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Posty: 1106
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 25 lut 2003, 00:19 
<AshVeem> hi
<[I-C]Nixon> Hello :smile:
<AshVeem> <AshVeem> We want to do private spawn with reds
<AshVeem> <AshVeem> and kill every blue
<AshVeem> <AshVeem> that isnt with us
<AshVeem> We can share uoam
<[I-C]Nixon> Ahhh sounds good, after AOS I presume? :smile:
<AshVeem> or like use irc
<AshVeem> I mean right now
<AshVeem> :smile:
<AshVeem> We can do after aos too
<[I-C]Nixon> Ohh, well all my reds are dead....
<AshVeem> but right now we have many blues on
<AshVeem> you can still use blue
<AshVeem> we can switch protectors
<[I-C]Nixon> I wont be able to pk until after AOS (6 pks = 400+ shorts ouchie:P)
<AshVeem> like once you protect
<AshVeem> then we protect
<AshVeem> ya I ressed mine vem with 50 shorts
<AshVeem> got like -18 statlos
<AshVeem> sux :<
<[I-C]Nixon> Hehe my blues are crafty's although my tamer will be blue tommorrow
<[I-C]Nixon> yeah:(
<[I-C]Nixon> im just waiting
<AshVeem> I couldn't wait~
<[I-C]Nixon> ok, I'll send out the word on our forums
<AshVeem> So you want to do this now or ?
<[I-C]Nixon> might not get much reply until tommorrow or so, but I'm interested
<AshVeem> ok
<[I-C]Nixon> I'll see whos up for it just now
<AshVeem> We can do Oaks too ~
<[I-C]Nixon> ahah excellent,
<AshVeem> How many ppl you have
<[I-C]Nixon> I'm defo interested, Im sure a few others will be too (maybe not tonight since its late)
<AshVeem> we have 13 ppl on our uoam now
<[I-C]Nixon> I-C has err 10-20 rl members, some actively playing, some rarely playing
<AshVeem> they are all trusted
<[I-C]Nixon> kk
<[I-C]Nixon> our main prob will be people like Villa^^
<[I-C]Nixon> he has much hate :<
<AshVeem> well
<AshVeem> It will be only for scrolls
<AshVeem> I rather farm it with other pk guild
<[I-C]Nixon> yes I made that clear in our thread =)
<AshVeem> than let some bluebies have scrolls
<[I-C]Nixon> :grin:
<AshVeem> we can make some temporary stone
<AshVeem> for scrolls
<AshVeem> coz of area spells and stuff
<[I-C]Nixon> sounds fine with me tbh, im sure slamer, cyric, ingo and a few others will be interested
<AshVeem> ok I will be joining your irc channel
<AshVeem> also we need uoam
<[I-C]Nixon> could do, might pose a prob for some, although not be
<[I-C]Nixon> ok fine with me
<[I-C]Nixon> kk fine also
<AshVeem> we can use also #outcasts channel
<AshVeem> we rarerly irc
<AshVeem> but like we can use it too
<AshVeem> but uoam is better methinks
<AshVeem> ok then
<AshVeem> I think we will talk about details tomorrow
<[I-C]Nixon> yeah I like UOAM too
<[I-C]Nixon> kk thats fine with me
<[I-C]Nixon> want my ICQ?
<AshVeem> 7260973
<AshVeem> ya
<[I-C]Nixon> cheers, i'll just add you

The Legendary.

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