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Posty: 54
Dołączył(a): 4.09.2009
PostNapisane: 29 wrz 2009, 14:13 
loGiT napisał(a):
Już jest za darmo.

Nie wiem tylko czy gra nie jest darmowa do 4 lvla.

nie jest.

Read all about it, in the book of heavy metal
Read all about it, in the manual
Read all about it, in the book of heavy metal
Read all about it, YES! READ IT!


Posty: 604
Dołączył(a): 27.08.2003
PostNapisane: 1 paź 2009, 18:52 
Możesz limit leveli zwiększyć w grze. :)

w nieba pszestszeni
wpopszek drug
jak zwierze co łapę ssie hrapie
wielki istny toważysz papiesz
kudłaty niedźwieć


Posty: 446
Dołączył(a): 4.02.2008
PostNapisane: 3 paź 2009, 21:30 
Ja już mam 2 lvl :D.

Posty: 21
Dołączył(a): 22.04.2006
PostNapisane: 19 paź 2009, 09:46 
W DDO grać da się jedynie z ekipą znajomych. Zapytacie czemu tak mówię?
Otóż główną koncepcją D&D jest granie w zespole- inaczej nie ma to jakiegokolwiek sensu. Jeśli gramy samemu problemem jest znalezienie ekipy do party na daną instancje, bo z tego co widać graczy jest mało.

Najwidoczniej ludzie nie są przyzwyczajeni do MMORPG w którym Lvle bije się wolno, a od początkowych statystyk decyduje cały rozwój postaci bez wbijania siły, zręczności itd. co każdy lvl.
Jestem fanem systemu gier opartych na D&D i tu mogę zauważyć ubóstwo jakie pod tym względem reprezentuje DDO- mało ras i klas postaci jednak czego możemy oczekiwać po 5gb.

Było trochę krytyki, teraz czas na plusy.

System gry przypomina ten z GW- nie ma tzw. open world, jednak to w żadnym wypadku nie psuje rozgrywki. Jeśli ktoś grał już w grę opartą na świecie D&D rozumie o czym mówię. Mamy drużynę i wbijamy na danego questa... identycznie jak w grze fabularnej.
Najciekawszym chyba elementem rozgrywki jest jej losowość, a wszystko zależy od rzutu kośćmi. Zdarza się, że po prostu przebijamy się przez cała instancję bez zadraśnięcia, a czasami padamy na dzień dobry...
Klimat, klimat i jeszcze raz klimat. Wszystkie lokacje i questy przygotowane ze smaczkiem, połączone ze sobą fabularnie... jest o czym pomyśleć patrząc na bardzo ładnie wykończone otoczenie.
Nie rozumiem czemu taki typ gry nie jest tak samo popularny jak L2 czy WoW w szczególności gdy oficjalne serwery są za darmo.

Jeśli chcecie wiedzieć co daje cash shop, to już wam mówię.
Możemy tam zakupić dodatkowe lokacje, bronie +x oraz rasy i klasy postaci. Najśmieszniejsze jest to że tak naprawdę nie musimy wydać ani grosza, ponieważ tzw. monety którymi płacimy w cash shopie zdobywamy podczas gry (z tego co zauważyłem za zbieranie sławy poprzez wykonywanie questów na wyższych poziomach trudności.)

Teraz kwestia ograniczeń lvlowych.
Przedmiot który jest potrzebny do powiększenia tzw lvl capa, otrzymujemy jako losową nagrodę za wykonywanie questów.

No i tyle, trochę chaotycznie- pisane na przerwie między wykładami.
Jeśli ktoś ma jakieś pytania- pisać.

Zachęcam do rozpoczęcia swojej przygody w DDO :)


Posty: 6153
Dołączył(a): 23.04.2008
PostNapisane: 19 paź 2009, 14:13 
w DDO zaczeło grac i gra chyba sporo osob Turbine sie chwali ,że liczba wykupionych abonamentów zwikszyła się o 40 % (poniekad lepiej zaplacic abonament i miec full dostep do wszystkiego) A zyski z DDO zwiekszyły się im też ,ale nie podali o ile.


Posty: 102
Dołączył(a): 5.01.2006
PostNapisane: 28 paź 2009, 10:04 
Dashin napisał(a):
W DDO grać da się jedynie z ekipą znajomych.

To nie prawda :) , znalezienie party to jak pstrykniecie palcem, jest bardzo duzy online (od chwili gdy gra jest za free : ) ), i jednym kliknieciem zglaszasz swoja chec dolaczenia do part, nawet nie musisz znac jezyka by sobie poradzic. Po dolaczeniu do party dolaczasz tez autoatycznie do komunikatora glosowego wbudowanego w gre, wiec jesli znasz angielski, chociazby na podstawowym poziomie to spokojnie porozmawiasz z osobami w party. Ponad to gra sporo polakow i napewno miejsce w party sie znajdzie, tylko trzeba dobry serwer wybrac (najmlodszy)


Posty: 1085
Dołączył(a): 12.08.2005
PostNapisane: 2 lis 2009, 10:31 
o kazdej grze mozna w sumie powiedziec ze dobrze sie w nia gra tylko z grupa dobrych znajomych.... zalezy jak kto lubi. ja np. po samotnym grindzie teraz juz gram w gry tylko ze znajomymi, ale dobra gildia tez pomaga w utrzymaniu sociablity.

