wow ale duzo rzeczy oprawiono w noxie

CZemu teraz nox nie dziala ? Dla zainteresowanych oto lista poprawionych rzeczy
26-mar-2002, 22.45 (elcabesa) : And now as i have promised in forum the patch list:
added : block-account, (elcabesa)
if you insert for n times the wrong password the account is blocked for x minutes
see server.scp the last section (BLOCK_ACC_PSS)
added : FreeDSB patch (elcabesa) thank to someone in the forum
added : if you poison a weapon, after some kick the poison go away (Araknesh)
added : you can't use archery with a plate (araknesh)
added : archery now freeze the attaccher (araknesh)
added : delay between two potion drinks (araknesh)
added : rename house,house sign , and house keys (sparhawh)
added : drake are more evil (araknesh)
added : you can't hide with a plate (araknsh)
added : a lot of stuff for poisoning (araknesh)
fixed : archery damage (araknesh)
fixed : wrestling damage now is not absorbed by armor (araknesh)
fixed : Weapon diappearing in paperdoll (sparawkh)
fixed : workaround for monster blocking when they attack (araknesh)
fixed : dead can't be poisoned (araknesh)
fixed : now guard walk , doesn't teleport (araknesh)
fixed : party system (elcabesa) thank to someone in the forum
fixed : added unhide in checkskill (elcabesa)
fixed : tellscroll without spell book bug (araknesh)
fixed : you can't do potion while fighting (araknesh)
fixed : now teleport work with all your tamed animal (araknesh)
fixed : now npc movement controlled by small is working (sparhawk)