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Posty: 593
Dołączył(a): 21.08.2002
PostNapisane: 28 sie 2003, 15:15 
Cytuj ... art=1&vc=1

Juz tylko jeden serwer ma wieksza srednia populacje niz Treachery 2 miesiace temu :<.


Posty: 593
Dołączył(a): 21.08.2002
PostNapisane: 28 sie 2003, 23:54 
Wiesci z trzeciej reki...

Vosx (zainteresowani wiedza kto to) na forum KGB wypowiedzial sie, ze sa plany polaczenia serwerow Scorn i Treachery w jeden. 5 min pozniej topic zniknal i jak sie pozniej okazalo zostal przeniesiony na priv forum KGB, bo to narazie tajemnica.

Jak przekazal nam moderator priv forum KGB...
Don't know. I think it is real. The thread says its incomplete.
I moved the post to our private boards to keep UBI from harassing our board owners.
Damn I hope it is true.

Fajnie by bylo :grin:.


Posty: 6032
Dołączył(a): 13.11.2001
PostNapisane: 28 sie 2003, 23:57 
Scorn to wogole powinien isc do kasacji bo tam nikogo nie ma.
IMHO powinni skasowac 30-40% serwerow a zaoszczedzona kase wladowac w dev team :smile:


Posty: 593
Dołączył(a): 21.08.2002
PostNapisane: 29 sie 2003, 00:40 
To ponizej jest nieoficjalne poki co, podobno oficjalnie ma byc zaprezentowane na dniach, najwczesniej jutro.


Let me first start off by saying that Wolfpack kicks ass - and sometimes it easy to forget that when you start getting a bit bored with the game. Let me share with you some of the features of the new world map straight from the world builders Meridian ands Tangent. Granted these are direct quotes - but just from my notes.

Keeping in mind that they are doing this extremely quickly and lack a lot of resources we would have if we did this - say in a few months from now. But we are doing this much faster than that so the World Building team had to use what was available and man I think they are doing a killer job.

New World Design Concepts

- First of all the new world will have a new name and history. One of the Safeholds will be completely redesigned and built and will be a prominent city from the lore (we don?t know exactly which yet).

- Instead of three large continents and a large newbie island ? there will be two large continents close to one another and joined by a chain of small islands between them.

- The entire map will look extremely interesting.

- All zones will be grouped more logically ? all forest zones, swamp zones, grassland zones will be grouped and combined together.

- The number of adventure zones will stay the same, but they will be more condensed and grouped together in the new map, also combining all Macro zone related adventure areas (swamp spawns) in the large new swamp areas grouped together on the map.

- Adventure zones in general will be concentrated together depending on Macro zone so that players who like to hunt in that region will have lots of choices of high level content as opposed to the old map where they were spread all over the map. With this method all the zones should be used more by players since they are closer together.

- Major Macro zones (with corresponding Adventure zones) will be spread to certain regions on both large continents.

- Lots of extra room for future island and land mass expansions.


- Safeholds will be placed close together in the center of the map in the grasslands. They will be surrounded by mid-level content expanding outward to harder and harder spawns in the macro zones. This will also make it more aggravating for Random Pks to harass the Safeholds as the travel to get to these areas will be longer and slower than the old map.

- Safeholds will have new city names.

- There will be one brand new and designed Safe hold.

- Characters 20-35 will be centrally located closer together so that grouping and adventuring will be made easier.

Ruins (Errant Pks)

- Because of the problem of errant characters skirting the accountability system, ruins will not be centrally locates as well instead of spread out along the map as before. All ruins will now be located on many of the small islands that connect the two continents. Getting off these islands to the mainland will require plenty of swimming and effort ? it won?t be that fun to be errant. This will effect normal guilds who lose battles or their guilds and are forced to be errant ? but as they usually do not remain errant this aggravation will only be minor. This also reinforces the importance of being in a guild and having a city (or swearing fealty to a city).