Free your brain of your mind


Posty: 129
Dołączył(a): 9.02.2007
PostNapisane: 5 lis 2009, 12:10 
Co prawda to prawda. Każda gra może sprawiać przyjemność jeśli gramy z dużą grupą kumpli. Nawet taka tibia może być fajnym czasoumilaczem.
Dla mnie osobiście taki WoW po 2 miesiącach gry bez znajomych byłby koszmarem...
No chyba, że rzeczywiście trafimy na odpowiednią guildie, w której to poczujemy klimat gry.

btw grajcie w HOG gra zapowiada się świetnie ;)


Posty: 446
Dołączył(a): 4.02.2008
PostNapisane: 29 lis 2009, 21:00 
Ja tam w Atlantice grałem sam i teraz od nowa zaczynam :-). Po prostu jak gram to wchodzę na skype i gadam ze znajomymi spoza gry,co by nie czuć się zbyt samotnym.

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Posty: 1034
Dołączył(a): 16.02.2005
PostNapisane: 26 gru 2009, 15:01 
Ddo free to jest nowy produkt ?

Bo kiedys gralem w ddo (jak bylo platne), czy moge uzyc starego konta czy musze zalozyc nowe aby grac free?


Posty: 216
Dołączył(a): 17.12.2009
PostNapisane: 26 gru 2009, 15:09 
To jest to samo tylko, że f2p obowiązuje na serwerach US.

eve@Martilius 20.01.2010

Posty: 2
Dołączył(a): 15.12.2009
PostNapisane: 27 gru 2009, 23:29 
a wiecie moze jak tu wyglada kwestia PvP tzn. czy jest open czy na jakism terenie wyznaczonym ?

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Posty: 31563
Dołączył(a): 1.05.2005
PostNapisane: 28 gru 2009, 12:30 

a mam takie pytanie, jak wyglada to f2p w ogole? slyszalem cos, ze 4 level cap i trzeba cos placic? czy tez mozna to jakos ominac?

Polecilem komus tą grę jako f2p i zeby sie zonk nie okazal ;d


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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 1 sty 2010, 22:46 
Highlander napisał(a):

a mam takie pytanie, jak wyglada to f2p w ogole? slyszalem cos, ze 4 level cap i trzeba cos placic? czy tez mozna to jakos ominac?

Polecilem komus tą grę jako f2p i zeby sie zonk nie okazal ;d

JEst Leveling sigil ktory ma koszmarnie niski drop rate (dotyczy zarowno rewardow z questow jak i chestow z dungeonie).

IMO jak ktos chce grac w te gre to musi placic. Najciekawszy content jest płatny tak czy inaczej. A to co jest za darmo to zwykłe ochłapy których nigdy nigdy nie ruszał z wiadomych powodow (mały exp z dungeony, marne itemy, koszmarny poziom trudnosci, wszystko razem, nieciekawe), a przepasc rosnie z kazdym update tak czy inaczej..

PODPISY: banery, sig'i, podpisy muszą zgadzac sie tematycznie z profilem forum, nie mogą być animowane, nie mogą przekraczac wielkości 100KB i wymiarow 90 (wysokość) x 400 (szerokosc).

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Posty: 31563
Dołączył(a): 1.05.2005
PostNapisane: 1 sty 2010, 23:05 


Posty: 17
Dołączył(a): 13.07.2006
PostNapisane: 7 sty 2010, 13:41 
iniside napisał(a):
Highlander napisał(a):

a mam takie pytanie, jak wyglada to f2p w ogole? slyszalem cos, ze 4 level cap i trzeba cos placic? czy tez mozna to jakos ominac?

Polecilem komus tą grę jako f2p i zeby sie zonk nie okazal ;d

JEst Leveling sigil ktory ma koszmarnie niski drop rate (dotyczy zarowno rewardow z questow jak i chestow z dungeonie).

IMO jak ktos chce grac w te gre to musi placic. Najciekawszy content jest płatny tak czy inaczej. A to co jest za darmo to zwykłe ochłapy których nigdy nigdy nie ruszał z wiadomych powodow (mały exp z dungeony, marne itemy, koszmarny poziom trudnosci, wszystko razem, nieciekawe), a przepasc rosnie z kazdym update tak czy inaczej..

Imo... nie prawde mówisz. Po pierwsze - itemy są losowe, bez znaczenia czy robisz płatną czy bezpłatną przygode. Po drugie - jeśli się nie myle, to około 40% gry jest darmowe. Czy mało czy dużo to kwestia sporna, jednak conajmniej 2 adventure packi można spokojnie kupić grając na te 40%. Faktem jest to, że na darmowych nie zrobi się max lv (Ostatnia darmowa przygoda ma lv 12, podczas gdy max lv to 20), jednak jak mówiłem - uzbierać na 2 adventury packi to nie kłopot, i można robić max lv. Po trzecie - to co prawda zależy od stylu grania, ale ja osobiście mam manie próbowania nowych postaci. Zanim dojde do momentu gdzie darmowe przygody będą za niskie, to pewnie nastukam mase puktów. Poza tym, sami gracze już opracowali pewną... hm, taktyke. Robią nowe postaci, dobierają się w odpowiednią drużyne i farmią favor points (punkty za które dostaje się punkty, za które kupuje sie przygody itp). Ktoś wyliczył, że w 15 min są w stanie zrobić 25 pkt. Czyli w godzine 100 pkt. Zależnie od wielkości adveture packs kosztują od 200 do 900 punktów. Oczywiście, jest to grind, ale jeśli ktoś chce mieć cała gre za darmo - droga wolna. Po czwarte - przepaści nie ma między graczami VIP (konta z abonamentem) a darmowymi. Oczyście - Vipy szybciej zdobywają poziom ciutke, i w niektórych rzeczach jest im łatwiej ( a to większy bank, a to więcej slotów na postacie) ale możliwości postaci są dokładnie takie same.

