy/GMa a tylko po samym chargebacku z Visy/Mastercard. Zresztą dlaczego by boterzy nie mieli po prostu nakraść ile się da kasy z tych wykradzionych kard zamiast tak się bawić? Ponadto NCsoft miał by ogólnie przerąbane w Visa/MC z powodu takiej ilości anulowanych transakcji.
Dziwne jest to że takie shatered crystal przy zakupie przedmiotu wartego 15$ telefonicznie weryfikuje kupca nawet z takiego końca świata jak nasz kraj a NCSoft się tym zupełnie nie przejmuje, mimo że ma powody do podejrzliwości :P

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