- As we merge two servers into the new map (Treachery and Scorn) an idea was floated by Wolfpack to name two of the freeholds after the top guild on each world to be closed. This plan has been altered to have the Ruins be named after the top guilds on each world (Treachery / Scorn) and to have NPC ghosts placed in those ruins of their former leaders. So at the Burning Legion ruins ? you would see the ghost of Bone Dancer and other officers floating around the ruins and if hailed will speak several lines of text from his glory days as a major guild leader.


- Runegates will be moved to the outsides of the two continents but strategically placed to be closer to the major macro adventure zones. This way they will be used more often and by more people ? they also become major strategic choke points for control.

Newbie Zone

- The newbie zone will be on a small island far away from the two continents. It will not have a Runegate.

- Instead of having three major outskirts of hamlets there will only be one.

- The newbie zone will be much smaller than the old map as most of the newbie zones were never used and it was too large.

- Adventure zones will be much more condensed to allow for more grouping of players. Monster levels will spawn difficulties will grow as players venture further out in a circle from the starting hamlets.

Map Strategies

- Since there is no terrain in Shadowbane (other than ocean) that is impassable (yet) like Large mountain ranges ? the new map will use water in brand new ways. There will be lots of lakes and rivers (both small rivers and very large rivers) placed throughout the map to offer very strategic and defensive opportunities to guild cities. Certain areas of the map will be akin to river deltas that require large groups to have to swim and cross many rivers to arrive at a location.

- The Map will have lots of choke points

- There will be many peninsulas on the new map.

- One more commander discipline dropper will be added to the map

- Discipline trainers will now appears in macro zones that support the lore of the game.

- Vosx Temper Shadowbane


Posty: 6914
Dołączył(a): 26.01.2003
PostNapisane: 29 sie 2003, 01:45 
Kurwa mac... Co oni z tego robia? Nie czytalem dokladnie ale widze tylko nerfowanie PKrow i UPRZYJEMNIANIE GROUP PVM... [edit: Nie no - moj blad, tylko przelecialem wzrokiem, jednak o co innego chodzi :smile:]

Dopiero co skonczylem ogladac Hanibala na dvd, i ciagle mam w pamieci ta scene jak Lecter jadl mozg tego goscia, razem z nim... Wiec ide spac. ;] Jutro doczytam

Asmax Odeame - r4,7 R/Bard
Aeflick Drahnonn - r4,5 F/Crusader
Smodeal Durand - r3,5 R/Scout
PlanetSide: Smod - Gandx - NC

<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2003-08-29 02:47 ]</font>


Posty: 593
Dołączył(a): 21.08.2002
PostNapisane: 29 sie 2003, 03:11 
Sam jestem ciekaw czy to prawda, czy ktos se po prostu jaj nie robi. W sumie pomysly nawet ciekawe IMHO, najbardziej podoba mi sie pomysl z polaczeniem Scorna i Treachery :wink:. Zobaczymy...

Co do Hannibala to Milczenie jest lepsze :<. BTW. Ogladales alternatywne zakonczenia Hannibala? :grin:


Posty: 716
Dołączył(a): 28.08.2002
PostNapisane: 29 sie 2003, 04:50 
No ciekawe rzeczy chociaz nie podoba mi sie fakt jednego wielkiego kontynentu poza newbie. Mi sie tu na pustyni podoba. Nigdy nie ma errants ani pk-ow u nas, blisko do 2 zonow w ktorych zawsze jest prawie pusto i dobre monsterki siegajace od R2 do R4.

Jesli oni zmienia kontunenty to co sie stanie z miastami ? Mama nadziej ze oddacza kase spedzona w budowanie miast bo jak zkasuja nasze miasta to ja poprostu odchodze.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day,
Teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime.


Posty: 593
Dołączył(a): 21.08.2002
PostNapisane: 29 sie 2003, 05:00 
"Yes, it is true. The post was taken down by Vosx because he wasn't supposed to post it yet. But - the cat is out of the bag now, it's too late to retract the info. It's all over the net now."