Więc... cóż, DDO chwali się na swojej stronie, że dostali jakąś nagrode za najlepszą darmową gre mmorpg, i imo... słusznie. Nie znam żadnej innej gry w której jest możliwość osiągnięcią wszystkiego bez wkładania realnej gotówki. Chociaż moge być w błędzie oczywiście.

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Posty: 31563
Dołączył(a): 1.05.2005
PostNapisane: 19 sty 2010, 00:29 
sporo tekstu, ale warte uwagi...

Release Notes: Update 3

Welcome to the Release Notes for Dungeons & Dragons Online! These preview release notes were posted Thursday, January 7th 2010. These preview release notes are subject to changes and additions.

News & Notes

Of Special Note:

No Level Sigils Required

All players can now play DDO without needing to acquire level sigils to progress their characters to level 20! Enjoy unlimited leveling in DDO Unlimited!

Sprucing up Stormreach

DDO's 4th Birthday is around the corner, and in anticipation of the crowds the city tourism commission has been hard at work making various beautification improvements around Stormreach!

* Stormreach by Night
o All public spaces will be synchronized to display common weather and lighting as you travel between gated instances.
o Nighttime in the city will trigger new aesthetic lighting in public instances of Stormreach and the harbor, including enclaves surrounding the Stormreach marketplace. The nighttime cycle will last for 20 minutes of every 3 hour day cycle.
* In order to promote tourism and to cut down on petty theft, the Coin Lords have invested in new streetlights in the city wards.
* Market stairways have been swept clean of accumulated dirt and some areas of the Market have received a good power washing.
* House Deneith has done extensive maintenance to rooftops in order to repair leaks and install weaponry, and has also hired plumbers to re-route various unsightly pipes. Gardeners have also been brought in to do some much-needed weeding.
* The Committee for Tourism and the Improvement of the Harbor has funneled funds into the accessibility of the Leaky Dinghy (after yet another tourist was found floating offshore), as well as general removal of accumulated harbor gunk.
* In the House Jorasco ward, a ramp has been added for better convenience getting to Kruz, giving him more bodies to BURN TO ASH for his precious tree... I mean... more adventurers to reincarnate.
* Unfortunately a monster got loose in House Kundarak and decided to do some redecorating of its own!

Epic Vault of Night

The Vault of Night adventure pack now features Epic difficulty for 20th level characters! Gather epic dungeon tokens for reincarnation or to upgrade treasures found in the Vault of Night adventure pack! For more changes and additions to the Vault of Night adventure pack be sure to check the Quest Changes section of these release notes!

New Free Quests

Four new free dungeons are now available!

* Stop a Marilith sorceress in the adventure In the Demon's Den (CR 18)
* A strange new species of Troglodyte is running amok in the adventure Acid Wit (CR 15)
* The new inn near the Tower of the Twelve has some unwelcomed guests from Xoriat in the quest Delirium (CR: 15)
* Discover the secret of how the Kobolds are taking out regional caravans in Mired in Kobolds (CR: 13)

New Dungeon Difficulty: Casual!

All dungeons now feature a new difficulty option: casual! This difficulty is available for quests that are not solo-only or raid in the game now - excellent for smaller parties or players who are struggling with the challenges of a Normal difficulty dungeon!

* Casual difficulty is tailored for solo players and small parties that find Normal mode too challenging, but provides less experience, lower quality treasure, and less favor for completing it.
* Casual difficulty can be played by up to 6 players and can also be played with Hirelings.

More Notice Boards Available To Help!

Having trouble deciding where to go next? Not sure what a good place to hunt would be for your level range? There are now more Notice Boards available in the city to help provide guidance for adventurers who aren’t sure of where to explore next! Simply click on the notice board to learn more about dangers and wonders of Xen’drik, and how to get to them!
More Reincarnation Choices!

Kruz is now offering more forms of Reincarnation! These forms of reincarnation offer different features and do not start your character over again at level 1. Instead, you retain your current character level!

Lesser Reincarnation

By giving Kruz a Lesser Druidic Heart of Wood, you may respec the character and retain your level. You will retain the same class configuration, but may reassign ability points, skill points, feat selection, and enhancements. Lesser Druidic Hearts of Wood are available in the DDO Store. You may Lesser Reincarnate repeatedly, though you must wait for the one week cooldown timer before you can reincarnate again.

Greater Reincarnation

By giving Kruz a Greater Druidic Heart of Wood, you may respec a 28 point build character and retain your level, but you will additionally be upgraded to a 32 point build. You will retain the same class configuration, but you will have more ability points to assign and may redistribute skill points, feat selection, and enhancements. Greater Druidic Hearts of Wood are available in the DDO Store.

+1 and +3 Reincarnations

By giving Kruz a +1 or +3 Lesser or Greater Druidic Heart of Wood, you may respec a character and retain your level. Additionally, you will be able to change your class. The number of levels of the class you may change is dependent on the value of the Heart of Wood. For example, a +1 will allow you to change only one level of your character to a different class, while a +3 will allow you to change 3 levels of your character to a different class. If the Heart of Wood is a Greater Heart, it will additionally upgrade a 28 point character to a 32 point character. You may Lesser Reincarnate repeatedly, though you must wait for the one week cooldown timer before you can reincarnate again.

General Reincarnation Changes

* Fixed an error where a user could become blocked from selecting their alignment when customizing a character in True Reincarnation rather than following a Path.

Crowd Control Improvements

Many changes have been made to make crowd control effects against players more friendly for real-time combat. For a full description of the changes, and details on the spells that have been updated, please see the Spells section of these release notes!


In-game Vendors

* Giles Goodman is now just outside the gate to the Market.
* The Free Agent patron and vendor have moved to the southern part of the Harbor.

DDO Store Changes

* The level 17-20 Gold Seal Hireling Contracts in the DDO Store can now be purchased in quantities of up to 10 at a time rather than just 1 at a time.

UI Improvements

* Ctrl-Right-Clicking items now produces a link to the item in the chat entry area. Players can now send links to items to any chat channel including group chat, guild chat, or tells.
* If there is only one quest available in the portal UI, the UI itself will reflect this by not making it seem that you can change the quest.
* Damage that is scaled due to the UI scaling tech will no longer cause the floaty text to shrink (unless there is another reason for the floaty text to have shrunk).
* Double clicking an item in the reincarnation bank or account bank will now move it to your inventory.
* The collector NPC dialog window will no longer close in between trades, and the "take what you need" option is now more accessible at the top of the first page, allowing you to turn in collectibles more easily.
* Quests that require a minimum level will now have their mapnotes made visible once that minimum level has been obtained (previously, you needed to log out/back in to view the mapnotes).
* The character generation screen no longer defaults you to the "suggested race."
* The Account and Reincarnation Banks will now close automatically if you stray too far from the banker.
* A tooltip has been added to the Reincarnation button to provide more information about it.

Hireling Changes

* Hireling summon times have been shortened.
* Hirelings now use potions more sparingly.
* All Hirelings now get the proper number of melee swings for their BAB.
* Cleric Hirelings now have offensive wands to use in battle.
* Arcane Hirelings now have a wider array of better spells on their command bars.
* All Hireling contracts have been updated to match their in-game commands.
* Any Hirelings who previously used summon monster spells can now be commanded to do so without a target.
* Hirelings with two weapons will now wield them properly.
* Cleric Hirelings now have more diverse tactics available. Put them in Aggressive combat mode if you want them to attack enemies physically. Leave them in Defensive mode if you want them to stay out of melee combat.
* Tooltips now appear on Hireling portraits when they are docked as well as undocked.
* Hirelings suddenly realized that they have skills, and they're not afraid to use 'em!
* Bolted some patchwork onto some Warforged Hirelings so they will properly auto-stabilize when incapacitated.

Quest & Adventure Area Changes

The Grotto

* On Shipwreck Shore, Jeets now gives a quarterstaff to those characters on a monk path, eliminating any confusion about which of his weapon types is appropriate for a monk.
* An offensive divine eternal wand is now available for new characters in the Grotto.
* Fixed an error that was causing the the quest to break at the high priest's altar.

Bookbinder Rescue

* Fixed an issue where a hostage would not follow their rescuer.

Chain of Flames

* There are now return portals in the Burning City's lava fields, installed for the unfortunate but fire-resistant slaves who fell off the catwalks.

Come Out and Slay

* Talon Darsin in Come Out and Slay is now somewhat better protected.
* If you recruit a gang emissary in Come Out and Slay, he'll now start following you as soon as you recruit him.

Heyton's Rest

* Added a chest with a starter Heavy Mace and a starter Longsword for a tutorial on damage types against zombies & skeletons

Irestone Inlet

* The Irestone Inlet no longer looks like a big green lump.

Offering of Blood

* On epic difficulty, the respawn rates of some of the drow chasers have been toned down slightly.

The Mark of the Dragon

* The quest now appears in the correct location in the quest journal (Marketplace.)

Monastery of the Scorpion

* The puzzle in the Drow Monastery will now be solvable in all cases.


* Hallestrom no longer appears on the map when he has no quest to give.


* The Jarility statue now makes its proper sound when destroyed.
* Glued some seams together so it will be less drafty.

The Sands of Menechtarun

* Mummies in the Menechturun desert will now occasionally drop Antique Bronze Tokens.

Searing Heights

* A road leading from Searing Heights into the wilderness has been cleared of fallen ruins, but remains gated... for now...

The Shroud

* The Pit Fiend in Part 4 should finally stop staring off into space.

Stormcleave Outpost

* Troops in Stormcleave have been supplied with House Deneith armor, and the road back to town has been more clearly marked.
* Alciana d'Deneith's quest chalice has been fixed.

Tangleroot Gorge

* A recent series of rainstorms have caused extensive erosion in Tangleroot Gorge, exposing cliffs and washing away weeds.

Three Barrel Cove

* A couple of NPCs were having a rave on top of a table in the Salty Wench Tavern. They have been asked to stay down on the floor.

Tower of Despair

* Horoth has been taking opera lessons. It is recommended that non-tanks find Boots of Anchoring.