Luki, nie panikuj, tak glupi to nawet oni nie sa - albo dadza kase albo pewnie pozwola przeniesc cale miasta w wybrana lokacje, lub cos takiego :<. Na dalsze straty wsrod klientow nie moga sobie za bardzo pozwolic :wink:. Co do kontynentow to z tego co pisze wyzej to maja byc dwa duze polaczone archipelagiem malych wysp i 3x mniejsza newbie island.

Skoro wyglada to na real info to pytanie brzmi nie czy, ale kiedy... :wink:.


Posty: 716
Dołączył(a): 28.08.2002
PostNapisane: 29 sie 2003, 06:30 
No tak ale 2 kontynenty nie wazne jak duze nie ciesza mnie zbytnio. Lubie pustynie teraz za jej niedostempnosc dla errant/pk bo komu by sie chcialo biegnac taki kawal z hkaer do nas by zabic kogos tu ? Wszystkie miasta w pobliza maja zamkniete drzewa wiec nie ma tez jak sie respecowac jakis errant. Jak zwala nas wszystkich na 2 konty to jakos moze nie fizycznie ale duchowo straci sie ta jakby mysl o bezpieczenstwie.

No nie wiem.. nie bede narzekal narazie, zobaczymy co i jak i kiedy to zrobia wtedy pogadamy.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day,
Teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime.


Posty: 6914
Dołączył(a): 26.01.2003
PostNapisane: 29 sie 2003, 09:36 
Co do Hannibala to Milczenie jest lepsze :<. BTW. Ogladales alternatywne zakonczenia Hannibala? :grin:

Ni ogladalem :> Nie trzymal ten Hannibal grozy jak porpzednie, najlepiej nakrecony byl Czerwony Smok IMO ... Btw. teraz kreca nowa czesc, o mlodosci hannibala (rofl, robia z tego parodie) w ktorej bedzie grac Mak Kulkin (nie wiem jak to sie pisze ;>)


Posty: 4673
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2001
PostNapisane: 29 sie 2003, 10:29 
Z miastami to chyba zrobia tak, ze wlasciciel dostanie deedy ze wszystkich budynkow i z vendorkow co wlasciwie jest do zaakceptowania... a jak widze niektore miasta, to niekotrzy beda szczesliwi z tego rozwiazania...
A WP powinni znalez dystrybutora w europie i to by rozwiazalo ich problemy z niedoborem klienteli.

Huzar templar 57
Huzaro druid 56
Shardak thief 47

<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Dwutlenek dnia 2003-08-29 11:33 ]</font>


Posty: 593
Dołączył(a): 21.08.2002
PostNapisane: 29 sie 2003, 14:26 
Jakby mi dali zamiast 6 sage'ow R7 6 deedow R1 sage'ow to bym sie raczej wkur*il. To samo jesli chodzi o budynki.

Asmax - jak mogles nie ogladac Milczenia Owiec :<. Smok byl sredni IMO, na poziomie Hannibala :wink:.

<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Theddas dnia 2003-08-29 15:45 ]</font>

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 9369
Dołączył(a): 18.07.2002
PostNapisane: 29 sie 2003, 14:43 
jakie jest alternatywne zakonczenie haniballa?

Choices always were a problem for you
What you need is someone strong to guide you
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow
What you need is someone strong to guide you...
Like me


Posty: 593
Dołączył(a): 21.08.2002
PostNapisane: 29 sie 2003, 15:46 

ja widzialem przynajmniej ze 3...

1. lecter obcial babke reke zeby moc uciec
2. lecter sam sobie ucial reke zeby moc uciec
3. po prostu przecial kajdanki

w tej chwili juz nie pamietam nawet, ktore zostalo ostatecznie wpakowane w film :grin:

i potem jeszcze roznily sie na koncu scenka w samolocie, ale szczegolow pozapominalem :wink:.


Posty: 6914
Dołączył(a): 26.01.2003
PostNapisane: 29 sie 2003, 17:27 
W org obcial reke sobie, a w samolocie gowniarz zjadl mozg tego policemana, bo powiedzial, ze dobrze wyglada...

Btw... te "dziki" r0x :]



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