Vault of Night

* The Vault of Night is now available on Epic difficulty for level 20 players!
* Players will only need to play the quests to assemble the Laughing Knives once, in order to access the Vault of Night raid. Afterward, the raid can be replayed without having to replay Prison of the Mind, Tharashk Arena, Jungle of Khyber, or Haywire Foundry.
o NOTE: If you have completed the raid prior to Update 3, you are permanently flagged.
* You may now complete the quests prior to the raid (Prison of the Mind, Tharashk Arena, Jungle of Khyber, or Haywire Foundry) in any order.
* Many of the humanoids that are fought in the Vault of Night series (drow, aurum dwarves, etc.) were mistakenly using the same low damage value from normal difficulty on both hard and elite. This has been fixed. They now will do the proper amount of melee damage on hard and elite difficulty.

Prison of the Mind

* The Prisoner quest no longer fails players for falling off the platform. Players who fall will be teleported... elsewhere.

Tharashk Arena

* You no longer have to run to the elevator in order to complete the quest


* Private Jake now gives directions to Guard Tember and the kobold lairs, for players who have already completed the Lost Seekers, in addition to giving directions while progressing through that quest the first time.

Where There's Smoke

* Weather patterns have been normalized in the region.

General Quest Changes

* Rest on quest completion has changed. Previously, you would be fully rested when you teleported anywhere after completing a quest (including to another place inside the quest). You will now only receive this quest completion rest when you exit the quest.
* Brother Malden and Shir Clowenks in the Leaky Dinghy now wait until dialogue is complete before offering quest rewards.
* A stuck-spot in Reaver's Reach has been fixed.
* Fixed an issue with scaling that was causing it to scale in the wrong direction with certain party makeups.
* Dungeon Alert will no longer over-alert when the following entities are somewhere in your quest: charmed monsters, summoned monsters, allied NPCs, and/or Hirelings.
* Pike-style traps now scale properly on Epic.
* You will no longer be able to enter Epic dungeons more than once (per character); the dungeon is no longer gated by a door.
* When playing in Epic difficulty, the text shown on the death box has been updated to supply more information

Skills, Feats, and Abilities

Class Changes


* Monks now automatically receive the first tier of elemental stances for free. These are available in the character’s Feat list as a granted feat. Selecting a philosophy will now automatically grant Fists of Light or Fists of Darkness, which will also be found in the character’s Feat list.
* Lists of common finishing moves are now visible in the feats list. As a result of these changes, most monks should find that their enhancements have been reset.
* The Monk's Curse of Healing and Touch of Despair effects now have visual effects on their targets.
* The Two Weapon Fighting and Two Handed Fighting feats have been added to the martial arts feat list available to monks at levels 1, 2, and 6.
* The original monk paths have been replaced with new paths that better incorporate the changes that have been made to the class. Characters that are currently on one of the three paths will continue to remain on it, but newly created monks will have a choice of the Shintao Monk, Ninja Spy, or Henshin Mystic paths.


* During skill advancement stages, the current rank of a skill will be set to your current rank instead of 0. When you put points into a skill, the number will change colors so it is more obvious which skills have had points put into them.


* The cooldowns for Whirlwind Attack and Great Cleave have been lowered to 5 seconds to match the Cleave feat's cooldown.
* The cooldowns for Sunder and Improved Sunder have been reduced by 5 seconds each.
* Effects giving players and monsters the chance to negate constitution damage were previously not working, and have been fixed.
* You can now teleport to Meridia with the Greater Dragonmark of Passage, providing you have completed the quest "Meridia."
* The cooldown timers for dragonmark abilities and the spells they mimic have been made separate, allowing you to cast each without affecting the cooldowns of the other.


New Enhancements

* Arcane Archer: Imbue Acid Arrows
o Cost: 1 Action Point
o Prerequisite: Elf or Ranger Arcane Archer II, 30 (or 38 for Elves) Action Points Spent
o Effect: Imbues all missiles that you fire with acid, granting them the Corrosive ability (+1d6 Acid damage) and dealing acid damage over time if your arrow damages your target. This ability costs 20 spell points to activate, and triggers a lengthy cooldown of the Melf's Acid Arrow spell. Only one Arcane Archer Imbue ability may be active at any time.

* Arcane Archer: Imbue Explosive Arrows
o Cost: 1 Action Point
o Prerequisite: Elf or Ranger Arcane Archer III, 42 (or 50 for Elves) Action Points Spent
o Effect: Imbues all missiles that you fire with flame, granting them the Flaming Burst ability (+1d6 Fire damage, plus additional damage on critical hits). This ability costs 30 spell points to activate, and triggers a lengthy cooldown of the Fireball spell. Only one Arcane Archer Imbue ability may be active at any time.

* Arcane Archer: Imbue Terror Arrows
o Cost: 1 Action Point
o Prerequisite: Elf or Ranger Arcane Archer IV, 54 (or 62 for Elves) Action Points Spent
o Effect: Imbues all missiles that you fire with negative energy, granting them the Fearsome ability. This ability costs 40 spell points to activate, and triggers a lengthy cooldown of the Fear spell. Only one Arcane Archer Imbue ability may be active at any time.

* Arcane Archer: Imbue Force Burst Arrows
o Cost: 1 Action Point
o Prerequisite: Elf or Ranger Arcane Archer IV, Arcane Archer: Imbue Force Arrows, 54 (or 62 for Elves) Action Points Spent
o Effect: Imbues all missiles that you fire with arcane force, granting them the Force Burst ability (+1d6 Force damage and additional damage on critical hits) and negating the incorporeal miss chance of ethereal creatures. This ability costs 40 spell points to activate, and triggers a lengthy cooldown of the Chain Missile spell. Only one Arcane Archer Imbue ability may be active at any time.

* Arcane Archer: Imbue Slaying Arrows
o Cost: 1 Action Point
o Prerequisite: Elf or Ranger Arcane Archer V, Arcane Archer: Imbue Force Arrows, Acid Arrows, Explosive Arrows, and Terror Arrows, 66 (or 74 for Elves) Action Points Spent
o Effect: Imbues all missiles that you fire with incredible power, granting them the Slaying ability, which will deal massive damage to a living target on what would be a vorpal attack (natural 20 followed by critical confirmation). This ability costs 50 spell points to activate, and triggers a lengthy cooldown of the Finger of Death spell. Only one Arcane Archer Imbue ability may be active at any time.

* Static Charge
o Prerequisite: Path of Inevitable Dominion, Level 3 Monk
o Cost: 2 AP, 10 Ki to use
o You strike your opponent and curse them to feel the fury of the sky. For the next 30 seconds, any electrical attack targeting them deals 10% more damage.

* Porous Soul
o Prerequisite: Path of Inevitable Dominion, Level 4 Monk
o Cost: 2 AP, 10 Ki to use
o You strike your opponent and curse them to draw acid in like a sponge. For the next 30 seconds any acid attack targeting them deals 10% more damage.

* Winter's Touch
o Prerequisite: Path of Inevitable Dominion, Level 5 Monk
o Cost: 2 AP, 10 Ki to use
o You strike your opponent and curse them to feel the chill of death. For the next 30 seconds any cold attack targeting them deals 10% more damage.

* All-Consuming Flame
o Prerequisite: Path of Inevitable Dominion, Level 6 Monk
o Cost: 2 AP, 10 Ki to use
o You strike your opponent and curse them to light up like tinder. For the next 30 seconds any fire attack targeting them deals 10% more damage.

* Touch of Death
o Prerequisite: Path of Inevitable Dominion, Static Charge, Porous Soul, Winter's Touch, All-Consuming Flame, Level 9 Monk
o Cost: 4 AP, 50 Ki to use
o You strike your opponent down with twisted ki, dealing 500 additional damage.

* Wizard Pale Master I
o Prerequisite: Spell Focus: Necromancy, Wizard Energy of the Scholar I, Wizard Intelligence I, Level 6 Wizard
o Cost: 4 AP
o You are a devoted student of the necromantic arts. You gain 5 hit points as your flesh toughens, deal 25% additional damage with negative energy spells, and have a 3% chance for negative energy spells to generate a critical result for 1.5 times the normal damage amount. (Base spell critical chance is 0% and base critical damage multiplier is 1.5.). You can produce a touch-ranged negative energy effect at will, and can animate skeletons for a small cost.
+ Necrotic Touch (Free with Pale Master I)
# You sheath your hand in crackling black flames, dealing 1d6 hit points of negative energy damage per caster level to a living creature. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. Undead allies can be healed by this effect.
+ Summon Skeleton (Free with Pale Master I)
# Creates a skeleton to attack your enemies. This ability costs 5 hit points and 1 spell point to activate. You can have only one skeletal minion active at one time, creating another will destroy your old pet.

* Summon Skeletal Knight
o Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master I, Level 6 Wizard
o Cost: 1 AP
o Creates a skeletal knight to attack your enemies. This ability costs 10 hit points and 5 spell points to activate. You can have only one skeletal minion active at one time, creating another will destroy your old pet.

* Summon Skeleton Archer
o Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master I, Summon Skeletal Knight, Level 6 Wizard
o Cost: 1 AP
o Creates a skeletal archer to attack your enemies. This ability costs 10 hit points and 5 spell points to activate. You can have only one skeletal minion active at one time, creating another will destroy your old pet.

* Summon Skeleton Mage
o Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master I, Summon Skeletal Knight, Summon Skeletal Archer, Level 6 Wizard
o Cost: 1 AP
o Creates a skeletal mage to attack your enemies. This ability costs 10 hit points and 10 spell points to activate. You can have only one skeletal minion active at one time, creating another will destroy your old pet.

* Wizard Pale Master II
o Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master I, Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy, Wizard Energy of the Scholar II, Wizard Intelligence II, Level 12 Wizard
o Cost: 2 AP
o You are adept at the necromantic arts. You gain 5 additional hit points as your flesh toughens (for a total of +10 hit points), deal 10% additional damage with negative energy spells (for a total of +35%), and increase your chance to generate a critical result with negative energy spells by 3% (Your base spell critical chance is now 6% and base critical damage multiplier is 1.5.).

* Summon Blackbone Knight
o Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master II, Summon Skeletal Knight, Wizard Elemental Manipulation I
o Cost: 1 AP
o Creates a blackbone knight to attack your enemies. This ability costs 20 hit points and 10 spell points to activate. You can have only one skeletal minion active at one time, creating another will destroy your old pet.

* Summon Blackbone Archer
o Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master II, Summon Skeletal Archer, Summon Blackbone Knight, Wizard Lineage of Elements I
o Cost: 1 AP
o Creates a blackbone archer to attack your enemies. This ability costs 20 hit points and 10 spell points to activate. You can have only one skeletal minion active at one time, creating another will destroy your old pet.

* Summon Blackbone Mage
o Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master II, Summon Skeletal Mage, Summon Blackbone Archer, Wizard Lineage of Deadly Elements I
o Cost: 1 AP
o Creates a blackbone mage to attack your enemies. This ability costs 20 hit points and 20 spell points to activate. You can have only one skeletal minion active at one time, creating another will destroy your old pet.

* Form of the Lich
o Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master II, Toughness
o Cost: 2 AP
o You are able to assume many traits of a lich.

* Form of the Wraith
o Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master II, Mental Toughness
o Cost: 2 AP
o You are able to assume many traits of a wraith.

* Wizard Pale Master III
o Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master II, Wizard Energy of the Scholar III, Wizard Intelligence III, Level 18 Wizard
o Cost: 2 AP
o You are a master of the necromantic arts. You gain 10 additional hit points as your flesh toughens (for a total of +20 hit points), deal 10% additional damage with negative energy spells (for a total of +45%), and increase your chance to generate a critical result with negative energy spells by 3% (Your base spell critical chance is now 9% and base critical damage multiplier is 1.5.).

* Summon Frostmarrow Knight
o Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master III, Summon Blackbone Knight, Wizard Elemental Manipulation II
o Cost: 1 AP
o Creates a frostmarrow knight to attack your enemies. This ability costs 30 hit points and 15 spell points to activate. You can have only one skeletal minion active at one time, creating another will destroy your old pet.

* Summon Frostmarrow Archer
o Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master III, Summon Blackbone Archer, Summon Frostmarrow Knight, Wizard Lineage of Elements II
o Cost: 1 AP
o Creates a frostmarrow archer to attack your enemies. This ability costs 30 hit points and 15 spell points to activate. You can have only one skeletal minion active at one time, creating another will destroy your old pet.

* Summon Frostmarrow Mage
o Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master III, Summon Blackbone Mage, Summon Frostmarrow Archer, Wizard Lineage of Deadly Elements II
o Cost: 1 AP
o Creates a frostmarrow mage to attack your enemies. This ability costs 30 hit points and 30 spell points to activate. You can have only one skeletal minion active at one time, creating another will destroy your old pet.

Enhancement Changes

* Elf Arcane Archer I and Ranger Arcane Archer I now have Arcane Prodigy as an additional optional prerequisite.
* Elf Arcane Archer I's prerequisites have been reduced from level 9 to level 8, with the corresponding reduction in actions points spent required.
* The temporary boosts granted by Human Versatility no longer share a common cooldown timer with other Action Boosts, allowing a Human to use a Human Versatility and a class based Action Boost simultaneously. Note that since both provide Action Boost bonuses, identical boosts will not stack, but a Human Rogue could, for instance, combine Human Damage Boost with Rogue Haste Boost.
* Added Wizard Pale Master I to the list of ""and one of the following"" requirements for Bard Music of the Dead.
* Barbarian Frenzied Berserker II's Supreme Cleave sub-enhancement no longer claims to cost 4 action points.
* The Sorcerer Capstone, Bloodline of Power, now properly stacks with other sorcerer enhancements that amplify spell damage, critical hit frequency, or critical hit damage.
* Fixed an error that was causing Rogue Mechanic II's Smite Construct ability to fail to regenerate over time.


General Changes

* Wall of Fire and Blade Barrier, when cast by monsters, now have a different appearance from "friendly" Walls of Fire and Blade Barriers. In PvP, Team 2 uses these monster FX.
* Mummy Rot's description now explicitly says that it must be cured as both a curse and a disease.
* Chain Lightning has been fixed to affect multiple enemies... no, seriously!
* Removable curses that reduce or prevent positive energy healing now display a different (brighter) curse effect on a target, making it easier to differentiate between run-of-the-mill curses and healing preventing curses.

Summoned Monster changes

* Summon Monster spells no longer have exceptionally long cooldown timers.
* Summoned creatures now persist for 10 minutes and will teleport to their master if they are not currently in combat and their master is distant from them.
* Summoning a second creature will banish your first creature back to its home plane.

Crowd Control & Spell Improvements

Some monsters regularly end up on players' “most hated” lists, and these usually include our good friends the Air Elementals, Wolves or Worgs, and other monsters that have repeated effects that prevent players from acting. In Update Three, several changes are being made to reduce these frustrating experiences.

Heroic Surge

This new effect provides a brief period of immunity from crowd control once you escape. When a target is crowd controlled, a counter will increment for each second that they cannot act. Once the counter reaches the critical point (i.e. you've been made helpless too long) the crowd controlling effect will be dispelled. This allows players the opportunity to break free and defend themselves before the next onslaught rather than being completely helpless while monsters spam them with effects repeatedly. During a heroic surge, you are protected from being crowd controlled. The duration of the heroic surge is random. Once the heroic surge has ended, you will once again be subjected to the monsters' crowd control effects. Monsters are also able to have heroic surges, but the criteria is more difficult for the monster, and is scaled based on quest difficulty (the tougher the difficulty, the more opportunity the Monster will have for a heroic surge).

Spell-change Overview

Other changes have been made to crowd control spells, permanent negative effects/spells, debuffs and offensive spells:

* The exact same crowd control effects cannot be re-applied to players while they are currently active.
o If you’re currently tripped by a worg, it cannot reapply the trip effect to you (resetting the timer) until after you get back up. Similarly, if you’re mind blasted by a mind flayer, other mind blasts will have no effect on you.
o Note that different effects can still be applied, so you can be tripped, then stunned, then held, but not chain tripped without ever having a chance to act.
o This does not apply to monsters.
* Lengthy crowd control effects that did not have one before now possess a chance for reoccurring saves for players.
o The duration between repeated saves has been reduced on many effects for players. (Usually to half the monster’s interval.)
* Several spells have been changed to provide a greater benefit to the player when they first gain access to casting the spell.

Specific Spell Changes

* The following spells/effects are no longer permanent. They now last 60 seconds base, and 20 seconds per level; the effects have a diminished duration on players.
o Curse
o Symbol of Weakness
o Mummy Curse

* The following spells have been front-loaded to be more useful at lower levels. These spells now have a base duration of 60 seconds, gaining 3 seconds per level, as opposed to just a few seconds per level:
o Fireshield
o Prayer
o Recitation

* The following spells are no longer permanent for players or monsters. Both players and monsters enjoy reoccurring saves against this effect, though players get saves more frequently. The spells now last 60 seconds plus 10 per caster level. The effects have a diminished duration on players.
o Feeblemind
o Flesh to Stone

* The following spells/effects now have reoccurring saves and diminished duration against players:
o Cause Fear
o Scare
o Hypnotic Pattern
o Greater Command
o Sleep
o Symbol of Stunning
o Symbol of Fear
o Paralyzing
o Several colors in the Prismatic Spray color wheel
o Blasphemy
o Otto's Resistible Dance
o Otto's Irresistible Dance (now with less Ir!)
o Halt Undead (ahem, yes, against certain players)
o Chill touch (just to be on the safe side - you never know!)
o Vampire Domination
o Ice Flenser Poison
o Jarilith Fearful Presence
o Lich Paralysis
o Gelatinous Cube Paralysis (he has a sad now)
o Idyllic Touch
o Mind Blast from Mind Flayers
+ Now has a diminished duration against players. Stand there too long, though, and he's still gonna eat your brains.
* The following spells/effects now have a diminished duration against players:
o Hold Person
o Hold Monster (hey to them, you're a Monster)
o Hold Animal (just in case!)
o Snare (the spell, not the trap)
+ Now has a max duration of 60 seconds
o Beholder Petrification
o Earth Elemental Petrification
o Change of Heart
* Other Spells
o Touch of Idiocy
+ Touch of Idiocy now has a duration of 60 seconds plus 30 seconds per caster level with a reduced duration against players.
o Hypnotism
+ Hypnotism had its duration increased slightly. Its duration against players has been reduced. Players get a reoccurring save while under the effects of hypnotism.
o Ghoul Touch
+ Ghoul Touch now has a reoccurring save, but a duration that scales better with level.
+ Ghoul Touch will now cause enemies near the afflicted target to become sickened.


* Epic Augment Slot Restoration: The component cost to clear augment crystals has been changed from a Scroll of Dispel Magic to 3 Epic Dungeon Tokens, as stated it would when this ability was added.
* The epic ritual of restoration can now be performed on Exclusive items. An interim item will be created when the exclusive item is placed in an Altar of Epic Rituals with three Epic Dungeon Tokens. That interim item ("Essence of ___") can be placed by itself in the Altar of Epic Rituals to re-create the original item, cleansed of all Augment Crystals or other rituals.
* The various ingredients from the Path of Inspiration and Dreaming Dark adventures now fit into Ingredient Bags as expected.


* Items that are meant for specific genders (like hairstyle potions) will now pop up a dialog if a character with the incorrect gender attempts to use them.
* The eternal wands of finger of fire, spark of light, and acid splash have had their caster levels (and thus their damage output) increased. This improvement is retroactive.
* Handwraps
o New monk items have been added to the end reward lists of several quest chains. (Catacombs, Cult of the Six, Delera's Tomb, Splinterskull, and Abandoned Excavation.)
o Handwraps with a +1 or greater enhancement bonus now properly set the wearer's unarmed strikes to dealing magical damage.
o Handwraps with bane enchantments no longer display the bonus to hit that type of enemy twice.
o Goblinoid and Gnoll bane handwraps no longer grant bonuses to hit against one of those creatures and bonuses to damage against the other.
* Temporary damage amplification effects now grant +15% per tier instead of +10%, making them superior (in the short term) to permanent item effects. This change does not affect universal temporary damage amplification effects.
* The set bonus for the Pale Master set has been changed to ""This item is one of two pieces of the Pale Master set. When both items are equipped you will gain a 30% bonus to all Negative Energy damage, as if you possessed a Greater Nullification IX item. If you also have the Pale Master 3 Enhancement, these items will grant a 60% bonus to all Negative Energy damage, as if you possessed an Epic Nullification IX item.""


* A bug that caused some spellcasting monsters to refuse to cast (especially at solo players) has been fixed.
* Monsters should now be a bit smarter about returning to their patrols after de-aggroing.
* Ogre Mages will now spend a much shorter amount of time recovering to full health in their gaseous forms.
* Beholders can no longer remove the effects of a bard's Suggestion song with their antimagic powers.

Other Changes

* Fixed a crashing issue upon exiting the client.
* Fixed a crashing issue while auto-targeting.
* Fixed a stuck spot in the Marketplace.
* Fixed a crashing issue / black-screen hanging during client initialization due to spurious keyboards and mice.
* There is now more bacon in Stormreach.

Known Issues

* Known Issues are now available, click here


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